Error:エラー NoError:%0 Watchdog:終了,キャンセル,次のタスク Modifiers:^ � ^� �^ KeyNames:Esc ESC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Print PRINT Break BREAK Pause PAUSE Tab TAB Return RETURN Insert INSERT Home HOME PageUp PAGE�UP Delete DELETE Copy COPY End END PageDown PAGE�DOWN Enter ENTER Up UP Down DOWN Left LEFT Right RIGHT Acorn ACORN Select SELECT Menu MENU Adjust ADJUST OK/Continue:続ける Quit:終了 OSUnits: OS Units DeciSec: * 1/10 second OSUperSec: OS Units / second OSUperSec2: OS Units / second² WSP:Wimp sprite pool #{DictTokens} NoClaim:Wimp unable to claim work area BadSprite:Sprite doesn't exist BadSprites:Squashed or missing sprite file BadOp:Invalid Wimp operation in this context RectFull:Rectangle area full TooBig:There is not enough memory to create this window or menu GetRect:Get_Rectangle not called correctly Focus:Input focus window not found BadHandle:Illegal window handle TooMenus:Too many menus BadExtent:Bad work area extent BadPointer:Syntax: *Pointer [0|1] NoTemplateFile:Template file not found BadTemplate:Template entry invalid BadFonts:Unable to bind font handle BadSyntax:Syntax error in validation string NoTasks:Too many tasks NoTemplate:Template entry not found InUse:Window manager in use BadPalFile:Error in palette file BadPalFile2:The window manager does not understand this type of palette file BadVersion:Bad version number passed to Wimp_Initialise BadMessageSize:Message block is too big / not a multiple of 4 BadReasonCode:Illegal reason code given to SendMessage BadTaskHandle:Illegal task handle CantTask:Can't start task from here BadSubMenu:Submenus require a parent menu tree OwnerWindow:Access to window denied BadMode:This screen mode is unsuitable for displaying the desktop BadTransfer:Wimp transfer out of range BadSlot:One of the task slots is wrong!!! BadSysInfo:Bad parameter passed to Wimp in R0 BadPtrInR1:Bad pointer passed to Wimp in R1 BadEscapeState:Wimp_Poll called with escape enabled! BadIconHandle:Illegal icon handle BadR3:Illegal Wimp_Poll pointer in R3 BadParent:Bad parent window NoSprites:There is not enough memory to load all of the available sprites. This may affect the appearance of files and applications. TemplateEOF:End of file while reading template file. CantKill:Window manager is currently active MF:%0 からのメッセージ ID:Please insert %0 '%1' Space:スペースキーを押すかマウスをクリックすると続行します。 ErrorF:%0 からのメッセージ ErrorP:%0 は不安定になった可能性があります。リセットしてください。 ErrMemS:メモリ不足のため、このアプリケーションを起動できません。 ErrMem:アプリケーションを実行するために、%0K のメモリーが必要です。 ErrNoMv:Unable to move memory KillApp:%0 を終了するには[終了]を押してください。 KillProg:プログラムを終了するには決定キーを押します。