diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
deleted file mode 100644
index de413091f4c8f42945846611cc7a532530b55dc1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/VersionASM
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-; This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
-; Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
-                        GBLS    Module_MajorVersion
-                        GBLA    Module_Version
-                        GBLS    Module_MinorVersion
-                        GBLS    Module_Date
-                        GBLS    Module_FullVersion
-                        GBLS    Module_ApplicationDate
-                        GBLS    Module_HelpVersion
-                        GBLS    Module_ComponentName
-                        GBLS    Module_ComponentPath
-Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "0.89"
-Module_Version          SETA    89
-Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
-Module_Date             SETS    "28 Sep 2013"
-Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "28-Sep-13"
-Module_ComponentName    SETS    "OMAP3"
-Module_ComponentPath    SETS    "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HAL/OMAP3"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "0.89"
-Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "0.89 (28 Sep 2013)"
-                        END
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 062bbf1042d4625097e30da2abf41d2f14ea31b0..580cc6e263df7cbcc82bb83132332fe17c720e20 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-/* (0.89)
+/* (0.90)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
  * Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        0.89
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        0.90
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG        
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                28 Sep 2013
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                01 Nov 2013
-#define Module_MajorVersion             "0.89"
-#define Module_Version                  89
+#define Module_MajorVersion             "0.90"
+#define Module_Version                  90
 #define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "28 Sep 2013"
+#define Module_Date                     "01 Nov 2013"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "28-Sep-13"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "01-Nov-13"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "OMAP3"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HAL/OMAP3"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "0.89"
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "0.89 (28 Sep 2013)"
-#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "0:89"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "0.90"
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "0.90 (01 Nov 2013)"
+#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "0:90"
diff --git a/hdr/StaticWS b/hdr/StaticWS
index a744c199a58db8adfceeef36147b39fefdafd3c2..12e1a64c22fc9d949aec5dd8df46981c5f4e040b 100644
--- a/hdr/StaticWS
+++ b/hdr/StaticWS
@@ -24,9 +24,23 @@
         GET     Hdr:GPIODevice
         GET     Hdr:SDHCIDevice
         GET     Hdr:BMUDevice
+        GET     Hdr:RTCDevice
 sb              RN      9
+        MACRO
+        CallOS  $entry, $tailcall
+        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
+ [ "$tailcall"=""
+        MOV     lr, pc
+ |
+   [ "$tailcall"<>"tailcall"
+        ! 0, "Unrecognised parameter to CallOS"
+   ]
+ ]
+        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
+        MEND
 ; Per-SDHCI workspace
                 ^       0
@@ -45,6 +59,13 @@ BMUWS           #       4                            ; pointer to HAL workspace
 BMUParams       #       4                            ; Per-device params
 BMUSize         *       :INDEX:@
+; Per-RTC workspace
+                ^       0
+RTCDevice       #       HALDevice_RTC_Size           ; see Hdr:RTCDevice
+RTCDeviceHAL_SB #       4                            ; pointer to HAL workspace for HAL calls
+RTCSize         *       :INDEX:@
                 ^       0,sb
 BoardConfig     #       BoardConfig_Size ; NOTE: Almost all code assumes the board config is at the start. You have been warned!
 OSheader        #       4
@@ -111,6 +132,7 @@ NICWS           #       NIC_DeviceSize
 CPUClkWS        #       CPUClk_WorkspaceSize
 GPIOWS          #       HALDevice_GPIO_Size
 NVRAMWS         #       HALDeviceSize
+RTCWS           #       RTCSize
 SDIOWS          #       SDHCISize * MaxSDControllers
 BMUWS1          #       BMUSize
diff --git a/s/Audio b/s/Audio
index 9618cc7536bb3e6d0803387c88126d6487ff7fe4..965e869422f5bc5910509ab5d560c476250d6c6f 100644
--- a/s/Audio
+++ b/s/Audio
@@ -44,13 +44,6 @@
         IMPORT  HAL_IRQClear
         IMPORT  HAL_CounterDelay
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
 ; A brief rundown of OMAP HAL audio support:
 ; Audio in/out is typically provided via the TWL/TPS companion chip, using "port 2" of the TWL/TPS audio subsystem. "port 2" provides a I2S/TDM-compatible interface, capable of operating at a variety of sample rates.
