Neil, and others write about keys in dboxes: >Both the Mac System and Windows 3 use TAB and shift-TAB (in addition to the >cursor keys) to move between fields (and not only writable fields in >Windows!). The logic is that the fields are a matrix or grid of objects, >much like the cells of a spreadsheet, and that the TAB key moves the caret >to the next logical cell, from left to right; top to bottom. Well, the next thing that's going to happen is that he's going to want it in !Configure and all the other applications so ... WIMP 2.92 (on my machine and soon in RISC OS :-) provides the following new validation string command for icons: The K (Keys) validation string command: --------------------------------------- **NOTE**: Next and previous in the following description is determined by the icon number in the window definition. From WIMP 2.92 onwards the following command is accepted in validation strings of icons: K followed by any or all of R,A,T,D IF KR is present in the icon's validation string and the icon is not the last icon in the window, pressing in the icon will move the caret to the beginning of the next writable icon in the window. If the icon is the last writable icon in the window the (Code 13) will be passed to the application as in WIMP 2.00. IF KA is present in the icon's validation string, pressing the up or down arrow keys will move the caret to the previous or next writable icon in the window, retaining the same position in the string. Pressing up in the first writable icon in a window will move the caret to the last writable icon, and pressing down in the last icon will move the caret to the first icon. IF KT is present in the icon's validation string, pressing TAB in the icon will move the caret to the beginning of the next writable icon in the window. Pressing Shift+TAB will move the caret to the beginning of the previous writable icon in the window, the caret wraps around from last to first and first to last as per arrow keys with KA. IF KD is present in the icon's validation string, pressing any of ,,+,+U,+Copy will notify the application with the appropriate key code as well as doing its defined action as defined in the RISC OS 2.00 PRM. IF KN is present in the icon's validation string, the application will be notified about all key presses in the icon, even if they are handled by the WIMP. Options can be combined by including more than one option letter after the K command (e.g. KAR will give the arrow and return functionality). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From version 2.92 of th WIMP onwards, if the wimp can't find the sprite for a non indirected sprite, or sprite+text icon, it will look the sprite in the WIMP's sprite pool