; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > GetAll

        GET     Hdr:ListOpts
        GET     Hdr:Macros
        GET     Hdr:System
        GET     Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
        GET     Hdr:ImageSize.<ImageSize>

; amg 7/12/96 Renaissance
; Forcibly ensure that options only intended for one class of platform
; stay there. Generally this involves combining switches with the STB
; switch. The exception is processor architectural stuff. 7500FE is
; included always, and StrongARM has an independed switch.
; When you want to migrate features from one platform to another you'll
; find that every occurence of feature switches has been qualified with
; the appropriate sense of the STB switch. This is to remind you to think
; about what you're about to do! Check whether the code actually will work
; at all on something that is or is not a STB class product.
; Using the STB switch this aggressively also help ensure that there's
; no unexpected code crossover in the initial merge.

; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; now the conditional flags for the version we want
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                GBLL    CacheOff
CacheOff        SETL    {TRUE}

; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; essential global variables
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                GET   Version
                GBLS  VersionNo
                [ Module_MinorVersion = ""
VersionNo       SETS  "$VString ($Date)"
VersionNo       SETS  "$VString ($Date) $Module_MinorVersion"

; SystemName moved to Machine.* header files.

                GBLS  MosTitle
MosTitle        SETS  "$SystemName $VersionNo"

                GBLL  AddTubeBashers
AddTubeBashers  SETL  {FALSE}

Tube_Normal     *       1
Tube_Simulator  *       2

                GBLA    TubeType
TubeType        SETA    Tube_Simulator

UserMemStart    * &8000

                GBLL  ExceptionsAreErrors
ExceptionsAreErrors SETL  1=1

AssemblingArthur SETL  {TRUE}
; defined in hdr.system to allow conditionals in macros

                GBLL    DoingVdu
DoingVdu        SETL    {FALSE}         ; so can get KeyWS!
                GBLL    Module
Module          SETL    {FALSE}

                GBLL    IncludeTestSrc  ; whether test code is included
IncludeTestSrc  SETL    :LNOT: HAL

;RISC OS 3.71 onwards assumed bus timings - if true, then ROM speeds atc are assumed according to IOMD ID regs. as follows:
;     if IOMD (Risc PC)     ROM ticks 5-3 (assumed bus 32 MHz)
;     if 7500 (A7000)       ROM ticks 5-3 (assumed bus 32 MHz), all clocks divide-by-1
;     if 7500FE (A7000+)    ROM ticks 5-3,half speed (asssumed bus 64 MHz), EDO memory, divide-by-2 I/O, divide-by-1 CPU and memory
                GBLL    RO371Timings
RO371Timings    SETL    :LNOT: STB

; For development on Customer M hardware only
                GBLL    ParallelFlashUpgrade
ParallelFlashUpgrade SETL {FALSE}

;whether we support running on the (Risc PC) emulator
                GBLL    EmulatorSupport
EmulatorSupport SETL    {TRUE}

  [ :LNOT: RO371Timings

                GBLL    NormalSpeedROMS
 [ STB
NormalSpeedROMS SETL    {TRUE}           ;use FALSE for slow EPROMS
NormalSpeedROMS SETL    {FALSE}          ;use FALSE for slow EPROMS

                GBLL    AutoSpeedROMS

                GBLL    RISCPCBurstMode
;>>>RCM says if the FRM approves the use of burst mode ROMS for
;>>>RISC PC (no reason why it shouldn't) all references to RISCPCBurstMode
;>>>could be replaced by NormalSpeedROMS

  ] ; :LNOT:RO371Timings

                GBLL    DoInitialiseMode
DoInitialiseMode SETL   {TRUE} :LAND: STB

 [ STB
                GBLL    Select16BitSound        ; STBs and pre-IOMD systems don't have this link
Select16BitSound SETL   {FALSE}
                GBLL    Select16BitSound
Select16BitSound SETL   {TRUE}
                GBLL    Japanese16BitSound
Japanese16BitSound SETL {TRUE} :LAND: STB