 ; Two interfaces are used to link the audio subsystem to the OMAP: I2C is used to program the audio subsystem, and I2S is used to transmit & receive data (using the McBSP module on the OMAP side).
diff --git a/s/BMU b/s/BMU
index 4da7978c6e02543b3fa6639264a8e951cd50f074..ff3cb38aba6ecb6bb266cc4328a9faa0dc5600f5 100644
--- a/s/BMU
+++ b/s/BMU
@@ -45,19 +45,6 @@
         IMPORT  IIC_DoOp_Poll
         IMPORT  HAL_CounterDelay
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry, $tailcall
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
- [ "$tailcall"=""
-        MOV     lr, pc
- |
-   [ "$tailcall"<>"tailcall"
-        ! 0, "Unrecognised parameter to CallOS"
-   ]
- ]
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
 ; TPS module IIC addresses (some of them, at least)
 MADC_IIC           * &4a
 BCI_IIC            * &4a
diff --git a/s/Boot b/s/Boot
index 90b3ede1d5e00798d1f4a0d9ad94f9b2fe853b11..61926268237dbed34b36aba2821f96cc5a496ba9 100644
--- a/s/Boot
+++ b/s/Boot
@@ -72,19 +72,6 @@ MoreDebug       SETL Debug :LAND: {FALSE}
         ADD     pc, v8, ip
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry, $tailcall
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
- [ "$tailcall"=""
-        MOV     lr, pc
- |
-   [ "$tailcall"<>"tailcall"
-        ! 0, "Unrecognised parameter to CallOS"
-   ]
- ]
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
         ; On entry, v8 -> OS entry table, sb -> board config
         ; Register the attached RAM
diff --git a/s/NIC b/s/NIC
index d91745268f8398ac5dda254dd191433042812a6b..bae7506b12f823f435a35f5e9c8794da52663b36 100644
--- a/s/NIC
+++ b/s/NIC
@@ -41,14 +41,6 @@
         IMPORT  memcpy
         IMPORT  GPIOx_SetAndEnableIRQ
-        ; This macro should really go in a header somewhere!
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
         ; a1 = GPMC CS
         ; a2 = GPMC configuration
diff --git a/s/PAudio b/s/PAudio
index 9be5135604bc2f4cd00322486ad13ed07ffa1a61..25dffb277cda532b41fcd4535984135af5c35cca 100644
--- a/s/PAudio
+++ b/s/PAudio
@@ -45,13 +45,6 @@
         IMPORT  HAL_IRQClear
         IMPORT  HAL_CounterDelay
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
 ; Pandora audio driver
 ; The Pandora is different to the other OMAP boards. Instead of having the TPS connected to McBSP2 and using it for both input and output, things are set up as follows:
diff --git a/s/RTC b/s/RTC
index 108cc8cc18f4b240887393b320eb98c614dcb9df..02f86de721a52dde20f577aca710e523ae86aab1 100644
--- a/s/RTC
+++ b/s/RTC
@@ -35,42 +35,49 @@
         EXPORT  RTC_Init
         IMPORT  TPSRead
         IMPORT  TPSWrite
-;       Note - debug stuff won't work since we don't get passed a HAL workspace pointer!
-;        IMPORT  DebugHALPrint
-;        IMPORT  DebugHALPrintReg
-;        IMPORT  DebugMemDump
-;        IMPORT  DebugHALPrintByte
+        IMPORT  memcpy
 ; TWL/TPS RTC IIC address
-TPSRTC_IIC     * &4b
+TPSRTC_IIC        * &4b
 ; Some RTC registers
 SECONDS_REG       * &1C
 RTC_CTRL_REG      * &29
 RTC_STATUS_REG    * &2a
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry, $tailcall
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
- [ "$tailcall"=""
-        MOV     lr, pc
- |
-   [ "$tailcall"<>"tailcall"
-        ! 0, "Unrecognised parameter to CallOS"
-   ]
- ]
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
+; RTC_CTRL_REG bitfields
+RTC_CTRL_STOP_RTC_M             *       (1 << 0)
+RTC_CTRL_ROUND_30S_M            *       (1 << 1)
+RTC_CTRL_AUTO_COMP_M            *       (1 << 2)
+RTC_CTRL_MODE_12_24_M           *       (1 << 3)
+RTC_CTRL_TEST_MODE_M            *       (1 << 4)
+RTC_CTRL_SET_32_COUNTER_M       *       (1 << 5)
+RTC_CTRL_GET_TIME_M             *       (1 << 6)
+; RTC_STATUS_REG bitfields
+RTC_STATUS_RUN_M                *       (1 << 1)
+RTC_STATUS_1S_EVENT_M           *       (1 << 2)
+RTC_STATUS_1M_EVENT_M           *       (1 << 3)
+RTC_STATUS_1H_EVENT_M           *       (1 << 4)
+RTC_STATUS_1D_EVENT_M           *       (1 << 5)
+RTC_STATUS_ALARM_M              *       (1 << 6)
