*************************************************************************** RISC PC II (PHOEBE) BUILD *************************************************************************** * * * Project: Ursula * * * * Module: WindowManager * * * * Created: Wed 11-Jun-97 By: Richard Leggett * * * * First version: 3.93 * * * * Copyright: � 1997/1998, Acorn Computers Ltd., Cambridge, England. * * * *************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 3.93 Wed 11-Jun-97 Richard Leggett * Added new wimp message, Message_IconizeAt which is broadcast by the Wimp immediately before Message_Iconize and specifies... R1+20 window handle of window being iconized R1+24 task handle for task which owns the window R1+28 x co-ordinate to iconize at R1+32 y co-ordinate to iconize at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 3.94 Thu 03-Jul-97 Ben Avison * Autohourglass code added, so Hourglass depth is incremented by one outside Wimp_Poll. Effect is to force display of hourglass when a task is slow to re-poll the Wimp. Exception made for Command Windows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 3.97 Mon 08-Dec-97 Richard Leggett * Added a flags word to Message_IconizeAt. If bit 0 is set, this indicates window was iconised with a Shift+Click on the close icon.