#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Components file for Tungsten build #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %BaseAddress 0xFC000000 %Image Build$ImageName %Log Build$ImageName %Messages Sources.Internat.Messages %Joiner romlinker %JoinerFormat romlinker # BBE Support BuildApps BuildExport BuildSystem -options COMPONENTFILE=Tungsten COMPONENTFILE2=Universal BuildEnvironment -options ENVFILE=Tungsten BuildModules BuildTools #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some headers # HdrSrc -type EXP #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # we need the following exported for swis.h generation # change the type to EXP # DDEUtils -type EXP Econet -type EXP DDT -type EXP HostFS -type EXP SCSIDriver -type EXP PCCardFS -type EXP PDriver -type EXP PDumperDM -type EXP MakePSFont -type EXP VFPSupport -type EXP # kernel is first module in ROM seen as the UtilityModule HAL_Tungsten Kernel -at 0xFC010000 Podule PCI FileSwitch ResourceFS TerritoryManager Messages MessageTrans UK WindowManager -options OPTIONS=Ursula Desktop SharedRISC_OSLib NVidia TaskManager ADFSFiler ARM BASIC105 BASIC64 BASICTrans BufferManager ColourTrans Debugger DeviceFS RTSupport USBDriver EHCIDriver OHCIDriver OHCIHeaders DisplayManager DMAManager DragASprite DragAnObj DrawMod BBCEconet FileCore ADFS RamFS Filer FilerSWIs FSLock FontManager FPEmulator -options FPE_APCS=3/32bit Free Hourglass IIC International InternationalKeyboard -options KEYBOARD=All ITable NetFS NetFiler NetPrint NetStatus NetUtils Obey Pinboard PipeFS RAMFSFiler ResourceFiler ROMFonts ScreenBlanker ScrSaver -options SCRSAVERAPP=No DualSerial SerialDeviceDriver SerialDeviceSupport SerialMouse ShellCLI SoundDMA_Tungsten SoundControl SoundChannels SoundScheduler SpriteExtend SpriteUtils Squash SuperSample SystemDevices TaskWindow WindowUtils FilterManager WaveSynth StringLib Percussion Filer_Action DOSFS -options PCMCIA=TRUE SCSISwitch SCSISoftUSB SCSIFS SCSIFiler -options ASFLAGS="-PD \"SCSI SETL {TRUE}\"" ColourPicker ScreenModes DrawFile BootCommands AUNMsgs MManager Internet Resolver Net BootNet Freeway ShareFS MimeMap LanManFS -options OPTIONS=-DCHECK_ARMBOOT_EXISTS ROMSPRITES=TRUE EtherK DHCP -options OPTIONS=-DMINIMUM_OPTIONS_LENGTH=4 Edit Draw Paint Alarm Chars Help2 RTCAdjust SharedSnd # # Toolbox Modules/Libs # tboxlib ToolboxLib -type EXP TinyStubs Toolbox Window ToolAction Menu IconBar ColourDbox ColourMenu DCS_Quit FileInfo FontDbox FontMenu PrintDbox ProgInfo SaveAs Scale Gadgets # # CDFS # CDFSDriver ATAPI CDFSSoftSCSI CDFS CDFSFiler InetRes -options TYPE=EmergencyUtils # some libraries and bits # callx AsmUtils -type EXP TCPIPheaders -type EXP socklib inetlib unixlib UnicodeLib -type EXP OSLib DeskLib ModMallocLib PlainArgvLib RemoteDebug PDebug DDTLib Wild Trace DebugLib Portable -type EXP NVRAM -type EXP PortManager -type EXP ABRelease # end