• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add support for 2bpp BMP files and those with flipped scan order · a609304f
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Fix import of OS/2 BMP files
    WinCE is documented on MSDN as creating and displaying 2bpp bitmaps, so we might as well support them.
    Also, MSDN states that when the BITMAPINFOHEADER is in use the height is a signed number, with -ve values meaning the scan order is reversed (top down).
    Relatedly, the width and height in an OS/2 bitmap are only 16 (unsigned) bits, whereas ChangeFSI was reading in 32 bit values leading to grossly wrong dimensions, plus it uses packed 24 bit palette values not 32 bit like Windows.
    Docs updated and info fields made more verbose to report whether it's a Windows or OS/2 BMP.
    Now successfully opens all the 'good' bitmaps in BMP Suite http://entropymine.com/jason/bmpsuite/
    Version 1.50. Tagged as 'ChangeFSI-1_50'
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