From 91926745bda5832ffaee4622eed3b361dc7a3293 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Sprowson <>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2017 18:36:23 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Put ctl in the attic

The ctl part of rlib has various memory leaks (ref reflecting its abandoned state. See the FrontEnd module for a more flexible implementation of the same GUI-in-a-text-file scripting language.
The ctl API was not in C release 3 (it post dates that) nor in C release 4 manual, and the whole of rlib was removed from C release 5 in favour of the Toolbox.
The change log at the top of rlib/s/rl_spare shows it was briefly added in early 1990 then removed in April 1991. 26 years later, cull it from the Makefile too.

Version 5.94. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-5_94'
 Doc/ctl           |  435 ------
 Makefile          |    6 +-
 VersionASM        |   12 +-
 VersionNum        |   20 +-
 rlib/c/ctl        | 3528 ---------------------------------------------
 rlib/h/ctl        |  458 ------
 rlib/s/rl_entries |   15 -
 7 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 4456 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Doc/ctl
 delete mode 100644 rlib/c/ctl
 delete mode 100644 rlib/h/ctl

diff --git a/Doc/ctl b/Doc/ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a4bc01..0000000
--- a/Doc/ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-Control Files
-Author: William Stoye
-  0.01
-  0.02
-  0.03 - 19-June-89 - remarks about help, and icons.
-  0.04 - 04-July-89 - ctl_make becomes ctl_init()
-  0.05 - 11-July-89 - more updates
-  0.06 - 12-July-89 - more updates
-         02-Jan-90 - I realise now that there are various shortcomings,
-                     this thing has lain fallow for some time.
-                     Key-bindings must be specific to specific contexts, 
-                     as different windows might have different ones.
-                     Interactive help on menu entries (perhaps via Messages
-                     file) should be supported. Should better use of
-                     DecodeArgs be made? None of these issues have yet been
-                     investigated.
-  0.10 - 31-Jan-90 RMokady - Major changes to syntax !
-                             * actions use OS_ReadArgs.
-                             * Nested action blocks.
-                           - Added interactive help support.
-                           - Changed key bindings.  
-  0.11 - 08-Feb-90 RMokady - Some more changes to syntax.
-                             * added external menus. 
-                             * added colourmenu menu.
-                             * added action on non leaf entries.
-                             * added noreopen option for dbox.
-                             * added submenu -1 support.
-                           - added section about built in actions.
-                           - added onclick section.
-To do:
-   Escape sequences in quoted strings.
-   Help actions.
-   Better key names.
-The 'ctl' module is a set of library facilities, written in C, allowing a
-program to put a great deal of user event decoding into a resource file.
-This file controls the mapping of menu, dialogue box and key events into
-textually named actions, which are then executed by the program. It makes
-programs easier to construct, and means that the result is customisable (to
-some extent) by the user.
-This is always called Control, and is a resource file within an application
-File Syntax
-# starts a comment line. Blank lines are ignored.
-Each line is split into symbols, separated by spaces.
-A symbol is any character sequence in matching quote marks, OR any
-alphanumeric char sequence (underscore is also allowed, and the first
-character may not be a number). 
-Escape sequences within quoted symbols are currently not supported.
-Examples:  hello
-           delete_file
-           "Hello there"
-Symbol comparison is case-sensitive. Conventionally all keywords within a
-Control file are entirely in lower case.
-In the ensuring descriptions, items in angle brackets (unless otherwise
-stated) are all symbols.
-Actions and Action sequences
-An action is a symbol. 
-Anything after the action on the same line is treated as arguments to the
-action, arguments can be continued on the next line if the NL is immediately
-preceded by \, otherwise a NL character is treated as space.
-The symbol is the name of an operation that the application supports,
-the actual set of operations available is defined by the application.
-An action block is a sequence of one or more actions grouped inside
-matching '{' , '}'. Action blocks can appear anywhere a single action can 
-appear. Action blocks can be nested. The closing '}' should be on a separate
-line, otherwise it will be taken to be part of the argument list for the
-preceding action.
-so an action block should look something like: 
-       ... {
-            action1 args
-            action2 args
-            action3 args
-           } ...
-You can have other symbols on the line following the '}' as it is not 
-an action.
-Actions return an integer return code which is then passed on to the next 
-action executed.
-Built in actions.
-The following built-in actions are always available:
-   error <error message> -- Produce the specified error message,
-                           in the standard Wimp error message
-                           window.
-   oscli ....            -- The argument is passed to the OS_CLI.
-OR * ...
-   showdbox <dbox name>  -- Cancel the current menu and show
-                           this dialogue box as a menu. (I.E. clicks
-                           outside it close it).
-   quit                  -- Quit the application (I.E. calls exit(0)).
-   process               -- See hot keys section below.
-   if  <expr>            -- Tests the return code returned from the last
-                           action, if it is equal to <expr> the following
-                           action or action block is executed, if not
-                           the action or action block is skipped.
-   else                  -- Can only come after an if action, if the if
-                           test failed the action or action block following
-                           this action will be executed, if not it will be
-                           skipped.
-   <Number>              -- A number on its own simply sets the return code
-                           to its value.
-                           For example:
-                                 5 an_action 
-                           will pass a return code of 5 into an_action.
-A control object header
-Syntax: ctl <logical control object name>
-This starts entries in a named control object.
-A menu header
-Syntax: menu <menu name> <menu title> <menu body>
-     OR menu <menu name> <menu title> colourmenu
-     OR menu <menu name> external
-Used to start the declaration of a menu.
-The first form defines a simple menu:
-<menu title> is the text used for the menu title, if it is a valid
-             message token from the Messages file, the message text is used,
-             otherwise the actual text is used.
-<menu body>  is the menu body in the syntax used for menu_new, again this is
-             first matched against message tokens in the Messages file.
-             Note:
-                  The menu body text should not include the ! and > symbols,
-                  as submenus, and greying of menu entries is handled by the
-                  ctl module (see below).
-The second form is like the first form, but the menu body is a colour
-selection menu (like the one used by edit to set the text colours).
-  The third form defines a menu who's title and body are specified by the
-application at run time. Range checking on entry and submenu numbers is only
-done when the application attaches the wimp menu structure at run time. 
-A Menu help token /action
-Syntax: help token <token> 
-     OR help action <action> (or action block) <-- NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
-The first form gives a token for the interactive help messages to be used
-with this menu the entry number (starting with 1) will be appended to the 
-token before it is searched for in the Messages file.
-The second form gives  the action sequence to be performed when help is
-requested, the result code passed to the first (or only) action is the menu
-entry number.
-A menu open action
-Syntax: onopen <action> (or action block)
-This describes the actions to be performed when the menu is opened. 
-A menu reopen action
-Syntax: onreopen <action> (or action block)
-This describes the actions to be performed when the menu is reopened,
-as a result of the user using the ADJUST button. 
-A menu entry
-Syntax: entry <entry number>  action (or action block)
-This describes the actions to be performed when the user clicks
-on the entry.
-Entry numbers are checked against the number of entries in the menu, 
-and errors are generated if you try to specify an out of range entry number.
-Entries on the menu which don't have actions defined for them, are greyed
-out (unless they have submenus attached to them, see below).
-An entry number of -1 means 'default' , if actions are specified for entry
--1 , entries with no actions will not be greyed out, but the actions
-specified for entry -1 will be used for them.
-The return code passed to the first action is the entry number on which
-the user clicked.
-A submenu 
-Syntax: submenu <entry number> menu <submenu name>
-     OR submenu <entry number> dbox <dbox name>
-     OR submenu <entry number> warning action (or action block)
-     OR submenu <entry number> menu <submenu name> action (or action block)
-     OR submenu <entry number> dbox <dbox name> action (or action block)
-The first form indicates a non-leaf menu entry. The submenu name must refer
-to a previously defined menu, and matches the menu name given in the menu
-The second form indicates a non-leaf menu leading to a dbox. The dbox name
-must refer to a previously defined dbox, and matches the dbox name given in
-the dbox header.
-The third form indicates a non-leaf menu entry which leads to some actions
-this is different from entry n action ... because a right arrow will be
-displayed in this position on the parent menu.
-The fourth form is like the first form but allows you to specify the actions
-to be performed if the user clicks on the menu entry leading to the submenu.
-The fifth form is like the second form but allows you to specify the actions
-to be performed if the user clicks on the menu entry leading to the dbox.
-You can not have both 
-                 entry   n action ...
-            and  submenu n ...
-for the same menu.
-If you use -1 as the entry number, all entries without specific actions / or
-submenus will lead to the submenu / dbox specified.
-The end of a menu
-Syntax: endmenu
-This should appear at the end of a menu description. Menu descriptions
-cannot be nested.
-A dialogue box header
-Syntax: dbox <dbox name> 
-Used to start the declaration of a dbox. 
-A dialogue box template name.
-Syntax template <template name>
-The correspondingly named template
-(typically in the resource file Templates) will be used to describe the
-visual appearance of the dialogue box. The template directive must appear 
-before any icon actions in the dbox description.
-A dialogue box help token /action 
-Syntax: help token <token> 
-     OR help action <action> (or action block) <-- NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
-The first form gives a token for the interactive help messages to be used
-with this dbox the icon number (starting with 0) will be appended to the 
-token before it is searched for in the Messages file. Unless the pointer is
-not over an icon in which case the unmodified token will be used.
-The second form gives  the action sequence to be performed when help
-is requested, the result code passed to the first (or only) action
-is the icon number (or -1 if not over an icon).
-A dialogue box open action
-Syntax: onopen <action sequence>
-This describes the actions to be obeyed every time a dialogue box is opened
-(and just before it is first displayed).
-A dialogue box reopen action
-Syntax: onreopen <action sequence>
-This describes the actions to be obeyed every time a dialogue box is
-reopened (as a result of the user clicking ADJUST on an icon).
-Dialogue boxes with noreopen.
-Syntax: noreopen
-This prevents the dbox from being reopened by a right click.
-If the user right clicks in the dbox the menu tree from which the dbox is
-hanging will remain open, but the dbox will be closed.
-You can not have both onreopen and noreopen in the same dbox description.
-A dialogue box close action
-Syntax: onclose <action sequence>
-This describes the actions to be obeyed every time a dialogue box is closed.
-A dialogue box icon action
-Syntax: icon <icon number> <action sequence>
-This describes the action to be taken when a hit occurs on the specified
-Icons which don't have an action defined for them will be greyed out, unless
-their button type is 'Never'.
-An icon number of -1 means 'Default', if actions are specified for icon -1,
-icons without actions will not be greyed out, but the actions specified for
-icon -1 will be used for them.
-The return code passed to the first action is the icon number.
-The end of a dbox
-Syntax: enddbox
-This should appear at the end of a dbox description. Dialogue box
-descriptions cannot be nested.
-Syntax: onkey keycode <action> (or action block)
-    OR: onkey [S][C] <keyname> <action> (or action block)
-    OR: onkey <Default> <action> (or action block)
-with the first form the keycode (as returned by the W)mp is given)
-with the second form, the key name is given, key names are:
-For any normal key the symbol on the key (i.e. a for unshifted a or A for
-shift+a). For special keys <keyname> (i.e. <f5> or <Print> with the angle
-brackets as part of the name). The key name can be preceded by C to specify
-Control+key or by S to specify Shift+key. S and C can be combined, so SC<f1>
-is Shift+Control+<f1>.
-     onkey Sa action
-     onkey A  action
-     onkey 65 action
-are all equivalent.
-Note:  To specify Uppercase s or Uppercase c use Ss & Sc as S or C will
-result in a syntax error. to specify # use S3 as # will begin a comment.
-The key name <Default> is used to mean any other key.
-The result code passed to the first action on the list is the key code.
-The action process passes the key to the wimp, so 
-onkey <Default> process
-will result in all undefined key presses being passed to the wimp.
-The onclick action.
-Syntax: onclick action (or action block)
-This specifies the actions to be executed when the user clicks on an icon in
-the window to which the ctl is attached. The main use of this is for ctls
-attached to the iconbar. 
-The return code passed to the first action on executed is the mouse button
-state as returned from the wimp in the wimp_EBUT event.
-The end of a 'ctl'
-Syntax: endctl
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 43b043c..d804d36 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ HEADERS =\
  RISC_OSLib:h.colourpick \
  RISC_OSLib:h.colourtran \
  RISC_OSLib:h.coords \
- RISC_OSLib:h.ctl \
  RISC_OSLib:h.dbox \
  RISC_OSLib:h.dboxfile \
  RISC_OSLib:h.dboxquery \
@@ -398,7 +397,7 @@ ROM_OBJS =\
  o_rl.akbd o_rl.alarm o_rl.baricon o_rl.bastxt o_rl.colourmenu \
- o_rl.colourtran o_rl.coords o_rl.ctl o_rl.dbox o_rl.dboxfile o_rl.dboxquery \
+ o_rl.colourtran o_rl.coords o_rl.dbox o_rl.dboxfile o_rl.dboxquery \
  o_rl.dboxtcol o_rl.dragasprit o_rl.drawcheck o_rl.drawfdiag o_rl.drawfiles \
  o_rl.drawfobj o_rl.drawmod o_rl.drawtextc o_rl.event o_rl.fileicon o_rl.flex \
  o_rl.font o_rl.fontlist o_rl.fontselect o_rl.heap o_rl.jpeg o_rl.magnify \
@@ -413,7 +412,7 @@ RLIB_OBJS =\
  m_o_rl.akbd m_o_rl.alarm m_o_rl.baricon m_o_rl.bastxt \
- m_o_rl.colourmenu m_o_rl.colourtran m_o_rl.coords m_o_rl.ctl m_o_rl.dbox \
+ m_o_rl.colourmenu m_o_rl.colourtran m_o_rl.coords m_o_rl.dbox \
  m_o_rl.dboxfile m_o_rl.dboxquery  m_o_rl.dboxtcol m_o_rl.dragasprit \
  m_o_rl.drawcheck m_o_rl.drawfdiag m_o_rl.drawfiles m_o_rl.drawfobj m_o_rl.drawmod \
  m_o_rl.drawtextc m_o_rl.event m_o_rl.fileicon m_o_rl.flex m_o_rl.font \
@@ -704,7 +703,6 @@ RISC_OSLib:h.colourmenu: rlib.h.colourmenu;  ${CP} rlib.h.colourmenu $@ ${CPFLAG
 RISC_OSLib:h.colourpick: rlib.h.colourpick;  ${CP} rlib.h.colourpick $@ ${CPFLAGS}
 RISC_OSLib:h.colourtran: rlib.h.colourtran;  ${CP} rlib.h.colourtran $@ ${CPFLAGS}
 RISC_OSLib:h.coords: rlib.h.coords;          ${CP} rlib.h.coords $@ ${CPFLAGS}
-RISC_OSLib:h.ctl: rlib.h.ctl;                ${CP} rlib.h.ctl $@ ${CPFLAGS}
 RISC_OSLib:h.dbox: rlib.h.dbox;              ${CP} rlib.h.dbox $@ ${CPFLAGS}
 RISC_OSLib:h.dboxfile: rlib.h.dboxfile;      ${CP} rlib.h.dboxfile $@ ${CPFLAGS}
 RISC_OSLib:h.dboxquery: rlib.h.dboxquery;    ${CP} rlib.h.dboxquery $@ ${CPFLAGS}
diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
index ac9e40f..ca19693 100644
--- a/VersionASM
+++ b/VersionASM
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
                         GBLS    Module_HelpVersion
                         GBLS    Module_ComponentName
                         GBLS    Module_ComponentPath
-Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "5.93"
-Module_Version          SETA    593
+Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "5.94"
+Module_Version          SETA    594
 Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
-Module_Date             SETS    "03 Sep 2017"
-Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "03-Sep-17"
+Module_Date             SETS    "29 Oct 2017"
+Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "29-Oct-17"
 Module_ComponentName    SETS    "RISC_OSLib"
 Module_ComponentPath    SETS    "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Lib/RISC_OSLib"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.93"
-Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "5.93 (03 Sep 2017)"
+Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.94"
+Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "5.94 (29 Oct 2017)"
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index d1a0a42..c4d0426 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-/* (5.93)
+/* (5.94)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
  * Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.93
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.94
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG        
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                03 Sep 2017
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                29 Oct 2017
-#define Module_MajorVersion             "5.93"
-#define Module_Version                  593
+#define Module_MajorVersion             "5.94"
+#define Module_Version                  594
 #define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "03 Sep 2017"
+#define Module_Date                     "29 Oct 2017"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "03-Sep-17"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "29-Oct-17"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "RISC_OSLib"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Lib/RISC_OSLib"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "5.93"
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.93 (03 Sep 2017)"
-#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "5:93"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "5.94"
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.94 (29 Oct 2017)"
+#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "5:94"
diff --git a/rlib/c/ctl b/rlib/c/ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index d406dab..0000000
--- a/rlib/c/ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3528 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * ctl.c
- *
- * User interface Control file handling.
