#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Components file for !System and modules for pre RISC OS 5 users #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %BaseAddress 0x00000000 %Image Build$ImageName %Log Build$ImageName %Messages Sources.Internat.Messages %Joiner BigSplit2 %JoinerFormat BigSplit %sigstr Univ # # Fundamental components for header export... # HdrSrc -type EXP Kernel -type EXP # # Required for Hdr:SWIs (and swis.h) generation... # ATAPI -type EXP BASICTrans -type EXP BufferManager -type EXP CDFS -type EXP CDFSDriver -type EXP ColourPicker -type EXP ColourTrans -type EXP DDEUtils -type EXP DDT -type EXP DHCP -type EXP Debugger -type EXP DeviceFS -type EXP DMAManager -type EXP DOSFS -type EXP DragAnObj -type EXP DragASprite -type EXP DrawMod -type EXP FileCore -type EXP Filer_Action -type EXP FileSwitch -type EXP FilterManager -type EXP FontManager -type EXP FPEmulator -type EXP Free -type EXP FSLock -type EXP HostFS -type EXP Hourglass -type EXP IIC -type EXP PortManager -type EXP Joystick -type EXP MessageTrans -type EXP ParallelDeviceDriver -type EXP PDriver -type EXP Podule -type EXP Portable -type EXP ADFS -type EXP # After FileCore to allow FileCoreErr generation RamFS -type EXP ResourceFS -type EXP ScreenBlanker -type EXP ScreenModes -type EXP SCSIDriver -type EXP ShellCLI -type EXP SoundDMA -type EXP SoundChannels -type EXP SoundScheduler -type EXP Squash -type EXP SuperSample -type EXP TaskManager -type EXP TaskWindow -type EXP TerritoryManager -type EXP WindowManager -type EXP # # RISC_OSLib, or the Shared C Library... # SharedCLibrary -type EXP -options SCL_APCS="-APCS 3/26bit" # # Libraries... # AsmUtils -type EXP TCPIPheaders -type EXP socklib inetlib unixlib tboxlib ToolboxLib ConfigLib -type EXP OSLib DeskLib ModMallocLib PlainArgvLib RemoteDebug PDebug DDTLib Wild Trace DebugLib # # 26 bit only # CallASWI -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules CMOSUtils -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules SharedCLibrary -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules INSTTYPE= SCL_APCS="-APCS 3/26bit" Config2Installer -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules OPTIONS="-DNO_INTERNATIONAL_HELP" Config2Installer -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.360.Modules TaskWindow -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules CMDHELP=None TinyStubs -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules FilterManager -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules CMDHELP=None FrontEnd -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules ColourPicker -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules OPTIONS="-DNO_INTERNATIONAL_HELP" DrawFile -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules INTERNATIONAL_HELP=NO UnSqzAIF -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.370.Modules # # 26/32 neutral # System -options INSTDIR=.System USERIF=None RedrawManager -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules DDEUtils -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules DragASprite -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules DragAnObj -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules TaskWindow -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.350.Modules CMDHELP=None MACHINE=ALL32 # # FPEmulators for processors and kernels of varying capability # FPEmulator -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.400.Modules MACHINE=32 FPE_APCS=3/32bit FPEmulator -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules MACHINE=RO310 FPE_APCS=3/26bit FPEmulator -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.350.Modules MACHINE=RO350 FPE_APCS=3/26bit # # Toolbox'y # Toolbox -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox Window -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox ToolAction -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox Scale -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox SaveAs -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox ProgInfo -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox PrintDbox -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox Menu -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox IconBar -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox Gadgets -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox FontMenu -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox FontDbox -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox FileInfo -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox DCS_Quit -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox TARGET=DCS_Quit ColourMenu -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox ColourDbox -options INSTDIR=.System.!System.310.Modules.Toolbox # # Wrap for web # ABRelease