• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add support for type 15 (extended type) and 16 (4k colour) sprites · 0d41cfbb
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Sprite type 16 is now accepted as an input format, by defining the appropriate 4:4:4 colour lookup tables.
    Type 15 class RGB is handled too with 1/2/4/8/12/15/16/32bpp sprites with and without RGB/BGR reversal.
    Other changes:
    Tighten up the check for BTPC files, it turns out BTPC 5 also exists but has an incompatible format, so rather than trying to decode them and fail, fail early.
    Mention the return code in Documents/CmdBasUse.
    Change real variable 'rgb' to integer since it's only holding a flag.
    Tested with a variety of special sprites, and a BTPC 5 file.
    Version 1.56. Tagged as 'ChangeFSI-1_56'
ChangeFSI 300 KB