- *
- * Author: Ran Mokady.
- *
- * History:
- *         09-Feb-90 Linked into Risc_OSLib.
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "kernel.h"
-#include "swis.h"
-#include "msgs.h"
-#include "wimp.h"
-#include "wimpt.h"
-#include "win.h"
-#include "werr.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "res.h"
-#include "menu.h"
-#include "dbox.h"
-#include "akbd.h"
-#include "template.h"
-#include "colourmenu.h"
-#include "ctl.h"
-#ifdef LOG
- static FILE *logfile;
-#ifndef Wimp_GetMenuState
-#define Wimp_GetMenuState 0x400f4
-#define MAX(a,b) a>b?a:b
-#define MIN(a,b) a<b?a:b
-/****************************** Data types *********************************/
-typedef enum {
-        ctl_ACT_FUNCTION = 1,
-        ctl_ACT_STRING   = 2,
-        ctl_ACT_LABEL    = 3
-} ctl__actiontype;
-typedef enum {
-        ctl_TOK_STRING     =  -4,
-        ctl_TOK_NUMBER     =  -3,
-        ctl_TOK_ACTION     =  -2,
-        ctl_TOK_UNKNOWN    =  -1,
-        ctl_TOK_EOF        =   0,
-        ctl_TOK_CTL        =   1,
-        ctl_TOK_MENU       =   2,
-        ctl_TOK_ENTRY      =   3,
-        ctl_TOK_ENDMENU    =   4,
-        ctl_TOK_ONOPEN     =   5,
-        ctl_TOK_ONCLOSE    =   6,
-        ctl_TOK_DBOX       =   7,
-        ctl_TOK_ICON       =   8,
-        ctl_TOK_ENDDBOX    =   9,
-        ctl_TOK_ONKEY      =  10,
-        ctl_TOK_EOL        =  11,
-        ctl_TOK_OPENBLOCK  =  12,
-        ctl_TOK_CLOSEBLOCK =  13,
-        ctl_TOK_ENDCTL     =  14,
-        ctl_TOK_SUBMENU    =  15,
-        ctl_TOK_COMMENT    =  16,
-        ctl_TOK_WARNING    =  17,
-        ctl_TOK_ONREOPEN   =  18,
-        ctl_TOK_TEMPLATE   =  19,
-        ctl_TOK_HELP       =  20,
-        ctl_TOK_TOKEN      =  21,
-        ctl_TOK_HELPACTION =  22,
-        ctl_TOK_COLOURMENU =  23,
-        ctl_TOK_EXTERNAL   =  24,
-        ctl_TOK_NOREOPEN   =  25,
-        ctl_TOK_ONCLICK    =  26
-} ctl__token;
-typedef enum {
-        ctl_ST_PRELOAD   = 0,
-        ctl_ST_LOADING   = 1,
-        ctl_ST_LOADED    = 2,
-        ctl_ST_CTLDEF    = 3,
-        ctl_ST_MENUDEF   = 4,
-        ctl_ST_DBOXDEF   = 5,
-        ctl_ST_GETACTION = 6,
-        ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK = 7
-} ctl__state;
-typedef struct ctl__actstr {
-        char *name;
-        char *syntax;
-        BOOL internal;
-        BOOL disabled;
-        struct{
-              ctl_action_proc function;
-              void            *handle;
-             }function;
-        struct ctl__actstr *next;
-typedef struct ctl__act {
-        ctl__actiontype type;
-        union
-        {
-         char           *name;
-         ctl__actionstr *address;
-        } action;
-        char            *args;
-        int             line;
-        int             nest;
-        struct ctl__act *next;
-typedef union
- ctl__action action;
- int         num;
- char        *string;
-typedef struct ctl__mentry {
-        int          num;
-        int          disabled;
-        ctl__action  *action;
-        ctl__action  *help_action;
-        struct ctl__mentry *next;
-} ctl__menu_entry;
-typedef struct ctl__mnu {
-        char *name;
-        ctl__action *onopen;
-        ctl__action *onreopen;
-        ctl__menu_entry *entries;
-        menu menu_body;
-        char *mih_token;
-        int  entrycount;
-        BOOL external;
-        wimp_menuitem *parent;
-        struct ctl__mnu *next;
-} ctl__menu;
-typedef struct ctl__icn {
-        int num;
-        int disabled;
-        BOOL ticked;
-        BOOL writeable; /*for possible future error chk when dbox is opened*/
-        ctl__action *action;
-        ctl__action *help_action;
-        struct ctl__icn *next;
-} ctl__icon;
-typedef union {
-        ctl__menu_entry *menu_entry;
-        ctl__icon       *icon;
-typedef struct ctl__dbx {
-        char *name;
-        char *template;
-        ctl__action *onopen;
-        ctl__action *onreopen;
-        ctl__action *onclose;
-        ctl__icon   *icons;
-        dbox        dbox_body;
-        char        *mih_token;
-        int         iconcount;
-        BOOL        displayed;
-        struct ctl__dbx *next;
-typedef union {
-        ctl__menu *parent_menu;
-        ctl__dbox *parent_dbox;
-typedef struct ctl_ky {
-        int keycode;
-        ctl__action *action;
-        struct ctl_ky *next;
-        BOOL disabled;
-typedef struct ctl_ctl {
-        char *name;
-        ctl__menu   *menus;
-        ctl__dbox   *dboxes;
-        ctl__key    *keys;
-        ctl__action *onclick;
-        struct ctl_ctl *next;
-typedef struct hndl
- event_w     w;
- void        *user_handle;
- ctl         *the_ctl;
- ctl__menu   *mnu;
- ctl__dbox   *the_dbox;
- char        *help_token;
- struct hndl *next;
-typedef struct
- char *name;
- int  code;
-} ctl__keyvalstr;
-typedef struct {
-        ctl__state     state;
-        ctl            *ctls;
-        ctl__actionstr *actions;
-        ctl__handlestr *handles;
-        ctl__handlestr *current_handle;
-        ctl__menu      *current_menu;
-        ctl__menu      *top_menu;
-        ctl__dbox      *current_dbox;
-        int            current_char;
-        int            current_icon;
-        FILE           *file;
-        int            line;
-        int            nest;
-        int            return_code;
-        char           last_menu_hit[30];
-        char           external_hit[30];
-        int            skip;
-} ctl__statestr;
-#define Argbuf_LEN 256
-typedef union
- int  words[Argbuf_LEN];
- char text[Argbuf_LEN*4];
-} ctl__argbuf;
-typedef struct
- char *buffer;
- int  len;
- char *valid;
- int  flag;
-/*************************** Constants ************************************/
-static ctl__keyvalstr ctl__keynames(int indx)
- ctl__keyvalstr tmp;
- tmp.code=-1;
- switch (indx)
- {
-   case  0:"<f1>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+1; break;
-   case  1:"<f2>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+2; break;
-   case  2:"<f3>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+3; break;
-   case  3:"<f4>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+4; break;
-   case  4:"<f5>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+5; break;
-   case  5:"<f6>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+6; break;
-   case  6:"<f7>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+7; break;
-   case  7:"<f8>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+8; break;
-   case  8:"<f9>";       tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+9; break;
-   case  9:"<f10>";      tmp.code=   akbd_Fn10; break;
-   case 10:"<f11>";      tmp.code=   akbd_Fn11; break;
-   case 11:"<f12>";      tmp.code=   akbd_Fn12; break;
-   case 12:"<Print>";    tmp.code=   akbd_Fn+0; break;
-   case 13:"<Esc>";      tmp.code=          27; break;
-   case 14:"<Insert>";   tmp.code=akbd_InsertK; break;
-   case 15:"<Home>";     tmp.code=          30; break;
-   case 16:"<PageUp>";   tmp.code=akbd_PageUpK; break;
-   case 17:"<PageDown>"; tmp.code=akbd_PageDownK; break;
-   case 18:"<Delete>";   tmp.code=         127; break;
-   case 19:"<<-|>";      tmp.code=           8; break;
-   case 20:"<Return>";   tmp.code=          13; break;
-   case 21:"<Up>";       tmp.code=    akbd_UpK; break;
-   case 22:"<Down>";     tmp.code=  akbd_DownK; break;
-   case 23:"<Left>";     tmp.code=  akbd_LeftK; break;
-   case 24:"<Right>";    tmp.code=    akbd_UpK; break;
-   case 25:"<Tab>";      tmp.code=   akbd_TabK; break;
-   case 26:"<Break>";    tmp.code=          27; break;
-   case 27:"<Copy>";     tmp.code=  akbd_CopyK; break;
-   case 28:"<Default>";  tmp.code=          -1; break;
-   case 29:"ENDLIST";    tmp.code=          -1; break;
-  }
-  return tmp;
-static char * ctl__tokens(int indx)
- switch (indx)
- {
-   case  0: return "ctl";
-   case  1: return "menu";
-   case  2: return "entry";
-   case  3: return "endmenu";
-   case  4: return "onopen";
-   case  5: return "onclose";
-   case  6: return "dbox";
-   case  7: return "icon";
-   case  8: return "enddbox";
-   case  9: return "onkey";
-   case 10: return "\n";
-   case 11: return "{";
-   case 12: return "}";
-   case 13: return "endctl";
-   case 14: return "submenu";
-   case 15: return "#";
-   case 16: return "warning";
-   case 17: return "onreopen";
-   case 18: return "template";
-   case 19: return "help";
-   case 20: return "token";
-   case 21: return "action";
-   case 22: return "colourmenu";
-   case 23: return "external";
-   case 24: return "noreopen";
-   case 25: return "onclick";
-   case 26: return "ENDLIST";
- }
- return "ENDLIST";
-/*************************** Variables ************************************/
-static ctl__statestr *ctls=NULL;
-/******************************* Errors ***********************************/
-static char * ctl__errtxt(int num)
- switch (num)
- {
- case 0:
- return "ctsyntx:Syntax error in Control file at line %i: %s";    /* 0 */
- case 1:
- return "ctnosp:Control: Not enough space.";                      /* 1 */
- case 2:
- return "ctinit:ctl_init called twice.";                          /* 2 */
- case 3:
- return "ctdupact:Duplicate definision for action %s.";           /* 3 */
- case 4:
- return "ctdupld:ctl_load called twice.";                         /* 4 */
- case 5:
- return "ctnofil:Unable to open Control file.";                   /* 5 */
- case 6:
- return "ctlngth:Token too long.";                                /* 6 */
- case 7:
- return "cteof:Expected arguments but found EOF.";                /* 7 */
- case 8:
- return "ctlnlng:Line too long.";                                 /* 8 */
- case 9:
- return "ctunxeof:Unexpected EOF in Control file.";               /* 9 */
- case 10:
- return "ctunxctl:Ctl not at top level.";                         /* 10 */
- case 11:
- return "ctmisctln:Ctl name not found.";                          /* 11 */
- case 12:
- return "ctunxmnu:Menu not in ctl top level.";                    /* 12 */
- case 13:
- return "ctmismnam:Menu name not found.";                         /* 13 */
- case 14:
- return "ctunxono:Onopen not in Menu or Dbox.";                   /* 14 */
- case 15:
- return "ctdupono:Duplicate Onopen in Menu or Dbox %s.";          /* 15 */
- case 16:
- return "ctunxopb:command expected but found '{'";                /* 16 */
- case 17:
- return "ctunxedbx:enddbox not in dbox.";                         /* 17 */
- case 18:
- return "ctunxemnu:endmenu not in menu.";                         /* 18 */
- case 19:
- return "ctunxectl:endctl not in ctl.";                           /* 19 */
- case 20:
- return "ctunxeblk:unexpected '}'.";                              /* 20 */
- case 21:
- return "ctunxeact:command expected but found action.";           /* 21 */
- case 22:
- return "ctunxestr:command expected but found string.";           /* 22 */
- case 23:
- return "ctundfact:Undefined action.";                            /* 23 */
- case 24:
- return "ctunxent:entry not in menu.";                            /* 24 */
- case 25:
- return "ctbadent:bad entry number.";                             /* 25 */
- case 26:
- return "ctbadentn:invalid entry number (n<1 or n>last entry).";  /* 26 */
- case 27:
- return "ctdupent:duplicate entry number.";                       /* 27 */
- case 28:
- return "ctunxnst:'}' found at top level.";                       /* 28 */
- case 29:
- return "ctuexpnst:'}' expected.";                                /* 29 */
- case 30:
- return "ctunxdbx:dbox not in ctl top level.";                    /* 30 */
- case 31:
- return "ctmisdbxn:dbox name not found.";                         /* 31 */
- case 32:
- return "ctbaddbx:Unable to create dbox %s.";                     /* 32 */
- case 33:
- return "ctunxonc:onclose not in dbox.";                          /* 33 */
- case 34:
- return "ctduponc:duplicate onclose in dbox %s.";                 /* 34 */
- case 35:
- return "ctunxicn:icon not in dbox.";                             /* 35 */
- case 36:
- return "ctbadicn:bad icon number.";                              /* 36 */
- case 37:
- return "ctbadicnn:invalid icon number (n<0 or n>last icon).";    /* 37 */
- case 38:
- return "ctdupicn:duplicate icon number.";                        /* 38 */
- case 39:
- return "ctunxkey:onkey not in ctl top level.";                   /* 39 */
- case 40:
- return "ctbadkey:bad key name.";                                 /* 40 */
- case 41:
- return "ctdupkey:duplicate hot key.";                            /* 41 */
- case 42:
- return "ctctlmis:Ctl %s not defined.";                           /* 42 */
- case 43:
- return "ctunksubm:Unknown submenu type.";                        /* 43 */
- case 44:
- return "ctunkact:Unknown action %s";                             /* 44 */
- case 45:
- return "ctquoeof:EOF found in quoted string.";                   /* 45 */
- case 46:
- return "ctquoeol:EOL found in quoted string.";                   /* 46 */
- case 47:
- return "ctunsmnu:Dbox menus not supported by this wimp version.";/* 47 */
- case 48:
- return "ctnotact:'%s' is not an action.";                        /* 48 */
- case 49:
- return "ctnotact:dbox %s already displayed.";                    /* 49 */
- case 50:
- return "ctnotact:Unknown action %s in enable/disable action.";   /* 50 */
- case 51:
- return "ctnotact:Unknown action %s in make action writeable.";   /* 51 */
- case 52:
- return "ctunxtmp:Template not in dbox.";                         /* 52 */
- case 53:
- return "ctmistmpn:Template %s not found.";                       /* 53 */
- case 54:
- return "ctmistmp:missing template name.";                        /* 54 */
- case 55:
- return "ctmistmpd:No template defined for dbox  %s.";            /* 55 */
- case 56:
- return "ctduptmp:Duplicate template defined for dbox  %s.";      /* 56 */
- case 57:
- return "ctmismnut:Missing menu title.";                          /* 57 */
- case 58:
- return "ctmistbdy:Missing menu body.";                           /* 58 */
- case 59:
- return "ctmistmpd:Help not in menu / dbox.";                     /* 59 */
- case 60:
- return "ctmistmpd:Duplicate help token.";                        /* 60 */
- case 61:
- return "ctmistmpd:Missing help token.";                          /* 61 */
- case 62:
- return "ctmistmpd:Invalid help type.";                           /* 62 */
- case 63:
- return "ctdupcart:Duplicate entries for writeable action %s.";   /* 63 */
- case 64:
- return "ctdupcart:External menu %s not defined by application."; /* 64 */
- case 65:
- return "ctexpextm:Menu %s should be an external menu.";          /* 65 */
- case 66:
- return "ctdupcart:Main attached menu %s cannot be external.";    /* 66 */
- case 67:
- return "ctdbxndisp:Dbox %s not displayed in make writable.";     /* 67 */
- case 68:
- return "ctunxclk:onclick not in ctl top level.";                 /* 68 */
- case 69:
- return "ctdupclk:Duplicate onclick action.";                     /* 69 */
- case 70:
- return "ctunxels:else without if.";                              /* 70 */
- case 71:
- return "ctdupenth:duplicate help entry number.";                 /* 71 */
- }
- return "Internal error.";
-static void ctl__syntax_error(int errnum,BOOL fatal)
- if (fatal) fclose(ctls->file);
- werr(fatal,msgs_lookup(ctl__errtxt(0)),ctls->line,
-                             msgs_lookup(ctl__errtxt(errnum)));
-static void ctl__error(int errnum,char *arg,BOOL fatal)
- if (fatal) fclose(ctls->file);
- if ((ctls==NULL) || (ctls->line==0))
-          werr(fatal,msgs_lookup(ctl__errtxt(errnum)),arg);
- else
- {
-  char errbuf[100];
-  sprintf(errbuf,msgs_lookup("ctlat: %s in Control line %%i"),
-             msgs_lookup(ctl__errtxt(errnum)));
-  werr(fatal,errbuf,arg,ctls->line);
- }
-/****************************** General Functions *************************/
-static void *ctl__malloc(int size)
-  void *result=malloc(size);
-  if (result == NULL) ctl__error(1,NULL,TRUE);
-  return result;
-static void ctl__free(void *ptr)
- free(ptr);
- /*
-  * ctl__iconcount(dbox *d)
-  *
-  * return number of icons in the dbox.
