Commit 8c777623 authored by Neil Turton's avatar Neil Turton
Browse files

Unused files removed from Trunk

parent a8d3bd6f
cc -s -depend !Depend -IC: -DRISCOS -DASMHUFF -ff -zps1 -DEMBED c.putscaled
Norcroft RISC OS ARM C vsn 5.06 (Acorn Computers Ltd) [Feb 16 1995]
"c.putscaled", line 3970: Warning: <cast>: cast between function pointer and non-function object
"c.putscaled", line 3987: Warning: <cast>: cast between function pointer and non-function object
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'putscaled_compiler' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'check_sprite_area' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'do_jpeg_scan_file_16' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'do_jpeg_scan_file' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'colour_convert_block' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'mono_convert_block' declared but not used
"c.putscaled", line 4416: Warning: static 'jpeg_find_line' declared but not used
c.putscaled: 9 warnings, 0 errors, 0 serious errors
SprExtend: making s.putscaled aasm compatible
Sed s/__rt_sdiv/|__rt_sdiv|/g < s.putscaled > s.temp
Sed s/_swix/|_swix|/g < s.temp > s.putscaled
aasm -depend !Depend -Stamp -quit -module -From Sources.SprExtend -To rm.SprExtend
ARM stand alone Macro Assembler Version 2.00
SprExtend: rom module built
; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; s.JHdr, generated by MakeJHdr Mar 17 1995 16:36:01.
huff_tbl_maxcode * 276
huff_tbl_valptr * 348
huff_tbl_huffval * 17
huff_tbl_shortcut * 416
cinfo_next_input_byte * 52
cinfo_get_buffer * 260
cinfo_bits_left * 264
cinfo_buffer_end * 56
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; s.genpalette, generated by c.genpalette
; The table consists of 256 16bit entries, containing the true RGB values
; of the 256 pixel values of the standard 8bpp palette.
; The 8bpp pixels are bggrbrtt, the words are 0BGR
DCB 0,0,0,0
DCB 17,17,17,0
DCB 34,34,34,0
DCB 51,51,51,0
DCB 68,0,0,0
DCB 85,17,17,0
DCB 102,34,34,0
DCB 119,51,51,0
DCB 0,0,68,0
DCB 17,17,85,0
DCB 34,34,102,0
DCB 51,51,119,0
DCB 68,0,68,0
DCB 85,17,85,0
DCB 102,34,102,0
DCB 119,51,119,0
DCB 136,0,0,0
DCB 153,17,17,0
DCB 170,34,34,0
DCB 187,51,51,0
DCB 204,0,0,0
DCB 221,17,17,0
DCB 238,34,34,0
DCB 255,51,51,0
DCB 136,0,68,0
DCB 153,17,85,0
DCB 170,34,102,0
DCB 187,51,119,0
DCB 204,0,68,0
DCB 221,17,85,0
DCB 238,34,102,0
DCB 255,51,119,0
DCB 0,68,0,0
DCB 17,85,17,0
DCB 34,102,34,0
DCB 51,119,51,0
DCB 68,68,0,0
DCB 85,85,17,0
DCB 102,102,34,0
DCB 119,119,51,0
DCB 0,68,68,0
DCB 17,85,85,0
DCB 34,102,102,0
DCB 51,119,119,0
DCB 68,68,68,0
DCB 85,85,85,0
DCB 102,102,102,0
DCB 119,119,119,0
DCB 136,68,0,0
DCB 153,85,17,0
DCB 170,102,34,0
DCB 187,119,51,0
DCB 204,68,0,0
DCB 221,85,17,0
DCB 238,102,34,0
DCB 255,119,51,0
DCB 136,68,68,0
DCB 153,85,85,0
DCB 170,102,102,0
DCB 187,119,119,0
DCB 204,68,68,0
DCB 221,85,85,0
DCB 238,102,102,0
DCB 255,119,119,0
DCB 0,136,0,0
DCB 17,153,17,0
DCB 34,170,34,0
DCB 51,187,51,0
DCB 68,136,0,0
DCB 85,153,17,0
DCB 102,170,34,0
DCB 119,187,51,0
DCB 0,136,68,0
DCB 17,153,85,0
DCB 34,170,102,0
DCB 51,187,119,0
DCB 68,136,68,0
DCB 85,153,85,0
DCB 102,170,102,0
