/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* ctype.c: ANSI draft (X3J11 May 88) library code, section 4.3 */
/* Copyright (C) Codemist Ltd. */
/* Version 3a */

#include <ctype.h>

#include "kernel.h"
#include "territory.h"
#include "swis.h"

void _set_ctype(int);
void _ctype_init(void);

/* IL (illegal) is 0, but enhances readability.  */
#define IL 0
#define _UX (__U+__X)
#define _LX (__L+__X)
#define _CS (__C+__S)           /* control and space (e.g. tab) */

 * MUST arrange that an array of ILs gets put into memory just before __ctype.
 * 4 copies for both byte sexes and to fill out a 32 bit word. This is
 * done elsewhere, in cl_data.
extern unsigned char __ctype[256];

/* Certain library facilities defined by macros can be used even if the
   corresponding header file has not been included, if the macro is #undef'ed
   or if not followed by a '('.  This means that they must exist
   as ordinary functions even if they are usually expanded as macros.
   Hence the following (note that this relies that <ctype.h> defines
   all the RHS's as macros to avoid defining fns as infinite loops):

int (isalnum)(int c) { return isalnum(c); }
int (isalpha)(int c) { return isalpha(c); }
int (iscntrl)(int c) { return iscntrl(c); }
int (isdigit)(int c) { return isdigit(c); }
int (isgraph)(int c) { return isgraph(c); }
int (islower)(int c) { return islower(c); }
int (isprint)(int c) { return isprint(c); }
int (ispunct)(int c) { return ispunct(c); }
int (isspace)(int c) { return isspace(c); }
int (isupper)(int c) { return isupper(c); }
int (isxdigit)(int c) { return isxdigit(c); }

static char *touppertbl, *tolowertbl;

int toupper(int c)
  return touppertbl ? touppertbl[c] : (islower(c) ? c + ('A' - 'a') : c);

int tolower(int c)
  return tolowertbl ? tolowertbl[c] : (isupper(c) ? c + ('a' - 'A') : c);

#if 'A' == 193       /* ebcdic -- this test relies on NorCroft __C */
static unsigned char ctype[256] = {
    __C,__C,__C,__C, IL,_CS, IL,__C, IL, IL, IL,_CS,_CS,_CS,__C,__C,
    __C,__C,__C,__C, IL, IL,__C, IL,__C,__C, IL, IL,__C,__C,__C,__C,
     IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,_CS,__C,__C, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,__C,__C,__C,
     IL, IL,__C, IL, IL, IL, IL,__C, IL, IL, IL, IL,__C,__C, IL, IL,
__B+__S, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,
    __P, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,
    __P,__P, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,
     IL,__P, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,__P,
     IL,_LX,_LX,_LX,_LX,_LX,_LX,__L,__L,__L, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,
     IL,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,
     IL, IL,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L,__L, IL, IL, IL,__P, IL, IL,
     IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,__P, IL, IL,
    __P,_UX,_UX,_UX,_UX,_UX,_UX,__U,__U,__U, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,
    __P,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,
    __P, IL,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U,__U, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL,
    __N,__N,__N,__N,__N,__N,__N,__N,__N,__N, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL, IL
#else                /* ascii  */
static unsigned char ctype[128] = {
        __C,                     /*   nul        */
        __C,                     /*   \001       */
        __C,                     /*   \002       */
        __C,                     /*   \003       */
        __C,                     /*   \004       */
        __C,                     /*   \005       */
        __C,                     /*   \006       */
        __C,                     /*   bell       */
        __C,                     /*   backspace  */
        __C+__S,                 /*   tab        */
        __C+__S,                 /*   newline    */
        __C+__S,                 /*   vtab       */
        __C+__S,                 /*   formfeed   */
        __C+__S,                 /*   return     */
        __C,                     /*   \016       */
        __C,                     /*   \017       */
        __C,                     /*   \020       */
        __C,                     /*   \021       */
        __C,                     /*   \022       */
        __C,                     /*   \023       */
        __C,                     /*   \024       */
        __C,                     /*   \025       */
        __C,                     /*   \026       */
        __C,                     /*   \027       */
        __C,                     /*   \030       */
        __C,                     /*   \031       */
        __C,                     /*   \032       */
        __C,                     /*   \033       */
        __C,                     /*   \034       */
        __C,                     /*   \035       */
        __C,                     /*   \036       */
        __C,                     /*   \037       */
        __B+__S,                /*   space      */
        __P,                    /*   !          */
        __P,                    /*   "          */
        __P,                    /*   #          */
        __P,                    /*   $          */
        __P,                    /*   %          */
        __P,                    /*   &          */
        __P,                    /*   '          */
        __P,                    /*   (          */
        __P,                    /*   )          */
        __P,                    /*   *          */
        __P,                    /*   +          */
        __P,                    /*   ,          */
        __P,                    /*   -          */
        __P,                    /*   .          */
        __P,                    /*   /          */
        __N,                    /*   0          */
        __N,                    /*   1          */
        __N,                    /*   2          */
        __N,                    /*   3          */
        __N,                    /*   4          */
        __N,                    /*   5          */
        __N,                    /*   6          */
        __N,                    /*   7          */
        __N,                    /*   8          */
        __N,                    /*   9          */
        __P,                    /*   :          */
        __P,                    /*   ;          */
        __P,                    /*   <          */
        __P,                    /*   =          */
        __P,                    /*   >          */
        __P,                    /*   ?          */
        __P,                    /*   @          */
        __U+__X,                /*   A          */
        __U+__X,                /*   B          */
        __U+__X,                /*   C          */
        __U+__X,                /*   D          */
        __U+__X,                /*   E          */
        __U+__X,                /*   F          */
        __U,                    /*   G          */
        __U,                    /*   H          */
        __U,                    /*   I          */
        __U,                    /*   J          */
        __U,                    /*   K          */
        __U,                    /*   L          */
        __U,                    /*   M          */
        __U,                    /*   N          */
        __U,                    /*   O          */
        __U,                    /*   P          */
        __U,                    /*   Q          */
        __U,                    /*   R          */
        __U,                    /*   S          */
        __U,                    /*   T          */
        __U,                    /*   U          */
        __U,                    /*   V          */
        __U,                    /*   W          */
        __U,                    /*   X          */
        __U,                    /*   Y          */
        __U,                    /*   Z          */
        __P,                    /*   [          */
        __P,                    /*   \          */
        __P,                    /*   ]          */
        __P,                    /*   ^          */
        __P,                    /*   _          */
        __P,                    /*   `          */
        __L+__X,                /*   a          */
        __L+__X,                /*   b          */
        __L+__X,                /*   c          */
        __L+__X,                /*   d          */
        __L+__X,                /*   e          */
        __L+__X,                /*   f          */
        __L,                    /*   g          */
        __L,                    /*   h          */
        __L,                    /*   i          */
        __L,                    /*   j          */
        __L,                    /*   k          */
        __L,                    /*   l          */
        __L,                    /*   m          */
        __L,                    /*   n          */
        __L,                    /*   o          */
        __L,                    /*   p          */
        __L,                    /*   q          */
        __L,                    /*   r          */
        __L,                    /*   s          */
        __L,                    /*   t          */
        __L,                    /*   u          */
        __L,                    /*   v          */
        __L,                    /*   w          */
        __L,                    /*   x          */
        __L,                    /*   y          */
        __L,                    /*   z          */
        __P,                    /*   {          */
        __P,                    /*   |          */
        __P,                    /*   }          */
        __P,                    /*   ~          */
        __C                     /*   \177       */

