• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Import of Ursula and Morris4 themed sprites · c66a2ac4
    Robert Sprowson authored
    * Recovered the PocketFS & Advance patches, there's no reason to hide them, especially as they're mentioned in !Help
    * Unsqueeze module made 26/32 bit neutral since this is on the disc image
    * RMEnsure in !Run bumped up to make sure the above change is taken
    * 2D templates shelved
    * Auto insert version number into info box
    * Made some Ursula contemporary sprites
    Version number bumped (now it's actually displayed) by 1.32 + 0.04 to correspond to Acorn's last version plus 4 commits here.
    Tested with a fake !PocketFS application, applying then removing the patch.
    Version 1.36. Tagged as 'Patch-1_36'