# Master module database for the build process # $Revision$ # $Date$ # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Type Source directory (in Sources) Installation dir Module filename #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # These export headers or libraries # ARM3 EXP HWSupport.ARM3 ABCLib EXP Lib.ABCLib ARLib C Lib.ARLib DCILib C Lib.DCILib OSLib EXP ThirdParty.OSLib.Lib.OSLib DeskLib EXP ThirdParty.Desk.Lib.Desk HALLib C Lib.HALLib HTMLLib EXP Lib.HTML BrowseHTMLLib EXP Lib.HTMLLib MemCheckLib EXP Lib.MemCheck MemLib C Lib.MemLib ModMallocLib EXP Lib.ModMalloc NCMALib C Lib.Security.NCMALib PlainArgvLib EXP Lib.PlainArgv ModuleTaskLib EXP Lib.ModuleTask AcornNCLib EXP Lib.AcornNC RemoteDebug EXP Lib.remotedb PDebug EXP Lib.PDebug DDTLib EXP ThirdParty.JSmith.Lib.DDTLib Wild EXP ThirdParty.JSmith.Lib.Wild Trace EXP ThirdParty.JSmith.Lib.Trace DThreads EXP ThirdParty.Endurance.Lib.DThreads RMVersion ASM Programmer.RMVersion zlib EXP Lib.zlib MsgLib EXP Lib.MsgLib TCPIPheaders C Lib.TCPIPLibs.headers inetlib EXP Lib.TCPIPLibs.inetlib rpclib EXP Lib.TCPIPLibs.rpclib.rpc socklib EXP Lib.TCPIPLibs.socklib unixlib EXP Lib.TCPIPLibs.unixlib LDAPheaders EXP Networking.LDAP.include liblber C Networking.LDAP.liblber libldap C Networking.LDAP.libldap AsmUtils ASM Lib.AsmUtils ShareD EXP Networking.AUN.Access.ShareFS.ShareFS SSLRO EXP Networking.libs.SSLRO HdrSrc C Programmer.HdrSrc DDT EXP Programmer.DDT MPEGHdrs EXP Video.MPEG.MPEGHdrs UnicodeLib C Lib.Unicode ToolboxLib C Toolbox.Libs SSLeay EXP Lib.SSLeay C++Lib C Lib.C++Lib callx EXP Lib.callx Common C Lib.Email.Common EmailLib C Lib.Email.EmailLib Mailbox C Lib.Email.Mailbox DebugLib EXP Lib.DebugLib ErrorLib C Lib.ErrorLib ImageLib C Lib.ImageLib ImageLibPNG C Lib.ImageLib.PNG ImageLibJPEG C Lib.ImageLib.JPEG JSLib C Lib.JSLib NBLib C Lib.NBLib NetLink C Lib.Email.NetLink CLX C Lib.CLX CLXLite C Lib.CLXLite NumConvert C Lib.NumConvert Unicode RES SystemRes.Unicode TGRLib EXP Lib.TGRlib NSPRLib EXP Lib.NSPRLib SNMPheaders EXP Lib.SNMPLibs.headers SNMPMIBs EXP Lib.SNMPLibs.mibs SNMPLib EXP Lib.SNMPLibs.snmplib ConfigLib C Lib.Configure PRISMLib EXP Lib.PRISMLib # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # These export resources only # Boot RES Apps.Boot SoundRes RES Audio.SoundRes PrintDefs RES Printing.PrintDefs AutoDemo RES Apps.AutoDemo Terminal RES Apps.Terminal # Components inside SystemRes.STB.Baseline STBBoot RES SystemRes.STB.Baseline.STBBoot STBChoices RES SystemRes.STB.Baseline.STBChoices STBRoot RES SystemRes.STB.Baseline.STBRoot # Components inside SystemRes.STB.Applets AudioCmdApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.AudioCmd ChinaApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.CJK EmailApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.Email JapanApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.CJK KoreaApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.CJK DTTApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.DTT MemTestApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.MemTest MPEGdttApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.MPEGdtt MulticastApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.Multicast OSCLIApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.OSCLI SmallPlay RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.SmallPlay STBDebug RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.DEBUG STBSummaryApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.STBSummary STBSystem RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.STBSystem TaiwanApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.CJK TerritoryApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.Territory SwiftJPEGApplet RES SystemRes.STB.Applets.SwiftJPEG # Components inside SystemRes.STB FlashImg RES SystemRes.STB.Resources.FlashImg BLScripts RES SystemRes.STB.Resources.Scripts # Components inside SystemRes.STB.Utilities AddToRes RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.AddToRes AlterCMOS RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.AlterCMOS ChangeDA RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.ChangeDA FCopy RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.FCopy FontPath RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.FontPath FlushKeys RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.FlushKeys HOff RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.HglassOff HOn RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.HglassOn IfFileURL RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.IfFileURL LiveErrors RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.LiveErrors Modify RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.Modify OpenURL RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.OpenURL ReadMAC RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.ReadMAC RedrawScrn RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.RedrawScrn