/* Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /**************************************************************************** * This source file was written by Acorn Computers Limited. It is part of * * the RISCOS library for writing applications in C for RISC OS. It may be * * used freely in the creation of programs for Archimedes. It should be * * used with Acorn's C Compiler Release 3 or later. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* * Title : sprite.h * Purpose: provide access to RISC OS sprite facilities * */ # ifndef __sprite_h # define __sprite_h # ifndef __os_h # include "os.h" # endif /* * This file contains functions for performing operations on sprites. * For brevity only a brief description is given for each call. More details * can be found in the Programmer's Reference manual under the section on * Sprite SWIs. * */ /******** Simple operations, use no sprite area, no name/sprite pointer ***/ typedef enum { sprite_nopalette = 0, sprite_haspalette = 1 } sprite_palflag; typedef struct { int xmag,ymag,xdiv,ydiv; } sprite_factors; typedef char sprite_pixtrans; /* ----------------------------- sprite_screensave ------------------------- * Save the current graphics window as a sprite file, with optional palette. * Equivalent to *ScreenSave. * */ extern os_error * sprite_screensave(const char *filename, sprite_palflag); /* ---------------------------- sprite_screenload -------------------------- * Load a sprite file onto the screen. Equivalent to *ScreenLoad. * */ extern os_error * sprite_screenload(const char *filename); /****** Operations on either system/user area, no name/sprite pointer *****/ typedef struct /* Format of a sprite area control block */ { int size; int number; int sproff; int freeoff; } sprite_area; typedef struct /* Format of a sprite header */ { int next; /* Offset to next sprite */ char name[12]; /* Sprite name */ int width; /* Width in words-1 (0..639) */ int height; /* Height in scanlines-1 (0..255/511) */ int lbit; /* First bit used (left end of row) */ int rbit; /* Last bit used (right end of row) */ int image; /* Offset to sprite image */ int mask; /* Offset to transparency mask */ int mode; /* Mode sprite was defined in */ /* Palette data optionally follows here */ /* in memory */ } sprite_header; #define sprite_mainarea ((sprite_area *) 0) typedef void * sprite_ptr; /* ------------------------ sprite_area_initialise ------------------------- * Initialise an area of memory as a sprite area * */ void sprite_area_initialise(sprite_area *, int size); /* ----------------------- sprite_area_readinfo ---------------------------- * Read information from a sprite area control block * */ extern os_error * sprite_area_readinfo(sprite_area *, sprite_area *resultarea); /* --------------------------- sprite_area_reinit -------------------------- * Reinitialise a sprite area. * If system area, then equivalent to *SNew * */ extern os_error * sprite_area_reinit(sprite_area *); /* --------------------------- sprite_area_load ---------------------------- * Load a sprite file into a sprite area. * If system area, then equivalent to *SLoad * */ extern os_error * sprite_area_load(sprite_area *, const char *filename); /* ---------------------------- sprite_area_merge -------------------------- * Merge a sprite file with a sprite area. * If system area, then equivalent to *SMerge * */ extern os_error * sprite_area_merge(sprite_area *, const char *filename); /* ---------------------------- sprite_area_save --------------------------- * Saves a sprite area as a sprite file. * If system area, then equivalent to *SSave * */ extern os_error * sprite_area_save(sprite_area *, const char *filename); /* ---------------------------- sprite_getname ----------------------------- * Return the name and length of name of the n'th sprite in a sprite area into * a buffer. * */ extern os_error * sprite_getname(sprite_area *, void *buffer, int *length, int index); /* ---------------------------- sprite_get --------------------------------- * Copy a rectangle of screen delimited by the last pair of graphics cursor * positions as a named sprite in a sprite area, optionally storing the * palette with the sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_get(sprite_area *, char *name, sprite_palflag); /* ---------------------------- sprite_get_rp ------------------------------ * Copy a rectangle of screen delimited by the last pair of graphics cursor * positions as a named sprite in a sprite area, optionally storing the * palette with the sprite. Address of sprite returned in resultaddress. * */ extern os_error * sprite_get_rp(sprite_area *, char *name, sprite_palflag, sprite_ptr *resultaddress); /* ---------------------------- sprite_get_given --------------------------- * Copy a rectangle of screen delimited by the given pair of graphics * coordinates as a named sprite in a sprite area, optionally storing the * palette with the sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_get_given(sprite_area *, char *name, sprite_palflag, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); /* --------------------------- sprite_get_given_rp ------------------------- * Copy a rectangle of screen delimited by the given pair of graphics * coordinates as a named sprite in a sprite area, optionally storing the * palette with the sprite. Address of sprite returned in resultaddress. * */ extern os_error * sprite_get_given_rp(sprite_area *, char *name, sprite_palflag, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, sprite_ptr *resultaddress); /* ------------------------------ sprite_create ---------------------------- * Create a named sprite in a sprite area of specified size and screen mode, * optionally reserving space for palette data with the sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_create(sprite_area *, char *name, sprite_palflag, int width, int height, int mode); /* ------------------------------ sprite_create_rp ------------------------- * Create a named sprite in a sprite area of specified size and screen mode, * optionally reserving space for palette data with the sprite.Address of * sprite returned in resultaddress. * */ extern os_error * sprite_create_rp(sprite_area *, char *name, sprite_palflag, int width, int height, int mode, sprite_ptr *resultaddress); /*********** Operations on system/user area, name/sprite pointer **********/ typedef enum { sprite_id_name = 0, sprite_id_addr = 0x74527053 /* 'Magic' number ("SpRt") to test against */ } sprite_type; typedef struct { union { char * name; /* Can use either name of sprite or address (faster) */ sprite_ptr addr; } s; sprite_type tag; /* User must tag the use of this structure manually */ } sprite_id; /* ----------------------------- sprite_select ----------------------------- * Select the specified sprite for plotting using plot(0xed,x,y). * */ extern os_error * sprite_select(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); /* ----------------------------- sprite_select_rp -------------------------- * Select the specified sprite for plotting using plot(0xed,x,y). Address of * sprite returned in resultaddress. * */ extern os_error * sprite_select_rp(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, sprite_ptr *resultaddress); /* ----------------------------- sprite_delete ----------------------------- * Delete the specified sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_delete(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); /* ----------------------------- sprite_rename ----------------------------- * Rename the specified sprite within the same sprite area. * */ extern os_error * sprite_rename(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, char *newname); /* ----------------------------- sprite_copy ------------------------------- * Copy the specified sprite as another named sprite in the same sprite area. * */ extern os_error * sprite_copy(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, char *copyname); /* ----------------------------- sprite_put -------------------------------- * Plot the specified sprite using the given GCOL action. * */ extern os_error * sprite_put(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int gcol); /* ----------------------------- sprite_put_given -------------------------- * Plot the specified sprite at (x,y) using the given GCOL action. * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_given(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int gcol, int x, int y); /* --------------------------- sprite_put_scaled --------------------------- * Plot the specified sprite at (x,y) using the given GCOL action, and scaled * using the given scale factors. * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_scaled(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int gcol, int x, int y, sprite_factors *factors, sprite_pixtrans pixtrans[]); /* ---------------------------- sprite_put_greyscaled ---------------------- * Plot the specified sprite at (x,y) using the given GCOL action, and * greyscaled using the given scale factors. * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_greyscaled(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y, sprite_factors *factors, sprite_pixtrans pixtrans[]); /* ----------------------------- sprite_put_mask --------------------------- * Plot the specified sprite mask in the background colour. * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_mask(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); /* ----------------------------- sprite_put_mask_given --------------------- * Plot the specified sprite mask at (x,y) in the background colour. * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_mask_given(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y); /* --------------------------- sprite_put_mask_scaled ---------------------- * Plot the sprite mask at (x,y) scaled, using the background colour/action * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_mask_scaled(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y, sprite_factors *factors); /* ----------------------------- sprite_put_char_scaled -------------------- * Paint char scaled at (x,y) * */ extern os_error * sprite_put_char_scaled(char ch, int x, int y, sprite_factors *factors); /* ---------------------------- sprite_create_mask ------------------------- * Create a mask definition for the specified sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_create_mask(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); /* ---------------------------- sprite_remove_mask ------------------------- * Remove the mask definition from the specified sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_remove_mask(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); /* ---------------------------- sprite_insert_row -------------------------- * Insert a row into the specified sprite at the given row. * */ extern os_error * sprite_insert_row(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int row); /* ---------------------------- sprite_delete_row -------------------------- * Delete the given row from the specified sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_delete_row(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int