Draft: Add env file for Bush Internet TV set-top box
See forum thread: https://www.riscosopen.org/forum/forums/3/topics/18881/posts/144389
Draft for initial comments.
Possible next steps:
- Split the Bush IBX target into a 4MB and 8MB version
- 4MB is useful for testing with 27C160 EPROMs or a pair of BooBip emulators.
- Note that doing so currently requires an adapter: address line A22 on the 27C320 is used for a "byte mode" input on the 27C160 and needs to be isolated from the motherboard.
- Investigate whether shifting the ROM base address up to the top half removes the need for the "byte mode disabler" adapter. (in theory it should)
- Add an "Embedded" UI?
- Add provision to allow user files to be included in ResourceFS. For instance, we need a basic Boot structure.
- Enable the IZipFS and PPADriverJ drivers so Zip drives can be connected and accessed.