DCB 119,187,119,0
DCB 136,136,0,0
DCB 153,153,17,0
DCB 170,170,34,0
DCB 187,187,51,0
DCB 204,136,0,0
DCB 221,153,17,0
DCB 238,170,34,0
DCB 255,187,51,0
DCB 136,136,68,0
DCB 153,153,85,0
DCB 170,170,102,0
DCB 187,187,119,0
DCB 204,136,68,0
DCB 221,153,85,0
DCB 238,170,102,0
DCB 255,187,119,0
DCB 0,204,0,0
DCB 17,221,17,0
DCB 34,238,34,0
DCB 51,255,51,0
DCB 68,204,0,0
DCB 85,221,17,0
DCB 102,238,34,0
DCB 119,255,51,0
DCB 0,204,68,0
DCB 17,221,85,0
DCB 34,238,102,0
DCB 51,255,119,0
DCB 68,204,68,0
DCB 85,221,85,0
DCB 102,238,102,0
DCB 119,255,119,0
DCB 136,204,0,0
DCB 153,221,17,0
DCB 170,238,34,0
DCB 187,255,51,0
DCB 204,204,0,0
DCB 221,221,17,0
DCB 238,238,34,0
DCB 255,255,51,0
DCB 136,204,68,0
DCB 153,221,85,0
DCB 170,238,102,0
DCB 187,255,119,0
DCB 204,204,68,0
DCB 221,221,85,0
DCB 238,238,102,0
DCB 255,255,119,0
DCB 0,0,136,0
DCB 17,17,153,0
DCB 34,34,170,0
DCB 51,51,187,0
DCB 68,0,136,0
DCB 85,17,153,0
DCB 102,34,170,0
DCB 119,51,187,0
DCB 0,0,204,0
DCB 17,17,221,0
DCB 34,34,238,0
DCB 51,51,255,0
DCB 68,0,204,0
DCB 85,17,221,0
DCB 102,34,238,0
DCB 119,51,255,0
DCB 136,0,136,0
DCB 153,17,153,0
DCB 170,34,170,0
DCB 187,51,187,0
DCB 204,0,136,0
DCB 221,17,153,0
DCB 238,34,170,0
DCB 255,51,187,0
DCB 136,0,204,0
DCB 153,17,221,0
DCB 170,34,238,0
DCB 187,51,255,0
DCB 204,0,204,0
DCB 221,17,221,0
DCB 238,34,238,0
DCB 255,51,255,0
DCB 0,68,136,0
DCB 17,85,153,0
DCB 34,102,170,0
DCB 51,119,187,0
DCB 68,68,136,0
DCB 85,85,153,0
DCB 102,102,170,0
DCB 119,119,187,0
DCB 0,68,204,0
DCB 17,85,221,0
DCB 34,102,238,0
DCB 51,119,255,0
DCB 68,68,204,0
DCB 85,85,221,0
DCB 102,102,238,0
DCB 119,119,255,0
DCB 136,68,136,0
DCB 153,85,153,0
DCB 170,102,170,0
DCB 187,119,187,0
DCB 204,68,136,0
DCB 221,85,153,0
DCB 238,102,170,0
DCB 255,119,187,0
DCB 136,68,204,0
DCB 153,85,221,0
DCB 170,102,238,0
DCB 187,119,255,0
DCB 204,68,204,0
DCB 221,85,221,0
DCB 238,102,238,0
DCB 255,119,255,0
DCB 0,136,136,0
DCB 17,153,153,0
DCB 34,170,170,0
DCB 51,187,187,0
DCB 68,136,136,0
DCB 85,153,153,0
DCB 102,170,170,0
DCB 119,187,187,0
DCB 0,136,204,0
DCB 17,153,221,0
DCB 34,170,238,0
DCB 51,187,255,0
DCB 68,136,204,0
DCB 85,153,221,0
DCB 102,170,238,0
DCB 119,187,255,0
DCB 136,136,136,0
DCB 153,153,153,0
DCB 170,170,170,0
DCB 187,187,187,0
DCB 204,136,136,0
DCB 221,153,153,0
DCB 238,170,170,0
DCB 255,187,187,0
DCB 136,136,204,0
DCB 153,153,221,0
DCB 170,170,238,0
DCB 187,187,255,0
DCB 204,136,204,0
DCB 221,153,221,0
DCB 238,170,238,0
DCB 255,187,255,0
DCB 0,204,136,0
DCB 17,221,153,0
DCB 34,238,170,0
DCB 51,255,187,0
DCB 68,204,136,0
DCB 85,221,153,0
DCB 102,238,170,0
DCB 119,255,187,0
DCB 0,204,204,0
DCB 17,221,221,0
DCB 34,238,238,0
DCB 51,255,255,0
DCB 68,204,204,0
DCB 85,221,221,0
DCB 102,238,238,0
DCB 119,255,255,0
DCB 136,204,136,0
DCB 153,221,153,0
DCB 170,238,170,0
DCB 187,255,187,0
DCB 204,204,136,0
DCB 221,221,153,0
DCB 238,238,170,0
DCB 255,255,187,0
DCB 136,204,204,0
DCB 153,221,221,0
DCB 170,238,238,0
DCB 187,255,255,0
DCB 204,204,204,0
DCB 221,221,221,0
DCB 238,238,238,0
DCB 255,255,255,0
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
File deleted
File deleted
File deleted
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