ResetPtr RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.ResetPtr STBBootVar RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.BootVars Unique RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.Unique WhatSTB RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.WhatSTB # FreeTerm is for the ONC2UK build only. FreeTerm RES Apps.FreeTerm # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Kernel is a special type for ensure it is at the top of the ROM # HAL_IOMD HAL HAL.IOMD RISC_OS IOMD HAL_OMAP3 HAL HAL.OMAP3 RISC_OS OMAP3 HAL_Tungsten HAL HAL.Tungsten RISC_OS Tungsten Kernel KERNEL Kernel RISC_OS Kernel # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Browse C Apps.Browse Apps Browse Chars BAS Apps.Chars Apps Chars CodecCtl C Apps.CodecCtl Apps CodecCtl MultiMedia ASM Apps.MultiMedia Apps MultiMedia Watchdog C Apps.Watchdog Apps Watchdog MakeModes C Apps.MakeModes Apps MakeModes NCKeyboard C Apps.NCKeyboard Apps NCKeyboard NCOptions C Apps.NCOptions Apps NCOptions NCConfig C Apps.NCConfig Apps NCConfig NCFiler C Apps.NCFiler Apps NCFiler NCWriter C Apps.NCWriter Apps NCWriter SrcEdit C Apps.SrcEdit Apps SrcEdit Edit C Apps.Edit Apps Edit Draw C Apps.Draw Apps Draw Paint C Apps.Paint Apps Paint NCUpgrade C Apps.NCUpgrade Apps NCUpgrade Help BAS Apps.Help Apps Help Help2 ASM Apps.Help2 Apps Help WebServe C Apps.WebServe Apps WebServe PhoebeSampler C Apps.Sampler Apps Sampler ResEd C Apps.Toolbox.ResEd Apps ResEd ResTest C Apps.Toolbox.ResTest Apps ResTest ResCommon C Apps.Toolbox.ResCommon Apps ResCommon ResCreate C Apps.Toolbox.ResCreate Apps ResCreate UpgradeCreater C Apps.Upgrade.UpgCreate Apps UpgCreate UpgradeFetcher RES Apps.Upgrade.UpgFetch Apps UpgFetch UpgradeFlash RES Apps.Upgrade.UpgFlash Apps UpgFlash TTXTViewer C Apps.TTXTViewer Apps TTXTView FlashApp BAS Apps.FlashProg.FlashApp Apps FlashApp FlashPod C Apps.FlashProg.FlashPod Apps FlashPod FlashProg C Apps.FlashProg.FlashProg Apps FlashProg FlashUp C Apps.FlashProg.FlashUp Apps FlashUp AudSwitch C Audio.AudSwitch Audio AudSwitch SharedSnd C Audio.SharedSnd Audio SSound SoundControl C Audio.SoundCtrl Audio SoundCtrl SoundFS ASM Audio.SoundFS Audio SoundFS SoundFX C Audio.SoundFX Audio SoundFX SampleExp C Audio.SampleExp Audio SampleExp MIDI4 ASM Audio.MIDI.MIDI4 Audio MIDI4 MIDISynthesiser ASM Audio.MIDI.Synth Audio Synth MPlay ASM Audio.MIDI.Mplay Audio MPlay msadpcm ASM Audio.msadpcm Audio msadpcm ReplaySpt C Audio.ReplaySpt Audio ReplaySpt SoundFile C Audio.SoundFile Audio SoundFile FilePlay C Audio.FilePlay Audio FilePlay SoundPlay C Audio.SoundPlay Audio SoundPlay WindowManager ASM Desktop.Wimp Desktop Wimp Clipboard ASM Desktop.Clipboard Desktop Clipboard Desktop ASM Desktop.Desktop Desktop Desktop TaskManager ASM Desktop.Switcher Desktop Switcher DragAnObj ASM Desktop.DragAnObj Desktop DragAnObj DragASprite ASM Desktop.DragASprit Desktop DragASprit Filer ASM Desktop.Filer Desktop Filer FilerSWIs ASM Desktop.FilerSWIs Desktop FilerSWIs Free ASM Desktop.Free Desktop Free Pinboard ASM Desktop.Pinboard Desktop Pinboard ShellCLI ASM Desktop.ShellCLI Desktop ShellCLI TaskWindow ASM Desktop.TaskWindow Desktop TaskWindow WindowUtils ASM Desktop.WimpUtils Desktop WimpUtils2 FilterManager ASM Desktop.Filter Desktop FilterMgr Filer_Action C Desktop.FilerAct Desktop FilerAct TaskModule C Desktop.TaskModule Desktop TaskModule ClipHolder C Desktop.Clip Desktop ClipHolder RedrawManager C Desktop.RedrawMgr Desktop RedrawMgr CDFS ASM FileSys.CDFS.CDFS FileSys CDFS CDFSFiler ASM FileSys.CDFS.CDFSFiler FileSys CDFSFiler CDFSResources ASM FileSys.CDFS.CDFSRes FileSys CDFSRes CDFS3Driver C FileSys.CDFS3.CDFSDriver FileSys CDFSDriver CDFS3ATAPI C FileSys.CDFS3.ATAPI FileSys ATAPI CDFS3 C FileSys.CDFS3.CDFS FileSys CDFS CDFS3Filer C FileSys.CDFS3.CDFSFiler FileSys CDFSFiler CDFS3Manager C FileSys.CDFS3.CDManager FileSys CDManager SCSIFS ASM FileSys.SCSIFS.SCSIFS FileSys SCSIFS SCSIFiler ASM FileSys.ADFS.ADFSFiler FileSys SCSIFiler #SCSIFiler ASM FileSys.SCSIFS.SCSIFiler FileSys SCSIFiler CSFS C FileSys.CSFS FileSys CSFS FileSwitch ASM FileSys.FileSwitch FileSys FileSwitch ResourceFS ASM FileSys.ResourceFS.ResourceFS FileSys ResourceFS ADFSFiler ASM FileSys.ADFS.ADFSFiler FileSys ADFSFiler FileCore ASM FileSys.FileCore FileSys FileCore ADFS ASM FileSys.ADFS.ADFS FileSys ADFS IDEPodule ASM FileSys.ADFS.ADFS.Test.Tungsten.IDEPodule FileSys IDEPodule RamFS ASM FileSys.RAMFS.RAMFS FileSys RAMFS FSLock ASM FileSys.FSLock FileSys FSLock NetFS ASM FileSys.NetFS.NetFS FileSys NetFS NetFiler ASM FileSys.NetFS.NetFiler FileSys NetFiler NetPrint ASM FileSys.NetPrint FileSys NetPrint PipeFS ASM FileSys.PipeFS FileSys PipeFS RAMFSFiler ASM FileSys.RAMFS.RAMFSFiler FileSys RAMFSFiler ResourceFiler ASM FileSys.ResourceFS.ResFiler FileSys ResFiler DOSFS C FileSys.ImageFS.DOSFS FileSys DOSFS PCCardFS C FileSys.PCCardFS.PCCardFS FileSys PCCardFS PCCFiler ASM FileSys.PCCardFS.PCCFiler FileSys PCCFiler