alarm1:Unable to read monotonic time alarm2:Not enough memory to set alarm dbox1:Not enough memory to create dialogue box dbox2:Templates file not loaded for use with dialogue boxes flex1:Flex memory error flex2:Not enough memory, or not within *desktop world flex3:Flex not initialised fontmenu1:Incorrect parameter to font_makemenu fontmenu2:Not enough memory for font menu fontmenu3:Not enough memory for font identifier menu1:Not enough memory for menu resspr1:Not enough memory to load sprite file '%s' saveas1:To save, drag the icon to a directory display template1:Template '%s' not found template2:Not enough memory to load templates txtopt1:Not enough memory to cache options name signal1:Data abort signal2:Arithmetic exception signal3:Illegal instruction signal4:Escape signal5:Internal address error signal6:Termination request wimpt1:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty. Please select continue. wimpt2:The Network Computer has experienced a technical difficulty. Please select continue. wimpt3:Not enough memory for active windows win1:Too many windows win2:Not enough memory to change window title xferrecv1:Can't transfer file (Scrap directory not set) xferrecv2:Data transfer failed xfersend2:Selection