-  *
-  */
-static int ctl__iconcount(dbox *d)
- wimp_i buffer[256];
- wimp_which_block blk;
- int i;
- blk.window=dbox_syshandle(*d);
- blk.bit_mask=0;
- blk.bit_set=0;
- wimp_which_icon(&blk,buffer);
- for (i=0;buffer[i]!=-1;i++);
- return i;
- /*
-  * ctl__keynum(char *c)
-  *
-  * return number of a key from its name.
-  *
-  */
-static int ctl__keynum(char *c)
- int shift=0,i=0,keynum;
- for (i=0;i<2;i++)
- {
-  if (*c=='S')  { shift+=akbd_Sh; c++;  }
-  if (*c=='C')  { shift+=akbd_Ctl; c++; }
- }
- /* now we have the shift factor and c points to the name */
- /* first try to find as special name */
- i=0;
- for (i=0;strcmp(ctl__keynames(i).name,"ENDLIST")!=0;i++)
- {
-  if (strcmp(ctl__keynames(i).name,c)==0)
-            return ctl__keynames(i).code+shift;
- }
- if (*(c+1)!='\0') return -1; /* More than one char must be bad name */
- keynum=*c;
- if (shift & akbd_Sh) { if ((keynum & 32)==0) return -1; else keynum&=~32; }
- if (shift & akbd_Ctl){ if ((keynum & 64)==0) return -1; else keynum&=~96; }
- return keynum;
-static wimp_menuitem *ctl__menu_item(menu m,int entry)
- wimp_menuitem *item;
- item=(wimp_menuitem *)((int)menu_syshandle(m)+sizeof(wimp_menuhdr));
- return item+(entry-1);
-static int ctl__count_menu_entries(wimp_menustr *m)
- int count=1;
- wimp_menuitem *item;
- item=(wimp_menuitem *)((int)m+sizeof(wimp_menuhdr));
- for (count=1;(item->flags & wimp_MLAST)==0;count++) item++;
- return count;
-static void ctl__read_args(char *syntax,char *line,ctl__argbuf *buffer)
- _kernel_swi_regs r;
- _kernel_oserror  *e;
- r.r[0]=(int)syntax;
- r.r[1]=(int)line;
- r.r[2]=(int)buffer;
- r.r[3]=Argbuf_LEN*4;
- if (e=_kernel_swi(XOS_Bit | OS_ReadArgs,&r,&r),e!=NULL)
-        werr(TRUE,msgs_lookup(ctl__errtxt(0)),ctls->line,e->errmess);
-/* some things we need but need us. */
-static void ctl__run(ctl__action *act);
-static ctl__icon *ctl__find_icon(int num,ctl__dbox *a_dbox);
-static BOOL ctl__process_event(wimp_eventstr *e);
-static ctl__menu_entry *ctl__find_entry(int num,ctl__menu *a_menu);
-static ctl__dbox *ctl__find_dbox(char *name,ctl *a_ctl);
-/*************************** Internal action handlers**********************/
-static ctl__handlestr *ctl__add_handle(event_w w,
-                   void *userhandle,ctl *ct,ctl__menu *mnu)
- ctl__handlestr *a_handle;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New handle:\n");
- if (ctls->handles==NULL)
-  a_handle = (ctls->handles=ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__handlestr)));
- else
- {
-  for(a_handle=ctls->handles;
-       (a_handle->next !=NULL) && (a_handle->w != w);
-                                  a_handle=a_handle->next);
-  if (a_handle->w!=w)
-       a_handle = (a_handle->next=ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__handlestr)));
- }
- a_handle->w=w;
- a_handle->mnu=mnu;
- a_handle->the_ctl=ct;
- a_handle->user_handle=userhandle;
- a_handle->help_token=NULL;
- a_handle->next=NULL;
- a_handle->the_dbox=NULL;
- return a_handle;
-static void ctl__remove_handle(event_w w)
- ctl__handlestr *a_handle,*tmp;
- if (ctls->handles==NULL) return;
- if (ctls->handles->w==w)
- {
-  a_handle=ctls->handles->next;
-  ctl__free(ctls->handles);
-  ctls->handles=a_handle;
-  return;
- }
- for(a_handle=ctls->handles;
-        (a_handle->next != NULL) && (a_handle->next->w != w);
-                                          a_handle=a_handle->next);
- if (a_handle->next==NULL) return;
- tmp=a_handle->next;
- a_handle->next=a_handle->next->next;
- ctl__free(tmp);
-static ctl__handlestr *ctl__find_handle(event_w w)
- ctl__handlestr *a_handle;
- for(a_handle=ctls->handles;a_handle!=NULL;a_handle=a_handle->next)
-      if (a_handle->w==w)  return a_handle;
- return NULL;
-static void ctl__dbox_event_handler(dbox d,ctl__dbox *a_dbox)
- int inum=ctls->current_icon;
- ctl__icon *icon;
- d=d;
- if ((inum==-1) && (wimpt_last_event()->e==wimp_EKEY)) return;
- if ((inum==-1) && (wimpt_last_event()->e==wimp_EBUT) &&
-                  (inum=wimpt_last_event()->data.but.m.i,inum<0))
-                                                            return;           if (inum==-1) return;
- icon=ctl__find_icon(inum,a_dbox);
- ctls->return_code=inum;
- if (icon!=NULL) ctl__run(icon->action);
-    else if (icon=ctl__find_icon(-1,a_dbox),icon!=NULL)
-            ctl__run(icon->action);
-static BOOL ctl__dbox_raw_event_handler(dbox d,wimp_eventstr *e,ctl__dbox *handle)
- wimp_eventstr ev;
- wimp_caretstr c,c1;
- ctls->current_icon=-1;
- if ((e->e==wimp_EKEY) && (e->data.key.chcode==13))
- {
-  wimp_get_caret_pos(&c);
-  ctls->current_icon=e->data.key.c.i;
-  ctl__dbox_event_handler(d,handle);
-  wimp_get_caret_pos(&c1);
-  if ((c.w==c1.w) && (c.i==c1.i))
-  {
-   ctls->current_icon=-1;
-   return FALSE;
-  } else return TRUE;
- }
- else if ((e->e==wimp_ESEND) || (e->e==wimp_ESENDWANTACK))
-         return (ctl__process_event(e));
- else if (e->e!=wimp_EBUT) return FALSE;
- ctls->current_icon=-1;
- if (e->data.but.m.bbits!=2) return FALSE;
- ctls->current_icon=e->data.but.m.i;
- ev.e=wimp_ESEND;
- wimpt_fake_event(&ev);
- wimpt_poll(0,&ev);
- ctl__dbox_event_handler(d,handle);
- return TRUE;
-static int ctl__quit_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int rc)
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- arg=arg;
- exit(0);
- return rc;
-static int ctl__showdbox(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int rc)
- ctl__argbuf *buf=(ctl__argbuf *)arg;
- char dbox_name[20];
- int len,i;
-/* wimp_eventstr e; */
- wimp_mousestr m;
- ctl__dbox *a_dbox;
- dbox d;
- BOOL flag;
- wimp_icon icn;
- ctl__icon *icon;
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- wimp_create_menu((wimp_menustr *)-1,0,0);
- len=*(char *)(buf->words[0]);
- strncpy(dbox_name,(char *)(buf->words[0])+2,MIN(19,len));
- dbox_name[MIN(len,20)]='\0';
- a_dbox=ctl__find_dbox(dbox_name,ctls->current_handle->the_ctl);
- if (a_dbox->displayed)
- {
-  ctl__error(49,a_dbox->name,FALSE);
-  return 0;
- }
- d=dbox_new(a_dbox->template);
- if (d==NULL) ctl__error(32,a_dbox->name,TRUE);
- icon=ctl__find_icon(-1,a_dbox);
- /* reflect state of actions on the icons. */
- for (i=0;i<a_dbox->iconcount;i++)
- {
-  wimp_get_icon_info(dbox_syshandle(d),i,&icn);
-  if ((icon!=NULL) || ((icn.flags & (0xf<<12))==wimp_BIGNORE))
-              dbox_unfadefield(d,i);
-      else dbox_fadefield(d,i);
- }
- for (icon=a_dbox->icons;icon!=NULL;icon=icon->next)
- {
-  dbox_unfadefield(d,icon->num);
-  if (icon->ticked)
-   wimp_set_icon_state(
-        dbox_syshandle(d),icon->num,wimp_ISELECTED,wimp_ISELECTED);
-  else wimp_set_icon_state(dbox_syshandle(d),
-                                icon->num,0,wimp_ISELECTED);
-  if (icon->disabled)
-  wimp_set_icon_state(
-        dbox_syshandle(d),icon->num,wimp_INOSELECT,wimp_INOSELECT);
-  else wimp_set_icon_state(dbox_syshandle(d),
-                                icon->num,0,wimp_INOSELECT);
- }
- dbox_raw_eventhandler(d,
-         (dbox_raw_handler_proc) ctl__dbox_raw_event_handler,
-         a_dbox);
- dbox_eventhandler(d,
-       (dbox_handler_proc) ctl__dbox_event_handler,a_dbox);
- a_dbox->displayed=TRUE;
- a_dbox->dbox_body=d;
- ctls->current_dbox=a_dbox;
- if (a_dbox->mih_token!=NULL)
- {
-   ctl__handlestr *handle=
-         ctl__add_handle(dbox_syshandle(d),(void *) NULL,NULL,NULL);
-   handle->help_token=a_dbox->mih_token;
-   handle->the_ctl=NULL;
-   handle->the_dbox=a_dbox;
- }
- ctl__run(a_dbox->onopen);
- wimp_get_point_info(&m);
- dbox_show(d);
- do
- {
-  ctls->current_icon=-1;
-  if (dbox_fillin(d)==-1) break;
-  flag=dbox_persist();
-  if (flag) ctl__run(a_dbox->onreopen);
- } while (flag);
- ctl__run(a_dbox->onclose);
- dbox_eventhandler(d,(dbox_handler_proc)0,a_dbox);
- dbox_raw_eventhandler(d,(dbox_raw_handler_proc) 0,a_dbox);
- a_dbox->displayed=FALSE;
- if (a_dbox->mih_token!=NULL)
-     ctl__remove_handle(dbox_syshandle(d));
- dbox_dispose(&d);
- ctls->current_dbox=NULL;
- return rc;
-static int ctl__if_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int rc)
- ctl__argbuf *buf=(ctl__argbuf *)arg;
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- arg=arg;
- if (rc!=*((int *) ( (char *) (buf->words[0])+1) ) )
- {
-  ctls->skip=-2;
- } else ctls->skip=-3;
- return rc;
-static int ctl__else_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int rc)
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- arg=arg;
- if (ctls->skip==-1) ctl__syntax_error(70,TRUE);
- if (ctls->skip==-3) ctls->skip=-2; else ctls->skip=-1;
- return rc;
-static int ctl__error_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int rc)
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- werr(0,(char *)arg);
- return rc;
-static int ctl__oscli_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int rc)
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- arg=arg;
- _kernel_oscli((char *)arg);
- return rc;
-static int ctl__number_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int status)
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- status=status;
- ctls->return_code=(int)arg;
- return (int)arg;
-static int ctl__processkey_action(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int status)
- handle=handle;
- type=type;
- arg=arg;
- wimp_processkey(status);
- ctls->return_code=status;
- return status;
-static int ctl__submenu_request(void *handle,void *type,void *arg,int status)
- int i,stat;
- ctl__icon *icon;
- stat=(int)type;
- handle=handle;
- status=status;
- if (wimpt_last_event()->e!=wimp_ESEND) return status;
- switch ((int)type)
- {
-  case 1:
-  case 3:
-         ctl__run(((ctl__menu *)arg)->onopen);
-         if ((((ctl__menu *)arg)->external) &&
-                 (((ctl__menu *)arg)->menu_body==NULL))
-                   ctl__error(64,((ctl__menu *)arg)->name,TRUE);
-         if (((ctl__menu *)arg)->external)
-         {
-            ((ctl__menu *)arg)->parent->submenu=
-                     (wimp_menustr *)(((ctl__menu *)arg)->menu_body);
-            wimp_create_submenu(
-            (wimp_menustr *)(((ctl__menu *)arg)->menu_body),
-            wimpt_last_event()->,
-            wimpt_last_event()->;
-         }
-         else wimp_create_submenu(
-            menu_syshandle(((ctl__menu *)arg)->menu_body),
-            wimpt_last_event()->[1],
-            wimpt_last_event()->[2]);
-         ctls->current_menu=(ctl__menu *)arg;
-         break;
-  case 2:
-  case 4:
-         {
-          dbox d;
-          BOOL flag;
-          wimp_icon icn;
-          ctl__handlestr *handle;
-          ctl__dbox *a_dbox=(ctl__dbox *)arg;
-          if (a_dbox->displayed)
-          {
-           ctl__error(49,a_dbox->name,FALSE);
-           return 0;
-          }
-          d=dbox_new(a_dbox->template);
-          if (d==NULL) ctl__error(32,a_dbox->name,TRUE);
-          icon=ctl__find_icon(-1,a_dbox);
-          /* reflect state of actions on the icons. */
-          for (i=0;i<a_dbox->iconcount;i++)
-          {
-           wimp_get_icon_info(dbox_syshandle(d),i,&icn);
-           if ((icon!=NULL) || ((icn.flags & (0xf<<12))==wimp_BIGNORE))
-                       dbox_unfadefield(d,i);
-               else dbox_fadefield(d,i);
-          }
-          for (icon=a_dbox->icons;icon!=NULL;icon=icon->next)
-          {
-           dbox_unfadefield(d,icon->num);
-           if (icon->ticked)
-            wimp_set_icon_state(
-                 dbox_syshandle(d),icon->num,wimp_ISELECTED,wimp_ISELECTED);
-           else wimp_set_icon_state(dbox_syshandle(d),
-                                         icon->num,0,wimp_ISELECTED);
-           if (icon->disabled)
-           wimp_set_icon_state(
-                 dbox_syshandle(d),icon->num,wimp_INOSELECT,wimp_INOSELECT);
-           else wimp_set_icon_state(dbox_syshandle(d),
-                                         icon->num,0,wimp_INOSELECT);
-          }
-          dbox_raw_eventhandler(d,
-                  (dbox_raw_handler_proc) ctl__dbox_raw_event_handler,
-                  a_dbox);
-          dbox_eventhandler(d,
-                (dbox_handler_proc) ctl__dbox_event_handler,a_dbox);
-          a_dbox->displayed=TRUE;
-          a_dbox->dbox_body=d;
-          ctls->current_dbox=a_dbox;
-          handle=ctl__add_handle(dbox_syshandle(d),(void *) NULL,NULL,NULL);
-          handle->help_token=a_dbox->mih_token;
-          handle->the_ctl=NULL;
-          ctl__run(a_dbox->onopen);
-          dbox_show(d);
-          do
-          {
-           ctls->current_icon=-1;
-           if (dbox_fillin(d)==-1) break;
-           flag=dbox_persist();
-           if (flag)
-           {
-            ctl__menu *mnu=ctls->current_handle->mnu;
-            ctl__menu_entry *entry;
-            char *c;
-            for (c=ctls->last_menu_hit;*(c+1);c++)
-            {
-             ctl__run(mnu->onreopen);
-             entry=ctl__find_entry(*c,mnu);
-             if (entry==NULL) entry=ctl__find_entry(-1,mnu);
-             mnu=(ctl__menu *) entry->action->args;
-            }
-            ctl__run(mnu->onreopen);
-            if (!mnu->external)
-               ctl__menu_item(mnu->menu_body,*c)->submenu=
-              ((a_dbox->onreopen)==(ctl__action *)-1) ?
