; Copyright 2012 Castle Technology Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.

        GET     Hdr:ListOpts
        GET     Hdr:Macros
        GET     Hdr:System
        GET     Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
        GET     Hdr:ImageSize.<ImageSize>

        GET     Hdr:OSEntries
        GET     Hdr:HALEntries
        GET     Hdr:Proc

        GET     hdr.omap3530
        GET     hdr.StaticWS
        GET     hdr.PRCM
        GET     hdr.SR37x
        GET     hdr.GPIO

        AREA    |Asm$$Code|, CODE, READONLY, PIC

        EXPORT  SR37x_PreInit

        IMPORT  TPSRead
        IMPORT  TPSWrite
        IMPORT  memcpy
        IMPORT  __rt_udiv
        IMPORT  IIC_DoOp_Poll
        IMPORT  CPUClk_AdjustDPLL
        IMPORT  HAL_CounterDelay

        GBLL    DebugSR37x

        GBLL    AlwaysFBB
AlwaysFBB  SETL {FALSE} ; Whether to keep FBB mode on all the time or toggle it on/off as required. Setting to TRUE also enables a couple of other tweaks that may increase stability.

 [ DebugSR37x
        IMPORT  DebugHALPrint
        IMPORT  DebugHALPrintReg

        DumpReg $base, $reg
        DebugTX "$reg"
        LDR     a1, =$reg
        LDR     a1, [$base, #$reg]
        DebugReg a1

        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SRCONFIG
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SRSTATUS
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SENVAL
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SENMIN
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SENMAX
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SENAVG
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_AVGWEIGHT
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_NVALUERECIPROCAL
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_IRQSTATUS_RAW
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_IRQSTATUS
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_SENERROR_REG
        DumpReg v1, SR37x_ERRCONFIG
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SRCONFIG
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SRSTATUS
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SENVAL
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SENMIN
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SENMAX
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SENAVG
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_AVGWEIGHT
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_NVALUERECIPROCAL
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_IRQSTATUS_RAW
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_IRQSTATUS
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_SENERROR_REG
        DumpReg v2, SR37x_ERRCONFIG
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_SMPS_SA
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_SMPS_VOL_RA
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_SMPS_CMD_RA
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_CMD_VAL_0
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_CMD_VAL_1
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_CH_CONF
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_I2C_CFG
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VC_BYPASS_VAL
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP1_CONFIG
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP1_VSTEPMIN
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP1_VSTEPMAX
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP1_VLIMITTO
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP1_VOLTAGE
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP1_STATUS
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP2_CONFIG
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP2_VSTEPMIN
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP2_VSTEPMAX
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP2_VLIMITTO
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP2_VOLTAGE
        DumpReg v3, PRM_VP2_STATUS
        DumpReg v3, PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP
        DumpReg v3, PRM_LDO_ABB_CTRL
        LDR     a1, L4_PowerMan_Log
        DebugReg a1, OCP_System_Reg_PRM+PRM_IRQSTATUS_MPU

SR37x_PreInit ROUT
        ; Identify the OMAP type, set up the HAL device descriptor, then put the CPU speed to max to help cut down our boot time
        Entry   "v1-v5"
        ; First identify the OMAP type
        LDR     a1, L4_Wakeup_Log
        LDR     a2, =L4_CONTROL_IDCODE-L4_Wakeup
        LDR     a1, [a2, a1]
        UBFX    a1, a1, #12, #16
     [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a1, "Hawkeye="
        LDR     a2, =HAWKEYE_AMDM37x
        EORS    a1, a1, a2
        EXIT    NE ; Not AM/DM37x; Exit with a1 nonzero for failure
    [ {FALSE} ; Don't do this - the chips in the BBxM don't have the bit set, despite having valid eFuse data for OPP1G. Maybe check OPP1G eFuse reg instead?
        ; check if this is a 1GHz part (we don't bother supporting SmartReflex on 800MHz parts)
        LDR     a1, L4_Core_Log
        LDR     a2, =L4_CtrlDevStatus-L4_Core
        LDR     a2, [a2, a1]
     [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a2, "CtrlDevStatus="
        TST     a2, #1<<9
        EXIT    EQ

        ; We support SmartReflex on this device
     [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "SmartReflex supported"