                  GBLL   ChopOffTheGoolies
ChopOffTheGoolies SETL  {FALSE}

                GBLL   ChecksumCMOS
ChecksumCMOS    SETL  {TRUE}

                GBLL    ResetIndirected ; new flag to say if instruction at start of ROM does LDR PC, [PC, #x]
ResetIndirected SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    SqueezeMods     ; whether squeezed modules are allowed
SqueezeMods     SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    International   ; whether text and error messages come from  messaeges file.
International   SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    CacheCommonErrors       ; whether common internationalised errors are cached in sysheap
CacheCommonErrors       SETL    International :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    MouseBufferManager      ; Whether mouse uses buffer manager
MouseBufferManager      SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    IrqsInClaimRelease      ; Whether OS_Claim/Release restore IRQ's before releasing heap node
IrqsInClaimRelease      SETL  {TRUE}

                GBLL    TickIrqReenter          ; Whether TickEventChain processing re-enables IRQ's
TickIrqReenter  SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    SoftResets              ; If false, always force a hard reset
SoftResets      SETL    {FALSE}

                GBLL    AlwaysClearRAM          ; If true, clear RAM on every break/reset
AlwaysClearRAM  SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    CacheCMOSRAM            ; Whether to keep a RAM copy of CMOS RAM for faster access
CacheCMOSRAM    SETL    MEMM_Type = "ARM600"    ; (Space only allocated on ARM600 versions)

                GBLL    LCDInvert
LCDInvert       SETL    (VIDC_Type = "VIDC20") :LAND: {TRUE} :LAND: :LNOT: STB

                GBLL    ExpandedCamMap          ; two words per entry instead of one
ExpandedCamMap  SETL    MEMM_Type = "ARM600"    ; NB ARM600 code assumes expanded map

                GBLL    UseFreePool             ; whether OS_ChangeDynamicArea puts and gets memory to and from free pool
UseFreePool     SETL    MEMM_Type = "ARM600" :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    NewCDA                  ; new change dynamic area code
NewCDA          SETL    MEMM_Type = "ARM600" :LAND: {TRUE}    ; let's give it a try!

                GBLL    ModeSelectors           ; whether mode selectors are understood
ModeSelectors   SETL    (VIDC_Type = "VIDC20") :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    MakeModeSelectorsForModeNumbers
MakeModeSelectorsForModeNumbers SETL    ModeSelectors :LAND: {FALSE}    ; not actually needed after all

                GBLL    IgnoreVRAM              ; if true, don't add VRAM to the RAM list (+ don't use for screen)
IgnoreVRAM      SETL    {FALSE}

                GBLL    LateAborts              ; if true, use late abort mode on ARM600 (compulsory on ARM700)
LateAborts      SETL    MEMM_Type = "ARM600" :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    ShrinkableDAs           ; if true, support Shrinkable Dynamic Areas (eg. CacheFS)
ShrinkableDAs   SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    ShadowROM               ; if true, the ROM is mirrored above
ShadowROM       SETL    {FALSE}                 ; &FF800000

                GBLL    Interruptible32bitModes
Interruptible32bitModes SETL {TRUE}             ;if true, limited 32-bit mode code support (interrupt handler does not assume
                                                ; 26-bit foreground), also allows faster, 32-bit APCS version of FPEmulator

                GBLL    OnlyKernelCanAccessHardwareVectors
OnlyKernelCanAccessHardwareVectors SETL {TRUE}  ; if true, only the Kernel is permitted to write to the hardware vectors
                                                ; while in 26-bit mode. If false, the whole ROM can (including BASIC
                                                ; and the Shared C Library - eg any memcpy!)

                GBLL    StrongARM
                GBLL    SAcleanflushbroken      ;whether StrongARM single MCR for DC clean+flush broken (is always for SA110)
                GBLL    SASTMhatbroken          ;whether ROM must support SA110's with broken STM^ (revision 3 should fix this)
                GBLL    StrongARM_POST          ;whether to run POST for StrongARM (and possibly ARM8)

                GBLL    ARM810support           ;StrongARM must also be true for this to be useful
                GBLL    ARM810cleanflushbroken  ;whether single MCR for IDC clean+flush broken (a la StrongARM!)
                GBLL    ARM810fastclock         ;whether to attempt to use fast clock (false means bus clock)
                GBLL    ARM810usePLL            ;whether to use PLL for fast clock (else RefClk pin)
                GBLL    ARM810_POST             ;whether to run POST for ARM810 (StrongARM_POST must also be true)

