/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* scanf.c: ANSI draft (X3J11 Oct 86) part of section 4.9 code */
/* Copyright (C) Codemist Ltd., 1988                           */

/* version 4a */
/* BEWARE: there are quite a few ambiguities/oddities in the Oct 86 ANSI   */
/* draft definition of scanf().                                            */
/* Memo: consider using ftell() (or rather fgetpos() for big file worries) */
/* one day instead of charcount below.  See also 'countgetc()'.            */
/* Memo 2: the code below always reads one char beyond the end of the      */
/* item to be converted.  The exception is '%c' (q.v.).                    */
/* The last char is then __backspace()'d.  This is done so avoid using up  */
/* the 1 char ungetc() guaranteed at all other times.                      */

#define __system_io 1    /* makes stdio.h declare more */
/* sscanf wants to know about the system part of the FILE descriptor */

#include "hostsys.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include <stdio.h>       /* we define scanf for this        */
#include <stdlib.h>      /* and strtol/strtoul etc for this */
#include <inttypes.h>    /* and strtoimax/strtoumax for this */
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <fenv.h>

/* HIDDEN IMPORT from stdio.c */
extern int __backspace(FILE *stream);  /* a strict R-inverse of getc() */

#define NOSTORE      01
#define LONG         02
#define SHORT        04
#define FIELDGIVEN  010
#define LONGDOUBLE  020
#define ALLOWSIGN   040    /* + or - acceptable to rd_int  */
#define DOTSEEN    0100    /* internal to rd_real */
#define NEGEXP     0200    /* internal to rd_real */
#define NUMOK      0400    /* ditto + rd_int */
#define NUMNEG    01000    /* ditto + rd_int */
#define CHAR      02000
#define LONGLONG  04000

#define countgetc(p) (charcount++, getc(p))

/* The next macros, with the help of the compiler, ensures that we can */
/* test for LONG and SHORT properly, but not general extra code.       */
#define isLONGLONG_(flag) ((flag) & LONGLONG)
#define isLONG_(flag) ((flag) & LONG && sizeof(int) != sizeof(long))
#define isSHORT_(flag) ((flag) & SHORT)
#define isCHAR_(flag) ((flag) & CHAR)
#define isLONGDOUBLE_(flag) \
    ((flag) & LONGDOUBLE && sizeof(double) != sizeof(long double))

#define CVTEOF     (-1)   /* used for eof return (!= any number of chars)   */
#define CVTFAIL    (-2)   /* used for error return (!= any number of chars) */

#define scanf_intofdigit(c) ((c) - '0')

static int ch_val(int ch, int radix)
    int val;
    /* Memo: beware that ANSI currently say a-z act as 10-35 for strtol() */
    /* etc.  The test below is isalpha() etc.  This means that this test  */
    /* may not work in a non-C locale where isalpha('{') may be true      */
    /* (e.g. Swedish ASCII).                                              */
    if ('A' == 193)  /* ebcdic */
        val = (isdigit(ch) ? (ch) - '0' :
               isalpha(ch) ? (ch |= 0x40,         /* quick ebcdic toupper */
                   ch <= 'I' ? ch - 'A' + 10 :
                   ch <= 'R' ? ch - 'J' + 19 :
                               ch - 'S' + 28) :
        val = (isdigit(ch) ? (ch) - '0' :
               islower(ch) ? (ch) - 'a' + 10 :
               isupper(ch) ? (ch) - 'A' + 10 :
    return (val < radix ? val : -1);

