• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add in disassembly of ARMv6 and ARMv7 instruction sets · b364ec48
    Robert Sprowson authored
    The debugger had some embryonic ARMv6 knowhow, switched out due to being incomplete.
    Enabling and finishing off ARMv6, then adding ARMv6K, ARMv6T2, ARMv6 security extensions, and ARMv7.
    That just leaves
     - ARMv7MP (multiprocessor extensions: PLDW)
     - ARMv7VE (virtualisation extensions: ERET, MRS copro, MSR copro)
     - Advanced SIMD (probably worth thinking about)
     - Thumb2 (questionable why Thumb is supported at all as the tools & OS don't use it)
    The syntax follows the pre UAL spirit for the new instructions (cf. ADDCCS versus ADDSCC).
    Removed binary V6test binary, replaced with more comprehensive v6/v7 source.
    Tested softloaded inspecting the output in StrongEd.
    Version 1.84. Tagged as 'Debugger-1_84'
Debugger 166 KB