row); /* ---------------------------- sprite_insert_column ----------------------- * Insert a column into the specified sprite at the given column. * */ extern os_error * sprite_insert_column(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int column); /* ---------------------------- sprite_delete_column ----------------------- * Delete the given column from the specified sprite. * */ extern os_error * sprite_delete_column(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int column); /* ----------------------------- sprite_flip_x ----------------------------- * Flip the specified sprite about the x axis * */ extern os_error * sprite_flip_x(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); /* ----------------------------- sprite_flip_y ----------------------------- * Flip the specified sprite about the y axis * */ extern os_error * sprite_flip_y(sprite_area *, sprite_id *); typedef struct { int width; int height; int mask; int mode; } sprite_info; /* -------------------------------- sprite_readsize ------------------------ * Read the size information for the specified sprite_id * */ extern os_error * sprite_readsize(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, sprite_info *resultinfo); typedef struct { int colour; int tint; } sprite_colour; /* ----------------------------- sprite_readpixel -------------------------- * Read the colour of a given pixel in the specified sprite_id * */ extern os_error * sprite_readpixel(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y, sprite_colour *resultcolour); /* ----------------------------- sprite_writepixel ------------------------- * Write the colour of a given pixel in the specified sprite_id * */ extern os_error * sprite_writepixel(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y, sprite_colour *colour); typedef enum { sprite_masktransparent = 0, sprite_masksolid = 1 } sprite_maskstate; /* ------------------------------- sprite_readmask ------------------------- * Read the state of a given pixel in the specified sprite mask * */ extern os_error * sprite_readmask(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y, sprite_maskstate *resultmaskstate); /* ------------------------------- sprite_writemask ------------------------ * Write the state of a given pixel in the specified sprite mask * */ extern os_error * sprite_writemask(sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int x, int y, sprite_maskstate *maskstate); typedef struct { int r[4]; } sprite_state; /* ----------------------------- sprite_restorestate ----------------------- * Restores the old state after one of the sprite redirection calls * */ extern os_error *sprite_restorestate(sprite_state state); /* ---------------------------- sprite_outputtosprite ---------------------- * Redirect VDU output to a sprite, saving old state * */ extern os_error *sprite_outputtosprite(sprite_area *area, sprite_id *id, int *save_area, sprite_state *state); /* ----------------------- sprite_outputtomask ----------------------------- * Redirects output to a sprite's transparency mask, saving old state * */ extern os_error *sprite_outputtomask(sprite_area *area, sprite_id *id, int *save_area, sprite_state *state); /* --------------------------- sprite_outputtoscreen ----------------------- * Redirect output back to screen, saving old state * */ extern os_error *sprite_outputtoscreen(int *save_area, sprite_state *state); /* --------------------------- sprite_sizeof_spritecontext ----------------- * Get size of save area needed to save sprite context. * */ extern os_error *sprite_sizeof_spritecontext(sprite_area *area, sprite_id *id, int *size); /* ------------------------- sprite_sizeof_screencontext ------------------- * Get size of save area needed to save screen context. * */ extern os_error *sprite_sizeof_screencontext(int *size); /* ------------------------ sprite_removewastage --------------------------- * Removes left hand wastage from a sprite * */ extern os_error *sprite_removewastage(sprite_area *area, sprite_id *id); /* ------------------------ sprite_change_size ----------------------------- * General insert/delete rows/columns operations * */ extern os_error *sprite_change_size (sprite_area *area, sprite_id *id, BOOL rows, int at, int number); /* Typedefs and functions for rotating sprites. */ typedef struct {int p0 [2], p1 [2], p2 [2], p3 [2];} sprite_pgm; typedef int sprite_transmat [6]; typedef struct {int x0, y0, x1, y1;} sprite_box; /* ------------------------ sprite_put_mask_trans --------------------- * Put a box from the mask in background colours through a transformation matrix * */ extern os_error *sprite_put_mask_trans (sprite_area *, sprite_id *, sprite_box *, sprite_transmat *); /* ------------------------ sprite_put_mask_pgm ----------------------- * Put a box from the mask in background colours to a parallelogram * */ extern os_error *sprite_put_mask_pgm (sprite_area *, sprite_id *, sprite_box *, sprite_pgm *); /* ------------------------ sprite_put_trans -------------------------- * Put a box from the sprite through a transformation matrix * */ extern os_error *sprite_put_trans (sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int gcol_action, sprite_box *, sprite_transmat *, sprite_pixtrans *); /* ------------------------ sprite_put_pgm ---------------------------- * Put a box from the sprite to a parallelogram * */ extern os_error *sprite_put_pgm (sprite_area *, sprite_id *, int gcol_action, sprite_box *, sprite_pgm *, sprite_pixtrans *); # endif /* end of sprite.h */