static long int rd_int(FILE *p, va_list res, int flag, int radix, int field)
{   long int charcount = -1;                   /* allow for always ungetc */
    unsigned long long int n = 0;
    int ch;
    while (isspace(ch = countgetc(p)));        /* leading whitespace */
    if (ch == EOF) return CVTEOF;
    flag &= ~(NUMOK+NUMNEG);
    if (field > 0 && flag & ALLOWSIGN) switch (ch)
case '-':   flag |= NUMNEG;
case '+':   ch = countgetc(p);
    if (field > 0 && ch=='0')
    {   flag |= NUMOK, field--;  /* starts with 0 - maybe octal or hex mode */
        ch = countgetc(p);
        if (field > 0 && (ch=='x' || ch=='X') && (radix==0 || radix==16))
        {   flag &= ~NUMOK, field--;
            ch = countgetc(p);
            radix = 16;
        else if (radix == 0) radix = 8;
    if (radix == 0) radix = 10;
    {   int digit;
        while (field > 0 && (digit = ch_val(ch, radix)) >= 0)
        {   flag |= NUMOK, field--;
            n = n*radix + digit;
            ch = countgetc(p);
    if (!(flag & NUMOK)) return CVTFAIL;
    if (!(flag & NOSTORE))
    { /* This code is pretty specious on a 2's complement machine         */
      if (flag & ALLOWSIGN)
      { long long m = flag & NUMNEG ? -n : n;
        int *p = va_arg(res, int *);  /* rely on sizeof(int*)=sizeof(short*) */
        if isCHAR_(flag) *(signed char *)p = (signed char)m;
        else if isSHORT_(flag) *(short *)p = (short)m;
        else if isLONG_(flag) *(long *)p = (long)m;
        else if isLONGLONG_(flag) *(long long *)p = m;
        else *(int *)p = (int)m;
      else  /* pointer case comes here too - with quite some type pun!  */
      { unsigned int *p = va_arg(res, unsigned int *);
            /* rely on sizeof(unsigned int *)==sizeof(unsigned short *) */
        if isCHAR_(flag) *(unsigned char *)p = (unsigned char)n;
        else if isSHORT_(flag) *(unsigned short *)p = (unsigned short)n;
        else if isLONG_(flag) *(unsigned long *)p = (unsigned long)n;
        else if isLONGLONG_(flag) *(unsigned long long *)p = n;
        else *(unsigned int *)p = (unsigned int)n;
    return charcount;


static float carefully_narrow(double l)
/* All the trouble I went to to detect potential overflow has to be re-  */
/* done here so that underflow and overflow do not occur during the      */
/* narrowing operation that is about to be done.                         */
    fenv_t env;
    float f;
    f = (float) l;
    if (fetestexcept(FE_UNDERFLOW|FE_OVERFLOW))
        errno = ERANGE;
    return f;

/* Do the conversion work from hex to a double/float.
 * a[] is up to 19 hex digits, fed in at the bottom.
 * x is the exponent so far. Assumes non-zero input.
static double cvthex(unsigned *a, int x, int flag)
    unsigned round, sticky;
    unsigned msb, lsw;
    int minx, maxx;

    /* Note parameters of the destination type */
    if (flag & LONG)
        msb = 0x00100000, lsw = 1, minx = -1022, maxx=1023, x += 20 + 64;
        msb = 0x00800000, lsw = 0, minx = -126, maxx=127, x += 23 + 64;

    /* Normalise the input digits */
    if (a[0]==0 && a[1]==0)
    {   a[1] = a[2];
        a[2] = 0;
        x -= 32;

    while ((a[0] & msb)==0)
    {   a[0] = (a[0]<<1) | (a[1]>>31);
        a[1] = (a[1]<<1) | (a[2]>>31);
        a[2] = a[2]<<1;
        x -= 1;

    /* Check for total underflow */
    if (x < minx - 64)
    {   errno = ERANGE;
        return 0.0;

    /* Denormalise if necessary */
    if (x < minx)
    {   do
        {   a[2] = (a[1]<<31) | (a[2]>>1) | (a[2]&1);
            a[1] = (a[0]<<31) | (a[1]>>1);
            a[0] =              (a[0]>>1);
        } while (++x < minx);
        x = minx - 1;

    /* Proceed to round */
    round = a[lsw+1] >> 31;
    sticky = a[lsw+1] & 0x7fffffff;
    if (lsw == 0)
        sticky |= a[2];

    /* Round up if necessary */
    if (round)
    {   if (sticky || (a[lsw] & 1))
        {   if (++a[lsw] == 0)
            /* Renormalise if necessary */
            if (a[0] & (msb<<1))
            {   a[1] = (a[0]<<31) | (a[1]>>1);
                a[0] = (a[0]>>1);
                x += 1;
            /* or convert denormalised to normalised */
            else if (x < minx && (a[0] & msb)) /* x will be minx-1 */
            {   x = minx;
                errno = ERANGE;

    /* Indicate underflow (denormalised, and inaccurate - really should only
     * report underflow if inaccuracy DUE TO DENORMALISATION, but hey) */
    if (x < minx && (round || sticky))
        errno = ERANGE;

    /* Check for overflow */
    if (x > maxx)
    {   errno = ERANGE;
        return (flag & NUMNEG) ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL;

    if (flag & NUMNEG) a[0] |= 0x80000000;

    if (flag & LONG)
    {   a[0] = (a[0] &~ msb) | ((x+1023) << 20);
        return *(double *) a;
    {   a[0] = (a[0] &~ msb) | ((x+127) << 23);
        return *(float *) a;

static double rd_naninf(FILE *p, int ch, int *flagp, int field, long int *charcountp)
    double l;
    long int charcount = *charcountp;
    int flag = *flagp;
    const char *match = (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N') ? "NAN" : "INFINITY";
    const char *m = match;

