• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Preset Wimp$IconTheme on initialisation to UserIF if not already set · 5283be1f
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Therefore, when in ROM, the ROM theme can be inferred. When a different theme is selected by the user in the boot sequence, that is respected.
    Restore a lost error message for *ICONSPRITES when the file doesn't exist even after trying all the 11/22/23 suffix and prefixes. This seems to have been lost post RISC OS 3.10 when Sprites22 support was added, but it is an error for the file given to not exist at all (cf. *TOOLSPRITES).
    Typos in docs ammended.
    Version 5.15. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_15'
Wimp 2.89 KB