CacheFS ASM FileSys.CacheFS FileSys CacheFS FlashWrite C HWSupport.FlashWrite HWSupport FlashWrite LED C HWSupport.LED HWSupport LED FrontPanel C HWSupport.FrontPanel HWSupport FrontPanel Reset C HWSupport.Reset HWSupport Reset UARTDeviceDriver ASM HWSupport.UARTDriver HWSupport UART Standby C HWSupport.Standby HWSupport Standby CMOSReset ASM HWSupport.CMOSreset HWSupport CMOSreset NVRAM C HWSupport.NVRAM HWSupport NVRAM Chrontel C HWSupport.Chrontel HWSupport Chrontel Chrontel7003 ASM Video.HWSupport.Chron7003 HWSupport Chron7003 Podule ASM HWSupport.Podule HWSupport Podule Mouse ASM HWSupport.Mouse HWSupport Mouse Portable ASM HWSupport.Portable HWSupport Portable Portable75 ASM HWSupport.Portable75 HWSupport Portable PortableCX ASM HWSupport.Portable75 HWSupport PortableCX PortableA4 ASM HWSupport.PortableA4 HWSupport Portable PortableHAL ASM HWSupport.PortableHAL HWSupport Portable PS2Driver ASM HWSupport.PS2Driver HWSupport PS2Driver RCMMDriver C HWSupport.RCMMDriver HWSupport RCMMDriver ARM ASM HWSupport.ARM HWSupport ARM BufferManager ASM HWSupport.Buffers HWSupport Buffers DMAManager ASM HWSupport.DMA HWSupport DMA DeviceFS ASM HWSupport.DeviceFS HWSupport DeviceFS FPEmulator ASM HWSupport.FPASC.riscos HWSupport FPEmulator IIC ASM HWSupport.IIC HWSupport IIC IRQUtils2 ASM Utilities.Patches.IRQUtils2 HWSupport IRQUtils2 Joystick ASM HWSupport.Joystick HWSupport Joystick ParallelJoystick ASM HWSupport.ParaJoy HWSupport ParaJoy ParallelDeviceDriver ASM HWSupport.Parallel HWSupport Parallel RTCAdjust ASM HWSupport.RTCAdjust HWSupport RTCAdjust SerialDeviceDriver ASM HWSupport.Serial HWSupport Serial SerialDeviceSupport ASM HWSupport.SerialSpt HWSupport SerialSpt SerialMouse ASM HWSupport.SerMouse HWSupport SerMouse HWModem ASM HWSupport.Modem HWSupport Modem StringLib ASM HWSupport.Sound.Voices.StringLib HWSupport StringLib Percussion ASM HWSupport.Sound.Voices.Percussion HWSupport Percussion BatMgr ASM HWSupport.BatMgr HWSupport BatMgr SoundDMA ASM HWSupport.Sound.Sound0 HWSupport Sound0 SoundDMA_Tungsten ASM HWSupport.Sound.Sound0Trid HWSupport Sound0 SoundDMA_STB5 ASM HWSupport.Sound.Sound0CX HWSupport Sound0 SoundDMA_HAL ASM HWSupport.Sound.Sound0HAL HWSupport Sound0 SoundChannels ASM HWSupport.Sound.Sound1 HWSupport Sound1 SoundScheduler ASM HWSupport.Sound.Sound2 HWSupport Sound2 SystemDevices ASM HWSupport.SystemDevs HWSupport SystemDevs WaveSynth ASM HWSupport.Sound.Voices.WaveSynth HWSupport WaveSynth PCMCIAManager C HWSupport.PCMCIA.Manager HWSupport PCMCIA_Mgr PCMCIADriver C HWSupport.PCMCIA.Driver HWSupport PCMCIA_Drv CDFSDriver ASM HWSupport.CD.CDFSDriver HWSupport CDFSDriver ATAPI ASM HWSupport.CD.ATAPI HWSupport ATAPI MatrixKeyboard C HWSupport.Input.MatrixKey HWSupport MatrixKey TouchScreen C HWSupport.Input.TouchScreen HWSupport TouchScreen IR C HWSupport.IR HWSupport IR IRRemote C HWSupport.IRRemote HWSupport IRRemote SCSIDriver ASM HWSupport.SCSI.SCSIDriver HWSupport SCSIDriver SCSISwitch C HWSupport.SCSI.SCSISwitch HWSupport SCSIDriver SCSISoftUSB C HWSupport.SCSI.SCSISoftUSB HWSupport SCSISoftUSB SoundInput ASM HWSupport.SoundInput HWSupport SoundInput DualSerial ASM HWSupport.DualSerial HWSupport DualSerial SCTransport C HWSupport.SmartCard.SCTrans HWSupport SCTrans SCInterface C HWSupport.SmartCard.SCInter HWSupport SCInter SCDemo C HWSupport.SmartCard.SCDemo HWSupport SCDemo STBState C HWSupport.STBState HWSupport STBState PPADriverJ ASM HWSupport.PPADriverJ HWSupport PPADriverJ PortManager C HWSupport.PortMan HWSupport PortMan UnSqzAIF ASM HWSupport.UnSqzAIF HWSupport UnSqzAIF MatrixKey C HWSupport.Input.MatrixKey HWSupport MatrixKey TSDriver C HWSupport.Input.TouchScreen.Driver HWSupport TouchScreen TSCalibrate RES HWSupport.Input.TouchScreen.Calibration HWSupport PCI ASM HWSupport.PCI HWSupport PCI PowerOff ASM HWSupport.PowerOff HWSupport PowerOff USBDriver C HWSupport.USB.NetBSD.build USB USBDriver OHCIDriver C HWSupport.USB.NetBSD.build USB OHCIDriver EHCIDriver C HWSupport.USB.NetBSD.build USB EHCIDriver MUSBDriver C HWSupport.USB.Controllers.MUSBDriver USB MUSBDriver OHCIHeaders EXP HWSupport.USB.Controllers.OHCIDriver USB OHCIDriver PCIUSBDriver C HWSupport.USB.PCIUSB.PCIUSBDriver USB PCIUSBDriver PCIOHCIDriver C HWSupport.USB.PCIUSB.PCIOHCIDriver USB PCIOHCIDriver OHCIEmulator C HWSupport.USB.Controllers.OHCIEmulator USB OHCIEm PHCIDriver C HWSupport.USB.Controllers.PHCIDriver USB PHCIDriver USBKeyboard C HWSupport.USB.Drivers.USBKeyboard USB USBKeyboard USBMouse C HWSupport.USB.Drivers.USBMouse USB USBMouse USBPrinter C HWSupport.USB.Drivers.USBPrinter USB USBPrinter PrototypeUSBComb C HWSupport.USB.Prototypes.ProtoUComb USB ProtoUComb PrototypeUSBKey C HWSupport.USB.Prototypes.ProtoUKey USB ProtoUKey PrototypeUSBMouse C HWSupport.USB.Prototypes.ProtoUMouse USB ProtoUMouse PrototypeUSBHub C HWSupport.USB.ProtoUHub USB !USB Messages ASM Internat.Messages Internat Messages MessagesHigh ASM Internat.Messages Internat