    while (field > 0)
    {   if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ch += 'A'-'a';
        if (ch == *m && *m != '\0') {
           ch = countgetc(p);
        else break;

    if (*m == '\0' || (match[0] == 'I' && m == match+3))
        flag |= NUMOK;
        if (match[0] == 'N')
            if (field > 0 && ch == '(')
                flag &=~ NUMOK;
                ch = countgetc(p);
                while (field > 0)
                {    if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ||
                         ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ||
                         ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ||
                         ch == '_')
                     { ch = countgetc(p);
                     else if (ch == ')')
                     { ch = countgetc(p);
                       flag |= NUMOK;
                     else break;
            l = flag & NUMNEG ? -NAN : NAN;
            l = flag & NUMNEG ? -INFINITY : INFINITY;
        l = HUGE_VAL;


    *charcountp = charcount;
    *flagp = flag;
    return l;


static long int rd_real(FILE *p, va_list res, int flag, int field)
    long int charcount = -1;                     /* allow for always ungetc */
    int ch, x = 0, ishex = 0;
    unsigned int a[3];            /* IEEE 'packed' format as per ACORN FPE2 */
    double l = 0.0;
    a[0] = a[1] = a[2] = 0;
    while (isspace(ch = countgetc(p)));  /* not counted towards field width */
    if (ch == EOF) return CVTEOF;
    flag &= ~(NUMOK+DOTSEEN+NUMNEG);
    if (field > 0) switch (ch)
case '-':   flag |= NUMNEG;
case '+':   ch = countgetc(p);
    if (field > 0 && (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'I'))
    {   l = rd_naninf(p, ch, &flag, field, &charcount);
        goto lready;
    if (field >= 2 && ch == '0')
    {   ch = countgetc(p);
        if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X')
        {   ch = countgetc(p);
            ishex = 1;
            /* We've swallowed the 0. No-one will care if we do this: */
            flag |= NUMOK;
    while (field > 0)
    {   if ((ch==*decimal_point || ch=='.') && !(flag & DOTSEEN))
            flag |= DOTSEEN, field--;
        else if (isdigit(ch) || ishex && isxdigit(ch))
        {   flag |= NUMOK, field--;
            if ((a[0] & 0xf00) == 0)
            {   a[0] = (a[0]<<4) | (a[1]>>28);
                a[1] = (a[1]<<4) | (a[2]>>28);
                a[2] = (a[2]<<4) | (ishex ? ch_val(ch, 16) : scanf_intofdigit(ch));
                if (flag & DOTSEEN) x -= 1;
            {   if (ishex && ch != '0') a[2] |= 1;
                if (!(flag & DOTSEEN)) x += 1;
        else break;
        ch = countgetc(p);
    if (ishex) x *= 4;
    /* we must unread the 'e' in (say) "+.e" as cannot be valid */
    if (field > 0 && (ishex && (ch == 'p' || ch == 'P') ||
                     !ishex && (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')) && (flag & NUMOK))
    {   int x2 = 0;
        flag &= ~(NUMOK+NEGEXP), field--;
        switch (ch = countgetc(p))
    case '-':   flag |= NEGEXP;
    case '+':   ch = countgetc(p);
    default:    break;
        while (field > 0 && isdigit(ch))
        {   flag |= NUMOK, field--;
            x2 = 10*x2 + scanf_intofdigit(ch);
            ch = countgetc(p);
        if (flag & NEGEXP) x -= x2; else x += x2;
    if (a[0]==0 && a[1]==0 && a[2]==0) l = (flag & NUMNEG) ? -0.0 : 0.0;
    else if (ishex) l = cvthex(a, x, flag);
    {   if (a[0]==0 && a[1]==0)
        {   a[1] = a[2];
            a[2] = 0;
            x -= 8;
        while ((a[0] & 0xf00)==0)
        {   a[0] = (a[0]<<4) | (a[1]>>28);
            a[1] = (a[1]<<4) | (a[2]>>28);
            a[2] = a[2]<<4;
            x -= 1;
        x += 18;    /* allow for position of decimal point in packed format */
        if (x < -999) l = 0.0, errno = ERANGE;
        else if (x > 999)
        {   if (flag & NUMNEG) l = -HUGE_VAL;
            else l = HUGE_VAL;
            errno = ERANGE;
        {   int xDiv10;
            if (x < 0) a[0] |= 0x40000000, x = -x;
            xDiv10 = _kernel_sdiv10(x);
            a[0] |= (x - xDiv10 * 10) << 12;
            x = xDiv10;
            xDiv10 = _kernel_sdiv10(x);
            a[0] |= (x - xDiv10 * 10) << 16;
            x = xDiv10;
            a[0] |= _kernel_srem(10, x) << 20;
            if (flag & NUMNEG) a[0] |= 0x80000000;
            l = _ldfp(a);       /* sets errno if necessary */
    if (!(flag & NUMOK)) return CVTFAIL;
    if (flag & LONG)
    {   if (!(flag & NOSTORE))
        {   if (isLONGDOUBLE_(flag))
                *va_arg(res, long double *) = l;  /* not fully done */
                *va_arg(res, double *) = l;
    {   float f = carefully_narrow(l);
        /* treat overflow consistently whether or not stored */
        if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *va_arg(res, float *) = f;
    return charcount;