-                    (wimp_menustr *) 1 :
-                    (wimp_menustr *) dbox_syshandle(d);
-            else
-              ((wimp_menuitem *)
-               (((wimp_menustr *)mnu->menu_body)+1)+*c-1)
-                          ->submenu=
-              ((a_dbox->onreopen)==(ctl__action *)-1) ?
-                    (wimp_menustr *) 1 :
-                    (wimp_menustr *) dbox_syshandle(d);
-            wimp_create_menu(
-                 menu_syshandle(ctls->current_handle->mnu->menu_body),0,0);
-            ctl__run(((ctl__dbox *)arg)->onreopen);
-           }
-          } while (flag);
-          ctl__run(a_dbox->onclose);
-          dbox_eventhandler(d,(dbox_handler_proc)0,a_dbox);
-          dbox_raw_eventhandler(d,(dbox_raw_handler_proc) 0,a_dbox);
-          a_dbox->displayed=FALSE;
-          ctl__remove_handle(dbox_syshandle(d));
-          dbox_dispose(&d);
-          ctls->current_dbox=NULL;
-         }
-         break;
-  default:
-         break;
- }
- return status;
-/*************************** Internal functions ***************************/
- * ctl__find_ctl(char *name):
- *
- * find named ctl.
- *
- */
-static ctl *ctl__find_ctl(char *name)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- for (a_ctl=ctls->ctls;a_ctl!=NULL;a_ctl=a_ctl->next)
-   if (strcmp(a_ctl->name,name)==0) return a_ctl;
- ctl__error(42,name,TRUE);
- /* NEVER */
- return NULL;
- * ctl__find_menu(char *name,ctl *a_ctl):
- *
- * find named menu in given ctl.
- *
- */
-static ctl__menu *ctl__find_menu(char *name,ctl *a_ctl)
- ctl__menu *a_menu;
- for (a_menu=a_ctl->menus;a_menu!=NULL;a_menu=a_menu->next)
-   if (strcmp(a_menu->name,name)==0) return a_menu;
- if (ctls->line==0)
-          werr(TRUE,msgs_lookup("mismnu:Menu %s mot defined in Ctl %s.")
-               ,name,a_ctl->name);
- else
-      werr(TRUE,
-        msgs_lookup("mismnu1:Menu %s mot defined in Ctl %s. at line %i.")
-             ,name,a_ctl->name,ctls->line);
- /* NEVER */
- return NULL;
- * ctl__find_dbox(char *name,ctl *a_ctl):
- *
- * find named dbox in given ctl.
- *
- */
-static ctl__dbox *ctl__find_dbox(char *name,ctl *a_ctl)
- ctl__dbox *a_dbox;
- for (a_dbox=a_ctl->dboxes;a_dbox!=NULL;a_dbox=a_dbox->next)
-   if (strcmp(a_dbox->name,name)==0) return a_dbox;
- if (ctls->line==0)
-          werr(TRUE,msgs_lookup("misdbx:Dbox %s mot defined in Ctl %s.")
-               ,name,a_ctl->name);
- else
-      werr(TRUE,
-        msgs_lookup("misdbx1:Dbox %s mot defined in Ctl %s. at line %i.")
-             ,name,a_ctl->name,ctls->line);
- /* NEVER */
- return NULL;
- * ctl__find_entry(int num,ctl__menu *a_menu):
- *
- * find an entry in given menu return NULL if not found.
- *
- */
-static ctl__menu_entry *ctl__find_entry(int num,ctl__menu *a_menu)
- ctl__menu_entry *an_entry;
- for (an_entry=a_menu->entries;an_entry!=NULL;an_entry=an_entry->next)
-   if (an_entry->num==num) return an_entry;
- return NULL;
- * ctl__find_icon(int num,ctl__dbox *a_dbox):
- *
- * find an icon in given dbox return NULL if not found.
- *
- */
-static ctl__icon *ctl__find_icon(int num,ctl__dbox *a_dbox)
- ctl__icon *an_icon;
- for (an_icon=a_dbox->icons;an_icon!=NULL;an_icon=an_icon->next)
-   if (an_icon->num==num) return an_icon;
- return NULL;
-static ctl__actionstr *ctl__find_action(ctl__actionstr *action,
-                             ctl__actionstr *list,BOOL add,BOOL internal)
- if (add && ctls->actions==NULL)
- {
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New action %s:\n",action->name);
-  ctls->actions=(ctl__actionstr *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__actionstr));
-  *ctls->actions=*action;
-  return NULL;
- }
- if (list==NULL) return NULL;
- else if ( (*(list->name)==*(action->name)) &&
-           (strcmp(list->name,action->name)==0) &&
-           (internal || !list->internal)) return list;
- if (add && (list->next==NULL))
- {
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New action %s:\n",action->name);
-  list->next=(ctl__actionstr *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__actionstr));
-  *list->next=*action;
-  return NULL;
- }
- return ctl__find_action(action,list->next,add,internal);
-static void ctl__add_action(char *name,char *syntax,ctl_action_proc func,void *arg,
-                     BOOL internal)
- ctl__actionstr act;
- act.syntax=syntax;
-  act.function.function=func;
-  act.function.handle=arg;
-  act.internal=internal;
-  act.disabled=FALSE;
- if (ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,TRUE,internal)!=NULL)
-                 ctl__error(3,name,TRUE);
-static void ctl__init(void)
- if (ctls!=NULL) ctl__error(2,NULL,TRUE);
-#ifdef LOG
- ctls=(ctl__statestr *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__statestr));
-                                                     /* Space for state */
- ctls->state=ctl_ST_PRELOAD;
- ctls->ctls=NULL;
- ctls->actions=NULL;
- ctls->current_char=' ';
- ctls->handles=NULL;
- ctls->current_handle=NULL;
- ctls->current_menu=NULL;
- ctls->top_menu=NULL;
- ctls->current_dbox=NULL;
- ctls->line=1;
- ctls->return_code=0;
- ctls->current_icon=-1;
- ctls->external_hit[0]='\0';
- /* Define stanfard actions. */
-/*                Name          Sntx   Function            Handle  Intern? */
-ctl__add_action("<submenu>"  ,NULL, ctl__submenu_request,  (void *) 1,TRUE);
-ctl__add_action("<subdbox>"  ,NULL, ctl__submenu_request,  (void *) 2,TRUE);
-ctl__add_action("<dsubmenu>" ,NULL, ctl__submenu_request,  (void *) 3,TRUE);
-ctl__add_action("<dsubdbox>" ,NULL, ctl__submenu_request,  (void *) 4,TRUE);
-ctl__add_action("<number>"   ,NULL, ctl__number_action  ,  (void *) 0,TRUE);
-ctl__add_action("process"    ,NULL, ctl__processkey_action,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("quit"       ,NULL, ctl__quit_action      ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("if"         ,"/e", ctl__if_action        ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("else"       ,NULL, ctl__else_action      ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("error"      ,NULL, ctl__error_action     ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("oscli"      ,NULL, ctl__oscli_action     ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("*"          ,NULL, ctl__oscli_action     ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-ctl__add_action("showdbox"   ,"/g", ctl__showdbox         ,(void *) 0,FALSE);
-#define TOKENLEN 256
-#define LINELEN  255
-/* ctl__skip_toeol:
- *               skip this line in  input file.
- *               checks for length and eof.
- */
-static void ctl__skip_toeol(void)
- char c;
- if (ctls->current_char==EOF) ctl__syntax_error(7,TRUE);
- do
- {
-  c=ctls->current_char;
-  ctls->current_char=fgetc(ctls->file);
-  if ((ctls->current_char=='\n') && (c=='\\'))
-  {
-   ctls->line++;
-   ctls->current_char=' ';
-  }
- }
- while ((ctls->current_char!='\n') && (ctls->current_char!=EOF));
-/* ctl__readtoeol:
- *               read next word from input file. skip any leading spaces
- *               and tabs.
- *               checks for length and eof.
- */
-static void ctl__readtoeol(char *buffer)
- char *c=buffer;
- if (ctls->current_char==EOF) ctl__syntax_error(7,TRUE);
- do
- {
-  *c++=ctls->current_char;
-  if (ctls->current_char=='\n') break;
-  if ((c-buffer)==LINELEN) ctl__syntax_error(8,TRUE);
-  ctls->current_char=fgetc(ctls->file);
-  if ((ctls->current_char=='\n') && (*(c-1)=='\\'))
-  {
-   *(c-1)=ctls->current_char=' ';
-   ctls->line++;
-  }
- }
- while ((ctls->current_char!='\n') && (ctls->current_char!=EOF));
- *c++='\n';
- *c='\0';
-/* ctl__readword:
- *               read next word from input file. skip any leading spaces
- *               and tabs.
- *               checks for length and eof.
- */
-static int ctl__readword(char *buffer)
- char *c=buffer,sep;
- if (ctls->current_char==EOF)
- {
-  return EOF;
- }
- while (((ctls->current_char==' ') || (ctls->current_char=='\t'))
-        && !feof(ctls->file)) ctls->current_char=fgetc(ctls->file);
- if (ctls->current_char=='"')
- {
-  sep='"';
-  ctls->current_char=fgetc(ctls->file);
- } else sep=' ';
- do
- {
-  *c++=ctls->current_char;
-  if (c-buffer==TOKENLEN) ctl__syntax_error(6,TRUE);
-  ctls->current_char=fgetc(ctls->file);
- }
- while ((ctls->current_char!=sep) && (ctls->current_char!=EOF)
-           && (ctls->current_char!='\n') && (*(c-1)!='\n') );
- *c='\0';
- if (sep=='"')
- switch(ctls->current_char)
- {
-  case EOF:
-           ctl__syntax_error(45,TRUE);
-           break;
-  case '\n':
-           ctl__syntax_error(46,TRUE);
-           break;
-  default:
-          ctls->current_char=fgetc(ctls->file);
-          break;
- }
- return 0;
-/* read next token.
- *       Reads in the next token from the file return token id.
- */
-static ctl__token ctl__read_next_token(ctl__tokenstr *value)
- char buffer[TOKENLEN];
- int n;
- if (ctl__readword(buffer)==EOF)  return ctl_TOK_EOF;
- n=0;
- while (strcmp(ctl__tokens(n),"ENDLIST")!=0)
- {
-  if (strcmp(ctl__tokens(n),buffer)==0) return n+1;
-  n++;
- }
- if (sscanf(buffer,"%i",&value->num)==1)
- {
-   if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTION) &&
-        (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK)) return ctl_TOK_NUMBER;
-   else
-   {
-    ctl__actionstr act;
-    value->action.args=(char *)(value->num);
-    value->action.type=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION;
-    value->action.action.address=
-        ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,TRUE);
-    return ctl_TOK_ACTION;
-   }
- }
- else
- {
-  ctl__actionstr act;
-  if (
-     (value->action.action.address=
-        ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE))!=NULL)
-  {
-   value->action.type=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION;
-   ctl__readtoeol(buffer);
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"Action arguments:\n");
-   value->action.args=ctl__malloc(strlen(buffer)+1);
-   strcpy(value->action.args,buffer);
-   return ctl_TOK_ACTION;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"String:\n");
-   value->string=ctl__malloc(strlen(buffer)+1);
-   strcpy(value->string,buffer);
-   return ctl_TOK_STRING;
-  }
- }
- return ctl_TOK_UNKNOWN;
- * ctl__new_ctl():
- *              Define a new ctl.
- */
-static ctl *ctl__new_ctl(void)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New ctl:\n");
- if (ctls->ctls==NULL) /* First one */
- {
-  ctls->ctls=(ctl *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl));
-  a_ctl=ctls->ctls;
- }
- else
- {
-  a_ctl=ctls->ctls;
-  while (a_ctl->next != NULL) a_ctl=a_ctl->next;
-  a_ctl->next=(ctl *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl));
-  a_ctl=a_ctl->next;
- }
- /* Now a_ctl points to new space. */
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-         ctl__syntax_error(11,TRUE);
- a_ctl->name=tokenval.string;
- a_ctl->menus=NULL;
- a_ctl->dboxes=NULL;
- a_ctl->keys=NULL;
- a_ctl->onclick=NULL;
- a_ctl->next=NULL;
- return a_ctl;
-/* ctl__new_menu(ctl *current_ctl)
- *
- * define a new menu in the given ctl.
- *
- */
-static ctl__menu *ctl__new_menu(ctl *cctl)
- ctl__menu *a_menu;
- char *c,*body,*title;
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__token token;
- int           i;
- BOOL external=FALSE;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Menu:\n");
- if (cctl->menus==NULL) /* First one */
- {
-  cctl->menus=(ctl__menu *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__menu));
-  a_menu=cctl->menus;
- }
- else
- {
-  a_menu=cctl->menus;
-  while (a_menu->next != NULL) a_menu=a_menu->next;
-  a_menu->next=(ctl__menu *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__menu));
-  a_menu=a_menu->next;
- }
- /* Now a_menu points to new space. */
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-         ctl__syntax_error(13,TRUE);
- a_menu->name=tokenval.string;
- a_menu->onopen=NULL;
- a_menu->onreopen=NULL;
- a_menu->entries=NULL;
- a_menu->next=NULL;
- a_menu->mih_token=NULL;
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_EXTERNAL)
- {
-  a_menu->menu_body=NULL;
-  a_menu->entrycount=0;
-  external=TRUE;
-  a_menu->external=external;
-  return a_menu;
- } else if (token!=ctl_TOK_STRING) ctl__syntax_error(57,TRUE);
- title=tokenval.string;
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_COLOURMENU)
- {
-  a_menu->menu_body=colourmenu_make(msgs_lookup(title),FALSE);
-  a_menu->entrycount=16;
-  ctl__free(title);
- } else if (token!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-         ctl__syntax_error(58,TRUE);
- else
- {
-  body=tokenval.string;
-  a_menu->menu_body=menu_new(msgs_lookup(title),msgs_lookup(body));
-  a_menu->entrycount=1;
-  for(c=msgs_lookup(body);*c!='\0';c++)
-     if ((*c==',') || (*c=='|')) a_menu->entrycount++;
-  ctl__free(title);
-  ctl__free(body);
- }
- a_menu->external=external;
- if (!external) for (i=1;i<=a_menu->entrycount;i++)
-                menu_setflags(a_menu->menu_body,i,0,1);
- return a_menu;
-/* ctl__new_dbox(ctl *current_ctl)
- *
- * define a new dbox in the given ctl.
