; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; Acorn Programming Language Support
; AUTHORS: L.Smith, J. Sutton
;          Cherry Hinton x5272
; DATE:    Last edit 16-Mar-90 (ECN)
; VERSION: 0.07
; DESCRIPTION: Overlay Manager
; CHANGES: 28-Feb-90  LDS
;          Fixed a bug in check_for_invalidated_returns whereby a return
;          handler was allocated on return rather than just on call.
;          16-Mar-90 ECN
;          Use OS_GetEnv to read the overlay directory instead of Obey$Dir
;          which doesn't work if the image is not executed from an obey file.
;          Tidied up the behaviour of "Disk not present errors". The previous
;          version just splatted a message all over the desktop. The new
;          version only prompt for disk insertion if executing outside the
;          desktop (inside the desktop the wimp will prompt the user).
;          Tidied up the generation of errors and exit from application.
;          Previously either gave a trap or stiffed the machine.

   GBLL    ModeMayBeNonUser
ModeMayBeNonUser SETL {FALSE}

   GET     s.h_Brazil
   GET     Hdr:Wimp

   EXPORT  |Image$$overlay_init|
   EXPORT  |Image$$load_seg|

; pointers to start and end of workspace area supplied by the linker
   IMPORT  |Overlay$$Data$$Base|
   IMPORT  |Overlay$$Data$$Limit|
   IMPORT  exit, WEAK

Error_Internal    * &800EFD
Error_OutOfMemory * &800EFE
Error_LoadSegment * &800EFF

R0   RN   0
R1   RN   1
R2   RN   2
R3   RN   3
R4   RN   4
R5   RN   5
R6   RN   6
R7   RN   7
R8   RN   8
R9   RN   9
SL   RN   10  ; new procedure call standard
FP   RN   11
IP   RN   12
SP   RN   13
;SL   RN   13
;FP   RN   10
;IP   RN   11
;SP   RN   12
LR   RN   14
PC   RN   15

ZeroInitCodeOffset * 52

PSRmask * &FC000003 ; mask for PSR in PC
TopBit  * &80000000 ; for setting error code top bit

; Why does the linker need to generate this zero init area, why can't the
; Overlay Manager define it itself??? ECN.
; Layout of workspace allocated by the linker pointed to by Overlay$$Data
; This area is automatically zero-initialised AFTER overlay_init is called
; offsets are prefixed with Work_
              ^  0
Work_HStack   #  4   ; top of stack of allocated handlers
Work_HFree    #  4   ; head of free-list
Work_RSave    #  9*4  ; for R0-R8
Work_LRSave   #  4     ; saved LR
Work_PCSave   #  4     ; saved PC
Work_ReturnHandlersArea * @  ; rest of this memory is treated as heap space for the return handlers
Work_MinSize  * @ + 32 * RHandl_Size

; Return handler. 1 is allocated per inter-segment procedure call
; allocated and free lists of handlers are pointed to from HStack and HFree
; offsets are prefixed with RHandl_
                ^  0
RHandl_Branch   #  4   ; BL load_seg_and_ret
RHandl_RealLR   #  4   ; space for the real return address
RHandl_Segment  #  4   ; -> PCIT section of segment to load
RHandl_Link     #  4   ; -> next in stack order
RHandl_Size     *  @
; set up by check_for_invalidated_returns.

; PCITSection. 1 per segment stored in root segment, allocated by linker
; offsets are prefixed with PCITSect_
                 ^  0
PCITSect_Vecsize #  4  ; .-4-EntryV          ; size of entry vector
PCITSect_Base    #  4          ; used by load_segment; not initialised
PCITSect_Limit   #  4          ; used by load_segment; not initialised
PCITSect_Name    #  11 ;  <11 bytes> ; 10-char segment name + NUL in 11 bytes
PCITSect_Flags   #  1  ; ...and a flag byte
PCITSect_ClashSz #  4  ;  PCITEnd-.-4         ; size of table following
PCITSect_Clashes #  4  ; >table of pointers to clashing segments

; Stack structure  (all offsets are negative)
; defined in procedure call standard
; offsets are prefixed with Stack_
                   ^  0
Stack_SaveMask     # -4
Stack_LRReturn     # -4
Stack_SPReturn     # -4
Stack_FPReturn     # -4

; the code and private workspace area
  AREA     OverLayMgrArea, PIC, CODE

; Private workspace that will not be zero-initialised AFTER overlay_init
; offsets are prefixed with PWork_
               ^  0
PWork_PathName #  256 ; program directory name string for finding overlay files in
                      ; name of overlay file is appended here
; PWork_NameLen  #  2   ; length of Obey$Dir directory pathname
; PWork_InitDone #  2   ; bit 0 set to 1 when return handlers are initialised on 1st call to load_seg
          ; this cannot be done in overlay_init because the workspace supplied at link time
          ; is zero-initialised AFTER overlay_init is called
; the actual (private) work area:
PrivateWorkSpace %  @