+RTC_STATUS_POWER_UP_M           *       (1 << 7)
         ; Just register our HAL Device with the OS
+        ADRL    a1, RTCWS
+        ADR     a2, RTCDeviceTemplate
+        MOV     a3, #RTCSize
+        Push    "lr"
+        BL      memcpy
+        Pull    "lr"
+        STR     sb, [a1, #RTCDeviceHAL_SB]
         MOV     a1, #0
         ADR     a2, RTCDevice
         CallOS  OS_AddDevice, tailcall
         DCW     HALDeviceType_SysPeri + HALDeviceSysPeri_RTC
         DCW     HALDeviceID_RTC_TPS65950
         DCD     HALDeviceBus_Ser + HALDeviceSerBus_IIC
@@ -86,13 +93,16 @@ RTCDevice
         DCD     0
         %       8
         DCB     RTCTimeFormat_BCD
-        DCB     RTCFormatFlags_BCD_1BasedDay+RTCFormatFlags_BCD_1BasedMonth+RTCFormatFlags_BCD_YearLOIsGood ; todo - add RTCFormatFlags_BCD_NeedsYearHelp once NVRAM is implemented
+        DCB     RTCFormatFlags_BCD_1BasedDay + \
+                RTCFormatFlags_BCD_1BasedMonth + \
+                RTCFormatFlags_BCD_YearLOIsGood + \
+                RTCFormatFlags_BCD_NeedsYearHelp
         %       2
         DCD     RTCReadTime
         DCD     RTCWriteTime
-        DCB "TPS65950-compatible real-time clock",0
+        DCB     "TPS65950-compatible real-time clock",0
@@ -110,18 +120,19 @@ RTCReadTime
         ; In:
         ; a1 = HALDevice ptr
         ; a2 = RTCTimeStruct ptr
-        ; a3 = IICOp func ptr
-        ; a4 = kernel workspace ptr
         ; Out:
         ; a1 = return code
         ; RTCTimeStruct updated
-        Push    "v1-v3,lr"
-        MOV     v1, a3
-        MOV     v2, a4
+        Push    "v1,v3,sb,lr"
+        LDR     sb, [a1, #RTCDeviceHAL_SB]
+        LDR     v1, OSentries+4*OS_IICOpV ; for TPSRead/TPSWrite
         MOV     v3, a2
         ; Reading the time safely involves several transfers:
-        ; 1. Read RTC_STATUS_REG. If bit 1 is clear, the RTC is stopped and we can just assume its contents are invalid.
-        ; 2. Set RTC_CTRL_REG=&41 (RTC running, GET_TIME set, 24hr mode). GET_TIME will read the time from the RTC circuitry and latch it into the time registers (the regular time registers, NOT the alarm ones as stated by the manual!)
+        ; 1. Read RTC_STATUS_REG. If bit 1 is clear, the RTC is stopped and we can just
+        ;    assume its contents are invalid.
+        ; 2. Set RTC_CTRL_REG=&41 (RTC running, GET_TIME set, 24hr mode). GET_TIME will read
+        ;    the time from the RTC circuitry and latch it into the time registers (the regular
+        ;    time registers, NOT the alarm ones as stated by the manual!)
         ; 3. Read the time regs to read latched time.
         ; There's no need to clear GET_TIME either, as it is cleared automatically by the HW.
         MOV     a1, #TPSRTC_IIC*2
@@ -134,11 +145,11 @@ RTCReadTime
         LDRB    ip, [a2]
         MOV     a1, #RTCRetCode_InvalidTime
         MOVNE   a1, #RTCRetCode_Error
-        EOR     ip, ip, #2
-        TSTEQ   ip, #2
+        EOR     ip, ip, #RTC_STATUS_RUN_M
+        TSTEQ   ip, #RTC_STATUS_RUN_M
         ADDNE   sp, sp, #4
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc", NE
-        MOV     ip, #&41
+        Pull    "v1,v3,sb,pc", NE
         STR     ip, [a2]
         MOV     a1, #TPSRTC_IIC*2
         MOV     a4, #RTC_CTRL_REG
@@ -146,7 +157,7 @@ RTCReadTime
         CMP     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
         MOVNE   a1, #RTCRetCode_Error
         ADD     sp, sp, #4
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc", NE
+        Pull    "v1,v3,sb,pc", NE
         MOV     a1, #TPSRTC_IIC*2
         ; We can read the time directly into the RTCTimeStruct buffer
         ASSERT RTCTimeStruct_BCD_Minutes=RTCTimeStruct_BCD_Seconds+1
@@ -160,34 +171,25 @@ RTCReadTime
         BL      TPSRead
         CMP     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
         MOVNE   a1, #RTCRetCode_Error
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc", NE
         ASSERT  IICStatus_Completed = 0
-        STRB    a1, [v3, #RTCTimeStruct_BCD_Centiseconds] ; No centisecond time