- *
- */
-static ctl__dbox *ctl__new_dbox(ctl *cctl)
- ctl__dbox *a_dbox;
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Dbox:\n");
- if (cctl->dboxes==NULL) /* First one */
- {
-  cctl->dboxes=(ctl__dbox *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__dbox));
-  a_dbox=cctl->dboxes;
- }
- else
- {
-  a_dbox=cctl->dboxes;
-  while (a_dbox->next != NULL) a_dbox=a_dbox->next;
-  a_dbox->next=(ctl__dbox *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__dbox));
-  a_dbox=a_dbox->next;
- }
- /* Now a_dbox points to new space. */
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-         ctl__syntax_error(31,TRUE);
- a_dbox->name=tokenval.string;
- a_dbox->onopen  =NULL;
- a_dbox->onreopen  =NULL;
- a_dbox->onclose =NULL;
- a_dbox->icons   =NULL;
- a_dbox->next    =NULL;
- a_dbox->mih_token=NULL;
- a_dbox->displayed=FALSE;
- a_dbox->template=NULL;
- return a_dbox;
-/* ctl__add_to_actionlist
- *
- * add an action at the end of an action list.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__add_to_actionlist(ctl__action *list,ctl__tokenstr *act)
- if (list->!=NULL)
- {
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New action in action list:\n");
-  list->next=ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
-  list=list->next;
- }
-  *list=act->action;
-  list->line=ctls->line;
-  list->nest=ctls->nest;
-  list->next=NULL;
-  return list;
- * ctl__add_string_to_actionlist
- *
- * add a string as an action at the end of the actionlist.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__add_string_to_actionlist(ctl__action *list,
-                                                     ctl__tokenstr *act)
- char buffer[LINELEN];
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"String in action list:\n");
- ctl__readtoeol(buffer);
- act->>string;
- act->action.args=ctl__malloc(strlen(buffer)+1);
- strcpy(act->action.args,buffer);
- if ((act->string[0]=='(') && (act->string[strlen(act->string)-1]==')'))
-      act->action.type=ctl_ACT_LABEL;
- else act->action.type=ctl_ACT_STRING;
- return ctl__add_to_actionlist(list,act);
- * ctl__new_entry
- *
- * add new entry to given menu.
- * return pointer to action list for the new entry.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__new_entry(ctl__menu *menu,int entry)
- ctl__menu_entry *an_entry;
- int i;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Menu Entry:\n");
- if (
-     (entry!=-1) &&
-     (!menu->external) &&
-     ((entry<1) || (entry>menu->entrycount))
-    )
-      ctl__syntax_error(26,TRUE);
- else if (!menu->external)
- {
-  if (entry>0) menu_setflags(menu->menu_body,entry,0,0);
-      else for (i=1;i<=menu->entrycount;i++)
-             menu_setflags(menu->menu_body,i,0,0);
- }
- if (menu->entries==NULL) /* first entry */
- {
-  menu->entries=(ctl__menu_entry *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__menu_entry));
-  an_entry=menu->entries;
- }
- else
- {
-  an_entry=menu->entries;
-  if (an_entry->num==entry)
-   {
-    if (an_entry->action->!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(27,TRUE);
-       else return an_entry->action;
-   }
-  while (an_entry->next != NULL)
-  {
-   an_entry=an_entry->next;
-   if (an_entry->num==entry)
-   {
-    if (an_entry->action->!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(27,TRUE);
-       else return an_entry->action;
-   }
-  }
-  an_entry->next=(ctl__menu_entry *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__menu_entry));
-  an_entry=an_entry->next;
- }
- an_entry->num=entry;
- an_entry->action=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
- an_entry->action->;
- an_entry->disabled=0;
- an_entry->next=NULL;
- an_entry->help_action=NULL;
- return an_entry->action;
-/* add a new entry help action entry number is next token  in file.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__add_entry_help(ctl__menu *menu)
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__menu_entry *an_entry;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Entry Help Action:\n");
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-      ctl__syntax_error(25,TRUE);
- if ((an_entry=ctl__find_entry(tokenval.num,menu))==NULL)
- {
-  ctl__new_entry(menu,tokenval.num);
-  an_entry=ctl__find_entry(tokenval.num,menu);
- }
- if (an_entry->help_action==NULL)
- {
-   an_entry->help_action=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
-   an_entry->help_action->;
-   return an_entry->help_action;
- }
- else ctl__syntax_error(71,TRUE);
- /* Should never get here. */
- return NULL;
-/* add a new entry, entry number is next token  in file.
- *
- *
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__add_new_entry_from_file(ctl__menu *menu)
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__token token;
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_HELP)
-    return ctl__add_entry_help(menu);
- if (token!=ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-      ctl__syntax_error(25,TRUE);
- return ctl__new_entry(menu,tokenval.num);
- * ctl__new_icon
- *
- * add new icon to given dbox.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__new_icon(ctl__dbox *dbox,int inum)
- ctl__icon     *an_icon;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Icon:\n");
- if ((inum!=-1) && ((inum<0) || (inum>=dbox->iconcount)))
-      ctl__syntax_error(37,TRUE);
- if (dbox->icons==NULL) /* first icon */
- {
-  dbox->icons=(ctl__icon *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__icon));
-  an_icon=dbox->icons;
- }
- else
- {
-  an_icon=dbox->icons;
-  if (an_icon->num==inum)
-   {
-    if (an_icon->action->!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(38,TRUE);
-       else return an_icon->action;
-   }
-  while (an_icon->next != NULL)
-  {
-   an_icon=an_icon->next;
-  if (an_icon->num==inum)
-   {
-    if (an_icon->action->!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(38,TRUE);
-       else return an_icon->action;
-   }
-  }
-  an_icon->next=(ctl__icon *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__icon));
-  an_icon=an_icon->next;
- }
- an_icon->num=inum;
- an_icon->action=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
- an_icon->action->;
- an_icon->disabled=0;
- an_icon->ticked=FALSE;
- an_icon->help_action=NULL;
- an_icon->next=NULL;
- return an_icon->action;
-static ctl__action *ctl__add_icon_help(ctl__dbox *dbox)
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__icon *an_icon;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Icon Help:\n");
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-      ctl__syntax_error(36,TRUE);
- if ((an_icon=ctl__find_icon(tokenval.num,dbox))==NULL)
- {
-  ctl__new_icon(dbox,tokenval.num);
-  an_icon=ctl__find_icon(tokenval.num,dbox);
- }
- if (an_icon->help_action==NULL)
- {
-   an_icon->help_action=(ctl__action *) ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
-   an_icon->help_action->;
-   return an_icon->help_action;
- }
- else ctl__syntax_error(71,TRUE);
- /* Should never get here. */
- return NULL;
- * ctl__add_new_icon_from_file
- *
- * add new icon to given dbox. icon number is next token in file.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__add_new_icon_from_file(ctl__dbox *dbox)
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__token token;
- /* get icon number */
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_HELP)
-    return ctl__add_icon_help(dbox);
- if (token!=ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-      ctl__syntax_error(36,TRUE);
-  return ctl__new_icon(dbox,tokenval.num);
- * ctl__new_key
- *
- * add new entry to given ctl.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__new_key(ctl *cctl)
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__key      *a_key;
- int keynum;
- ctl__token token;
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"New Hot Key:\n");
- /* get entry number */
- keynum=-1;
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-     keynum=tokenval.num;
- else if (token==ctl_TOK_STRING) keynum=ctl__keynum(tokenval.string);
- if (keynum==-1) ctl__syntax_error(40,TRUE);
- if (cctl->keys==NULL) /* first entry */
- {
-  cctl->keys=(ctl__key *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__key));
-  a_key=cctl->keys;
- }
- else
- {
-  a_key=cctl->keys;
-  if (a_key->keycode==keynum)  ctl__syntax_error(41,TRUE);
-  while (a_key->next != NULL)
-  {
-   a_key=a_key->next;
-   if (a_key->keycode==keynum) ctl__syntax_error(41,TRUE);
-  }
-  a_key->next=(ctl__key *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__key));
-  a_key=a_key->next;
- }
- a_key->keycode=keynum;
- a_key->action=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
- a_key->action->;
- a_key->action->next=NULL;
- a_key->disabled=FALSE;
- a_key->next=NULL;
- return a_key->action;
- * ctl__submenu
- *
- * attach submenu to given menu.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__submenu(ctl *cctl,ctl__menu *a_menu)
- ctl__token token;
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__action     *actionlist;
- ctl__actionstr  act;
- int             entry;
- ctl__menu       *submenu;
- ctl__dbox       *a_dbox;
- /* get entry number */
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-      ctl__syntax_error(25,TRUE);
- if (
-     (tokenval.num!=-1) &&
-     (!a_menu->external) &&
-     ((tokenval.num<1) || (tokenval.num>a_menu->entrycount))
-    )
-      ctl__syntax_error(26,TRUE);
- if (ctl__find_entry(tokenval.num,a_menu)!=NULL)
-      ctl__syntax_error(27,TRUE);
- entry=tokenval.num;
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_MENU)
- {
-  if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-      ctl__syntax_error(13,TRUE);
-  submenu=ctl__find_menu(tokenval.string,cctl);
-  if (!a_menu->external)
-  {
-   int en;
-   for (en=((entry==-1)?1:entry);
-        en<=((entry==-1)?a_menu->entrycount:entry);
-        en++)
-   {
-     ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en)->flags|=wimp_MSUBLINKMSG;
-     ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en)->submenu=
-          (submenu->external ? (wimp_menustr *)1 :
-                                menu_syshandle(submenu->menu_body));
-     if (submenu->external)
-        submenu->parent=ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en);
-     menu_setflags(a_menu->menu_body,en,0,0);
-    }
-  }
-  actionlist=ctl__new_entry(a_menu,entry);
-  actionlist->type=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION;
-  actionlist->action.address=
-       ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,TRUE);
-  actionlist->args=(char *)submenu;
-  actionlist->line=ctls->line;
-  actionlist->nest=ctls->nest;
-  actionlist->next=NULL;
-  return actionlist;
- }
-  else if (token==ctl_TOK_DBOX)
- {
-  if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-      ctl__syntax_error(31,TRUE);
-  a_dbox=ctl__find_dbox(tokenval.string,cctl);
-  if (!a_menu->external)
-  {
-   int en;
-   for (en=((entry==-1)?1:entry);
-        en<=((entry==-1)?a_menu->entrycount:entry);
-        en++)
-   {
-     ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en)->submenu=(wimp_menustr *) a_dbox;
-     ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en)->flags|=wimp_MSUBLINKMSG;
-     menu_setflags(a_menu->menu_body,en,0,0);
-   }
-  }
-  actionlist=ctl__new_entry(a_menu,entry);
-  actionlist->type=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION;
-  actionlist->action.address=
-       ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,TRUE);
-  actionlist->args=(char *)a_dbox;
-  actionlist->line=ctls->line;
-  actionlist->nest=ctls->nest;
-  actionlist->next=NULL;
-  return actionlist;
- }
- else if (token==ctl_TOK_WARNING)
- {
-  if (!a_menu->external)
-  {
-   int en;
-   for (en=((entry==-1)?1:entry);
-        en<=((entry==-1)?a_menu->entrycount:entry);
-        en++)
-   {
-    ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en)->flags|=wimp_MSUBLINKMSG;
-    menu_setflags(a_menu->menu_body,en,0,0);
-    ctl__menu_item(a_menu->menu_body,en)->submenu=(wimp_menustr *)1;
-   }
-  }
-  return ctl__new_entry(a_menu,entry);
- } else ctl__syntax_error(43,TRUE);
- /*NEVER */
- return NULL;
- * ctl__subdboxmenu
- *
- * attach submenu to given dbox.
- *
- */
-static ctl__action *ctl__subdboxmenu(ctl *cctl,ctl__dbox *dbx)
- ctl__token token;
- ctl__tokenstr tokenval;
- ctl__action     *actionlist;
- ctl__actionstr  act;
- int             icon;
- ctl__dbox       *a_dbox;
- ctl__menu       *submenu;
- /* get icon number */
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_NUMBER)
-      ctl__syntax_error(25,TRUE);
- if ((tokenval.num!=-1) &&
-       ((tokenval.num<0) || (tokenval.num>=dbx->iconcount)))
-                                        ctl__syntax_error(26,TRUE);
- if (ctl__find_icon(tokenval.num,dbx)!=NULL)
-      ctl__syntax_error(27,TRUE);
- icon=tokenval.num;
- if ((token=ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval))==ctl_TOK_MENU)
- {
-#ifndef DBOXMENUS
-     ctl__syntax_error(47,TRUE);
-  if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-      ctl__syntax_error(13,TRUE);
-  submenu=ctl__find_menu(tokenval.string,cctl);
-  actionlist=ctl__new_icon(dbx,icon);
-  actionlist->type=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION;
-  actionlist->action.address=
-       ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,TRUE);
-  actionlist->args=(char *)submenu;
-  actionlist->line=ctls->line;
-  actionlist->nest=ctls->nest;
-  actionlist->next=NULL;
-  return actionlist;
-#endif /* DBOXMENUS */
- }
-  else if (token==ctl_TOK_DBOX)
- {
-  if (ctl__read_next_token(&tokenval)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-      ctl__syntax_error(31,TRUE);
-  a_dbox=ctl__find_dbox(tokenval.string,cctl);
-  actionlist=ctl__new_icon(dbx,icon);
-  actionlist->type=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION;
-  actionlist->action.address=
-       ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,TRUE);
-  actionlist->args=(char *)a_dbox;
-  actionlist->line=ctls->line;
-  actionlist->nest=ctls->nest;
-  actionlist->next=NULL;
-  return actionlist;
- }
-  else ctl__syntax_error(43,TRUE);
- /*NEVER */
- return NULL;
-static int ctl__exec(ctl__action *action)
- ctl__argbuf argbuf;
- if (action->type==ctl_ACT_FUNCTION)
- {
-  if (action->action.address->syntax==NULL)
-  return (int)  (action->action.address->function.function(
-                 ctls->current_handle->user_handle,
-                 action->action.address->function.handle,
-                 action->args,
-                 ctls->return_code));
-  else
-  {
-   ctl__read_args(action->action.address->syntax,action->args,&argbuf);
-   return (int)(action->action.address->function.function(
-                 ctls->current_handle->user_handle,
-                 action->action.address->function.handle,
-                 (char *) &argbuf,
-                 ctls->return_code));
-  }
- }
- else
- {
-  ctl__actionstr act,*actpos;
-  actpos=ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE);
-  if (actpos==NULL)
-  {
-   if (action->type==ctl_ACT_LABEL) return 0;
-   ctls->line=action->line;
-   ctl__error(44,,FALSE);
-   return 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (actpos->syntax==NULL)
-    return (int)(actpos->function.function(
-                 ctls->current_handle->user_handle,
-                 actpos->function.handle,
-                 action->args,
-                 ctls->return_code));
-  else
-  {
-   ctl__read_args(actpos->syntax,action->args,&argbuf);
-   return (int)(actpos->function.function(
-                 ctls->current_handle->user_handle,
-                 actpos->function.handle,
-                 (char *) &argbuf,
-                 ctls->return_code));
-  }
-  }
- }
- return 0;
-static void ctl__run(ctl__action *action)
- BOOL submenu=(wimpt_last_event()->e!=wimp_EMENU);
- BOOL skipflag=FALSE;
- ctl__action *an_action=action;
- int tmp_skip=ctls->skip;
-#ifdef LOG
- if (logfile!=NULL)
- {
-  fclose(logfile);
-  logfile=NULL;
- }
- if ((action==NULL) || (action==(ctl__action *)-1)) return;
- ctls->skip=-1;
- for (an_action=action;an_action!=NULL;an_action=an_action->next)
- {
-  if (skipflag)
-  {
-   skipflag=FALSE;
-   continue;
-  }
-  if ((ctls->skip<0) || (ctls->skip>=an_action->nest))
-  {
-   ctls->return_code=ctl__exec(an_action);
-   if (ctls->skip==-2)
-   {
-    ctls->skip=an_action->nest;
-    skipflag=TRUE;
-   } else if (ctls->skip!=-3) ctls->skip=-1;
-   if ((an_action->type==ctl_ACT_FUNCTION) &&
-      (an_action->action.address->function.function==ctl__submenu_request) &&
-      (submenu)
-     ) break;
-  }
- }
- ctls->skip=tmp_skip;
-static void ctl__get_template(ctl__dbox *a_dbox)
- ctl__tokenstr token;
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&token)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-     ctl__syntax_error(54,TRUE);
- if (template_find(token.string)==NULL)
-             ctl__error(53,token.string,TRUE);
- a_dbox->template=token.string;
- a_dbox->dbox_body=dbox_new(token.string);
- if (a_dbox->dbox_body==NULL) ctl__error(32,a_dbox->name,TRUE);
- a_dbox->iconcount=ctl__iconcount(&a_dbox->dbox_body);
- dbox_dispose(&a_dbox->dbox_body);
-static void ctl__get_dbox_help(ctl__dbox *a_dbox)
- ctl__tokenstr token;
- ctl__token    type;
- type=ctl__read_next_token(&token);
- if (type==ctl_TOK_HELPACTION) werr(1,"Action help not implemented.");
- if (type!=ctl_TOK_TOKEN) ctl__syntax_error(62,TRUE);
- if (a_dbox->mih_token!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(60,TRUE);
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&token)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-     ctl__syntax_error(61,TRUE);
- a_dbox->mih_token=token.string;
-static void ctl__get_menu_help(ctl__menu *a_menu)
- ctl__tokenstr token;
- ctl__token    type;
- type=ctl__read_next_token(&token);
- if (type==ctl_TOK_HELPACTION) werr(1,"Action help not implemented.");
- if (type!=ctl_TOK_TOKEN) ctl__syntax_error(62,TRUE);
- if (a_menu->mih_token!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(60,TRUE);
- if (ctl__read_next_token(&token)!=ctl_TOK_STRING)
-     ctl__syntax_error(61,TRUE);
- a_menu->mih_token=token.string;
-/* ctl__load :
- *            open and load the control file.