MessagesHI MessagesData DATA Internat.Messages Internat MessData MessageTrans ASM Internat.MsgTrans Internat MsgTrans TerritoryManager ASM Internat.Territory.Manager Internat TerrMgr UK ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat UK Italy ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Italy Spain ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Spain France ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat France Germany ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Germany Sweden ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Sweden Finland ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Finland Denmark ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Denmark Norway ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Norway Canada1 ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Canada1 Turkey ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Turkey Ireland ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Ireland Australia ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Australia Japan ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Japan USA ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat USA SAfrica ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat SAfrica China ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat China Korea ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Korea Taiwan ASM Internat.Territory.Module Internat Taiwan International ASM Internat.Inter Internat Inter InternationalKeyboard ASM Internat.IntKey Internat IntKey NCInternationalKeyboard ASM Internat.NCIntKey Internat NCIntKey ExtraResources ASM Internat.ExtraRes Internat ExtraRes InternationalIME C Internat.IME.IntIME Internat IntIME SharedRISC_OSLib C Lib.RISC_OSLib Lib RISC_OSLib SharedCLibrary C Lib.RISC_OSLib Lib CLib AtmP C Networking.ATM.AtmP Networking AtmP PlugnPlay C Networking.ATM.PlugnPlay Networking PlugnPlay BBCEconet ASM Networking.BBCEconet Networking BBCEconet CheckURL C Networking.CheckURL Networking CheckURL AcornURI C Networking.URI Networking URI DHCP C Networking.DHCP Networking DHCP TFTP C Networking.TFTP Networking TFTP DoTFTP ASM Networking.DoTFTP Networking DoTFTP TFTPserver C Networking.TFTPserver Networking TFTPserver IPConfig C Networking.IPConfig Networking IPConfig StaticIP C Networking.StaticIP Networking StaticIP SIPC C Networking.SimpleIPConf Networking SIPC Econet ASM Networking.Econet Networking Econet NetStatus ASM Networking.NetStatus Networking NetStatus NetUtils ASM Networking.NetUtils2 Networking NetUtils2 AUNMsgs ASM Networking.AUN.AUNMsgs Networking AUNMsgs MManager ASM Networking.AUN.MManager Networking MManager Internet C Networking.AUN.Internet.build Networking Internet Net C Networking.AUN.Net Networking Net NFS C Networking.NFS Networking NFS BootNet ASM Networking.AUN.BootNet Networking BootNet Freeway C Networking.AUN.Access.Freeway Networking Freeway ShareFS C Networking.AUN.Access.ShareFS.ShareFS Networking ShareFS MimeMap C Networking.MimeMap Networking MimeMap PPP C Networking.Modem.PPP Networking PPP PPPB C Networking.Modem.PPPB Networking PPP PPPCapture C Networking.Modem.PPPCapture Networking PPP CtrlsModem C Networking.Modem.CtrlsModem Networking CtrlsModem NetTime C Networking.NetTime Networking NetTime http C Networking.HTTP Networking http webftp C Networking.WebFTP Networking webftp WebGopher C Networking.WebGopher Networking WebGopher Resolver C Networking.Resolver Networking Resolver EnsureLine C Networking.Modem.EnsureLine Networking EnsureLine NCDialler C Networking.Modem.NCDialler Networking NCDialler Dialler C Networking.Modem.Dialler Networking DiallerB NCDialCtrl C Networking.Modem.NCDialCtrl Networking NCDialCtrl NCDialUI C Networking.Modem.NCDialUI Networking NCDialUI UserInactivity C Networking.Modem.UserInactv Networking UserInactivity AcornSSL C Networking.Fetchers.AcornSSL Networking AcornSSL Fetchers C Networking.Fetchers.Common Networking FileFetcher C Networking.Fetchers.File Networking File Finger C Networking.Fetchers.Finger Networking Finger FTP C Networking.Fetchers.FTP Networking FTP Gopher C Networking.Fetchers.Gopher Networking Gopher AcornHTTP C Networking.Fetchers.HTTP Networking AcornHTTP LDAP C Networking.Fetchers.LDAP Networking LDAP URL C Networking.Fetchers.URL Networking URL WhoIs C Networking.Fetchers.WhoIs Networking WhoIs GenericFetcher C Networking.Fetchers.Generic Networking Generic EtherI C Networking.Ethernet.EtherI Networking EtherI EtherN C Networking.Ethernet.EtherN Networking EtherN EtherK C Networking.Ethernet.EtherK Networking EtherK EtherS C Networking.Ethernet.EtherS Networking EtherS EtherT C Networking.Ethernet.EtherT Networking EtherT TServer C Networking.TServer Networking TServer SendMessage C Networking.Utilities.SendMsg Networking SendMessage LanManFS C Networking.Omni.Protocols.LanManFS Networking LanManFS OmniApp C Networking.Omni.Apps.Omni Networking OmniClient OSVersion ASM