        SUB     sp, sp, #4
        MOV     a2, sp
        MOV     a3, #1
        ADRL    v1, IIC_DoOp_Poll
      [ {TRUE}
        ; Disable I2C1/I2C4 pullups? (spotted in Linux sources, drivers/mfd/twl-core.c)
        ; This should probably be moved elseswhere?
        MOV     a1, #0
        STRB    a1, [a2]
        MOV     a1, #TPSGPIO_IIC*2
        MOV     a4, #TPS_GPPUPDCTR1
        BL      TPSWrite
        CMP     a1, #0
        BNE     %FT10
        ; Enable smartreflex in the TPS
        MOV     a1, #TPSPM_IIC*2
        MOV     a4, #DCDC_GLOBAL_CFG
        BL      TPSRead
        CMP     a1, #0
        BNE     %FT10
        LDRB    v2, [a2]
        TST     v2, #1<<3
        BNE     %FT10
        ORR     v2, v2, #1<<3
        STRB    v2, [a2]
        MOV     a1, #TPSPM_IIC*2
        BL      TPSWrite
        ADD     sp, sp, #4
        CMP     a1, #0
        EXIT    NE ; IIC failed, abort

        ; Set v1, v2 to point to the SmartReflex instances
        LDR     a1, L4_Core_Log
        ADD     v1, a1, #L4_SR1-L4_Core
        ADD     v2, a1, #L4_SR2-L4_Core
        ; Set v3 to point to the PRM registers
        LDR     v3, L4_PowerMan_Log
        ADD     v3, v3, #Global_Reg_PRM
        ; Set v4, v5 to point to initial OPP table entries
        ADRL    v4, End_SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD1-SR37x_OPPTbl_Size
        ADRL    v5, End_SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD2-SR37x_OPPTbl_Size

      [ DebugSR37x
        BL      DoDumpRegs

        ; TODO - Make sure smartreflex is disabled before we start reprogramming it!

        ; Set up ABB LDO for FBB

        ; Calculate SR2_WTCNT_VALUE as 1/8th the number of system clock cycles to wait
        LDR     a1, Timer_DelayMul
        ASSERT  ((ABB_SETTLING_TIME<<5) :MOD: 10) = 0
        MOV     a2, #(ABB_SETTLING_TIME<<5)/10 ; <<5 so result is in bits 8-15
        MUL     a1, a2, a1
        AND     a1, a1, #&FF00
        ORR     a1, a1, #5 ; Set ACTIVE_FBB_SEL and SR2EN
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_LDO_ABB_CTRL]
        ; Go to fast mode
        MOV     a1, #1+4
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP]
        ; Wait for completion
        LDR     a1, [v3, #PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP]
        TST     a1, #4
        BNE     %BT15

        ; Program the voltage controller with the IIC details of the TPS
        ; (sprugn4o, section, page 439)
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "Programming voltage controller"

        ; 1. Slave address (&12)
        MOV     a1, #&12
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_SMPS_SA]
        ; 2. Voltage register addresses (&00, &01)
        MOV     a1, #1<<16
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_SMPS_VOL_RA]
        ; 3. Command register addresses (none)
        ; However, we do want to program the on/off/retention voltages
        LDR     a1, =&30201e00 ; OFF=0.6V, RET=0.975V, ONLP=1V, ON=1.25V
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_CMD_VAL_0]
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_CMD_VAL_1]
        ; And voltage setup times?
        LDR     a1, =&0fff0fff
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VOLTSETUP1]
        ; 4. Main configuration
        LDR     a1, =&120000 ; RAV1, CMD1?
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_CH_CONF]
        ; 5. Configure IIC
        ; Enable high-speed mode, but don't program a master code?
        LDR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_I2C_CFG]
        ORR     a1, a1, #1<<3
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VC_I2C_CFG]

        ; Set up the voltage processor (sprugn4, section, page 435)
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "Programming voltage processor"

        ; 1. Error-to-voltage converter
        LDR     a2, [v3, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        LDRB    a4, [v4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_ERRGAIN]
        ORR     a4, a4, #TPS_VP_ERROROFFSET<<8
        BFI     a2, a4, #16, #16
        STR     a2, [v3, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        LDR     a3, [v3, #PRM_VP2_CONFIG]
        LDRB    a4, [v5, #SR37x_OPPTbl_ERRGAIN]
        ORR     a4, a4, #TPS_VP_ERROROFFSET<<8
        BFI     a3, a4, #16, #16
        STR     a3, [v3, #PRM_VP2_CONFIG]
        ; Note VSTEPMIN/VSTEPMAX settings get handled in step 2 below

