; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ; -*- Mode: Assembler -*- ;* Lastedit: 08 Mar 90 12:05:26 by Harry Meekings * ; OS interface for Clibrary / shared kernel ; Copyright (C) Acorn Computers Ltd., 1988 ; The version number below bears no resemblance to any release version ; numbers. It must be incremented by one each time a non-downwards compatible ; version of the library is produced (ie one where the new stubs will not ; function correctly with an older library). LibraryVersionNumber * 6 GET Hdr:ListOpts GET Hdr:Machine. GET Hdr:APCS. GET Hdr:CPU.Generic26 GET Hdr:CPU.Generic32 GET Hdr:Macros GET Hdr:SWIs GET Hdr:RISCOS GET Hdr:ModHand GET Hdr:FPEmulator GBLL StrongARM GBLL SASTMhatbroken StrongARM SETL :DEF: AMBKernel SASTMhatbroken SETL {TRUE} :LAND: StrongARM [ StrongARM ;macro to synchronise to $Ncodewords words of code on (FD) stack MACRO SyncStackCode $Ncodewords STMFD sp!,{r0-r2,lr} MOV r0,#1 ;means range specified in r1,r2 ADD r1,sp,#4*4 ;start address (allowing for stacked r0-r2,lr) ADD r2,r1,#($Ncodewords-1)*4 ;end address (inclusive) for $Ncodewords words of code SWI XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas ;do the necessary LDMFD sp!,{r0-r2,lr} MEND ] X EQU 1:SHL:17 ; SWIs common to Brazil and Arthur WriteC EQU X+0 WriteS EQU X+1 Write0 EQU X+2 NewLine EQU X+3 ReadC EQU X+4 CLI EQU X+5 Byte EQU X+6 Word EQU X+7 File EQU X+8 Args EQU X+9 BGet EQU X+&a BPut EQU X+&b Multiple EQU X+&c Open EQU X+&d ReadLine EQU X+&e Control EQU X+&f GetEnv EQU X+&10 Exit EQU X+&11 SetEnv EQU X+&12 IntOn EQU X+&13 IntOff EQU X+&14 CallBack EQU X+&15 EnterSVC EQU X+&16 BreakPt EQU X+&17 BreakCtrl EQU X+&18 UnusedSWI EQU X+&19 KUpdateMEMC EQU X+&1A SetCallBack EQU X+&1B Mouse EQU X+&1C WriteI EQU X+&100 ; Arthur only SWIs Module EQU X+&1E ChangeEnv EQU X+&40 GenerateError EQU &2B ; X form not sensible ReadVarVal EQU X+&23 SetVarVal EQU X+&24 ExitAndDie EQU X+&4D Lib_Init EQU &80680 ; shared library initialise FPE_Version EQU X+&40480 Module_Claim EQU 6 ; Module reason codes Module_Free EQU 7 Module_Extend EQU 13 ; r0 values for swi ChangeEnv Env_MemoryLimit EQU 0 Env_UIHandler EQU 1 Env_PAHandler EQU 2 Env_DAHandler EQU 3 Env_AEHandler EQU 4 Env_ErrorHandler EQU 6 Env_CallBackHandler EQU 7 Env_EscapeHandler EQU 9 Env_EventHandler EQU 10 Env_ExitHandler EQU 11 Env_ApplicationSpace EQU 14 Env_UpCallHandler EQU 16 Application_Base EQU &8000 [ ModeMayBeNonUser MACRO EnterLeafProcContainingSWI FunctionEntry MEND MACRO ExitLeafProcContainingSWI $cond Return MEND | MACRO EnterLeafProcContainingSWI MEND MACRO ExitLeafProcContainingSWI $cond Return "", LinkNotStacked MEND ] [ :DEF:DEFAULT_TEXT MACRO ErrorBlock $name, $string, $tag, $withdefault E_$name & Error_$name = "$string", 0 ALIGN ASSERT "$tag" <> "" & Error_$name = "$tag", 0 ALIGN MEND | MACRO ErrorBlock $name, $string, $tag, $withdefault E_$name ASSERT "$tag" <> "" & Error_$name [ "$withdefault" <> "" = "$tag:$string", 0 | = "$tag", 0 ] ALIGN MEND ] ; Arthur error numbers Error_NameNotFound * &124 Error_ValueTooLong * &125 Error_IllegalInstruction * &80000000 Error_PrefetchAbort * &80000001 Error_DataAbort * &80000002 Error_AddressException * &80000003 Error_UnknownIRQ * &80000004 Error_BranchThroughZero * &80000005 Error_FPBase * &80000200 Error_FPLimit * &80000300 ; Arthur errors generated by the library CLib_Error_Base * &800e80 CLib_Error_Range * &80 Error_BadMemory * &800e80 Error_UnknownLib * &800e81 Error_StubCorrupt * &800e82 Error_StaticSizeWrong * &800e83 Error_StaticOffsetInconsistent * &800e84 Error_UnknownSWI * &800e85 Error_OldAPCS_A * &800e86 ; } error number shared Error_OldAPCS_R * &800e86 ; } Error_SharedLibraryNeeded * &800e90 Error_OldSharedLibrary * &800e91 Error_NoVeneer * &80800e92 [ :DEF:NEW_SWIS Error_UnknownFn * &800e93 ] Error_ReadFail * &80800ea0 Error_WriteFail * &80800ea1 Error_RecursiveTrap * &800e00 Error_UncaughtTrap * &800e01 Error_NoMainProgram * &800e02 Error_NotAvailable * &800e03 Error_NoEnvFile * &800e04 Error_NoRoomForEnv * &800e05 Error_BadReturnCode * &800e06 Error_NoStackForTrapHandler * &800e07 Error_Exit * &800e08 ; in non-user mode Error_NoWorkSpace * &800e09 Error_ReservedForOverlayManager1 * &800efe Error_ReservedForOverlayManager2 * &800eff Error_DivideByZero * &80000020 Error_StackOverflow * &80000021 END