OSVersion RISC_OS OSVersion PrinterManager C Printing.Manager Printing Printers PrintTool C Printing.manager.util.PrintTool Printing PrintTool MakePSFont C Printing.Modules.MakePSFont Printing MakePSFont PDriverDP ASM Printing.Modules.PDModules Printing PDriverDP PDriverPS ASM Printing.Modules.PDModules Printing PDriverPS PDumperSpt ASM Printing.Modules.PDumperSpt Printing PDumperSpt RemotePrinterSupport C Printing.Modules.RemPrnSpt Printing RemPrnSpt PDumper24 ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumper24 Printing PDumper24 PDumperDM ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperDM Printing PDumperDM PDumperIW ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperIW Printing PDumperIW PDumperLJ ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperLJ Printing PDumperLJ PDumperE2 ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperE2 Printing PDumperE2 PDumperCX ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperCX Printing PDumperCX PDumperCX2 ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperCX Printing PDumperCX2 PDumperSP ASM Printing.PDumpers.PDumperSP Printing PDumperSP PDumperPCL C Printing.PDumpers.PDumperPCL Printing PDumperPCL PDumperLE C Printing.NewDumpers.PDumperLE Printing PDumperLE PDumperZ11 C Printing.NewDumpers.PDumperZ11 Printing PDumperZ11 PDumperZ12 C Printing.NewDumpers.PDumperZ12 Printing PDumperZ12 PDumperHPS C Printing.NewDumpers.PDumperHPS Printing PDumperHPS PDriver ASM Printing.Modules.PDriver Printing PDriver STBPrint C Printing.STBPrint Printing STBPrint PPrimer C Printing.PPrimer Printing PPrimer PrintEdit C Printing.PrintEdit Printing PrintEdit Cron ASM Programmer.Cron Programmer Cron CatchErr ASM Programmer.CatchErr Programmer CatchErr RTSupport C Programmer.RTSupport Programmer RTSupport DADebug ASM Programmer.DADebug Programmer DADebug DDEUtils ASM Programmer.DDEUtils Programmer DDEUtils DebugTools ASM Programmer.DebugTools Programmer DebugTools TrapError ASM Programmer.TrapError Programmer TrapError ELFLoader C Programmer.ELFLoader Programmer ELFLoader FileWatch C Programmer.FileWatch Programmer FileWatch FrontEnd C Programmer.FrontEnd Programmer FrontEnd Squash ASM Programmer.Squash Programmer Squash BASICTrans ASM Programmer.BASICTrans Programmer BASICTrans BASIC105 ASM Programmer.BASIC Programmer BASIC105 BASIC64 ASM Programmer.BASIC Programmer BASIC64 Debugger ASM Programmer.Debugger Programmer Debugger UniqueID C Programmer.UniqueID Programmer UniqueID Obey ASM Programmer.Obey Programmer Obey BootCommands C Programmer.BootCmds Programmer BootCmds DynamicAreas ASM Programmer.DynAreas Programmer DynAreas ShrinkWrap C Programmer.ShrinkWrap Programmer ShrinkWrap CLIProtect ASM Programmer.CLIProt Programmer CLIProt KeyWatch C Programmer.KeyWatch Programmer KeyWatch HostFS ASM Programmer.HostFS Programmer TML_HostFS HAL_HostFS ASM Programmer.HostFS Programmer HAL_HostFS PowerOn ASM Programmer.PowerOn Programmer PowerOn MemInfo C Programmer.MemInfo Programmer MemInfo STBUtils C Programmer.STBUtils Programmer STBUtils MessageQueue C Programmer.MsgQueue Programmer MsgQueue NCRegistry C Programmer.Registry.NCRegistry Programmer NCRegistry DebugButtn ASM Programmer.DebugButtn Programmer DebugButtn KeyRecorder ASM Programmer.KeyRecorder Programmer KeyRecorder IRQTest C Programmer.IRQTest Programmer IRQTest HeapUtils ASM Programmer.HeapUtils Programmer HeapUtils SysLoad C Programmer.SysLoad Programmer SysLoad WatchAbort C Programmer.WatchAbort Programmer WatchAbort WatchUserSWIs C Programmer.WatchUserSWIs Programmer WatchUserSWIs Contrast ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.Contrast SystemRes Contrast CPUSpeed ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.CPUSpeed SystemRes CPUSpeed FixSVBmip ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.FixSVBmip SystemRes FixSVBmip FixWimpPal ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.FixWimpPal SystemRes FixWimpPal FixVSync ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.FixVSync SystemRes FixVSync KillSplash RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.KillSplash SystemRes KillSplash LocaleRes RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.LocaleRes SystemRes LocaleRes MemSpeed ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.MemSpeed SystemRes MemSpeed NewEtherT RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.NewEtherT SystemRes NewEtherT NoAltBreak RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.NoAltBreak SystemRes NoAltBreak Reboot RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.Reboot SystemRes Reboot RMLoad2 RES SystemRes.STB.Utilities.RMLoad2 SystemRes RMLoad2 RMRun2 ASM SystemRes.STB.Utilities.RMRun2 SystemRes RMRun2 PatchApp C SystemRes.Patch SystemRes PatchApp ROMpatchU C SystemRes.Patch2 SystemRes ROMpatchU Imports RES SystemRes.Imports SystemRes Imports HeroNames DATA SystemRes.HeroNames RISC_OS HeroNames PartNumber RES SystemRes.PartNumber RISC_OS