                GBLL    ARM6support

StrongARM          SETL {TRUE}
SAcleanflushbroken SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: StrongARM
SASTMhatbroken         SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: StrongARM
StrongARM_POST         SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: StrongARM

ARM810support          SETL {FALSE} :LAND: StrongARM
ARM810cleanflushbroken SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: ARM810support
ARM810fastclock        SETL {FALSE} :LAND: ARM810support
ARM810usePLL           SETL {TRUE}  :LAND: ARM810fastclock
ARM810_POST            SETL {FALSE} :LAND: ARM810support

ARM6support            SETL {TRUE}

                ;Chocolate flavours implemented for Ursula, but they are generally useful performance enhancements
                ;(not all Ursula performance improvements are flagged with Chocolate - eg. simple changes such as slicker SWI
                ;despatch and wider SWI hashing)
                ;any ARM
                GBLL    ChocolateSysHeap        ;whether to save cost of SysHeap block claim/release for common cases (eg. callback blocks)
                                                ;also reduces SysHeap stress by using fewer blocks in total
                GBLL    ChocolateOSMod          ;whether to reduce SysHeap stress in module handling
                GBLL    ChocolateSysVars        ;whether to do performance improvements in system variable handling
                GBLL    ChocolateOscli          ;whether to do performance improvements in Oscli command stuff
                GBLL    ChocolateService        ;whether to implement fast module service call distribution (uses table introduced
                                                ;into module format by Ursula API

ChocolateSysHeap       SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateOSMod         SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateSysVars       SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateOscli         SETL {TRUE}
ChocolateService       SETL {TRUE}
  [ ChocolateSysHeap
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateCBBlocks  ;max quick CallBack blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateSVBlocks  ;max quick Software Vector blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateTKBlocks  ;max quick Ticker blocks available at any one time (else ordinary heap nodes used)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMRBlocks  ;max module ROM blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used (reduces total no. nodes in SysHeap)
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMABlocks  ;max module Active blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used
                       GBLA  MaxChocolateMSBlocks  ;max module SWI Hash blocks before ordinary heap nodes are used
MaxChocolateCBBlocks   SETA   32
MaxChocolateSVBlocks   SETA  128
MaxChocolateTKBlocks   SETA   32
MaxChocolateMRBlocks   SETA  150
MaxChocolateMABlocks   SETA  150
MaxChocolateMSBlocks   SETA  150

                          GBLL    Oscli_QuickAliases
                          GBLL    Oscli_HashedCommands
Oscli_QuickAliases        SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOscli   ;try to do a better job of checking for aliases
Oscli_HashedCommands      SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOscli   ;try to do a better job of finding commands

                GBLL    VCOstartfix              ;code in early kernel to fix VCO start problem on A7000 (esp. 7500FE)
VCOstartfix     SETL    {TRUE}

                     GBLL    mjsServiceTrace          ;for statistics gathering on service calls only
mjsServiceTrace      SETL    {FALSE}
                     GBLL    mjsSysHeapNodesTrace     ;for statistics gathering on some SysHeap nodes only
mjsSysHeapNodesTrace SETL    {FALSE}

                GBLL    NoSPSRcorruption              ;set to true if IRQ dispatcher
NoSPSRcorruption SETL   {FALSE}                       ;preserves SPSR_SVC

 [ StrongARM
 ! 0," ______________________________________________________"
 ! 0,"|                                                      |"
 ! 0,"| Building a StrongARM capable kernel for this machine |"
 ! 0,"|______________________________________________________|"

                GBLL    CheckProtectionLink     ; if true, disallow CMOS RAM changes if link in protected position
CheckProtectionLink SETL (IO_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {TRUE}       ; NB affects Delete/Copy/R/T and 0-9/.

                GBLL    RMTidyDoesNowt          ; if true, RMTidy does nothing
RMTidyDoesNowt  SETL    (MEMC_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {TRUE} ; should really be "machine has FSLock in ROM"

                GBLL    RogerEXEY               ; if true, use Roger's new algorithm for XEigFactor, YEigFactor
RogerEXEY       SETL    {FALSE}                 ; Marketing don't like it!