        ; 2. FSM register setting
        ; VLIMITTO.TIMEOUT is sys_clk (in MHz) * TPS_VP_VLIMITTO_TIMEOUT (in uS)
        ; i.e. Timer_DelayMul*TPS_VP_VLIMITTO_TIMEOUT/10
        LDR     a1, Timer_DelayMul
        MOV     a4, #TPS_VP_VLIMITTO_TIMEOUT/10
        MUL     a1, a1, a4
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a1, "PRM_VP1_VLIMITTO="
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP1_VLIMITTO]
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP2_VLIMITTO]
        LDRB    a1, [v4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_VDD]
        BFI     a2, a1, #8, #8
        ORR     a1, a2, #1<<2
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        LDRB    a1, [v5, #SR37x_OPPTbl_VDD]
        BFI     a3, a1, #8, #8
        ORR     a1, a3, #1<<2
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP2_CONFIG]
        ; VSTEPMIN/VSTEPMAX wait times are (TPS_VP_STEPSIZE/TPS_VP_SLEWRATE) * sys_clk (in MHz)
        ; i.e. Timer_DelayMul*(TPS_VP_STEPSIZE/(TPS_VP_SLEWRATE*10))
        LDR     a1, Timer_DelayMul
        ASSERT  ((TPS_VP_STEPSIZE*256) :MOD: (TPS_VP_SLEWRATE*10)) = 0
        LDR     a4, =(TPS_VP_STEPSIZE*256)/(TPS_VP_SLEWRATE*10)
        MUL     a4, a1, a4
        BIC     a4, a4, #255
        ORR     a1, a4, #TPS_VP_VSTEPMIN
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a1, "PRM_VP1_VSTEPMIN="
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP1_VSTEPMIN]
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP2_VSTEPMIN]
        ORR     a1, a4, #TPS_VP_VSTEPMAX
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a1, "PRM_VP1_VSTEPMAX="
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP1_VSTEPMAX]
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP2_VSTEPMAX]

        ; 3. Enable interrupts
        ; (do nothing, since we want automatic H/W control)

        ; Extra step: Program the initial VDD1 voltage to the TPS before we enable the VP
        ; For VDD2 we don't really care that much (we should already be running at OPP100, and at the correct frequency for the fitted RAM)
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "Forcing voltage update"
        DebugReg a2, "PRM_VP1_CONFIG="
        DebugReg a3, "PRM_VP2_CONFIG="
        ; Clear any current transaction done interrupts
        LDR     a4, L4_PowerMan_Log
        MVN     a1, #0
        STR     a1, [a4, #OCP_System_Reg_PRM+PRM_IRQSTATUS_MPU]
        ; Force the update
        ORR     a1, a2, #1<<1
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        ORR     a1, a3, #1<<1
        STR     a1, [v3, #PRM_VP2_CONFIG]
        ; Wait for completion
        LDR     a1, [a4, #OCP_System_Reg_PRM+PRM_IRQSTATUS_MPU]
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a1, "PRM_IRQSTATUS_MPU="
        AND     a1, a1, #(1<<21)+(1<<15)
        CMP     a1, #(1<<21)+(1<<15)
        BNE     %BT20

        ; Handle errata 1.46
        ; Use 104us timeout (equivalent to OPP50->OPP1G step)
        MOV     a1, #104
        Push    "a2-a4"
        BL      HAL_CounterDelay
        Pull    "a2-a4"

      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "Enabling voltage processor"

        ; 4. Enable the module
        ORR     a2, a2, #1+(1<<3)
        STR     a2, [v3, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        ORR     a3, a3, #1+(1<<3)
        STR     a3, [v3, #PRM_VP2_CONFIG]

        ; Set up the SmartRefex modules (sprugn4o, section, page 432)
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "Setup SmartReflex"