#else /* HOST_HAS_BCD_FLT */

static long int rd_real(FILE *p, va_list res, int flag, int field)
    long int charcount = -1;                     /* allow for always ungetc */
    int ch, x = 0, w;
    int i = 0;
    double l = 0.0, pten = 0.1;
    while (isspace(ch = countgetc(p)));  /* not counted towards field width */
    if (ch == EOF) return CVTEOF;
    flag &= ~(NUMOK+DOTSEEN+NUMNEG);
    if (field > 0) switch (ch)
case '-':   flag |= NUMNEG;
case '+':   ch = countgetc(p);
/* I accumulate up to 6 (decimal) significant figures in the integer     */
/* variable i, and remaining digits in the floating point variable l.    */
    while (field > 0)
    {   if ((ch==*decimal_point || ch=='.') && !(flag & DOTSEEN))
            flag |= DOTSEEN, field--;
        else if (isdigit(ch))
        {   flag |= NUMOK, field--;
            if (i < 100000)
            {   i = 10*i + scanf_intofdigit(ch);
                if (flag & DOTSEEN) x -= 1;
            {   l += pten * scanf_intofdigit(ch);
                pten /= 10.0;
                if (!(flag & DOTSEEN)) x += 1;
        else break;
        ch = countgetc(p);
    /* we must unread the 'e' in (say) "+.e" as cannot be valid */
    if (field > 0 && (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') && (flag & NUMOK))
    {   int x2 = 0;
        flag &= ~(NUMOK+NEGEXP), field--;
        switch (ch = countgetc(p))
    case '-':   flag |= NEGEXP;
    case '+':   ch = countgetc(p);
    default:    break;
        while (field > 0 && isdigit(ch))
        {   flag |= NUMOK, field--;
            x2 = 10*x2 + scanf_intofdigit(ch);
            ch = countgetc(p);
        if (flag & NEGEXP) x -= x2; else x += x2;
/* The code that follows multiplies (i.l) by 10^x using one-and-a-half   */
/* precision arithmetic, with relevant scaling so that any over or under */
/* flow is deferred to the very last minute.                             */
    {   double d, dlow, d3, d3low;
        int bx = (10*x)/3, w1;
        l = ldexp(l, x-bx);
        d = ldexp((double)i, x-bx);
        dlow = 0.0;
        if (x < 0)
        {   w1 = -x;
            d3 = 0.2;
            d3low = 0.0;
            _fp_normalize(d3, d3low);
            d3low = (1.0 - 5.0*d3)/5.0;
        {   w1 = x;
            d3 = 5.0;
            d3low = 0.0;
        if (w1!=0) for(;;)
        {   if ((w1&1)!=0)
            {   l *= (d3 + d3low);
                dlow = d*d3low + dlow*(d3 + d3low);
                d *= d3;
                _fp_normalize(d, dlow);
                if (w1==1) break;
            d3low *= (2.0*d3 + d3low);
            d3 *= d3;
            _fp_normalize(d3, d3low);
            w1 = w1 >> 1;
        l = l + dlow;
/* I want to set l to (l+d)*2^bx here.                                   */
/* At present d has lots of low zero bits, and l is much smaller.        */
        switch (bx & 3)
    case 3:     l *= 8.0;   d *= 8.0;   break;
    case 2:     l *= 4.0;   d *= 4.0;   break;
    case 1:     l *= 2.0;   d *= 2.0;   break;
    case 0:                             break;
        {   double ltemp = l + d;
            double err = +(d - ltemp) + l;
            ltemp = ltemp + +(err + err);   /* Achieves rounding         */
            l = frexp(ltemp, &w);
            w += (bx & ~3);
        l = l + dlow;
        l = l + d;
        l = frexp(l, &w);
        w += bx;
/* Now I check to see if the number would give a floating point overflow */
/* and if so I return HUGE_VAL, and set errno to ERANGE.                 */
/* ********* machine dependent integers ***********                      */
        if (w > (0x3f)*4)
        if (w >= 0x7ff-0x3fe)
        {   if (flag & NUMNEG) l = -HUGE_VAL;
            else l = HUGE_VAL;
            errno = ERANGE;
/* Underflows yield a zero result but set errno to ERANGE                */
        else if (w <= -(0x41*4) && l!=0.0)
        else if (w <= -0x3fe && l!=0.0)
        {   l = 0.0;
            errno = ERANGE;
        {   if (flag & NUMNEG) l = -ldexp(l, w);
            else l = ldexp(l, w);
    if (!(flag & NUMOK)) return CVTFAIL;
    if (flag & LONG)
    {   if (!(flag & NOSTORE))
        {   if (isLONGDOUBLE_(flag))
                *va_arg(res, long double *) = l;  /* not fully done */
                *va_arg(res, double *) = l;
    {   float f = carefully_narrow(l);
        /* treat overflow consistently whether or not stored */
        if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *va_arg(res, float *) = f;
    return charcount;