                GBLL    DAF_SpecifyBit          ; enable use of dynamic area flag which says an area may need specific pages
DAF_SpecifyBit  SETL    {TRUE}

                GBLL    DebugROMInit
DebugROMInit    SETL    (MEMC_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    DebugROMPostInit ; Displays when the PostInit service call is sent to each ROM module (currently works on vanilla service call handling only)
DebugROMPostInit SETL    (MEMC_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: :LNOT: ChocolateService :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    DebugROMErrors
DebugROMErrors  SETL    (MEMC_Type = "IOMD") :LAND: {TRUE}

                GBLL    DebugHeaps              ; initialise claimed and freed blocks
DebugHeaps      SETL    {FALSE}                 ; (may slow things down unacceptably)

; ChangeDynamicArea and related options

        GBLL    DebugCDA

        GBLL    DebugCDA2

        GBLL    NewCDA2                 ; whether all the new CDA code is in there

        GBLL    NewStyle_RMA            ; whether RMA is a new style area

        GBLL    NewStyle_SpriteArea     ; whether sprite area is a new style area
NewStyle_SpriteArea     SETL    NewCDA :LAND: {TRUE}

        GBLL    NewStyle_RAMDisc        ; whether RAM disc is a new style area
NewStyle_RAMDisc        SETL    NewCDA :LAND: {TRUE}

        GBLL    NewStyle_FontArea       ; whether font cache is a new style area
NewStyle_FontArea       SETL    NewCDA :LAND: {TRUE}

        GBLL    NewStyle_SysHeap        ; whether system heap is a new style area (node faked up)
NewStyle_SysHeap        SETL    NewCDA :LAND: {TRUE}

        GBLL    NewStyle_Screen         ; whether screen is a new style area
NewStyle_Screen         SETL    NewCDA :LAND: {TRUE}

        GBLL    NewStyle_All            ; whether all old-style areas have been converted to new-style
NewStyle_All    SETL    NewStyle_RMA :LAND: NewStyle_SpriteArea :LAND: NewStyle_RAMDisc :LAND: NewStyle_FontArea :LAND: NewStyle_SysHeap :LAND: NewStyle_Screen

                GBLL    StorkPowerSave  ;True => power saving for Stork AND A4
StorkPowerSave  SETL    MorrisSupport   ;False=> older A4 code only

                GBLL    LCDSupport      ;Whether LCD Support is assembled in or not
LCDSupport      SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: :LNOT: STB
                                        ;(First intro'd for Stork)

                GBLL    FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI   ; whether R9 corruption by ExtensionSWI handler is fixed
FixR9CorruptionInExtensionSWI   SETL    {FALSE}         ; currently FALSE as CC's !SpellMod (possibly others) rely on it being broken

                GBLL    InterlacedPointer
InterlacedPointer SETL {TRUE} :LAND: STB                ; enable code to do proper interlaced pointer

                GBLL    ValidateCMOS            ; Apply special CMOS-corruption detection code, and do minimal default settings.
ValidateCMOS    SETL    {TRUE} :LAND: STB

              [ DebugHeaps
                ! 0, "*** WARNING *** Heap debugging assembled in"

                GBLS    GetMessages
              [ International
GetMessages     SETS    "GET s.MsgCode"
GetMessages     SETS    ""

                GBLL    DebugForcedReset        ; debug forced hard resets
DebugForcedReset SETL   {FALSE}

                GBLA    ConfiguredLang
ConfiguredLang  SETA    10                      ; default configured language

                GBLA    FirstUnpluggableModule
FirstUnpluggableModule SETA 8                   ; Podule, FileSwitch, ResourceFS, Messages, MessageTrans,
                                                ; TerritoryManager, UKTerritory

 [ DebugForcedReset
Reset_CannotResetFlag           * 1
Reset_SysHeapCorrupt            * 2
Reset_WrongCamMapAddress        * 3
Reset_WrongNumberOfPages        * 4
Reset_CamMapCorrupt             * 5
Reset_VectorChainCorrupt        * 6
Reset_TickNodesCorrupt          * 7
Reset_DeviceVectorCorrupt       * 8
Reset_PoduleOrCallBackCorrupt   * 9

; Flags for RISC OS Blue changes
                        GBLL    AssembleKEYV
AssembleKEYV            SETL    {TRUE}          ; Use KEYV.
                        GBLL    AssemblePointerV
AssemblePointerV        SETL    {TRUE}          ; Use PointerV.
                        GBLL    PollMouse
PollMouse               SETL    {FALSE}         ; Poll mouse.

