# Makefile for the Build System Binary Build Environment # # $Id$ # include Makefiles:StdTools BBETYPE = buildsys # override definition of PERL for the time being - the FilterComp2 command line is too long for argument passing via the do command PERL = perl bbe-buildsys: bbe-generic-resources-get-alias BBE_Export_Dir ImageName ${RM} ${BBEDIR}.ImageName.Version BBE_Export_Dir perl BBE_Export_Dir Makefiles ${RM} ${BBEDIR}.Makefiles.BBEExport ${MKDIR} ${BBEDIR}.Components BBE_Export_File VersionNum ifeq (${COMPONENTFILE2},) ${FILTERCOMP} Components.${COMPONENTFILE} ModuleDB ${BBEDIR}.Components.${COMPONENTFILE} ${BBEDIR}.ModuleDB else ${FILTERCOMP2} Components.${COMPONENTFILE} Components.${COMPONENTFILE2} ModuleDB ${BBEDIR}.Components.${COMPONENTFILE} ${BBEDIR}.Components.${COMPONENTFILE2} ${BBEDIR}.ModuleDB endif