• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Assemble the later ARMv8 AArch32 opcodes · 4e05249d
    Robert Sprowson authored
    ARM have added SETPAN, ESB, TSB, CSDB, PSSBB, SSBB since the earlier ARM ARM that BASIC covered. Add these.
    Raise the limit of 16 on the table that decodes 'pure' 3 character opcodes (+condition) in CASMTB2 since the offset into the jump table can be inferred from the offset into the opcode table (both are 1 word/entry), so removing the 4 bit limit. Move SMC/SMI/SVC into CASMTB2.
    Help updated in CmdHelp.
    Version 1.77. Tagged as 'BASIC-1_77'
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