                        GBLL    ProcessorVectors
ProcessorVectors        SETL    {TRUE}          ; Processor vectors indirected through 0 page.

                    GBLS  GetUnsqueeze
 [ SqueezeMods
GetUnsqueeze        SETS  "GET s.Unsqueeze"
GetUnsqueeze        SETS  ""
                    GBLS  GetFlashROM
 [ ParallelFlashUpgrade
GetFlashROM         SETS  "GET s.FlashROM"
GetFlashROM         SETS  ""
                    GBLS  GetKernelMEMC
                    GBLS  GetPalette
                    GBLS  GetMemInfo
                    GBLS  GetHAL
GetKernelMEMC       SETS  "GET s.ARM600"
GetMemInfo          SETS  "GET s.MemInfo"

GetPalette          SETS  "GET s.vdu.vdupalxx"
 [ HAL
GetHAL              SETS  "GET s.HAL"
GetHAL              SETS   ""

                    GBLS  GetKbdDrA1
 [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
GetKbdDrA1          SETS  "GET s.PMF.KbdDrA1"
GetKbdDrA1          SETS  ""

                    GBLS  GetKbdRes
 [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
GetKbdRes           SETS  "GET s.KbdResA1"
GetKbdRes           SETS  "GET s.KbdRes" :CC: Keyboard_Type

; control switches for med_00001 (the flood fill routines 1024 line limit).
; Switches have the following effects:
; _userma     Will use rma if >48K is free, up to a maximum of 128K. It will
;             try to acheive the latter by growing the rma if possible.
; _twowords   Use two word entries in the queue. This overcomes the limitation
;             of the original packed word format.
; _debug      Store the queue start, end and 'amount to change the rma dynamic
;             area by' in the first three words of OldIRQ1VSpace

                    GBLL  med_00001_userma
                    GBLL  med_00001_twowords
                    GBLL  med_00001_debug

med_00001_userma    SETL  {TRUE}
med_00001_twowords  SETL  {TRUE}
;med_00001_debug     SETL  {TRUE}

;med_00001_userma    SETL  {FALSE}
;med_00001_twowords  SETL  {FALSE}
med_00001_debug     SETL  {FALSE}

 [ med_00001_userma
smallest_rma_size   * (48*1024)                  ; define the low threshold for rma use
largest_rma_size    * (128*1024)                 ; and the ceiling for rma use

 [ med_00001_debug
 ! 0,""
 ! 0,",-----------------------------------------------------------------,"
 ! 0,"| **** WARNING ****                                               |"
 ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
 ! 0,"| Audit trail debugging for MED-00001 is enabled. This reuses the |"
 ! 0,"| first three words of OldIRQ1Vspace. This should be turned off   |"
 ! 0,"| once MED-00001 has been tested and marked 'fixed'.              |"
 ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
 ! 0,"| Usage:                                                          |"
 ! 0,"|   +0   start of area used by flood fill                         |"
 ! 0,"|   +4   end+1 of area used by flood fill                         |"
 ! 0,"|   +8   amount the rma was grown by                              |"
 ! 0,"'-----------------------------------------------------------------'"
 ! 0,""

; Ickle macros. We want to be able to turn IRQs on and off fast in the
; code in various places. To do this easily, have a name for the
; SVC26/32 mode we run in.

 [ No26bitCode
USR2632 * USR32_mode
SVC2632 * SVC32_mode
USR2632 * USR26_mode
SVC2632 * SVC26_mode