-        ; Construct a fakey YearHI by looking at YearLO
-        ; Anything 70 or above is considered 1970+, else 2000+
-        ; This should work OK, since RISC OS clamps the time to 1970 for unix compatability (or it does on boot, at least)
-        LDRB    a2, [v3, #RTCTimeStruct_BCD_YearLO]
-        CMP     a2, #&70
-        MOVGE   a3, #&19
-        MOVLT   a3, #&20
-        STRB    a3, [v3, #RTCTimeStruct_BCD_YearHI]
+        STREQB  a1, [v3, #RTCTimeStruct_BCD_Centiseconds] ; No centisecond time
+        STREQB  a1, [v3, #RTCTimeStruct_BCD_YearHI] ; Kernel gives year help
         ASSERT  RTCRetCode_OK = 0
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc"
+        Pull    "v1,v3,sb,pc"
         ; In:
         ; a1 = HALDevice ptr
         ; a2 = RTCTimeStruct ptr
-        ; a3 = IICOp func ptr
-        ; a4 = kernel workspace ptr
         ; Out:
         ; a1 = return code
-        Push    "v1-v3,lr"
-        MOV     v1, a3
-        MOV     v2, a4
+        Push    "v1,v3,sb,lr"
+        LDR     sb, [a1, #RTCDeviceHAL_SB]
+        LDR     v1, OSentries+4*OS_IICOpV ; for TPSRead/TPSWrite
         MOV     v3, a2
         ; Writing the time safely involves several transfers:
-        ; 1. Write 0 to RTC_CTRL_REG to stop the clock (just in case there are any issues with the clock updating while it's being written to)
+        ; 1. Write 0 to RTC_CTRL_REG to stop the clock (just in case there are any issues with
+        ;    the clock updating while it's being written to)
         ; 2. Write the new time values
         ; 3. Write 1 to RTC_CTRL_REG to start the clock
         MOV     a1, #TPSRTC_IIC*2
@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ RTCWriteTime
         CMP     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
         MOVNE   a1, #RTCRetCode_Error
         ADDNE   sp, sp, #4
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc", NE
+        Pull    "v1,v3,sb,pc", NE
         MOV     a1, #TPSRTC_IIC*2
         ; We can write the time directly from the RTCTimeStruct buffer
         ASSERT RTCTimeStruct_BCD_Minutes=RTCTimeStruct_BCD_Seconds+1
@@ -226,9 +228,9 @@ RTCWriteTime
         CMP     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
         MOVNE   a1, #RTCRetCode_Error
         ADDNE   sp, sp, #4
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc", NE
+        Pull    "v1,v3,sb,pc", NE
-        MOV     a3, #1
+        MOV     a3, #RTC_CTRL_STOP_RTC_M
         STR     a3, [sp]
         MOV     a2, sp
         MOV     a4, #RTC_CTRL_REG
@@ -238,21 +240,6 @@ RTCWriteTime
         ASSERT  RTCRetCode_OK = IICStatus_Completed
         MOVNE   a1, #RTCRetCode_Error
         ADD     sp, sp, #4
-        Pull    "v1-v3,pc"
-        EXPORT  ReadTimeForNVRAM
-        IMPORT  IIC_DoOp_Poll
-; int ReadTimeForNVRAM (struct rtctime*)
-; Reads BCD time into given rtctime struct
-; Returns zero on success, non-zero on failure
-        MOV     a2, a1
-        ADRL    a1, RTCDevice
-        LDR     a3, HALInitialised
-        CMP     a3, #0
-        ADREQL  a3, IIC_DoOp_Poll
-        LDRNE   a3, OSentries + 4 * OS_IICOpV
-        B       RTCReadTime
+        Pull    "v1,v3,sb,pc"
diff --git a/s/SDMA b/s/SDMA
index 4c3f702e4b563277c798b1a6605d329ec15561f7..a30940671780770e66c6c758b341165154630240 100644
--- a/s/SDMA
+++ b/s/SDMA
@@ -42,13 +42,6 @@
         IMPORT  HAL_FIQClear
         IMPORT  HAL_CounterDelay
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
 ; Flag to enable gobs of debug output
            GBLL    SDMADebug
diff --git a/s/Video b/s/Video
index 190ac32602e60261218a634fc2d20e45af1bc9f9..dc24bc7085c33f56a5b610496eb6e8a107306a5b 100644
--- a/s/Video
+++ b/s/Video
@@ -62,13 +62,6 @@
         IMPORT  GPIOx_SetOutput
         IMPORT  HAL_CounterDelay
-        MACRO
-        CallOS  $entry
-        ASSERT  $entry <= HighestOSEntry
-        MOV     lr, pc
-        LDR     pc, OSentries + 4*$entry
-        MEND
         ; Configure GPIO pins so we can turn the DVI framer on/off
         LDRB    a1, [sb, #BoardConfig_VideoGPIO]