#endif /* HOST_HAS_BCD_FLT */

#endif /* NO_FLOATING_POINT */

/* Amalgamate the next two routines? */
static long int rd_string(FILE *p, va_list res, int flag, int field)
{   long int charcount = -1;                     /* allow for always ungetc */
    int ch; char *s = NULL;
    while (isspace(ch = countgetc(p)));  /* not counted towards field width */
    if (ch == EOF) return CVTEOF;                /* fail if EOF occurs here */
    if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) s = va_arg(res, char *);
    while (field > 0 && ch!=EOF && !isspace(ch))
    {   field--;
        if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *s++ = ch;
        ch = countgetc(p);
    __backspace(p);                               /* OK if ch == EOF         */
    if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *s = 0;
    return charcount;

/* Ambiguity in Oct 86 ANSI draft: can "%[x]" match a zero-length string?  */
/* p119 line 19 suggests no, p121 example suggests yes.  Treat as yes here */
static long int rd_string_map(FILE *p, va_list res, int flag, int field,
                              int charmap[])
{   long int charcount = -1;                     /* allow for always ungetc */
    int ch; char *s = NULL;
    if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) s = va_arg(res, char *);
    ch = countgetc(p);
    if (ch == EOF) return CVTEOF;
    while (field > 0 && ch != EOF && (charmap[ch/32] & (1<<(ch%32))) != 0)
    {   field--;
        if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *s++ = ch;
        ch = countgetc(p);
    __backspace(p);                               /* OK if ch == EOF         */
    if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *s = 0;
    return charcount;

int vfscanf(FILE *p, const char *sfmt, va_list argv)
/* The next line is essential (see isspace() ANSI doc. and also use of
 * charmap[] below) if char is signed by default.
 * Our char is unsigned, but the following line should
 * just use the same register for fmt/sfmt and so cost nothing!
    const unsigned char *fmt = (const unsigned char *)sfmt;
    int cnt = 0;
    long charcount = 0;
    for (;;)
    {   int fch;
        switch (fch = *fmt++)
case 0:     return cnt;                        /* end of format string   */

default:    {   int ch;
                if (isspace(fch))              /* consolidate whitespace */
                {   int seen = 0;
                    while (isspace(fch = *fmt++));
/* N.B. isspace() must return 0 if its arg is '\0' or EOF.               */
                    while (isspace(ch = getc(p))) charcount++, seen = 1;
#ifdef never
/* The next line requires non empty whitespace to match format whilespace. */
/* Removed as incompatible with bsd unix (and other prior practice?).      */
                    if (!seen) return cnt;     /* require at least 1     */
                else if ((ch = getc(p)) == fch)
                {   charcount++;
                __backspace(p);  /* offending char is left unread         */
                if (ch == EOF && cnt == 0) return EOF;
                return cnt;     /* unmatched literal                     */

