cc -s -depend !Depend -IC: -DRISCOS -DASMHUFF -ff -zps1 -DEMBED c.putscaled
Norcroft RISC OS ARM C vsn 5.06 (Acorn Computers Ltd) [Feb 16 1995]
"c.putscaled", line 3970: Warning: <cast>: cast between function pointer and non-function object
"c.putscaled", line 3987: Warning: <cast>: cast between function pointer and non-function object
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'putscaled_compiler' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'check_sprite_area' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'do_jpeg_scan_file_16' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'do_jpeg_scan_file' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'colour_convert_block' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'mono_convert_block' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'jpeg_find_line' declared but not used
c.putscaled: 9 warnings, 0 errors, 0 serious errors
SprExtend: making s.putscaled aasm compatible
Sed s/__rt_sdiv/|__rt_sdiv|/g < s.putscaled > s.temp
Sed s/_swix/|_swix|/g < s.temp > s.putscaled
aasm -depend !Depend -Stamp -quit -module -From Sources.SprExtend -To rm.SprExtend
ARM stand alone Macro Assembler Version 2.00
SprExtend: rom module built