PartNumber LoadWimp RES SystemRes.LoadWimp RISC_OS LoadWimp CToolsCD RES SystemRes.CToolsCD SystemRes !Instal_CC tboxlib C Toolbox.Common Toolbox Toolbox C Toolbox.Toolbox Toolbox Toolbox Window C Toolbox.Window Toolbox Window Menu C Toolbox.Menu Toolbox Menu ToolAction C Toolbox.ToolAction Toolbox ToolAction IconBar C Toolbox.IconBar Toolbox IconBar ColourDbox C Toolbox.ColourDbox Toolbox ColourDbox ColourMenu C Toolbox.ColourMenu Toolbox ColourMenu DCS_Quit C Toolbox.DCS Toolbox DCS FileInfo C Toolbox.FileInfo Toolbox FileInfo FontDbox C Toolbox.FontDbox Toolbox FontDbox FontMenu C Toolbox.FontMenu Toolbox FontMenu PrintDbox C Toolbox.PrintDbox Toolbox PrintDbox ProgInfo C Toolbox.ProgInfo Toolbox ProgInfo ResDisplay C Toolbox.ResDisplay Toolbox ResDisplay SaveAs C Toolbox.SaveAs Toolbox SaveAs Scale C Toolbox.Scale Toolbox Scale TinyStubs C Toolbox.TinyStubs Toolbox TinyStubs FileDbox C Toolbox.FileDbox Toolbox FileDbox DrawMod ASM Video.Render.Draw Video DrawMod ColourTrans ASM Video.Render.Colours Video Colours Clip ASM Video.Render.Clip Video Clip FontManager ASM Video.Render.Fonts.Manager Video Fonts Hourglass ASM Video.Render.Hourglass Video Hourglass Hourglass2 ASM Video.Render.Hourglass2 Video Hourglass ITable ASM Video.Render.Fonts.ITable Video ITable STBHourglass ASM Video.Render.STBHour Video STBHour ROMFonts ASM Video.Render.Fonts.ROMFonts Video ROMFonts ScreenBlanker ASM Video.Render.ScrBlank Video ScrBlank DrawFile C Video.Render.DrawFile Video DrawFile SpriteExtend ASM Video.Render.SprExtend Video SprExtend SpriteUtils ASM Video.Render.SpriteUtil Video SpriteUtil SuperSample ASM Video.Render.Super Video Super Interlace ASM Video.Render.Interlace Video Interlace InterLoad ASM Video.Render.Interlace.Utils.InterLoad Video InterLoad NHTwitter ASM Video.Render.NHTwitter Video NHTwitter ScreenFade C Video.Render.ScreenFade Video ScreenFade ScreenFX C Video.Render.ScreenFX Video ScreenFX DisplayManager ASM Video.UserI.Display Video Display GameModes ASM Video.UserI.GameModes2 Video GameModes2 ColourPicker C Video.UserI.Picker Video Picker ScreenModes C Video.UserI.ScrModes Video ScrModes IconHigh C Video.UserI.IconHigh Video IconHigh ScrSaver C Video.UserI.ScrSaver Video ScrSaver AcornLogo RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.AcornLogo ScrSavers AcornLogo Circles RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Circles ScrSavers Circles Pogo RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Pogo ScrSavers Pogo ScrBounce RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.ScrBounce ScrSavers ScrBounce Scrolling RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Scrolling ScrSavers Scrolling Slider RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Slider ScrSavers Slider Smear RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Smear ScrSavers Smear Swarm RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Swarm ScrSavers Swarm Snow RES ThirdParty.7thsoftware.Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Snow ThirdParty !Snow Rain RES ThirdParty.7thsoftware.Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Rain ThirdParty !Rain Random RES ThirdParty.7thsoftware.Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Random ThirdParty !Random Shred RES ThirdParty.7thsoftware.Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Shred ThirdParty !Shred DeskBall RES ThirdParty.7thsoftware.Video.UserI.ScrSavers.DeskBall ThirdParty !DeskBall AcornLogoSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.AcornLogo.Settings ScrSavers AcornLogoSetup CirclesSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Circles.Settings ScrSavers CirclesSetup ScrBounceSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.ScrBounce.Settings ScrSavers ScrBounceSetup ScrollingSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Scrolling.Settings ScrSavers ScrollingSetup SliderSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Slider.Settings ScrSavers SliderSetup SmearSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Smear.Settings ScrSavers SmearSetup SwarmSetup RES Video.UserI.ScrSavers.Swarm.Settings ScrSavers SwarmSetup ProgressUI C Video.UserI.ProgressUI Video ProgressUI ModeFiles ASM Video.UserI.ModeFiles Video ModeFiles STBSplash C Video.UserI.STBSplash Video STBSplash NVidia C Video.HWSupport.NVidia Video NVidia DENCDriver C Video.HWSupport.DENCDriver Video DENCDriver OMAPVideo C Video.HWSupport.OMAPVideo Video OMAPVideo Gadgets C Toolbox.Gadgets Toolbox TextGadget AcornPOP3 C Networking.Email.AcornPOP3.Client Networking AcornPOP3 AcornSMTP C Networking.Email.AcornSMTP.Client Networking AcornSMTP NCMail C Apps.Email.NCMail.Build Apps NCMail # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # These are the tools - they do not build ROM targets, but installable disc targets. # NOTE: The since the tool sources are in RiscOS/Tools, we need to use the parent directory # specifier to get at the correct directories. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Type Source directory (in Sources) Installation dir Module filename #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- amu C ^.Tools.Sources.amu Tools amu aoftoc C ^.Tools.Sources.aoftoc Tools aoftoc cc C ^.Tools.Sources.cc Tools cc c++ C ^.Tools.Sources.c++cmd Tools c++ cfront C ^.Tools.Sources.c++ Tools cfront cmhg C ^.Tools.Sources.cmhg Tools cmhg ddt C ^.Tools.Sources.ddt Tools ddt ddt2 C ^.Tools.Sources.ddt2 Tools ddt2 decaof C ^.Tools.Sources.decaof Tools decaof deccf C ^.Tools.Sources.deccf Tools deccf destroy C ^.Tools.Sources.destroy Tools Destroy diff C ^.Tools.Sources.diff Tools diff FileCRC C ^.Tools.Sources.FileCRC Tools FileCRC find C ^.Tools.Sources.find Tools find bison C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.bison Tools bison defmod C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.defmod Tools defmod gnudiff C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.diff Tools diff flex C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.flex Tools flex gawk C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.gawk Tools gawk egrep C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.grep Tools egrep grep C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.grep Tools grep ident C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.ident Tools ident libgnu C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.libgnu Tools libgnu readelf C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.readelf Tools readelf sed C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.sed Tools sed wc C ^.Tools.Sources.GNU.textutils Tools wc ISOForm C ^.Tools.Sources.ISOForm Tools ISOForm libfile C ^.Tools.Sources.libfile Tools libfile link C ^.Tools.Sources.link Tools link make C ^.Tools.Sources.make Tools make MkResource C ^.Tools.Sources.MkResource Tools MkResource modsqz C ^.Tools.Sources.modsqz Tools modsqz objasm C ^.Tools.Sources.objasm Tools objasm objsize C ^.Tools.Sources.objsize Tools objsize binasm C ^.Tools.Sources.ResGen Tools binasm binaof C ^.Tools.Sources.ResGen Tools binaof modgen C ^.Tools.Sources.ResGen Tools modgen ResGen C ^.Tools.Sources.ResGen Tools ResGen restool C ^.Tools.Sources.restool Tools restool ROMUnjoin C ^.Tools.Sources.ROMUnjoin Tools ROMUnjoin rpcgen C ^.Tools.Sources.rpcgen Tools rpcgen Softload2 C ^.Tools.Sources.Softload2 Tools Softload2 squeeze C ^.Tools.Sources.squeeze Tools squeeze xpand C ^.Tools.Sources.squeeze Tools xpand stripcs C ^.Tools.Sources.stripcs Tools stripcs stripdepnd C ^.Tools.Sources.stripdepnd Tools stripdepnd symedit C ^.Tools.Sources.symedit Tools symedit TarExtend C ^.Tools.Sources.TarExtend Tools TarExtend tlink C ^.Tools.Sources.tlink Tools tlink toansi C ^.Tools.Sources.toansi Tools toansi ToGPA C ^.Tools.Sources.ToGPA Tools ToGPA tokencheck C ^.Tools.Sources.tokencheck Tools tokencheck tokenise C ^.Tools.Sources.tokenise Tools Tokenise topcc C ^.Tools.Sources.topcc Tools topcc Translate C ^.Tools.Sources.Translate Tools Translate unmodsqz C ^.Tools.Sources.unmodsqz Tools unmodsqz chmod C ^.Tools.Sources.UNIX.chmod Tools chmod mkdir C ^.Tools.Sources.UNIX.mkdir Tools mkdir EraseCVS C ^.Utilities.CVSUtils.EraseCVS Tools EraseCVS DebugIt C ^.Utilities.Debugging.DebugIt.DebugIt Tools DebugIt Vector C ^.Utilities.Debugging.Vector Tools Vector Perl C ^.Utilities.Perl Tools Perl Builder C ^.Utilities.Release.builder Tools Builder BigSplit2 C ^.Utilities.Release.bigsplit2 Tools BigSplit2 crc C ^.Utilities.Release.crc32 Tools crc romlinker C ^.Utilities.Release.romlinker Tools romlinker srcbuild C ^.Utilities.Release.srcbuild Tools srcbuild WinEdit C ^.Utilities.WinEdit Tools WinEdit DummyParallel ASM ^.Utilities.DummyParallel Tools DummyParallel DummyEconet ASM ^.Utilities.DummyEconet Tools DummyEconet #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Disc build (for Desktop machines). I.e. the Universal Boot Structure and company. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Type Source directory (in Sources) Installation dir Module filename #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DesktopBoot C SystemRes.Boot SystemRes Boot BootVars C SystemRes.Boot.Source.BootVars SystemRes BootVars ClrMonitor C SystemRes.Boot.Source.ClrMonitor SystemRes ClrMonitor Do RES SystemRes.Boot SystemRes Do FreePool RES SystemRes.Boot.Source.FreePool SystemRes FreePool IfThere RES SystemRes.Boot SystemRes IfThere ROMpatch C SystemRes.Boot.Source.ROMPatch SystemRes ROMpatch # NOTE: these are AAsm at the moment (not objasm)... CDReinit ASM SystemRes.Boot.Source.CDReinit SystemRes CDReinit DPMSUtils ASM SystemRes.Boot.Source.DPMSUtils SystemRes DPMSUtils WimpUtils ASM SystemRes.Boot.Source.WimpUtils SystemRes WimpUtils # END NOTE. AREncode C Apps.AREncode Apps AREncode ARPlayer C Apps.ARPlayer Apps ARPlayer ARWork RES Apps.ARWork Apps ARWork CDPlayer C Apps.CDPlayer Apps CDPlayer ChangeFSI BAS Apps.ChangeFSI