        ; 1. Setup clocks
        ; First, calculate SRCLKLENGTH setting
        ; This is SR_ALWON_FCLK/(2*SR_CLK), where SR_ALWON_FCLK=sys_clk and SR_CLK=100kHz
        ; i.e. Timer_DelayMul/2
        LDR     a1, Timer_DelayMul
        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #1
        LDR     a2, [v1, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        BFI     a2, a1, #12, #10
        STR     a2, [v1, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        LDR     a3, [v2, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        BFI     a3, a1, #12, #10
        STR     a3, [v2, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        ; Enable clocks
        LDR     a1, L4_ClockMan_Log
        LDR     a4, [a1, #CM_FCLKEN_WKUP]
        ORR     a4, a4, #3<<6
        STR     a4, [a1, #CM_FCLKEN_WKUP]

        ; 2. Sensor core setting
        ; Supposedly SENNENABLE and SENPENABLE are meant to come from CONTROL_FUSE_SR, but the Linux smartreflex driver just sets them to 1?
        ORR     a2, a2, #3 ; SENNENABLE, SENPENABLE
        ORR     a2, a2, #1<<10 ; SENENABLE
        STR     a2, [v1, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        ORR     a3, a3, #3 ; SENNENABLE, SENPENABLE
        ORR     a3, a3, #1<<10 ; SENENABLE
        STR     a3, [v2, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]

        ; 3. Accumulator min/max/avg
        MOV     a1, #SR37x_SENNAVGWEIGHT + (SR37x_SENPAVGWEIGHT<<2)
        LDR     a4, [v1, #SR37x_AVGWEIGHT]
        BFI     a4, a1, #0, #4
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a4, "SR1.AVGWEIGHT="
        STR     a4, [v1, #SR37x_AVGWEIGHT]
        LDR     a4, [v2, #SR37x_AVGWEIGHT]
        BFI     a4, a1, #0, #4
        STR     a4, [v2, #SR37x_AVGWEIGHT]
        LDR     a1, =SR37x_ACCUMDATA
        BFI     a2, a1, #22, #10
        ORR     a2, a2, #1<<8
        STR     a2, [v1, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        BFI     a3, a1, #22, #10
        ORR     a3, a3, #1<<8
        STR     a3, [v2, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]

        ; 4. Error generator setting
        ; NVALUERECIPROCAL comes straight from the relevant eFuse OPP register
        LDR     a1, L4_Core_Log
        LDR     a4, [v4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_NVALUERECIPROCAL]
        LDR     a4, [a1, a4]
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a4, "SR1.NVALUERECIPROCAL="
        STR     a4, [v1, #SR37x_NVALUERECIPROCAL]
        LDR     a4, [v5, #SR37x_OPPTbl_NVALUERECIPROCAL]
        LDR     a4, [a1, a4]
        STR     a4, [v2, #SR37x_NVALUERECIPROCAL]
        ORR     a2, a2, #1<<9
        STR     a2, [v1, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        ORR     a3, a3, #1<<9
        STR     a3, [v2, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]

        ; 5. Interrupts
        ; We want automatic control, so enable VPBOUNDSINTENABLE, and don't bother touching IRQENABLE reg
        LDR     a1, [v4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_ERRCONFIG]
        LDR     a4, [v1, #SR37x_ERRCONFIG]
        BFI     a4, a1, #0, #19
        ORR     a4, a4, #3<<22 ; Enable interrupt, clear any existing interrupt
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a4, "SR1.ERRCONFIG="
        STR     a4, [v1, #SR37x_ERRCONFIG]
        LDR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_OPPTbl_ERRCONFIG]
        LDR     a4, [v2, #SR37x_ERRCONFIG]
        BFI     a4, a1, #0, #19
        ORR     a4, a4, #3<<22
        STR     a4, [v2, #SR37x_ERRCONFIG]

        MVN     a4, #0
        STR     a4, [v1, #SR37x_IRQSTATUS]

        ; 6. Enable the module
      [ DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "Enable SmartReflex"
        DebugReg a2,"SR1.SRCONFIG="
        DebugReg a3,"SR2.SRCONFIG="
        ORR     a2, a2, #1<<11
        STR     a2, [v1, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        ORR     a3, a3, #1<<11
        STR     a3, [v2, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]

        ; Finally, switch to the new MPU frequency
        LDRH    v3, [v4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_MHz]
        LDRB    a1, [v4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_CLKOUT_M2]
        BL      CPUClk_AdjustDPLL ; v3-v5, ip corrupt