- *            if errors is TRUE generate errors for non exsistant actions.
- */
-static void ctl__load(BOOL errors)
- FILE          *control;
- ctl__token    token;
- ctl__tokenstr value;
- ctl           *current_ctl=NULL;
- ctl__menu     *current_menu=NULL;
- ctl__dbox     *current_dbox=NULL;
- ctl__action   *action_list=NULL;
- ctl__state    saved_state=ctl_ST_LOADING;
- if (control=res_openfile("Control","r"),control==NULL)
- {
-  ctl__error(5,NULL,TRUE);
-  return;
- }
- ctls->file=control;
- ctls->state=ctl_ST_LOADING;
- ctls->nest=0;
- do
- {
-  token=ctl__read_next_token(&value);
-  switch(token)
-  {
-   case ctl_TOK_EOF:
-        fclose(ctls->file);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_LOADING) ctl__error(9,NULL,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_CTL:
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_LOADING) ctl__syntax_error(10,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        current_ctl=ctl__new_ctl();
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_CTLDEF;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_MENU:
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_CTLDEF) ctl__syntax_error(10,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        current_menu=ctl__new_menu(current_ctl);
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_MENUDEF;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_DBOX:
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_CTLDEF) ctl__syntax_error(30,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        current_dbox=ctl__new_dbox(current_ctl);
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ONOPEN:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_MENUDEF) &&
-            (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF)) ctl__syntax_error(14,TRUE);
-        if (((ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF) && (current_menu->onopen!=NULL))
-           ||((ctls->state==ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) && (current_dbox->onopen!=NULL)))
-               ctl__error(15,(ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF)?
-                             current_menu->name:current_dbox->name,TRUE);
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"Onopen action:\n");
-        action_list=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
-        action_list->;
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF) current_menu->onopen=action_list;
-              else current_dbox->onopen=action_list;
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ONREOPEN:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_MENUDEF) &&
-            (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF)) ctl__syntax_error(14,TRUE);
-        if (((ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF) && (current_menu->onreopen!=NULL))
-        ||((ctls->state==ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) && (current_dbox->onreopen!=NULL)))
-               ctl__error(15,(ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF)?
-                             current_menu->name:current_dbox->name,TRUE);
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"Onreopen action:\n");
-        action_list=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
-        action_list->;
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF) current_menu->onreopen=action_list;
-              else current_dbox->onreopen=action_list;
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_NOREOPEN:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) ctl__syntax_error(14,TRUE);
-        if (current_dbox->onreopen!=NULL)
-               ctl__error(15,current_dbox->name,TRUE);
-        current_dbox->onreopen=(ctl__action *)-1;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ONCLOSE:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) ctl__syntax_error(33,TRUE);
-        if (current_dbox->onclose!=NULL)
-                   ctl__error(34,current_dbox->name,TRUE);
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"Onclose action:\n");
-        action_list=(ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action));
-        action_list->;
-        current_dbox->onclose=action_list;
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ENDDBOX:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) ctl__syntax_error(17,TRUE);
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_CTLDEF;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ENDMENU:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_MENUDEF) && (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTION))
-            ctl__syntax_error(18,TRUE);
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_CTLDEF;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ENDCTL:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_CTLDEF) ctl__syntax_error(19,TRUE);
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_LOADING;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_OPENBLOCK:
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTION) &&
-           (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK)) ctl__syntax_error(16,TRUE);
-        ctls->nest++;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_CLOSEBLOCK:
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK) ctl__syntax_error(20,TRUE);
-        if (--ctls->nest<0) ctl__syntax_error(28,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->nest==0) ctls->state=saved_state;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ENTRY:
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_GETACTION) ctls->state=saved_state;
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_MENUDEF) ctl__syntax_error(24,TRUE);
-        action_list=ctl__add_new_entry_from_file(current_menu);
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_SUBMENU:
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_GETACTION) ctls->state=saved_state;
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        else if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_MENUDEF)
-              action_list=ctl__submenu(current_ctl,current_menu);
-        else if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_DBOXDEF)
-              action_list=ctl__subdboxmenu(current_ctl,current_dbox);
-        else ctl__syntax_error(24,TRUE);
-        if (action_list!=NULL)
-        {
-         saved_state=ctls->state;
-         ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        }
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ONKEY:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_CTLDEF) ctl__syntax_error(39,TRUE);
-        action_list=ctl__new_key(current_ctl);
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ONCLICK:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_CTLDEF) ctl__syntax_error(68,TRUE);
-        if (current_ctl->onclick!=NULL) ctl__syntax_error(69,TRUE);
-#ifdef LOG
- fprintf(logfile,"Onclick action list:\n");
-        action_list=(current_ctl->onclick=
-            (ctl__action *)ctl__malloc(sizeof(ctl__action)));
-        action_list->;
-        action_list->next=NULL;
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ICON:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) ctl__syntax_error(35,TRUE);
-        if (current_dbox->template==NULL)
-               ctl__error(55,current_dbox->name,TRUE);
-        action_list=ctl__add_new_icon_from_file(current_dbox);
-        saved_state=ctls->state;
-        ctls->state=ctl_ST_GETACTION;
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_ACTION:
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_GETACTION) ctls->nest++;
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTION) &&
-            (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK)) ctl__syntax_error(21,TRUE);
-        action_list=ctl__add_to_actionlist(action_list,&value);
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_GETACTION)
-        {
-         ctls->state=saved_state;
-         ctls->nest--;
-        }
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_STRING:
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTION) &&
-            (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_GETACTIONBLOCK)) ctl__syntax_error(22,TRUE);
-        if ((errors) &&
-            ((value.string[0] != '(') ||
-             (value.string[strlen(value.string)-1] != ')')
-            )
-           )  ctl__syntax_error(23,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_GETACTION) ctls->nest++;
-        action_list=ctl__add_string_to_actionlist(action_list,&value);
-        if (ctls->state==ctl_ST_GETACTION)
-        {
-         ctls->state=saved_state;
-         ctls->nest--;
-        }
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_TEMPLATE:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) ctl__syntax_error(52,TRUE);
-        if (current_dbox->template!=NULL)
-               ctl__error(56,current_dbox->name,TRUE);
-        ctl__get_template(current_dbox);
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_HELP:
-        if (ctls->nest!=0) ctl__syntax_error(29,TRUE);
-        if ((ctls->state!=ctl_ST_DBOXDEF) && (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_MENUDEF))
-                              ctl__syntax_error(59,TRUE);
-        switch(ctls->state)
-        {
-         case ctl_ST_DBOXDEF:
-              ctl__get_dbox_help(current_dbox);
-              break;
-         case ctl_ST_MENUDEF:
-              ctl__get_menu_help(current_menu);
-              break;
-        }
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_COMMENT:
-        ctl__skip_toeol();
-        break;
-   case ctl_TOK_EOL:
-        ctls->line++;
-        if (ctls->current_char=='#') ctl__skip_toeol();
-        break;
-  }
- } while (token!=ctl_TOK_EOF);
- ctls->state=ctl_ST_LOADED;
- ctls->line=0;
-static menu ctl__menu_maker(ctl__handlestr *handle)
- ctls->current_handle=handle;
- ctls->current_menu=handle->mnu;
- ctls->top_menu=handle->mnu;
- ctls->return_code=(wimpt_last_event()->data.but.m.i);
- if (!event_is_menu_being_recreated()) ctl__run(handle->mnu->onopen);
- return handle->mnu->menu_body;
-static void ctl__menu_select(ctl__handlestr *handle,char *hit)
- ctl__menu *mnu;
- ctl__menu_entry *entry;
- char *c;
- BOOL recreate=event_is_menu_being_recreated();
- if (wimpt_last_event()->e!=wimp_EMENU) recreate=FALSE;
- else
- {
-  wimp_mousestr m;
-  wimp_get_point_info(&m);
-  recreate=((m.bbits & wimp_BRIGHT) != 0);
- }
- ctls->current_menu=handle->mnu;
- for (c=hit;*(c+1);c++)
- {
-  if (ctls->current_menu->external)
-  {
-   if ((wimpt_last_event()->e==wimp_ESEND) && !*(c+2)) *(c+1)='\0';
-   strcpy(ctls->external_hit,c);
-  }
-  if ((wimpt_last_event()->e==wimp_ESEND) && !*(c+2))
-  {
-   *(c+1)='\0';
-   break;
-  }
-  entry=ctl__find_entry(*c,ctls->current_menu);
-  if (entry==NULL) entry=ctl__find_entry(-1,ctls->current_menu);
-  if (entry==NULL) break;
-  if (entry->action->action.address->function.function!=
-           ctl__submenu_request)  break;
-  ctls->current_menu=(ctl__menu *) entry->action->args;
- }
- strcpy(ctls->last_menu_hit,hit);
- entry=ctl__find_entry(*c,ctls->current_menu);
- ctls->return_code=*c;
- if (entry!=NULL) ctl__run(entry->action);
-    else if (entry=ctl__find_entry(-1,ctls->current_menu),entry!=NULL)
-         ctl__run(entry->action);
-if (recreate)
- mnu=handle->mnu;
- for (c=ctls->last_menu_hit;*(c+1);c++)
- {
-  entry=ctl__find_entry(*c,mnu);
-  if (entry==NULL) entry=ctl__find_entry(-1,ctls->current_menu);
-  if (entry==NULL) break;
-  if (mnu->external) break;
-  ctl__run(mnu->onreopen);
-  mnu=(ctl__menu *) entry->action->args;
- }
- ctl__run(mnu->onreopen);
- wimp_create_menu(menu_syshandle(handle->mnu->menu_body),0,0);
-/* ctl__find_action_in_list.
- *
- * given an action name and an action list returns
- * TRUE if action is in the list, FALSE if not.
- *
- *
- */
-static BOOL ctl__find_action_in_list(char *name,ctl__action *list)
- ctl__action *act;
- static ctl__actionstr the_action,*the_action_address;
- if (!=name)
- {
-  the_action_address=
-           ctl__find_action(&the_action,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE);
- }
- if (list==NULL) return FALSE;
- else if (list==(ctl__action *)-1) return FALSE;
- for (act=list;act!=NULL;act=act->next)
- {
-  if ((act->type==ctl_ACT_LABEL) &&
-           (strcmp(act->,  return TRUE;
-  if ((act->type==ctl_ACT_STRING) &&
-           (strcmp(act->,
-     {
-      act->type=ctl_ACT_LABEL;
-      return TRUE;
-     }
-  if (act->type!=ctl_ACT_FUNCTION) continue;
-  if (act->action.address==the_action_address) return TRUE;
-  if (act->action.address->function.function!=ctl__submenu_request)
-      continue;
-  if ( ( (act->action.address->function.handle==(void *) 1) ||
-         (act->action.address->function.handle==(void *) 3)
-       )  &&
-       (
-        (ctl__find_action_in_list(name,((ctl__menu *)act->args)->onopen)) ||
-        (ctl__find_action_in_list(name,((ctl__menu *)act->args)->onreopen))
-       )
-     )
-        return TRUE;
-  if ( (  (act->action.address->function.handle==(void *) 2) ||
-          (act->action.address->function.handle==(void *) 4)
-       )  &&
-      (
-       (ctl__find_action_in_list(name,((ctl__dbox *)act->args)->onopen)) ||
-       (ctl__find_action_in_list(name,((ctl__dbox *)act->args)->onreopen)) ||
-       (ctl__find_action_in_list(name,((ctl__dbox *)act->args)->onclose))
-      )
-     )
-        return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- * ctl__find action.
- *
- * Find all places in given ctl where the action given is executed
- * for every place call func with arg arg, pointer to entry/icon,
- * entry/icon flag.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__find_action_in_ctl(ctl *a_ctl,char *name,void (func()),void *arg)
- ctl__menu_entry *entry;
- ctl__menu       *a_menu;
- ctl__dbox       *a_dbox;
- ctl__icon       *icon;
- /*Must do dboxes first because of writeable icons */
- for (a_dbox=a_ctl->dboxes;a_dbox!=NULL;a_dbox=a_dbox->next)
-     for (icon=a_dbox->icons;icon!=NULL;icon=icon->next)
- {
-   if ((icon->action!=NULL) && (ctl__find_action_in_list(name,icon->action)))
-   {
-    func(arg,a_dbox,icon,ctl_ENTRY_ICON,a_dbox->displayed);
-   }
- }
- for (a_menu=a_ctl->menus;a_menu!=NULL;a_menu=a_menu->next)
-     for (entry=a_menu->entries;entry!=NULL;entry=entry->next)
- {
-  if ((entry->action!=NULL)&&(ctl__find_action_in_list(name,entry->action)))
-     {
-      func(arg,a_menu,entry,ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY,FALSE);
-     }
- }
-/* ctl__tick_entry
- *
- * Tick the given entry / select icons if in a displayed dbox.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__tick_entry(void *arg,void *parent,
-                    void *entry,ctl_entrytype type,BOOL displayed)
- switch(type)
- {
-  case ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY:
-       if ((BOOL)arg)
-       ctl__menu_item(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-             ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num)->flags|=wimp_MTICK;
-       else ctl__menu_item(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-             ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num)->flags&=~wimp_MTICK;
-       break;
-  case ctl_ENTRY_ICON:
-       if (displayed)
-       {
-       if ((BOOL)arg) wimp_set_icon_state(
-                     dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body),
-                   ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,wimp_ISELECTED,wimp_ISELECTED);
-       else  wimp_set_icon_state(
-                     dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body),
-                   ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,0,wimp_ISELECTED);
-       }
-       ((ctl__icon *)entry)->ticked=(BOOL)arg;
-       break;
- }
-/* ctl__apply_function
- *
- * Apply the given function on the given action entries / icons.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__apply_function(void (arg()),void *parent,
-                    void *entry,ctl_entrytype type,BOOL displayed)
- ctl_parentstr the_parent;
- switch(type)
- {
-  case ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY:
-       the_parent.parent_menu=
-                menu_syshandle(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body);
-       arg(the_parent,
-             ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num,ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY);
-       break;
-  case ctl_ENTRY_ICON:
-       the_parent.parent_window=
-                  dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body);
-       if (displayed)
-       arg(the_parent,
-             ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,ctl_ENTRY_ICON);
-       break;
- }
-/* ctl__make_entry_writeable
- *
- * Make the given entry /icon writeable.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__make_entry_writeable(void *arg,void *parent,
-                    void *entry,ctl_entrytype type,BOOL displayed)
- ctl__indirectstr *data=(ctl__indirectstr *)arg;
- switch(type)
- {
-  case ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY:
-     if (data->flag)      /* already created buffer */
-        menu_make_writeable(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-       ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num,data->buffer,data->len,data->valid);
-     else /* This is the first menu entry and there were no icons !