case '%':   {   int field = 0, flag = 0;
                long int worked;
                if (*fmt == '*') fmt++, flag |= NOSTORE;
                while (isdigit(fch = *fmt++))
                {   if (field > INT_MAX/10) return cnt; /* overflow check */
                    field = field*10 + fch - '0';
                    if (field < 0) return cnt;         /* overflow check */
                    flag |= FIELDGIVEN;
                if (!(flag & FIELDGIVEN)) field = INT_MAX;
                if (fch == 'l')
                {   fch = *fmt++;
                    if (fch == 'l') fch = *fmt++, flag |= LONGLONG;
                    else            flag |= LONG;
                else if (fch == 'L') fch = *fmt++, flag |= LONG | LONGDOUBLE;
                else if (fch == 'h')
                {   fch = *fmt++, flag |= SHORT;
                    if (fch == 'h') fch = *fmt++, flag |= CHAR;
                else if (fch == 'z' || fch == 't') fch = *fmt++;
                else if (fch == 'j') fch = *fmt++, flag |= LONGLONG;
                switch (fch)
        default:    return cnt;         /* illegal conversion code       */
        case '%':   {   int ch = getc(p);
/* treat as fatuous the omission of '%' from non-skipping white space list */
                        if (ch == '%')
                        {   charcount++;
                        __backspace(p);  /* offending char is left unread */
                        if (ch == EOF && cnt == 0) return EOF;
                        return cnt;     /* unmatched literal '%'         */
        case 'c':   if (!(flag & FIELDGIVEN)) field = 1;
                    {   char *cp = NULL; int ch;
                        if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) cp = va_arg(argv, char *);
/* ANSI say no chars match -> failure.  Hence 0 width must always fail.     */
                        if (field == 0) return cnt;
                        for (; field > 0; field--)
/* The next line reflects the ANSI wording suggesting EXACTLY 'field' chars */
/* should be read.                                                          */
                        {   if ((ch = countgetc(p)) == EOF)
                                return cnt == 0 ? EOF : cnt;
                            if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) *cp++ = ch;
                    if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) cnt++; /* If conversion succeeds */
        case 'd':   worked = rd_int(p, argv, flag | ALLOWSIGN, 10, field);
        case 'e':
        case 'E':
        case 'f':
        case 'F':
        case 'g':
        case 'G':
        case 'a':
        case 'A':
                    worked = rd_real(p, argv, flag, field);
                    return(cnt);    /* Floating point not implemented    */
        case 'i':   worked = rd_int(p, argv, flag | ALLOWSIGN, 0, field);
/* %n assigns the number of characters read from the input so far - NOTE */
/* that this assignment is NOT influenced by the * flag and does NOT     */
/* count towards the value returned by scanf.  Note that h and l apply.  */
        case 'n':   if isCHAR_(flag) *va_arg(argv, char *) = (char)charcount;
                    else if isSHORT_(flag) *va_arg(argv, short *) = (short)charcount;
                    else if isLONG_(flag) *va_arg(argv, long *) = charcount;
                    else if isLONGLONG_(flag) *va_arg(argv, long long *) = charcount;
                    else *va_arg(argv, int *) = (int)charcount;
        case 'o':   worked = rd_int(p, argv, flag | ALLOWSIGN, 8, field);
                    /* pointers are displayed in hex, but h,l,L ignored */
        case 'p':   worked = rd_int(p, argv, flag & ~(LONG|SHORT|CHAR), 16, field);
        case 's':   worked = rd_string(p, argv, flag, field);
        case 'u':   worked = rd_int(p, argv, flag, 10, field);
        case 'x':
        case 'X':   worked = rd_int(p, argv, flag | ALLOWSIGN, 16, field);
        case '[':   {   int negated = 0, i, charmap[8];
                        if ((fch = *fmt++) == '^') negated = 1, fch = *fmt++;
                        for (i=0; i<8; i++) charmap[i] = 0;
                        /* the 'do' next allows special treatment of %[]})] */
                        do { if (fch==0) return cnt;  /* %[... unterminated */
                             charmap[fch/32] |= 1<<(fch%32);
                        } while ((fch = *fmt++) != ']');
                        if (negated) for (i=0; i<8; i++)
                            charmap[i] = ~charmap[i];
                        worked = rd_string_map(p, argv, flag, field, charmap);
                if (worked < 0)                  /* conversion failed       */
                     return worked == CVTEOF && cnt == 0 ? EOF : cnt;
                if (!(flag & NOSTORE)) cnt++;    /* another assignment made */
                charcount += worked;             /* chars were read anyway  */

int fscanf(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list a;
    int n;
    va_start(a, fmt);
    n = vfscanf(fp, fmt, a);
    return n;

int scanf(const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list a;
    int n;
    va_start(a, fmt);
    n = vfscanf(stdin, fmt, a);
    return n;

int vscanf(const char *fmt, va_list a)
    return vfscanf(stdin, fmt, a);

typedef struct __extradata {
   * This structure is copied from c.stdio
  unsigned char __a[2];
  long __b;
  unsigned char *__c;
  int __d;
  int __e;
  int __f;
} _extradata, *_extradatap;

int vsscanf(const char *buff, const char *fmt, va_list a)
/* Note that this code interacts in a dubious way with the getc macro.   */
/* Also ungetc.                                                          */