        ; Now set up the HAL device
        ADRL    v3, CPUClkWS
        MOV     a1, v3
        ADR     a2, SR37xDevTemplate
        MOV     a3, #HALDevice_CPUClk_Size
        BL      memcpy
        ADRL    v1, SR37x_Shutdown
        STR     v1, [v3, #:INDEX: SR37xShutdown]
        STR     sb, [v3, #:INDEX: SR37xWorkspace]
        MOV     v1, #(End_SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD1-SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD1)/SR37x_OPPTbl_Size
        STR     v1, [v3, #:INDEX: SR37xOPPTblSize]
        SUB     a1, v1, #1
        STR     a1, [v3, #:INDEX: SR37xCurSpeed]
        MVN     a1, #0
        STR     a1, [v3, #:INDEX: SR37xNewSpeed]
        ADD     a1, v3, #:INDEX: SR37xOPPTbl
        ADR     a2, SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD1
        ASSERT  SR37x_OPPTbl_Size = 12
        LDR     v2, L4_Core_Log
        LDMIA   a2!,{a3-a4,lr}
        ; Translate NVALUERECIPROCAL ptr to value
        LDR     a4, [v2, a4]
        STMIA   a1!,{a3-a4,lr}
        SUBS    v1, v1, #1
        BNE     %BT40

      [ DebugSR37x
        ; Set v1, v2 to point to the SmartReflex instances
        LDR     a1, L4_Core_Log
        ADD     v1, a1, #L4_SR1-L4_Core
        ADD     v2, a1, #L4_SR2-L4_Core
        ; Set v3 to point to the PRM registers
        LDR     v3, L4_PowerMan_Log
        ADD     v3, v3, #Global_Reg_PRM
        ; Set v4, v5 to point to initial OPP table entries
        ADRL    v4, End_SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD1-SR37x_OPPTbl_Size
        ADRL    v5, End_SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD2-SR37x_OPPTbl_Size
        BL      DoDumpRegs

        ; Finished
        MOV     a1, #0

        SR37x_OPPTblEntry $mhz,$vdd1,$clkout_m2,$nvalreg,$errmin,$errgain
        ; VDD1 specified in mV
        DCW $mhz
        DCB ((($vdd1-600)*10)+124)/125 ; VDD1_VSEL = ((V-0.6)+0.0124)/0.0125
        DCB $clkout_m2
        DCD $nvalreg
        DCB $errmin
        DCB $errgain

        SR37x_OPPTblEntry  300, 0970, 2, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP50_VDD1, &f4, &0c ; OPP50
        SR37x_OPPTblEntry  600, 1140, 1, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP100_VDD1, &f9, &16 ; OPP100
        SR37x_OPPTblEntry  800, 1270, 1, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP130_VDD1, &fa, &23 ; OPP130
        SR37x_OPPTblEntry 1000, 1380, 1, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP1G_VDD1, &fa, &27 ; OPP1G. Note datasheet lists 1.35V as typical voltage, but recommends to use 1.38V instead, to cope with power supply inefficiencies.

        SR37x_OPPTblEntry  600, 1200, 1, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP100_VDD1, &f9, &16 ; OPP100 @ 1.2V

        SR37x_OPPTblEntry  200, 0950, 2, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP50_VDD2, &f4, &0c ; OPP50
        SR37x_OPPTblEntry  400, 1140, 1, CONTROL_FUSE_OPP100_VDD2, &f9, &16 ; OPP100

        DCW     HALDeviceType_SysPeri + HALDeviceSysPeri_CPUClk
        DCW     HALDeviceID_CPUClk_AMDM37x_SR
        DCD     HALDeviceBus_Peri + HALDevicePeriBus_Sonics3220
        DCD     0                     ; API version
        DCD     SR37x_Desc            ; Description
        DCD     0                     ; Address - unused
        %       12                    ; Unused
        DCD     SR37x_Activate
        DCD     SR37x_Deactivate
        DCD     SR37x_Reset
        DCD     SR37x_Sleep
        DCD     -1                    ; Device - unused
        DCD     0                     ; TestIRQ
        DCD     0                     ; ClearIRQ
        %       4
        ASSERT  (.-SR37xDevTemplate) = HALDeviceSize
        DCD     SR37x_NumSpeeds
        DCD     SR37x_Info
        DCD     SR37x_Get
        DCD     SR37x_Set
        DCD     SR37x_Override
        ASSERT  (.-SR37xDevTemplate) = HALDevice_CPUClk_Size