STRLR   STR     LR, [PC, #-8]  ; a word that is to be matched in PCITs

; Store 2 words which are the addresses of the start and end of the workspace
WorkSpace     DCD |Overlay$$Data$$Base|
WorkSpaceEnd  DCD |Overlay$$Data$$Limit|

|Image$$overlay_init| ROUT
; initialise overlay manager. Entered immediately before the program is started
        LDR     IP, WorkSpace
        ADD     IP, IP, #Work_RSave
        STMIA   IP, {R0-R8,LR}

; 1. Check workspace is big enough for me. Only check if debugging
;        LDR    R1, WorkSpace
;        LDR    R2, WorkSpaceEnd
;        SUB    R2, R2, R1     ; check there is enough memory
;        CMP    R2, #Work_MinSize
;        ADRLT  R0, NoMem
;        SWILT  OS_GenerateError

        SWI     OS_GetEnv
        ADR     R1, PrivateWorkSpace
        MOV     R2, #&20000000 ; Stop at first space
        ADD     R2, R2, #255
        SWI     OS_GSTrans
        SUBS    R2, R2, #1
        BCC     strip_tail1
        LDRB    R0, [R1, R2]
        CMP     R0, #'.'
        CMPNE   R0, #':'
        BNE     strip_tail
        ADD     R2, R2, #1
        MOVS    R0, #0                                  ; set Z (for TEQ PC,PC below)
        STRB    R0, [R1, R2]

        TEQ     PC, PC
        ADDEQ   PC, LR, #ZeroInitCodeOffset             ; 32-bit version
        ADDNES  PC, LR, #ZeroInitCodeOffset             ; 26-bit version

;NoMem   DCD TopBit:OR:Error_OutOfMemory
;        = "Overlay$$Data area too small", 0

InitDoneFlag DCD    0

; entry point
|Image$$load_seg|  ROUT
; called when segment has been called but is not loaded
; presume ip is corruptible by this
        LDR     IP, WorkSpace
        ADD     IP, IP, #Work_RSave
        STMIA   IP, {R0-R8}         ; save working registers
; (save in my workspace because stack is untouchable during procedure call)
        ADR     R0, PrivateWorkSpace
        LDRB    R1, InitDoneFlag
        CMP     R1, #0
        BNE     InitDone

;Initialise Return Handlers on first call to this routine
        MOV     R1, #1
        STRB    R1, InitDoneFlag    ; set InitDone flag
        LDR     R0, WorkSpace
; R0 points to workspace
; corrupts R0-R3,LR
; create and initialise return handler linked list
        MOV    R2, #0
        STR    R2, [R0, #Work_HStack]  ; initialise start of handler list with NULL
        ADD    R1, R0, #Work_ReturnHandlersArea ; Start of heap space
        STR    R1, [R0, #Work_HFree]   ; Start of list of free handlers point to heap space
        LDR    R0, WorkSpaceEnd        ; for test in loop to make sure..
        SUBS   R0, R0, #RHandl_Size    ;    ..I dont overrun in init
01      ADD    R3, R1, #RHandl_Size    ; next handler
; set up link to point to next handler (in fact consecutive locations)
        STR    R3, [R1, #RHandl_Link]
        MOV    R1, R3                  ; next handler
        CMP    R1, R0                  ; test for end of workspace
        BLT    %BT01
        SUB    R1, R1, #RHandl_Size ; previous handler
        STR    R2, [R1, #RHandl_Link]  ; NULL-terminate list

        LDR     R3, WorkSpace
  [ {CONFIG}=26
        BIC     R8, LR, #PSRmask    ; Clear psr
        MOV     R4, #0
        MRS     R4, CPSR
        TST     R4, #2_11100
        MOVNE   R8, LR
        BICEQ   R8, LR, #PSRmask    ; Clear psr
        LDR     R0, [R8, #-8]       ; saved R14... (is end of PCIT)
        STR     R0, [R3, #Work_LRSave]   ; ...save it here ready for retry
        LDR     R0, STRLR           ; look for this...
        SUB     R1, R8, #8          ; ... starting at last overwrite
01      LDR     R2, [R1, #-4]!
        CMP     R2, R0              ; must stop on guard word...
        BNE     %B01
        ADD     R1, R1, #4          ; gone one too far...
 [ {CONFIG}=26
        AND     R0, LR, #PSRmask    ; psr at point of call...
        ORR     R1, R1, R0          ; combine with address branched via
        TST     R4, #2_11100
        ANDEQ   R0, LR, #PSRmask    ; psr at point of call...
        ORREQ   R1, R1, R0          ; combine with address branched via
        STR     R1, [R3, #Work_PCSave]   ; where to resume at