    FILE hack;
    _extradata extra;
    _extradatap extrap = &extra;
    int n;
    memclr(&hack, sizeof(FILE));
    memclr(extrap, sizeof(_extradata));
    hack.__flag = _IOSTRG+_IOREAD;
    hack.__ptr = hack.__base = (unsigned char *)buff;
    hack.__icnt = strlen(buff);
    hack.__extrap = extrap;
    n = vfscanf(&hack, fmt, a);
    return n;

int sscanf(const char *buff, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list a;
    int n;
    va_start(a, fmt);
    n = vsscanf(buff, fmt, a);
    return n;

double strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
    double d;
    int nchars, res;
/* Here I rely on scanf to set errno to ERANGE if the converted value is */
/* too big or too small.                                                 */
    res = sscanf(nptr, "%lf%n", &d, &nchars);
/* If the conversion failed that must be because there were no digits at */
/* all in the input.                                                     */
    if (res==EOF || res<1)
    {   if (endptr!=NULL) *endptr = (char *)nptr;
        return 0.0;
    if (endptr!=NULL) *endptr = (char *)nptr + nchars;
    return d;

float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
    float f;
    int nchars, res;
/* Here I rely on scanf to set errno to ERANGE if the converted value is */
/* too big or too small.                                                 */
    res = sscanf(nptr, "%f%n", &f, &nchars);
/* If the conversion failed that must be because there were no digits at */
/* all in the input.                                                     */
    if (res==EOF || res<1)
    {   if (endptr!=NULL) *endptr = (char *)nptr;
        return 0.0F;
    if (endptr!=NULL) *endptr = (char *)nptr + nchars;
    return f;

static unsigned long int _strtoul(const char *nsptr, char **endptr, int base)
    const unsigned char *nptr = (const unsigned char *)nsptr;  /* see scanf */
    int c, ok = 0, overflowed = 0;
    while ((c = *nptr++)!=0 && isspace(c));
    if (c=='0')
    {   ok = 1;
        c = *nptr++;
        if (c=='x' || c=='X')
        {   if (base==0 || base==16)
            {   ok = 0;
                base = 16;
                c = *nptr++;
        else if (base==0) base = 8;
    if (base==0) base = 10;
    {   unsigned long dhigh = 0, dlow = 0;
        int digit;
        while ((digit = ch_val(c,base)) >= 0)
        {   ok = 1;
            dlow = base * dlow + digit;
            dhigh = base * dhigh + (dlow >> 16);
            dlow &= 0xffff;
            if (dhigh >= 0x10000) overflowed = 1;
            c = *nptr++;
        if (endptr) *endptr = ok ? (char *)nptr-1 : (char *)nsptr;
                                                /* extra result */
        return overflowed ? (errno = ERANGE, ULONG_MAX)
                          : (dhigh << 16) | dlow;

static unsigned long long int _strtoull(const char *nsptr, char **endptr, int base)
    const unsigned char *nptr = (const unsigned char *)nsptr;  /* see scanf */
    int c, ok = 0, overflowed = 0;
    while ((c = *nptr++)!=0 && isspace(c));
    if (c=='0')
    {   ok = 1;
        c = *nptr++;
        if (c=='x' || c=='X')
        {   if (base==0 || base==16)
            {   ok = 0;
                base = 16;
                c = *nptr++;
        else if (base==0) base = 8;
    if (base==0) base = 10;
    {   unsigned long long dhigh = 0, dlow = 0;
        int digit;
        while ((digit = ch_val(c,base)) >= 0)
        {   ok = 1;
            dlow = base * dlow + digit;
            dhigh = base * dhigh + (dlow >> 32);
            dlow &= 0xffffffff;
            if (dhigh >= 0x100000000) overflowed = 1;
            c = *nptr++;
        if (endptr) *endptr = ok ? (char *)nptr-1 : (char *)nsptr;
                                                /* extra result */
        return overflowed ? (errno = ERANGE, ULLONG_MAX)
                          : (dhigh << 32) | dlow;

long int strtol(const char *nsptr, char **endptr, int base)
/* The specification in the ANSI information bulletin upsets me here:    */
/* strtol is of type long int, and 'if the correct value would cause     */
/* overflow LONG_MAX or LONG_MIN is returned'. Thus for hex input the    */
/* string 0x80000000 will be considered to have overflowed, and so will  */
/* be returned as LONG_MAX.                                              */
/* These days one should use strtoul for unsigned values, so some of     */
/* my worries go away.                                                   */

