Commit c23a0ed5 authored by ROOL's avatar ROOL 🤖
Browse files

!EraseCVS binary updated

From EraseCVS-0_09 built with cc 5.80 in the Disc environment.

Version 0.09. Tagged as 'PlingEraseCVS-0_09'
parent b1176351
Run it.
Drop a directory on it.
Watch those troublesome CVS directories and /cvstag files disappear.
Comments to me please.
rbuckley 08 May 1997
EraseCVS will now ask you if it detects the directory dropped on
resides on NFS. This should hopefully avoid people accidentally
destroying their real CVS tags.
Can now also be used from the command line. Ensure !EraseCVS has
been seen by the filer and then you can use 'EraseCVS' in your
!MkClean or whatever, or 'EraseCVS adfs::4.$.Project' etc.
EraseCVS removes version control information from amongst source
directories. Originally written for the Concurrent Version System
it actually removes
* CVS directories and /cvstag files
* Git directories /git and /gitattributes and /gitignore files
EraseCVS will ask you if it detects the directory dropped on
resides on NFS. This is intended to prevent people accidentally
destroying their real CVS sandbox (which is typically not on the
RISC OS computer that editing is done).
Neil Bingham (Tue 16th February 1999).
\ No newline at end of file
It can also be used from the command line. Ensure !EraseCVS has
been seen by the Filer and then use 'EraseCVS' in your !MkClean
or whatever, or 'EraseCVS adfs::4.$.Project' etc.
| !Run file for Timesheet manager
| !Run file for EraseCVS
IconSprites <Obey$Dir>.!Sprites
Set EraseCVS$Dir <Obey$Dir>
RMEnsure Toolbox 0.00 RMLOAD System:modules.toolbox.toolbox
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.23 ERROR You need toolbox 1.23 or later to run !EraseCVS
RMEnsure Toolbox 1.23 ERROR You need Toolbox 1.23 or later to run !EraseCVS
RMEnsure Iconbar 1.08 System:Modules.Toolbox.Iconbar
RMEnsure Iconbar 1.08 Error Iconbar module missing from System path
RMEnsure Menu 0.17 System:Modules.Toolbox.Menu
......@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ RMEnsure Menu 0.17 Error Menu module missing from System path
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.06 System:Modules.Toolbox.ProgInfo
RMEnsure ProgInfo 0.06 Error ProgInfo module missing from System path
WimpSlot -min 32k
WimpSlot -min 80k -max 80k
Run <EraseCVS$Dir>.!RunImage
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