Apps ChangeFSI CloseUp BAS Apps.CloseUp Apps CloseUp Alarm BAS Apps.Alarm Apps Alarm Maestro BAS Apps.Maestro Apps Maestro MaestroFiles RES Apps.Maestro PhotoView C Apps.PhotoView Apps PhotoView SquashApp C Apps.Squash Apps Squash SciCalc BAS Apps.SciCalc Apps SciCalc Blocks BAS Apps.Diversions.Blocks Apps Blocks Clock BAS Apps.Diversions.Clock Apps Clock Diversions RES Apps.Diversions.Diversions Apps Diversions Flasher BAS Apps.Diversions.Flasher Apps Flasher MemNow BAS Apps.Diversions.MemNow Apps MemNow Meteors BAS Apps.Diversions.Meteors Apps Meteors MineHunt BAS Apps.Diversions.MineHunt Apps MineHunt Patience BAS Apps.Diversions.Patience Apps Patience Puzzle RES Apps.Diversions.Puzzle Apps Puzzle FontPrint C Printing.FontPrint Printing FontPrint T1ToFont C Printing.T1ToFont Printing T1ToFont PMonitor C Printing.Modules.PMonitor Printing PMonitor ARMovie RES SystemRes.ARMovie SystemRes ARMovie Fonts RES SystemRes.Fonts SystemRes Fonts InetRes RES SystemRes.Internet SystemRes Internet System RES SystemRes.System SystemRes System Scrap RES SystemRes.Scrap SystemRes Scrap MchConfig C SystemRes.MchConfig SystemRes MchConfig Public RES SystemRes.Public SystemRes Public InetSetup C SystemRes.InetSetup SystemRes InetSetup FontMerge C SystemRes.Configure SystemRes FontMerge ResApp RES SystemRes.ResApp SystemRes !+Resource Config2Installer C SystemRes.Configure2.Installer SystemRes Installer Config2Main C SystemRes.Configure2.Main SystemRes Main Config2PluginBoot C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.Boot SystemRes Boot Config2PluginBootxxxx C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.Bootxxxx SystemRes Bootxxxx Config2PluginDiscSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.DiscSetup SystemRes DiscSetup Config2PluginFilrSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.FilrSetup SystemRes FilrSetup Config2PluginFontSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.FontSetup SystemRes FontSetup Config2PluginHelpSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.HelpSetup SystemRes HelpSetup Config2PluginKbdSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.KbdSetup SystemRes KbdSetup Config2PluginLockSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.LockSetup SystemRes LockSetup Config2PluginMousSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.MousSetup SystemRes MousSetup Config2PluginPinSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.PinSetup SystemRes PinSetup Config2PluginScrnSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.ScrnSetup SystemRes ScrnSetup Config2PluginSndSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.SndSetup SystemRes SndSetup Config2PluginSndSetupVIDC C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.SndSetupVIDC SystemRes SndSetup Config2PluginWindSetup C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.WindSetup SystemRes WindSetup Config2PluginxxxxMerge C SystemRes.Configure2.PlugIns.xxxxMerge SystemRes xxxxMerge Calibrate RES Utilities.Calibrate Utilities Calibrate HForm BAS Utilities.HForm Utilities HForm SaveCMOS RES Utilities.SaveCMOS Utilities SaveCMOS ShowScrap RES Utilities.ShowScrap Utilities ShowScrap Verify RES Utilities.Verify Utilities Verify AppSlot ASM Utilities.BootUtils Utilities AppSlot AddToRMA ASM Utilities.BootUtils Utilities AddToRMA ShrinkRMA ASM Utilities.BootUtils Utilities ShrinkRMA CallASWI ASM Utilities.Patches.CallASWI Utilities CallASWI PatchesANSILib RES Utilities.Patches.ansilib Utilities ansilib PatchesPatch C Utilities.Patches.Patch Utilities Patch PatchesPDiff C Utilities.Patches.PDiff Utilities PDiff PatchesSCSIDM RES Utilities.Patches.SCSIDM Utilities SCSIDM PatchesSparkFS RES Utilities.Patches.SparkFS Utilities SparkFS PatchesSSound RES Utilities.Patches.SSound Utilities SSound PatchesTCPIP RES Utilities.Patches.TCP/IP Utilities Protocols #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Autobuild process. This is stuff which needs to be performed in addition to a normal build when # building as an autobuild process. In normal builds, it should perform no action. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Type Source directory (in Sources) Installation dir Module filename #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autobuild RES ^.Utilities.Autobuild.Autobuild Autobuild Autobuild ABRelease RES ^.Utilities.Autobuild.ABRelease Autobuild ABRelease #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # NOTE: These are the ancilliary parts of the build tree, we need to use the parent directory # specifier to get at the correct directories. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Component Type Source directory (in Sources) Installation dir Module filename #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BuildApps BBE ^.Apps BuildSystem BBE ^.BuildSys BuildEnvironment BBE ^.Env BuildExport BBE ^.Export BuildInstall BBE ^.Install BuildTools BBE ^.Library BuildModules BBE ^.Modules