/* This code is NOT shared with the %i conversion in scanf for several   */
/* reasons: (a) here I deal with overflow in a silly way as noted above, */
/* (b) in scanf I have to deal with field width limitations, which does  */
/* not fit in neatly here (c) this functions scans an array of char,     */
/* while scanf reads from a stream - fudging these together seems too    */
/* much work, (d) here I have the option of specifying the radix, while  */
/* in scanf there seems to be no provision for that. Ah well!            */

    const unsigned char *nptr = (const unsigned char *)nsptr;  /* see scanf */
    int flag = 0, c;
    while ((c = *nptr++)!=0 && isspace(c));
    switch (c)
case '-': flag |= NUMNEG;
          /* drop through */
case '+': break;
default:  nptr--;
    {   char *endp;
        unsigned long ud = _strtoul((char *)nptr, &endp, base);
        if (endptr) *endptr = endp==(char *)nptr ? (char *)nsptr : endp;
/* The following lines depend on the fact that unsigned->int casts and   */
/* unary '-' cannot cause arithmetic traps.  Recode to avoid this?       */
        if (flag & NUMNEG)
            return (-(long)ud <= 0) ? -(long)ud : (errno = ERANGE, LONG_MIN);
            return (+(long)ud >= 0) ? +(long)ud : (errno = ERANGE, LONG_MAX);

unsigned long int strtoul(const char *nsptr, char **endptr, int base)
    const unsigned char *nptr = (const unsigned char *)nsptr;  /* see scanf */
    int flag = 0, c;
    int errno_saved = errno;
    while ((c = *nptr++)!=0 && isspace(c));
    switch (c)
case '-': flag |= NUMNEG;
          /* drop through */
case '+': break;
default:  nptr--;
    errno = 0;
    {   char *endp;
        unsigned long ud = _strtoul((char *)nptr, &endp, base);
        if (endptr) *endptr = endp==(char *)nptr ? (char *)nsptr : endp;
        if (errno == ERANGE) return ud;
        errno = errno_saved;
        if (flag & NUMNEG)
            return -ud;
            return +ud;

long long int strtoll(const char * restrict nsptr,
                      char ** restrict endptr, int base)
/* This code is NOT shared with the %i conversion in scanf for several   */
/* reasons: (a) here I deal with overflow in a silly way as noted above, */
/* (b) in scanf I have to deal with field width limitations, which does  */
/* not fit in neatly here (c) this functions scans an array of char,     */
/* while scanf reads from a stream - fudging these together seems too    */
/* much work, (d) here I have the option of specifying the radix, while  */
/* in scanf there seems to be no provision for that. Ah well!            */

    const unsigned char *nptr = (const unsigned char *)nsptr;  /* see scanf */
    int flag = 0, c;
    while ((c = *nptr++)!=0 && isspace(c));
    switch (c)
case '-': flag |= NUMNEG;
          /* drop through */
case '+': break;
default:  nptr--;
    {   char *endp;
        unsigned long long ud = _strtoull((char *)nptr, &endp, base);
        if (endptr) *endptr = endp==(char *)nptr ? (char *)nsptr : endp;
/* The following lines depend on the fact that unsigned->int casts and   */
/* unary '-' cannot cause arithmetic traps.  Recode to avoid this?       */
        if (flag & NUMNEG)
            return (-(long long)ud <= 0) ? -(long long)ud : (errno = ERANGE, LLONG_MIN);
            return (+(long long)ud >= 0) ? +(long long)ud : (errno = ERANGE, LLONG_MAX);

unsigned long long int strtoull(const char * restrict nsptr,
                                char ** restrict endptr, int base)
    const unsigned char *nptr = (const unsigned char *)nsptr;  /* see scanf */
    int flag = 0, c;
    int errno_saved = errno;
    while ((c = *nptr++)!=0 && isspace(c));
    switch (c)
case '-': flag |= NUMNEG;
          /* drop through */
case '+': break;
default:  nptr--;
    errno = 0;
    {   char *endp;
        unsigned long long ud = _strtoull((char *)nptr, &endp, base);
        if (endptr) *endptr = endp==(char *)nptr ? (char *)nsptr : endp;
        if (errno == ERANGE) return ud;
        errno = errno_saved;
        if (flag & NUMNEG)
            return -ud;
            return +ud;

#error New strtoimax needed
intmax_t strtoimax(const char * restrict nsptr,
                   char ** restrict endptr, int base)
    return strtoll(nsptr, endptr, base);

#error New strtoumax needed
uintmax_t strtoumax(const char * restrict nsptr,
                    char ** restrict endptr, int base)
    return strtoull(nsptr, endptr, base);

double atof(const char *nptr)
    int save_errno = errno;
    double res = strtod(nptr, (char **)NULL);
    errno = save_errno;
    return res;

int atoi(const char *nptr)
    int save_errno = errno;
    long int res = strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10);
    errno = save_errno;
    return (int)res;

long int atol(const char *nptr)
    int save_errno = errno;
    long int res = strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10);
    errno = save_errno;
    return res;

long long int atoll(const char *nptr)
    int save_errno = errno;
    long long int res = strtoll(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10);
    errno = save_errno;
    return res;

/* end of scanf.c */