MaxSwi  * OS_NVMemory+1

; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; now get the headers
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        GET     Hdr:CMOS
        GET     Hdr:Heap
        GET     Hdr:PublicWS
        GET     Hdr:KernelWS
        GET     Hdr:HALEntries
        GET     Hdr:OSEntries
        GET     Hdr:Services
        GET     Hdr:FSNumbers
        GET     Hdr:HighFSI
        GET     Hdr:NewErrors
        GET     Hdr:Proc
        GET     Hdr:Sprite
        GET     Hdr:KeyWS
        GET     Hdr:RS423
        GET     Hdr:ModHand
        GET     Hdr:Variables
        GET     Hdr:EnvNumbers
        GET     Hdr:UpCall
        GET     Hdr:Sound
        GET     Hdr:Pointer
        GET     Hdr:Podule
        GET     Hdr:VduExt
;        GET     Hdr:Fox
        GET     Hdr:Buffer
        GET     Hdr:Font
        GET     Hdr:DevNos
;        GET     Hdr:IOEB
        GET     Hdr:Territory
        GET     Hdr:Portable
        GET     Hdr:MsgTrans
        GET     Hdr:PaletteV
        GET     Hdr:Wimp
        GET     Hdr:ColourTran
        GET     Hdr:Debug
        GET	Hdr:nvram
        GET     Hdr:PortMan
        GET     s.PMF.DEF          ; Common with 6502 code in the keyboard

; now the main parts of the MOS

        GET     s.Copro15ops ; some macros

        GET     s.Kernel
        GET     s.NewIRQs
        GET     s.Oscli
        GET     s.SysComms
        GET     s.HeapMan
        GET     s.ModHand
        GET     s.ArthurSWIs
        GET     s.ChangeDyn
        GET     s.Arthur2
        GET     s.LibKern
        GET     s.Utility
        GET     s.MoreComms
        GET     s.Convrsions
        GET     s.MoreSWIs
        GET     s.ExtraSWIs
        GET     s.HeapSort
        GET     s.Arthur3
        GET     s.SWINaming
        GET     s.TickEvents
        GET     s.NewReset
        GET     s.Middle
        GET     s.Super1
        ! 0, "Main kernel size = &" :CC: :STR: (.-KernelBase)
        GET     s.vdu.vduhint
        GET     s.vdu.VduDriver
        GET     s.vdu.VduSWIs
        GET     s.vdu.VduPalette
        GET     s.vdu.VduPlot
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafA
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafB
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafC
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafD
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafE
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafF
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafG
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafH
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafI
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafJ
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafK
        GET     s.vdu.VduGrafL
        GET     s.vdu.VduWrch
        GET     s.vdu.Vdu23
        GET     s.vdu.VduPointer
        GET     s.vdu.Vdu5
        GET     s.vdu.VduCurSoft
        GET     s.vdu.VduTTX

        GBLS    GiveMeBfontAnyDay
        [ BleedinDaveBell
GiveMeBfontAnyDay SETS "GET s.vdu.VduFontL1"
GiveMeBfontAnyDay SETS "GET s.vdu.VduFont"


        ! 0, "Vdu drivers size = &" :CC: :STR: (.-StartOfVduDriver)

        GET     s.PMF.osinit
        GET     s.PMF.oseven
        GET     s.PMF.osbyte
        GET     s.PMF.osword
        GET     s.PMF.realtime
        GET     s.PMF.convdate
        GET     s.PMF.i2cutils
        GET     s.PMF.oswrch
        GET     s.PMF.buffer
        GET     s.PMF.key
        GET     s.PMF.mouse

        ! 0, "PMF section size = &" :CC: :STR: (EndOfPMF - StartOfPMF)

 [ {FALSE}
        ALIGN   4096                    ;align to 4k page boundary, for easy ROMpatch

        GET     s.AMBControl.AMB

        &       0                       ; for patching by BigSplit et al

        ! 0, "AMB section size = &" :CC: :STR: (EndOfAMB - StartOfAMB)

 [ med_00001_debug
 ! 0,""
 ! 0,",-----------------------------------------------------------------,"
 ! 0,"| **** WARNING ****                                               |"
 ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
 ! 0,"| Audit trail debugging for MED-00001 is enabled. This reuses the |"
 ! 0,"| first three words of OldIRQ1Vspace. This should be turned off   |"
 ! 0,"| once MED-00001 has been tested and marked 'fixed'.              |"
 ! 0,"|                                                                 |"
 ! 0,"| Usage:                                                          |"
 ! 0,"|   +0   start of area used by flood fill                         |"
 ! 0,"|   +4   end+1 of area used by flood fill                         |"
 ! 0,"|   +8   amount the rma was grown by                              |"
 ! 0,"'-----------------------------------------------------------------'"
 ! 0,""
