Commit f1ba0db6 authored by Jeffrey Lee's avatar Jeffrey Lee
Browse files

Fix RMA corruption when caching colour translation tables

  s/Wimp10 - cachetoolspritedata was using two slightly different ColourTrans calls for reading the table size and then filling the table in. This was resulting in the 'generate wide table' flag sometimes being ignored when the table size was checked, resulting in too little memory being allocated and so heap corruption when the table generation call overflowed the end.
  Tested on Pandora
  Fixes "not a heap block" errors when entering desktop

Version 5.21. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_21'
parent cd1be707
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
GBLS Module_HelpVersion
GBLS Module_ComponentName
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.20"
Module_Version SETA 520
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.21"
Module_Version SETA 521
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "28 Mar 2013"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "28-Mar-13"
Module_Date SETS "31 Mar 2013"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "31-Mar-13"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Wimp"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Desktop/Wimp"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.20"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.20 (28 Mar 2013)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.21"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.21 (31 Mar 2013)"
/* (5.20)
/* (5.21)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.20
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.21
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 28 Mar 2013
#define Module_Date_CMHG 31 Mar 2013
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.20"
#define Module_Version 520
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.21"
#define Module_Version 521
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "28 Mar 2013"
#define Module_Date "31 Mar 2013"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "28-Mar-13"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "31-Mar-13"
#define Module_ComponentName "Wimp"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Desktop/Wimp"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.20"
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.20 (28 Mar 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:20"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.21"
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.21 (31 Mar 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:21"
......@@ -3182,7 +3182,11 @@ cachetoolspritedata
Pull "R0-R3,R5"
10 MOV R4,#0 ; R4 =0 read table size
[ TrueIcon3
SWI XColourTrans_GenerateTable ; ensure wide table flag is obeyed
SWI XColourTrans_SelectTable
BVS %FT90 ; exit
LDR R14,tpixtable_at
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