        =       "AM/DM37x SmartReflex CPU clock controller",0

        ; Do nothing
        MOV     a1, #1
        MOV     pc, lr

        MOV     a1, #0
        MOV     pc, lr

        ; Out: a1 = num entries in table
        LDR     a1, SR37xOPPTblSize
        MOV     pc, lr

        ; In: a2 = table index
        ; Out: a1 = MHz
        ADR     a3, SR37xOPPTbl
        ASSERT  SR37x_OPPTbl_Size = 12
        ASSERT  SR37x_OPPTbl_MHz = 0
        ADD     a3, a3, a2, LSL #2
        ADD     a3, a3, a2, LSL #3
        LDRH    a1, [a3]
        MOV     pc, lr

        ; Return current table index
        EntryS  "sb"
        CPSID   i ; Prevent speed changing while we're reading it
        LDR     a2, SR37xNewSpeed
        LDR     sb, SR37xWorkspace
        CMP     a2, #-1 ; Are we changing speed?
        BLNE    SR37x_Set ; Yes, complete the change so that the returned value is accurate
        ADRL    a2, CPUClkWS
        LDR     a1, SR37xCurSpeed

SR37x_Set ROUT
        ; a2 = new table index
        ; Return 0 on success, -1 on failure
        EntryS  "v1-v5,sb"
        MOV     v1, #0
        ; Keep IRQs off for the entireity of the function
        ; This avoids us having to worry about re-entrancy (which is more complicated than with the CPUClk driver)
        ; The slowest operation (switching from OPP50 to OPP1G) only takes ~0.343ms, so with the exception of unforseen circumstances (lots of IIC failures in the VC?) we shouldn't have to worry about this hurting our interrupt latency
        CPSID   i
        ; Clamp a2, get table entry
        LDR     sb, SR37xWorkspace
        CMP     a2, #0
        LDR     v3, SR37xOPPTblSize
        MOVLT   a2, #0
        ADR     v2, SR37xOPPTbl
        CMP     a2, v3
        SUBGE   a2, v3, #1
        ASSERT  SR37x_OPPTbl_Size = 12
        ASSERT  SR37x_OPPTbl_MHz = 0
        ADD     v2, v2, a2, LSL #2
        ADD     v2, v2, a2, LSL #3
        LDRH    v3, [v2, #OPPTbl_MHz]
        ; a2 = new idx
        ; v2 = OPP table entry ptr
        ; v3 = new clock rate
 [ {FALSE} ; DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a2,"SR37x_Set: Idx="
        DebugReg v2,"OPPTbl ptr="
        DebugReg v3,"New rate="
        LDR     a3, SR37xNewSpeed
        DebugReg a3,"Re-entrancy flag="
        ; Set the re-entrancy flag
        STR     a2, SR37xNewSpeed
        ; Set up v4 = VP regs, v5 = SR regs
        LDR     v4, L4_PowerMan_Log
        ADD     v4, v4, #Global_Reg_PRM
        LDR     v5, L4_Core_Log
        ADD     v5, v5, #L4_SR1-L4_Core
        ; Get current VDD1
        ; We can get this from INITVOLTAGE in PRM_VP1_CONFIG
        LDR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        UBFX    a1, a1, #8, #8
        LDRB    ip, [v2, #SR37x_OPPTbl_VDD]
 [ {FALSE} ; DebugSR37x
        DebugReg a1,"VDD1 currently "
        DebugReg ip,"VDD1 needed "
        CMP     a1, ip
        BLLO    SR37x_Reprogram ; Pre-increment VDD1
        ; Adjust DPLL registers
        Push    "v4-v5,ip"
        LDRB    a1, [v2, #SR37x_OPPTbl_CLKOUT_M2]
        BL      CPUClk_AdjustDPLL ; v3-v5, ip corrupt
        Pull    "v4-v5,ip"
        ; Now check if we need to reduce VDD1
        LDR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        UBFX    a1, a1, #8, #8
        CMP     a1, ip
        BLNE    SR37x_Reprogram
        ; Re-entrancy check not needed here, since we're done
      [ {FALSE} ; DebugSR37x
        DebugTX "SR37x_Set done"
        ; All done
        ; However it's still possible we were re-entered; only set SR37xSpeed if SR37xNewSpeed != -1
        ADRL    a1, CPUClkWS
        LDR     a2, SR37xNewSpeed
        CMP     a2, #-1
        STRNE   a2, SR37xCurSpeed
        MVN     a3, #0
        STR     a3, SR37xNewSpeed
        MOV     a1, #0
        EXITS   ,c