; IP -> the register save area; R8 -> the PCIT section of the segment to load.
; First re-initialise the PCIT section (if any) which clashes with this one...
        ADD     R1, R8, #PCITSect_Clashes
        LDR     R0, [R8, #PCITSect_ClashSz]
01      SUBS    R0, R0, #4
        BLT     Done_Reinit         ; nothing left to do
        LDR     R7, [R1], #4        ; a clashing segment...
        LDRB    R2, [R7, #PCITSect_Flags]    ; its flags (0 if unloaded)
        CMPS    R2, #0              ; is it loaded?
        BEQ     %B01                ; no, so look again
; clashing segment is loaded (clearly, there can only be 1 such segment)
; mark it as unloaded and reinitialise its PCIT
; R7 -> PCITSection of clashing loaded segment
        MOV     R0, #0
        STRB    R0, [R7, #PCITSect_Flags]  ; mark as unloaded
        LDR     R0, [R7, #PCITSect_Vecsize]
        SUB     R1, R7, #4          ; end of vector
        LDR     R2, STRLR           ; init value to store in the vector...
02      STR     R2, [R1, #-4]!      ;>
        SUBS    R0, R0, #4          ;> loop to initialise the PCIT segment
        BGT     %B02                ;>
; Now we check the chain of call frames on the stack for return addresses
; which have been invalidated by loading this segment and install handlers
; for each invalidated return.
; Note: R8 identifies the segment being loaded; R7 the segment being unloaded.
        BL      check_for_invalidated_returns
; All segment clashes have now been dealt with, as have the re-setting
; of the segment-loaded flags and the intercepting of invalidated returns.
; So, now load the required segment.

        MOV     R0, #12
        ADD     R1, R8, #PCITSect_Name
        LDR     R2, [R8, #PCITSect_Base]
        MOV     R3, #0
        ADR     R4, PrivateWorkSpace
        SWI     XOS_File
        BVS     overlay_load_error  ; R1 points to name failed to load
        STRB    R0, [R8, #PCITSect_Flags]  ; R0 == 1
        LDR     R2, [R8, #PCITSect_Base] ; true load address of file (OS_File returns datestamp here)
        ADD     R0, R2, R4          ; start + length = end of file
; The segment's entry vector is at the end of the segment...
; ...copy it to the PCIT section identified by R8.
        LDR     R1, [R8, #PCITSect_Vecsize]
        SUB     R3, R8, #8          ; end of entry vector...
        MOV     R4, #0              ; for data initialisation
01      LDR     R2, [R0, #-4]!      ;>loop to copy
        STR     R4, [R0]            ; (zero-init possible data section)
        STR     R2, [R3], #-4       ;>the segment's PCIT
        SUBS    R1, R1, #4          ;>section into the
        BGT     %B01                ;>global PCIT
 [ StrongARM
   ;there may have been some poking about with code, for invalidated returns, so synchronise
   MOV  r0,#0
   SWI  XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas
; Finally, continue, unabashed...
 [ {CONFIG}=26
        LDMIA   IP, {R0-R8, LR, PC}^
        LDMIA   IP, {R0-R8, LR, PC}

        MOV     R0, #0
        SWI     XWimp_ReadSysInfo   ; See if we are in desktop
        MOVVS   R0, #0              ; No wimp!, must be Arthur
        CMPS    R0, #0              ; No. of wimp tasks
        MOV     PC, LR              ; 0 => Arthur

overlay_load_error ROUT
        BL      in_desktop
        BNE     LoadErrorExit1
        ADR     R0, LoadPrompt
        SWI     XOS_Write0
        SWI     XOS_Confirm
        BVS     LoadErrorExit   ; error in SWI Confirm
        BCS     LoadErrorExit   ; escape pressed
        BNE     LoadErrorExit
        SWI     XOS_NewLine
        B       Retry
        SWI     XOS_NewLine
        ADR     R0, LoadErrorEnd
        MOV     R1, #0
        STRB    R1, [R0]
        ADR     R0, LoadError
        MOV     R1, R0
        BL      in_desktop
        MOV     R0, R1
        BEQ     text_error
        MOV     R1, #1              ; OK box - No frills
        ADR     R2, MgrName
        SWI     XWimp_ReportError
        B       exit_prog
        ADR     R0, MgrName
        SWI     XOS_Write0
        SWI     XOS_WriteS
        DCB     ": ", 0
        ADD     R0, R1, #4
        SWI     XOS_Write0
        SWI     XOS_NewLine
        LDR     R0, exitad          ; Check to see if C library is present
        CMP     R0, #0
        BEQ     exit_prog1          ; No, safe to exit via OS_Exit
        MOV     R0, #1
        BL      exit
        LDR     R1, abex
        MOV     R2, #1
        SWI     OS_Exit              ; DIE!!!

