diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 028910958065ab6bc7b050c6ccfd3af1c6e117f2..e1106da2ca9139e7a1def494833afae3512b27ab 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ clean_all:
 	${RM} syms.Entries
 	${RM} syms.C_Entries
 	${RM} derived.swis
+	${RM} s.swioptions
 	${RM} s.abssym
 	${RM} s.c_abssym
 	${RM} s.a_abssym
@@ -506,10 +507,13 @@ lib.arthurlib: o.arth_new_n o.arth_old_n o.ArtAsm_n o.ArtAsm_o
 	${LIBFILE} ${LIBFLAGS} $@ o.Arth_new_n o.Arth_old_n o.ArtAsm_n o.ArtAsm_o
 # Derived headers:
-derived.swis: s.makehswis h.swisheader
+derived.swis: s.makehswis h.swisheader s.swioptions
 	${AS} ${AFLAGS} -from s.makehswis -to $@
 	settype $@ text
+	@SWIOptions
 # Rules for exporting:
diff --git a/SWIOptions,feb b/SWIOptions,feb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2772d1652c7bc0f89898506baba32a526faf1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SWIOptions,feb
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+| Copyright 2000 Pace Micro Technology plc
+| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+| You may obtain a copy of the License at
+|     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+| limitations under the License.
+Remove s.swioptions
+Echo SWIOptions: Searching Hdr: for assembler headers ...
+Echo <32> ; Automatically generated file <Sys$Date> { > s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ADFS         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ADFS         { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ATAPI        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ATAPI        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:BasicTrans   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:BasicTrans   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Buffer       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Buffer       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ARM3Cache    Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ARM3Cache    { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:CDROM        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:CDROM        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:CDFS         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:CDFS         { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ColourPick   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ColourPick   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ColourTran   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ColourTran   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:DDT          Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:DDT          { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Debugger     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Debugger     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:DeviceFS     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:DeviceFS     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:DMA          Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:DMA          { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:DOSFS        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:DOSFS        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:DragASprit   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:DragASprit   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:DragAnObj    Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:DragAnObj    { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Draw         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Draw         { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Econet       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Econet       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:FileCore     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:FileCore     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:FilerAct     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:FilerAct     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Filter       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Filter       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Font         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Font         { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:FPEmulator   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:FPEmulator   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Free         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Free         { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:FSLock       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:FSLock       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Hourglass    Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Hourglass    { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:HostFS       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:HostFS       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:IIC          Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:IIC          { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Joystick     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Joystick     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:MakePSFont   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:MakePSFont   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:MsgTrans     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:MsgTrans     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:RISCOS       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:RISCOS       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Parallel     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Parallel     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:PDriver      Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:PDriver      { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:PDumper      Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:PDumper      { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Podule       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Podule       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Portable     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Portable     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:RAMFS        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:RAMFS        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ResourceFS   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ResourceFS   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ScrBlank     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ScrBlank     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:ScrModes     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:ScrModes     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:SCSI         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:SCSI         { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:SCSIFS       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:SCSIFS       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:SharedCLib   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:SharedCLib   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Shell        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Shell        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Sound        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Sound        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Squash       Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Squash       { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Super        Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Super        { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Switcher     Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Switcher     { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:TaskWindow   Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:TaskWindow   { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Territory    Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Territory    { >> s.swioptions }
+IfThere Hdr:Wimp         Then Echo <32> GET Hdr:Wimp         { >> s.swioptions }
+Echo <32> END { >> s.swioptions }
+Echo SWIOptions: search complete
+SetType s.swioptions Text
diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
index 451f688495a92ee5e2635450ef3bf3ffc1315633..22c308ec69fe93f1ab90c424297b4ed1cac01b35 100644
--- a/VersionASM
+++ b/VersionASM
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
                         GBLS    Module_MinorVersion
                         GBLS    Module_Date
                         GBLS    Module_FullVersion
-Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "5.02"
-Module_Version          SETA    502
+Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "5.03"
+Module_Version          SETA    503
 Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
 Module_Date             SETS    "07 Mar 2000"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.02"
+Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.03"
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 0c79d83c2b46b6e3a48bf7f6c5dd040bea05425d..11a13c3c92dcdb9d0418e20e33d2a558c05433e3 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-/* (5.02)
+/* (5.03)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.02
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.03
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG        
 #define Module_Date_CMHG                07 Mar 2000
-#define Module_MajorVersion             "5.02"
-#define Module_Version                  502
+#define Module_MajorVersion             "5.03"
+#define Module_Version                  503
 #define Module_MinorVersion             ""
 #define Module_Date                     "07 Mar 2000"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "5.02"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "5.03"
diff --git a/s/makehswis b/s/makehswis
index 0cd470d71ff2596d247abbdc7ce749b0e521fc9b..55e4d97f483e1b6a850c43603e6fb5ed7a7bb977 100644
--- a/s/makehswis
+++ b/s/makehswis
@@ -116,60 +116,7 @@ string2 SETS    "&":CC:(:STR:value)
         GET     Hdr:IO.GenericIO
         GET     Hdr:ModHand
-        GET     Hdr:ADFS
-        GET     Hdr:ATAPI
-        GET     Hdr:BasicTrans
-        GET     Hdr:Buffer
-        GET     Hdr:ARM3Cache
-        GET     Hdr:CDROM
-        GET     Hdr:CDFS
-        GET     Hdr:ColourPick
-        GET     Hdr:ColourTran
-        GET     Hdr:DDT
-        GET     Hdr:Debugger
-        GET     Hdr:DeviceFS
-        GET     Hdr:DMA
-        GET     Hdr:DOSFS
-        GET     Hdr:DragASprit
-        GET     Hdr:DragAnObj
-        GET     Hdr:Draw
-        GET     Hdr:Econet
-        GET     Hdr:FileCore
-        GET     Hdr:FilerAct
-        GET     Hdr:Filter
-        GET     Hdr:Font
-        GET     Hdr:FPEmulator
-        GET     Hdr:Free
-        GET     Hdr:FSLock
-        GET     Hdr:Hourglass
-        GET     Hdr:HostFS
-        GET     Hdr:IIC
-        GET     Hdr:Joystick
-        GET     Hdr:MakePSFont
-        GET     Hdr:MsgTrans
-;       GET     Hdr:NetFS         SWIs defined in Hdr:Econet
-;       GET     Hdr:NetPrint      SWIs defined in Hdr:Econet
-        GET     Hdr:RISCOS
-        GET     Hdr:Parallel
-        GET     Hdr:PDriver
-        GET     Hdr:PDumper
-        GET     Hdr:Podule
-        GET     Hdr:Portable
-        GET     Hdr:RAMFS
-        GET     Hdr:ResourceFS
-        GET     Hdr:ScrBlank
-        GET     Hdr:ScrModes
-        GET     Hdr:SCSI
-        GET     Hdr:SCSIFS
-        GET     Hdr:SharedCLib
-        GET     Hdr:Shell
-        GET     Hdr:Sound
-        GET     Hdr:Squash
-        GET     Hdr:Super
-        GET     Hdr:Switcher
-        GET     Hdr:TaskWindow
-        GET     Hdr:Territory
-        GET     Hdr:Wimp
+        GET     s.swioptions
 ; And finally the trailing bits