SR37x_Shutdown ALTENTRY
        ; Reset to default speed & voltage prior to reset/power off
        ; This avoids Pandora Linux often hanging on boot after RISC OS has been run
        ADR     v2, SR37x_OPPTbl_AMDM37x_VDD1_Default
        MOV     v1, #1 ; Exit with smartreflex disabled
        CPSID   i
        B       %BT10

SR37x_Override ROUT
        CPSID   i
        ; a2 = table ptr
        ; a3 = num entries
        ; a4 = format no.
        CMP     a4, #SR37x_OPPTbl_Format
        BNE     %FT20
        CMP     a3, #SR37x_OPPTbl_Max
        BGT     %FT20
        ; Check we aren't in the middle of setting the speed
        LDR     ip, SR37xNewSpeed
        CMP     ip, #-1
        MVNNE   a1, #0 ; -1 for try again later
        EXITS   NE,c
        ; Update table
        ASSERT  SR37x_OPPTbl_Size = 12
        STR     a3, SR37xOPPTblSize
        ADR     ip, SR37xOPPTbl
        LDMIA   a2!, {a1,a4,lr}
        SUBS    a3, a3, #1
        STMIA   ip!, {a1,a4,lr}
        BNE     %BT10
        MOV     a1, #SR37x_OPPTbl_Format ; Return expected table format
        EXITS   ,c

SR37x_Reprogram ROUT
        Entry   "a1-a4,ip"
        ; Reprogram the SR instance & voltage processor with new values
        ; In:
        ;   v1 = nonzero to exit with SR disabled
        ;   v2 = OPPTbl entry
        ;   v4 = voltage processor
        ;   v5 = smartreflex instance
        ;   sb = HAL workspace
        ;   IRQs disabled
        ; Out:
        ;   all regs preserved
        ; This is a mix of the steps laid out in sprugn4o section (p442) and (p445), plus any extra steps that are necessary (e.g. to wait for the SR module disable acknowledgement)

        ; 1. Disable smartreflex
        LDR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        TST     a1, #1<<11
        BEQ     %FT20
        BIC     a1, a1, #1<<11
        ; Clear any current disable ack IRQ before disabling the module
        MVN     a2, #0
        STR     a2, [v5, #SR37x_IRQSTATUS]
        STR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        ; Wait for acknowledge
        LDR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_IRQSTATUS_RAW]
        TST     a1, #1
        BEQ     %BT10

        ; 2. Disable voltage processor, and make sure INITVDD+FORCEUPDATE clear
        LDR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        BIC     a1, a1, #1+2+4
        STR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        ; Wait for idle
        LDR     a2, [v4, #PRM_VP1_STATUS]
        TST     a2, #1
        BEQ     %BT30

      [ AlwaysFBB
        ; Make a note of the current voltage so we can more accurately handle errata 1.46 (see step 7 below)
        LDR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_VOLTAGE]
        Push    "a1"

        ; 3. Reprogram smartreflex instance
        LDR     a1, [v2, #SR37x_OPPTbl_NVALUERECIPROCAL]
        STR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_NVALUERECIPROCAL]
        LDR     a1, [v2, #SR37x_OPPTbl_ERRCONFIG]
        LDR     a2, [v5, #SR37x_ERRCONFIG]
        BFI     a2, a1, #0, #19
        ORR     a2, a2, #3<<22 ; Enable interrupt, clear any existing interrupt
        STR     a2, [v5, #SR37x_ERRCONFIG]

        ; 4. Set voltage processor error gain value and program new INITVOLTAGE
        LDRB    a1, [v2, #SR37x_OPPTbl_ERRGAIN]
        LDR     a2, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        BFI     a2, a1, #16, #8
        LDRB    a4, [v2, #SR37x_OPPTbl_VDD]
        UBFX    a3, a2, #8, #8
        BFI     a2, a4, #8, #8
        ORR     a1, a2, #4
        STR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]