-             We know this because we know the order find_action_in_ctl
-             works which is very important !! */
-     {
-      data->buffer=ctl__malloc(data->len+5);
-      *data->buffer='\0';
-       menu_make_writeable(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-       ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num,data->buffer,data->len,data->valid);
-       data->flag=TRUE;
-     }
-     break;
-  case ctl_ENTRY_ICON:
-      ((ctl__icon *)entry)->writeable=TRUE;
-      if (data->flag)
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctdupind:Duplicate writeable action icon (Icon %i in dbox %s)"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-      if (displayed)
-      {
-       wimp_icon icon;
-       wimp_get_icon_info(dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body),
-                    ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,&icon);
-       if
-        (((icon.flags & wimp_ITEXT)==0) || ((icon.flags & wimp_INDIRECT)==0))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctindicn:Icon %i in dbox %s should be  an indirected text icon"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-       if ((icon.flags & (wimp_BWRITABLE<<12))!=(wimp_BWRITABLE<<12))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctwrticn:Icon %i in dbox %s should be a writeable icon"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-       if (<data->len)
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "cticnbuf:Icon %i in dbox %s should have a buffer of at least %i positions."),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name,data->len);
-       if ( ((int)>0) &&
-            (strncmp(,data->valid,
-             strlen(data->valid))!=0))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "cticnval:Icon %i in dbox %s should have a validation string of %s"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name,data->valid);
-       data->;
-       data->flag=TRUE;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-       wimp_wind *the_template=
-              template_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->template);
-       wimp_icon *iconptr=(wimp_icon *)((int)the_template+sizeof(wimp_wind));
-       iconptr+=((ctl__icon *)entry)->num;
-       ctl__error(67,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name,TRUE);
-       if
-        (((iconptr->flags & wimp_ITEXT)==0) ||
-             ((iconptr->flags & wimp_INDIRECT)==0))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctindicn:Icon %i in dbox %s should be  an indirected text icon"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-       if ((iconptr->flags & (wimp_BWRITABLE<<12))!=(wimp_BWRITABLE<<12))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctwrticn:Icon %i in dbox %s should be a writeable icon"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-       if (iconptr->data.indirecttext.bufflen<data->len)
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "cticnbuf:Icon %i in dbox %s should have a buffer of at least %i positions."),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name,data->len);
-       if ( ((int)(iconptr->data.indirecttext.validstring)>0) &&
-     (strncmp(iconptr->data.indirecttext.validstring,data->valid,
-        strlen(data->valid))!=0))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "cticnval:Icon %i in dbox %s should have a validation string of %s"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name,data->valid);
-       data->buffer=iconptr->data.indirecttext.buffer;
-       data->flag=TRUE;
-       }
-       break;
- }
-/* ctl__set_entry_text
- *
- * Set the given entry /icon text.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__set_entry_text(void *arg,void *parent,
-                    void *entry,ctl_entrytype type,BOOL displayed)
- switch(type)
- {
-  case ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY:
-       {
-        wimp_menuitem *item;
-        item=ctl__menu_item(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-                                        ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num);
-        item->iconflags|=wimp_INDIRECT | wimp_ITEXT;
-        item->data.indirecttext.buffer=(char *)arg;
-        item->data.indirecttext.bufflen=strlen((char *)arg+1);
-        item->data.indirecttext.validstring="";
-       }
-     break;
-  case ctl_ENTRY_ICON:
-      if (displayed)
-      {
-       wimp_icon icon;
-       wimp_get_icon_info(dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body),
-                    ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,&icon);
-       if
-        (((icon.flags & wimp_ITEXT)==0) || ((icon.flags & wimp_INDIRECT)==0))
-       werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctindicn:Icon %i in dbox %s should be  an indirected text icon"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-        dbox_setfield(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body,
-                      ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,
-                      (char *)arg);
-      } else
-      {
-       wimp_wind *the_template=
-              template_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->template);
-       wimp_icon *iconptr=(wimp_icon *)((int)the_template+sizeof(wimp_wind));
-       iconptr+=((ctl__icon *)entry)->num;
-       if
-        (((iconptr->flags & wimp_ITEXT)==0) ||
-                 ((iconptr->flags & wimp_INDIRECT)==0))
-          werr(TRUE,
-         msgs_lookup(
-         "ctindicn:Icon %i in dbox %s should be  an indirected text icon"),
-         ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->name);
-       strncpy(iconptr->data.indirecttext.buffer,
-              (char *)arg,
-              iconptr->data.indirecttext.bufflen);
-      }
-     break;
- }
-/* ctl__set_caret_in_entry
- *
- * Set the caret in the given entry /icon.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__set_caret_in_entry(void *arg,void *parent,
-                    void *entry,ctl_entrytype type,BOOL displayed)
- if ((*(int *)arg)++) return;
- if ((type==ctl_ENTRY_ICON) && (displayed))
-  {
-   wimp_caretstr c;
-   c.w=dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body);
-   c.i=((ctl__icon *)entry)->num;
-   c.height=-1;
-   c.index=0;
-   wimp_set_caret_pos(&c);
-  }
- *
- * BOOL ctl__chk_disabled(ctl__action *list)
- *
- * Return true if any of the actions on the list are disabled.
- *
- */
-static BOOL ctl__chk_disabled(ctl__action *list)
- ctl__actionstr act,*actadr;
- if (list==NULL) return FALSE;
- if ((list->type==ctl_ACT_FUNCTION) &&
-         ((list->action.address)->disabled)) return TRUE;
- else if ((list->type==ctl_ACT_STRING) || (list->type==ctl_ACT_LABEL))
- {
-  actadr=ctl__find_action(&act,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE);
-  if ((actadr!=NULL) && (actadr->disabled)) return TRUE;
- }
- return ctl__chk_disabled(list->next);
-/* ctl__enable_entry
- *
- * Fade the given entry / icon if in a displayed dbox.
- *
- */
-static void ctl__enable_entry(void *arg,void *parent,
-                    void *entry,ctl_entrytype type,BOOL displayed)
- switch(type)
- {
-  case ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY:
-       if (!(BOOL)arg)
-       {
-       ctl__menu_item(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-             ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num)->iconflags|=wimp_INOSELECT;
-       }
-       else if (!ctl__chk_disabled(((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->action))
-          ctl__menu_item(((ctl__menu  *)parent)->menu_body,
-             ((ctl__menu_entry *)entry)->num)->iconflags&=~wimp_INOSELECT;
-       break;
-  case ctl_ENTRY_ICON:
-       if (!(BOOL)arg)
-       if (displayed)
-       {
-       if ((BOOL)arg) wimp_set_icon_state(
-                     dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body),
-                   ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,wimp_INOSELECT,wimp_INOSELECT);
-       else  if (!ctl__chk_disabled(((ctl__icon *)entry)->action))
-             wimp_set_icon_state(
-                     dbox_syshandle(((ctl__dbox  *)parent)->dbox_body),
-                   ((ctl__icon *)entry)->num,0,wimp_INOSELECT);
-       }
-       ((ctl__icon *)entry)->disabled=(BOOL)arg;
-       break;
- }
-static BOOL ctl__process_help_event(wimp_eventstr *e)
- ctl__handlestr *handle=ctl__find_handle(e->;
- if (e-><0) return FALSE;
- if (handle==NULL) /* Not in a window is it in our menu ? */
- {
-  _kernel_swi_regs r;
-  wimp_msgstr m;
-  char token[50];
-  int buf[30],i;
-  ctl__menu *a_menu;
-  ctl__menu_entry *an_entry;
-  r.r[0]=1;
-  r.r[1]=(int)buf;
-  r.r[2]=e->;
-  r.r[3]=e->;
-  _kernel_swi(XOS_Bit | Wimp_GetMenuState,&r,&r);
-  if (buf[0]==-1) return FALSE; /* No Menu Open */
-  a_menu=ctls->top_menu;
-  for (i=0;buf[i+1]!=-1;i++)
-     a_menu=(ctl__menu *)(ctl__find_entry(buf[i]+1,a_menu)->action->args);
-  an_entry=ctl__find_entry(buf[i]+1,a_menu);
-  if (an_entry==NULL) an_entry=ctl__find_entry(-1,a_menu);
-  if ((an_entry!=NULL) && (an_entry->help_action!=NULL))
-  {
-   ctl__run(an_entry->help_action);
-   return TRUE;
-  }
-  if (a_menu->mih_token==NULL) return FALSE;
-  sprintf(token,"%s%i\0",a_menu->mih_token,1+buf[i]);
-  strcpy(,msgs_lookup(token));
-  m.hdr.action=wimp_MHELPREPLY;
-  m.hdr.your_ref=e->data.msg.hdr.my_ref;
-  m.hdr.my_ref=0;
-  m.hdr.size=220;
-  wimp_sendmessage(wimp_ESEND,&m,e->data.msg.hdr.task);
-  return TRUE;
- }
- else if (handle->help_token==NULL) return FALSE;
- else
- {
-  wimp_msgstr m;
-  char token[50];
-  int inum;
-  if ((inum=e->>=0)
-  {
-   if (handle->the_dbox!=NULL)
-   {
-    ctl__icon *an_icon=ctl__find_icon(inum,handle->the_dbox);
-    if (an_icon==NULL) an_icon=ctl__find_icon(-1,handle->the_dbox);
-    if ((an_icon!=NULL) && (an_icon->help_action!=NULL))
-    {
-     ctl__run(an_icon->help_action);
-     return TRUE;
-    }
-   }
-   sprintf(token,"%s%i\0",handle->help_token,inum);
-   strcpy(,msgs_lookup(token));
-  } else strcpy(,msgs_lookup(handle->help_token));
-  m.hdr.action=wimp_MHELPREPLY;
-  m.hdr.your_ref=e->data.msg.hdr.my_ref;
-  m.hdr.my_ref=0;
-  m.hdr.size=220;
-  wimp_sendmessage(wimp_ESEND,&m,e->data.msg.hdr.task);
- }
- return TRUE;
-static BOOL ctl__process_key_event(wimp_eventstr *e)
- ctl__handlestr *handle;
- ctl__key *key;
- if (handle=ctl__find_handle(e->data.key.c.w),handle==NULL) return FALSE;
- ctls->current_handle=handle;
- if (ctls->current_handle->the_ctl==NULL) return FALSE;
- for (key=ctls->current_handle->the_ctl->keys;key!=NULL;key=key->next)
- if (key->keycode==e->data.key.chcode)
- {
-  ctls->return_code=e->data.key.chcode;
-  if (!key->disabled) ctl__run(key->action);
-  return TRUE;
- } else
- if (key->keycode==-1)
- {
-  ctls->return_code=e->data.key.chcode;
-  if (!key->disabled) ctl__run(key->action);
-  return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-static BOOL ctl__process_mouse_event(wimp_eventstr *e)
- ctl__handlestr *handle;
- if (e->data.but.m.bbits & 2) return FALSE;
- handle=ctl__find_handle((e->data.but.m.w<0)?win_ICONBAR:e->data.but.m.w);
- if (handle==NULL) return FALSE;
- ctls->current_handle=handle;
- if (ctls->current_handle->the_ctl==NULL) return FALSE;
- if (ctls->current_handle->the_ctl->onclick==NULL) return FALSE;
- if (!ctl__chk_disabled(ctls->current_handle->the_ctl->onclick))
- {
-  ctls->return_code=e->data.but.m.bbits;
-  ctl__run(ctls->current_handle->the_ctl->onclick);
-  return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-static BOOL ctl__process_event(wimp_eventstr *e)
- switch (e->e)
- {
-  default:
-          return FALSE;
-  case wimp_EKEY:
-          return ctl__process_key_event(e);
-  case wimp_EBUT:
-          return ctl__process_mouse_event(e);
-  case wimp_ESEND:
-  case wimp_ESENDWANTACK:
-          if (e->data.msg.hdr.action==wimp_MHELPREQUEST)
-          return ctl__process_help_event(e); else return FALSE;
- }
-/************************* External functions ****************************/
-/* ctl_init():
- *          BOOL load - if true load control file and ignore any
- *                      undefined actions.
- *
- */
-void ctl_init(BOOL load)
- ctl__init();
- if (load) ctl__load(FALSE);
-/* ctl_load()
- *           Load control file (Can only be called if ctl_init was
- *           called with FALSE. Generate FATAL error if undefined action
- *           in control file.
- */
-void ctl_load()
- if (ctls->state!=ctl_ST_PRELOAD) ctl__error(4,NULL,TRUE);
- ctl__load(TRUE);
- * BOOL ctl_attach_menu(event_w,char ctlname,char menuname);
- *
- *
- *
- */
-BOOL ctl_attach_menu(event_w w,char *ctlname,char *menuname,void *userhandle)
- ctl            *the_ctl;
- ctl__menu      *the_menu;
- ctl__handlestr *handle;
- the_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- the_menu=ctl__find_menu(menuname,the_ctl);
- if (the_menu->external)
-      ctl__error(66,menuname,TRUE);
- handle=ctl__add_handle(w,userhandle,the_ctl,the_menu);
- return event_attachmenumaker(w,
-                  (event_menu_maker) ctl__menu_maker,
-                  (event_menu_proc)  ctl__menu_select,
-                  handle);
-void ctl_add_action(char *name,char *syntax,ctl_action_proc func,void *arg)
- ctl__add_action(name,syntax,func,arg,FALSE);
-void ctl_tick_action(char *ctlname,char *actname)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__tick_entry,(void *)TRUE);
-void ctl_untick_action(char *ctlname,char *actname)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__tick_entry,(void *)FALSE);
-void ctl_set_action_text(char *ctlname,char *actname,char *text)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__set_entry_text,(void *)text);
-void ctl_set_caret_in_action(char *ctlname,char *actname)
- int f=0;
- ctl *a_ctl;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__set_caret_in_entry,(void *)&f);
- if (f>1) ctl__error(63,actname,TRUE);
-void ctl_enable_action(char *ctlname,char *actname)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- ctl__key *key;
- ctl__actionstr the_action,*the_address;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- the_address=ctl__find_action(&the_action,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE);
- if (the_address==NULL) ctl__error(50,actname,TRUE);
- the_address->disabled=FALSE;
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__enable_entry,(void *)TRUE);
- for (key=a_ctl->keys;key!=NULL;key=key->next)
-  key->disabled=ctl__chk_disabled(key->action);
-void ctl_disable_action(char *ctlname,char *actname)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- ctl__actionstr the_action,*the_address;
- ctl__key *key;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- the_address=ctl__find_action(&the_action,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE);
- if (the_address==NULL) ctl__error(50,actname,TRUE);
- the_address->disabled=TRUE;
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__enable_entry,(void *)FALSE);
- for (key=a_ctl->keys;key!=NULL;key=key->next)
-    if (ctl__find_action_in_list(actname,key->action)) key->disabled=TRUE;
-char *ctl_make_action_writeable(
-                   char *ctlname,
-                   char *actname,
-                   int len,
-                   char *valid)
- ctl *a_ctl;
- ctl__actionstr the_action /*,*the_address*/;
- ctl__indirectstr data;
- data.len=len;
- data.valid=valid;
- data.buffer=NULL;
- data.flag=FALSE;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
-/* the_address=ctl__find_action(&the_action,ctls->actions,FALSE,FALSE);
- if (the_address==NULL) ctl__error(51,actname,TRUE); */
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__make_entry_writeable,
-                                                        (void *)&data);
- return data.buffer;
-void ctl_find_entries(char *ctlname,char *actname,void ((*func)()))
- ctl *a_ctl;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- ctl__find_action_in_ctl(a_ctl,actname,ctl__apply_function,(void *)func);
-void ctl_process(void)
- wimp_eventstr e;
- wimpt_poll(event_getmask(),&e);
- if (!ctl__process_event(&e))
- {
-  wimpt_fake_event(&e);
-  event_process();
- }
-void ctl_attach_external_menu(char *ctlname,char *menuname,wimp_menustr *m)
- ctl             *a_ctl;
- ctl__menu       *a_menu;
- ctl__menu_entry *an_entry;
- wimp_menuitem   *item;
- a_ctl=ctl__find_ctl(ctlname);
- a_menu=ctl__find_menu(menuname,a_ctl);
- if (!a_menu->external) ctl__error(65,menuname,TRUE);
- a_menu->menu_body=(menu)m;
- a_menu->entrycount=ctl__count_menu_entries(m);
- an_entry=ctl__find_entry(-1,a_menu);
- item=(wimp_menuitem *)(m+1);
- do
-   {
-     if (an_entry==NULL) item->iconflags|=wimp_INOSELECT;
-     else
-     {
-/*    item->iconflags&=~wimp_INOSELECT; */
-      if ((an_entry->action != NULL) &&
-          (an_entry->action->type==ctl_ACT_FUNCTION) &&
-          (an_entry->action->action.address->function.function==
-                                 ctl__submenu_request)
-         )
-       {
-        item->flags|=wimp_MSUBLINKMSG;
-      if ((an_entry->action->action.address->function.handle==(void *)1) ||
-          (an_entry->action->action.address->function.handle==(void *)3)
-         )
-       item->submenu=
-            menu_syshandle(((ctl__menu *)an_entry->action->args)->menu_body);
-       else item->submenu=(wimp_menustr *)1;
-       }
-      }
-      if ((item->flags & wimp_MLAST)!=0) break;
-      item++;
-    }
-     while (TRUE);
- item=(wimp_menuitem *)(m+1);
- for (an_entry=a_menu->entries;an_entry!=NULL;an_entry=an_entry->next)
- {
-  if ((an_entry->num!=-1) &&
-       ((an_entry->num<0) || (an_entry->num>a_menu->entrycount)))
-        werr(TRUE,
-        msgs_lookup("inveent:Invalid entry number (%i) in external menu %s.")