abex    DCD     &58454241
exitad  DCD     exit

LoadError    DCD TopBit:OR:Error_LoadSegment
LoadPrompt = "Can't load overlay segment"
LoadErrorEnd DCB '.'
           = " Retry? (y/n)", 0
MgrName    = "Overlay Manager", 0

; presume ip is corruptible by this
        LDR     IP, WorkSpace
        ADD     IP, IP, #Work_RSave
        STMIA   IP, {R0-R8}          ; save working registers
; (save in my workspace because stack is untouchable during procedure call)
        LDR     R3, WorkSpace
; lr points to the return handler
        BIC     R8, LR, #PSRmask     ; Clear psr
 ; load return handler fields RealLR, Segment, Link
        LDMIA   R8, {R0, R1, R2}
        SUB     R8, R8, #4    ; point to true start of return handler before BL
        STR     R0, [R3, #Work_LRSave]
        STR     R0, [R3, #Work_PCSave]
; Now unchain the handler and return it to the free pool
; HStack points to this handler
        LDR     R0, [R3, #Work_HStack]
        CMPS    R0, R8
        ADRNE   R0, HandlersScrewed
        BNE     errorexit
        STR     R2, [R3, #Work_HStack]  ; new top of handler stack
        LDR     R2, [R3, #Work_HFree]
        STR     R2, [R8, #RHandl_Link]  ; Link -> old HFree
        STR     R8, [R3, #Work_HFree]   ; new free list
        MOV     R8, R1                  ; segment to load
        B       load_segment

; Note: R8 identifies the segment being loaded; R7 the segment being unloaded.
; Note: check for returns invalidated by a call NOT for returns invalidated by
;       a return! In the 2nd case, the saved LR and saved PC are identical.
        LDR     R5, WorkSpace
        ADD     R6, R5, #Work_LRSave   ; 1st location to check
        LDMIA   R6, {R0, R1}           ; saved LR & PC
        CMPS    R0, R1
        MOVEQS  PC, LR                 ; identical => returning...
        MOV     R0, FP                 ; temporary FP...
01      LDR     R1, [R6]               ; the saved return address...
        BIC     R1, R1, #PSRmask       ; ...with status bits masked off
        LDR     R2, [R5, #Work_HStack] ; top of handler stack
        CMPS    R1, R2                 ; found the most recent handler, so
        MOVEQS  PC, LR                 ; abort the search
        LDR     R2, [R7, #PCITSect_Base]
        CMPS    R1, R2                 ; see if >= base...
        BLT     %F02
        LDR     R2, [R7, #PCITSect_Limit]
        CMPS    R1, R2                 ; ...and < limit ?
        BLT     FoundClash
02      CMPS    R0, #0                 ; bottom of stack?
        MOVEQS  PC, LR                 ; yes => return
        ADD     R6, R0, #Stack_LRReturn
        LDR     R0, [R0, #Stack_FPReturn]      ; previous FP
        B       %B01
        LDR     R0, [R5, #Work_HFree]  ; head of chain of free handlers
        CMPS    R0, #0
        ADREQ   R0, NoHandlers
        BEQ     errorexit
; Transfer the next free handler to head of the handler stack.
        LDR     R1, [R0, #RHandl_Link] ; next free handler
        STR     R1, [R5, #Work_HFree]
        LDR     R1, [R5, #Work_HStack] ; the active handler stack
        STR     R1, [R0, #RHandl_Link]
        STR     R0, [R5, #Work_HStack] ; now with the latest handler linked in
; Initialise the handler with a BL load_seg_and_ret, RealLR and Segment.
        ADR     R1, load_seg_and_ret
        SUB     R1, R1, R0             ; byte offset for BL in handler
        SUB     R1, R1, #8             ; correct for PC off by 8
        MOV     R1, R1, ASR #2         ; word offset
        BIC     R1, R1, #&FF000000
        ORR     R1, R1, #&EB000000     ; code for BL
        STR     R1, [R0, #RHandl_Branch]

        LDR     R1, [R6]               ; LRReturn on stack
        STR     R1, [R0, #RHandl_RealLR]   ; RealLR
        STR     R0, [R6]               ; patch stack to return to handler

        STR     R7, [R0, #RHandl_Segment]  ; segment to re-load on return
        Return  "", LinkNotStacked

        DCD     TopBit:OR:Error_Internal
        =       "Internal error", 0

        DCD     TopBit:OR:Error_OutOfMemory
        =       "Out of return handlers", 0