      [ :LNOT: AlwaysFBB
        ; 5. Tell ABB LDO if we're going to fast mode
        ; Work this out by looking at the voltage rather than CPU speed
        ; Assume anything over the stock 800MHz voltage will want it
        MOV     a1, #ABB_FBB_VOLTAGE
        CMP     a3, a1 ; old VDD <= 1.27?
        CMPLE   a1, a4 ; and 1.27 < new VDD?
        BGE     %FT39
        ; Put LDO in fast mode
        MOV     a1, #1+4
        STR     a1, [v4, #PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP]
        ; Wait for completion
        LDR     a1, [v4, #PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP]
        TST     a1, #4
        BNE     %BT35

        ; 6. Use FORCEUPDATE to send the update to the TWL
        ; First clear any pending transaction done interrupts
        LDR     lr, L4_PowerMan_Log
        MVN     a1, #0
        STR     a1, [lr, #OCP_System_Reg_PRM+PRM_IRQSTATUS_MPU]
        ; Force update
        ORR     a1, a2, #2
        STR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        ; Wait for completion
        ; Check if IRQ happened yet
        LDR     ip, [lr, #OCP_System_Reg_PRM+PRM_IRQSTATUS_MPU]
        TST     ip, #1<<15
        BNE     %BT40

        ; 7. Errata advisory 1.46 (sprz319e, page 66)
        ; a3 = old VDD
        ; a4 = new VDD
      [ :LNOT: AlwaysFBB
        SUBS    a1,a4,a3
        BLE     %FT50 ; VDD going down? delay not required
        BL      SR37x_Errata146
        B       %FT60

        ; VDD going down; check if we can disable FBB
        ; (Running with FBB enabled when we don't need it is safe, but turning
        ; it off should save some power?)
        MOV     ip, #ABB_FBB_VOLTAGE
        CMP     a4, ip ; new VDD <= 1.27?
        CMPLE   ip, a3 ; and 1.27 < old VDD?
        BGE     %FT60
        ; If we're disabling FBB, for safety reasons we need to deal with
        ; errata 146, to make sure the voltage has dropped to a safe level.
        SUB     a1, a3, #ABB_FBB_VOLTAGE ; Only need to wait for the voltage to drop to below ABB_FBB_VOLTAGE
        BL      SR37x_Errata146
        ; Put LDO in nominal mode
        MOV     a1, #2+4
        STR     a1, [v4, #PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP]
        ; Wait for completion
        LDR     a1, [v4, #PRM_LDO_ABB_SETUP]
        TST     a1, #4
        BNE     %BT55
        ; Grab stashed actual voltage from earlier
        Pull    "lr"
        AND     lr, lr, #255
        CMP     a3, lr
        MOVLT   lr, a3 ; Use the lower of the previous voltage and the actual previous voltage
        SUBS    a1, a4, lr
        BLGT    SR37x_Errata146 ; ... and handle errata 1.46 if we've increased voltage
        ; 9. Re-enable modules
        CMP     v1, #0
        EXIT    NE
        ORR     a1, a2, #1
        STR     a1, [v4, #PRM_VP1_CONFIG]
        LDR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]
        ORR     a1, a1, #1<<11
        STR     a1, [v5, #SR37x_SRCONFIG]

        ; Done

        ; Deal with errata advisory 1.46 (sprz319e, page 66)
        ; Basically we need to have a manual delay loop to ensure the voltage
        ; update has fully completed
        ; TODO - Surely we need a similar system in s.CPUClk, since we don't
        ; use any delay at all when switching OPP?
        ; In:
        ;    a1 = number of VDD steps to wait
        ;    sb = HAL workspace
        ; Out:
        ;    a1,a3-4,ip corrupt
        Entry   "a2" ; a2 preserved since SR37x_Reprogram uses it for PRM_VP1_CONFIG
        ; Convert voltage change to delay value
        ; TPS_VP_STEPSIZE is uV per step
        ; TPS_VP_SLEWRATE is uV/uS
        ; So required delay is a4*TPS_VP_STEPSIZE/TPS_VP_SLEWRATE microseconds
        ; Max delay (from OPP50 to OPP1G) would be 103.125 microseconds (which we'll round up to 104 for safety)
        LDR     ip, =(TPS_VP_STEPSIZE*256)/TPS_VP_SLEWRATE
        MUL     a1, ip, a1
        MOV     a1, a1, LSR #8
        ADDS    a1, a1, #1 ; round up
        BLGT    HAL_CounterDelay ; Paranoia; only delay if >0