-        ,an_entry->num,menuname);
-  if (an_entry->num>0)
-  {
-   (item+an_entry->num-1)->iconflags&=~wimp_INOSELECT;
-   if ((an_entry->action != NULL) &&
-      (an_entry->action->!=NULL) &&
-      (an_entry->action->type==ctl_ACT_FUNCTION) &&
-      (an_entry->action->action.address->function.function==
-                                 ctl__submenu_request) &&
-      ((an_entry->action->action.address->function.handle==(void *)1) ||
-       (an_entry->action->action.address->function.handle==(void *)3)
-      )
-     )
-    {
-     ctl__menu *submenu=(ctl__menu *) an_entry->action->args;
-     if ((submenu->external) && (submenu->menu_body==NULL))
-     {
-      submenu->parent=(item+an_entry->num-1);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-      (item+an_entry->num-1)->submenu=menu_syshandle(submenu->menu_body);
-     }
-   }
-  }
- }
-char * ctl_return_external_hit(void)
- return ctls->external_hit;
-void ctl_help_reply(char *text)
- wimp_msgstr m;
- strcpy(,text);
- m.hdr.action=wimp_MHELPREPLY;
- m.hdr.your_ref=wimpt_last_event()->data.msg.hdr.my_ref;
- m.hdr.my_ref=0;
- m.hdr.size=220;
- wimp_sendmessage(wimp_ESEND,&m,wimpt_last_event()->data.msg.hdr.task);
diff --git a/rlib/h/ctl b/rlib/h/ctl
deleted file mode 100644
index 478b18a..0000000
--- a/rlib/h/ctl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * This source file was written by Acorn Computers Limited. It is part of   *
- * the RISCOS library for writing applications in C for RISC OS. It may be  *
- * used freely in the creation of programs for Archimedes. It should be     *
- * used with Acorn's C Compiler Release 3 or later.                         *
- *                                                                          *
- ***************************************************************************/
- * Title:   ctl.h
- * Purpose: Provide support for Control resource file, for the
- *          specification of an applications user interface.
- */
-#ifndef __ctl
-#define __ctl
-#ifndef BOOL
-#define BOOL int
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#include "wimp.h"
-#include "event.h"
-typedef union {              /* Describes the parent of an entry / icon */
-       wimp_menustr *parent_menu;   /* If entry in a menu */
-       wimp_w       parent_window;  /* If an icon in an open dbox. */
-/* ------------------------ ctl_action_proc -----------------------------
- *
- * Description:   This is the type for action handlers.
- *
- * Parameters:    void *ctlhandle -- The handle given when the
- *                                   ctl was attached to the window.
- *                void *acthandle -- The handle given to
- *                                   ctl_add_action when this action
- *                                   was defined.
- *                void *args      -- The arguments for the action,
- *                                   if the action syntax given to
- *                                   ctl_add_action was NULL this is
- *                                   a pointer to the text following
- *                                   the action in the Control file,
- *                                   otherwise it is a pointer to an
- *                                   argument buffer as returned from
- *                                   OS_ReadArgs.
- *                int return_code -- The return code returned by the
- *                                   previous action executed.
- *
- * Returns:       The return code to be passed to the next action.
- *
- */
-typedef int (*ctl_action_proc)(void *ctlhandle,
-                                   void *acthandle,
-                                   void *args,
-                                   int  return_code);
-typedef enum {   /* The entry type passed to entry processors, see below  */
-        ctl_ENTRY_ICON = 1,        /* An icon in an open dbox. */
-        ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY = 2    /* A menu entry. */
-} ctl_entrytype;
-/* ---------------------------- ctl_entry_proc --------------------------
- *
- * Description:  This is the type for functions passed to ctl_find_entries.
- *
- * Parameters:   parent --  If type is ctl_ENTRY_ICON parent.parent_window
- *                          is a wimp window number of an open dbox.
- *                          If type is ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY
- *                          parent.parent_menu is a pointer to a
- *                          wimp_menustr.
- *
- *               entry  --  For menu entries this is the entry number
- *                          (starting from 1), for icons this is the icon
- *                           number (starting from 0).
- *
- *               type   -- ctl_ENTRY_ICON when this is an icon.
- *                         ctl_ENTRY_MENUENTRY when this is an entry in
- *                         a menu.
- * Returns:      void.
- *
- */
-typedef void (*ctl_entry_proc)
-             (ctl_parentstr parent,int entry,ctl_entrytype type);
-/* -------------------------------- ctl_init -------------------------
- *
- * Description: Initialises the ctl module, and optionally loads
- *              the Control file.
- *
- * Parameters:  load -- If true, loads the control file and ignores any
- *                      undefined actions.
- *
- * Returns:     void.
- *
- *
- * Other Info:  This function should be called once before any other
- *              function in this module.
- *
- *              It should be called with TRUE for development work,
- *              as it allows you to have undefined actions in the Control
- *              file. For a working program, this should be called with
- *              FALSE, then all actions should be defined, and then the
- *              Control file should be loaded using ctl_load(),
- *              this enables the ctl module to do syntax checking when the
- *              application starts and produce errors if there are
- *              undefined actions in the Control file.
- *
- *              You must call:
- *                  wimpt_init(),
- *                  res_init(),
- *                  resspr_init(),
- *                  template_init(),
- *                  msgs_init(),
- *                  and dbox_init()
- *              before calling this function.
- *
- */
-void ctl_init(BOOL load);
-/* -------------------------------- ctl_load ---------------------------
- *
- * Description: Load the Control file.
- *
- * Parameters:  None.
- *
- * Returns:     void.
- *
- * Other Info:  If ctl_init() was called with FALSE, this function should
- *              be called after all actions have been defined. This will
- *              load the Control file, and produce FATAL errors if there
- *              are any undefined actions in the file.
- *
- *              It should be called ONCE after all actions have been
- *              defined but before any other function in this module.
- *              (i.e. only a call to ctl_init(FALSE), followed by calls to
- *              ctl_add_action() can come before this call)
- *
- */
-void ctl_load(void);
-/* -------------------------- ctl_attach_menu --------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Attach the given ctl structure and a menu from it to a
- *                window.
- *
- * Parameters:  w         -- The window handle.
- *
- *              *ctlname  -- The name of a ctl defined in the Control file.
- *
- *              *menuname -- The name of a menu in the ctl.
- *
- *          oid *handle   -- A handle to be passed to any action function
- *                           executed from the ctl as a result of user
- *                           actions in this window.
- *
- * Returns:     TRUE if able to attach menu.
- *
- *
- * Other Info:  To attach a ctl for icons on the iconbar attach the ctl to
- *              win_ICONBAR.
- *
- *
- */
-#ifndef win_ICONBAR
-#define win_ICONBAR -3
-BOOL ctl_attach_menu(event_w w,char *ctlname,char *menuname,void *handle);
-/* -------------------------- ctl_add_action ---------------------------
- *
- * Description: Add an action to the known actions list.
- *
- * Parameters:  *name -- The action name.
- *            *syntax -- If NULL, the action_handler function will be passed
- *                       a pointer to the action's argument string when the
- *                       function is called.
- *
- *                       If not NULL this should point to a syntax string
- *                       in the form passed to OS_ReadArgs, on entry the
- *                       action handler function will be passed a result
- *                       buffer in the format returned from OS_ReadArgs,
- *                       after the arguments have been evaluated.
- *
- *    ctl_action_proc --  The action handler.
- *
- *         void *hndl -- A handle to be passed to the action handler
- *                       when this action is executed, this enables you to
- *                       implement more than one action using a single
- *                       function.
- *
- * Returns:    void.
- *
- * Other Info: 1. Actions are global to the application.
- *             2. Pointers are kept to the action name and syntax string,
- *                so their life span should be long enough.
- */
-ctl_add_action(char *name,char *syntax,ctl_action_proc func,void *hndl);
-/* -------------------------- ctl_tick_action ---------------------------
- *
- * Description: Puts a tick next to any menu entry, and selects any icon
- *              leading to the execution of the given action (even if it is
- *              not the only action executed by the menu entry or icon).
- *
- *
- * Parameters:  *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *              *action  -- The action name.
- *
- * Returns:     void.
- *
- * Other Info:
- *            Non leaf menu entries which lead to a menu or dbox which has
- *            the action on its onopen,onreopen or onclose action list will
- *            also be ticked.
- */
-void ctl_tick_action(char *ctlname,char *actname);
-/* ------------------------ ctl_untick_action -----------------------------
- *
- * Description:  Unticks any menu entry, and deselects any icon,
- *               leading to the execution of the given action (even if it is
- *               not the only action executed by the menu entry or icon).
- *
- * Parameters:   *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *               *action  -- The action name.
- *
- * Returns:      void.
- *
- * Other Info:
- *            Non leaf menu entries which lead to a menu or dbox which has
- *            the action on its onopen, onreopen or onclose action list will
- *            also be unticked.
- *
- */
-void ctl_untick_action(char *ctlname,char *actname);
-/* ------------------- ctl_set_action_text --------------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Sets the text of any menu entry, and any icon,
- *                leading to the execution of the given action (even if it
- *                is not the only action executed by the menu entry or
- *                icon).
- *
- * Parameters:    *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *                *action  -- The action name.
- *                *text    -- The text to set the action to.
- *
- * Returns:       void.
- *
- * Other Info:    The text of any non leaf menu entries which lead to a
- *                menu or dbox which has the action on its onopen, onreopen
- *                or onclose action list will also be set.
- *
- *                If any icon leading to the execution of the action is
- *                not an indirected text icon, an error is produced.
- *                If an icon's buffer is too small to contain the text, the
- *                text is truncated.
- */
-void ctl_set_action_text(char *ctlname,char *actname,char *text);
-/* ---------------------- ctl_set_caret_in_action -------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Sets the caret in the icon which leads to the execution
- *                of the given action. (even if it is not the only action
- *                executed by the icon).
- *
- * Parameters:    *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *                *action  -- The action name.
- *
- * Returns:       void.
- *
- * Other Info:    A FATAL error is produced if more than one icon leads to
- *                the execution of the action or if the icon is not an
- *                indirected text icon.
- *
- */
-void ctl_set_caret_in_action(char *ctlname,char *actname);
-/* ---------------------------- ctl_disable_action ------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Disables (greys out) any menu entry and any icon,
- *                leading to the execution of the given action (even if it
- *                is not the only action executed by the menu entry or
- *                icon).
- *
- * Parameters:    *ctlname --  A ctl name.
- *                *action  --  The action name.
- *
- * Returns:       void.
- *
- * Other Info:    This will also disable any defined hot keys which lead
- *                to the action and non leaf menu entries which lead to a
- *                menu or dbox which has the action on its onopen, onreopen
- *                or onclose action list.
- *
- */
-void ctl_disable_action(char *ctlname,char *actname);
-/* ------------------------- ctl_enable_action -----------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Enables (ungreys) any menu entry, and any icon,
- *                leading to the execution of the given action.
- *
- * Parameters:    *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *                *action  -- The action name.
- *
- * Returns:       void.
- *
- * Other Info:    This will only ungrey the entry or icon if there are
- *                no other disabled actions executed by the entry or icon.
- *
- *                It also enables any hot keys leading to this action,
- *                again only if there are no other disabled actions on
- *                their action list.
- *
- */
-void ctl_enable_action(char *ctlname,char *actname);
-/* --------------------- ctl_make_action_writeable -------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Makes any menu entry, and any icon leading to the
- *                execution of the given action writeable.
- *
- * Parameters:    *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *                *action  -- The action name.
- *                len      -- Length of indirected data.
- *                *valid   -- Pointer to validation string.
- *
- * Returns:       Pointer to indirected text buffer.
- *
- * Other Info:    If the action is executed by an icon, a check is made that
- *                the icon is a writeable  indirected text icon with a
- *                buffer length of at least len characters, and that its
- *                validation string matches the required one, if not a FATAL
- *                error results.
- *
- *                The ctl module keeps a pointer to the validation string,
- *                so its life span should be long enough.
- *
- */
-char *
-ctl_make_action_writeable(char *ctlname,char *actname,int len,char *valid);
-/* ----------------------------- ctl_find_entries --------------------------
- *
- * Description:    Calls an entry handler function for every menu entry and
- *                 every icon which leads to the execution of the given
- *                 action.
- *
- * Parameters:     *ctlname -- A ctl name.
- *                 *action  -- The action name.
- *      ctl_entry_proc func -- A function to process the entries.
- *                             see ctl_entry_proc above.
- * Returns:        void.
- *
- * Other Info:     This can be used for special processing of entries and
- *                 icons leading to the action, for example making them
- *                 a sprite.
- *
- */
-void ctl_find_entries(char *ctlname,char *actname,ctl_entry_proc func);
-/* --------------------------- ctl_process -------------------------------
- *
- * Description:   Should be used in place of event_process(), for
- *                applications which use this module.
- *
- *                The ctl module tries to process the event, if it can't
- *                the event is passed to event_process().
- *
- * Parameters:    None.
- *
- * Returns:       Void.
- *
- *
- */
-void ctl_process(void);
-/* ----------------------- ctl_attach_external_menu -----------------------
- *
- * Description:   Attaches a wimp menu structure to a menu which is defined
- *                as external in the Control file.
- *
- * Parameters:    *ctlname  -- A ctl name.
- *                *menuname -- The name of an external menu.
- *                *m        -- The wimp menu structure.
- *
- * Returns:       void.
- *
- * Other Info:    A FATAL error is produced if the menu is not defined
- *                or is not an external menu.
- *
- */
-void ctl_attach_external_menu(char *ctlname,char *menuname,wimp_menustr *m);
-/* ----------------------- ctl_return_external_hit -----------------------
- *
- * Description:   Return a menu hit for a submenu of an external menu.
- *
- * Parameters:    None.
- *
- * Returns:       The hit array as for a menu_selectproc
- *                Starting from the external menu.
- *
- * Other Info:    Ctl will treat hits on submenus of an external menu
- *                (Real submenus, not ones attached using ctl).
- *                As hits on the external menu, this function enables you
- *                to get the complete hit list.
- *
- *
- */
-char * ctl_return_external_hit(void);
-#endif /* __ctl */
diff --git a/rlib/s/rl_entries b/rlib/s/rl_entries
index 7fb31ba..271a96a 100644
--- a/rlib/s/rl_entries
+++ b/rlib/s/rl_entries
@@ -548,21 +548,6 @@
       Entry   print_drawpage, imported, , , ,
       Entry   print_getrectangle, imported, , , ,
 ;        Entry   print_screendump, imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_init,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_load,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_add_action,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_tick_action,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_untick_action,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_disable_action,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_enable_action,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_set_action_text,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_set_caret_in_action,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_make_action_writeable,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_find_entries,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_attach_external_menu,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_attach_menu,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_process,imported, , , ,
-;        Entry   ctl_return_external_hit,imported, , , ,
 ;        Entry   dbox_read,imported, , , ,
       Entry   dbox_fillin_fixedcaret, imported, , , ,
       Entry   xfersend_clear_unknowns, imported, , , ,