static unsigned int null_property_table[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

static unsigned int *getpropertytable(int territory, int PROPERTY_CODE)
  _kernel_swi_regs r;

  r.r[0] = territory;
  r.r[1] = PROPERTY_CODE;
  if (_kernel_swi(Territory_CharacterPropertyTable, &r, &r))
    return null_property_table;
  return (unsigned int *)r.r[0];

static char *getcvttable(int territory, int swi)
  _kernel_swi_regs r;

  r.r[0] = territory;
  if (_kernel_swi(swi, &r, &r))
    return 0;
  return (char *)r.r[0];

void _set_ctype(int territory)
  unsigned int i, j;               /* unsigned is cue to division */
  unsigned int *ctltable, *uctable, *lctable, *ptable, *stable;
  unsigned int ctlw, ucw, lcw, pw, sw;

  if (!territory) {
    for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ctype); j++)
      __ctype[j] = ctype[j];
#if 'A' != 193
    for (j = 128; j < 256; j++)
      __ctype[j] = IL;
    touppertbl = 0;
    tolowertbl = 0;
  } else {
    /* Get property tables - these are byte sex dependant */
    ctltable = getpropertytable(territory, TERRITORY_PROPERTY_CONTROL);
    uctable = getpropertytable(territory, TERRITORY_PROPERTY_UPPERCASE);
    lctable = getpropertytable(territory, TERRITORY_PROPERTY_LOWERCASE);
    ptable = getpropertytable(territory, TERRITORY_PROPERTY_PUNCTUATION);
    stable = getpropertytable(territory, TERRITORY_PROPERTY_SPACE);
    j = 0;
    /* Check to see this generates sensible assembler */
    for (i = 0; i < 256 / 32; i++) {
      ctlw = ctltable[i];
      ucw = uctable[i];
      lcw = lctable[i];
      pw = ptable[i];
      sw = stable[i];
      do {
          __ctype[j] = (ctlw & 1) * __C | (ucw & 1) * __U |
                       (lcw & 1) * __L | (pw & 1) * __P | (sw & 1) * __S;
          ctlw >>= 1;
          ucw >>= 1;
          lcw >>= 1;
          pw >>= 1;
          sw >>= 1;
      } while (++j & 0x1f);
    /* Unfortunately ANSI actually DEFINE what digits are !
     * But I want to use Roman numerals :-)
     * Numbers are in a block together even in EBCIDIC
    for (j = '0'; j <= '9'; j++)
        __ctype[j] |= __N;
    /* Similarly they say what xdigit is
     * 'A' - 'F' & 'a' - 'f' also occur in a block in EBCIDIC
    for (j = 'A'; j <= 'F'; j++) {
        __ctype[j] |= __X;
        __ctype[j + 'a' - 'A'] |= __X;
    /* Because of ANSI restriction wrt isgraph and isprint __C is the only */
    /* allowable flag from the territory properties                        */
    __ctype[' '] = (__ctype[' '] & __C) | __B | __S;
    touppertbl = getcvttable(territory, Territory_UpperCaseTable);
    tolowertbl = getcvttable(territory, Territory_LowerCaseTable);

void _ctype_init()
  __ctype[-1] = IL; /* for ctype(EOF) */

/* End of ctype.c */