From 7c84c62b90c5081e77b7416be701fb64f6be7beb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Sprowson <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 07:07:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Modification to RISCOS_IICOpV

Now assumes an IICStatus return, per Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_196.
I2C sources lined up to column 17.
Built, but not tested.

Version 0.89. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_89'
 VersionASM |  12 +-
 VersionNum |  20 +-
 s/I2C      | 719 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 s/TPS      |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-)

diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
index e94a37f..de41309 100644
--- a/VersionASM
+++ b/VersionASM
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
                         GBLS    Module_HelpVersion
                         GBLS    Module_ComponentName
                         GBLS    Module_ComponentPath
-Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "0.88"
-Module_Version          SETA    88
+Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "0.89"
+Module_Version          SETA    89
 Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
-Module_Date             SETS    "17 Aug 2013"
-Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "17-Aug-13"
+Module_Date             SETS    "28 Sep 2013"
+Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "28-Sep-13"
 Module_ComponentName    SETS    "OMAP3"
 Module_ComponentPath    SETS    "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HAL/OMAP3"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "0.88"
-Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "0.88 (17 Aug 2013)"
+Module_FullVersion      SETS    "0.89"
+Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "0.89 (28 Sep 2013)"
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 9d3976c..062bbf1 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-/* (0.88)
+/* (0.89)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
  * Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        0.88
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        0.89
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG        
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                17 Aug 2013
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                28 Sep 2013
-#define Module_MajorVersion             "0.88"
-#define Module_Version                  88
+#define Module_MajorVersion             "0.89"
+#define Module_Version                  89
 #define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "17 Aug 2013"
+#define Module_Date                     "28 Sep 2013"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "17-Aug-13"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "28-Sep-13"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "OMAP3"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HAL/OMAP3"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "0.88"
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "0.88 (17 Aug 2013)"
-#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "0:88"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "0.89"
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "0.89 (28 Sep 2013)"
+#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "0:89"
diff --git a/s/I2C b/s/I2C
index 74aa3ce..b8c5561 100644
--- a/s/I2C
+++ b/s/I2C
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
         GET     Hdr:OSEntries
         GET     Hdr:HALEntries
-        GET     Hdr:FSNumbers
-        GET     Hdr:NewErrors
         GET     hdr.omap3530
         GET     hdr.StaticWS
@@ -230,41 +228,41 @@ HAL_IICDevice
 ;      } iic_transfer;
-        LDRB      a4, [sb, #BoardConfig_NumI2C]
-        CMP       a1, a4
-        MOVHS     a1, #IICStatus_Error
-        MOVHS     pc, lr
+        LDRB    a4, [sb, #BoardConfig_NumI2C]
+        CMP     a1, a4
+        MOVHS   a1, #IICStatus_Error
+        MOVHS   pc, lr
         ; Quickly validate the transfer list
         ; We have several constraints:
         ; 1. Must have 1 or more iic_transfers
         ; 2. First transfer must not have nostart bit set
         ; 3. Between start bits (and between the last start bit and the end of  the list) there must be between 1 and 65536 bytes of data (but for the moment we do allow individual iic_transfers to be 0-length)
-        CMP       a2, #0
-        MOVLT     a1, #IICStatus_Error
-        MOVLT     pc, lr
-        LDR       a4, [a3]
-        TST       a4, #1:SHL:31 ; First transfer has nostart set!
-        MOVNE     a1, #IICStatus_Error
-        MOVNE     pc, lr
-        STMFD     sp!, {v1-v5,lr}
-        ADD       a4, a3, a2, LSL #3
-        ADD       a4, a4, a2, LSL #2
-        MOV       v1, a3
+        CMP     a2, #0
+        MOVLT   a1, #IICStatus_Error
+        MOVLT   pc, lr
+        LDR     a4, [a3]
+        TST     a4, #1:SHL:31 ; First transfer has nostart set!
+        MOVNE   a1, #IICStatus_Error
+        MOVNE   pc, lr
+        STMFD   sp!, {v1-v5,lr}
+        ADD     a4, a3, a2, LSL #3
+        ADD     a4, a4, a2, LSL #2
+        MOV     v1, a3
-        MOV       v5, #-1
+        MOV     v5, #-1
-        LDMIB     v1!, {v2-v4} ; data ptr & length from current transfer, flags from next
-        ADD       v5, v5, v3
-        CMP       v1, a4
-        BEQ       %FT20 ; Last transfer just read
-        TST       v4, #1:SHL:31
-        BNE       %BT10 ; Still more data in this transfer
+        LDMIB   v1!, {v2-v4}    ; data ptr & length from current transfer, flags from next
+        ADD     v5, v5, v3
+        CMP     v1, a4
+        BEQ     %FT20           ; Last transfer just read
+        TST     v4, #1:SHL:31
+        BNE     %BT10           ; Still more data in this transfer
-        CMP       v5, #65536
-        MOVHS     a1, #IICStatus_Error    ; Too much (or too little) data
-        LDMHSIA   sp! ,{v1-v5,pc}
-        CMP       v1, a4
-        BNE       %BT30
+        CMP     v5, #65536
+        MOVHS   a1, #IICStatus_Error    ; Too much (or too little) data
+        LDMHSIA sp! ,{v1-v5,pc}
+        CMP     v1, a4
+        BNE     %BT30
 _IICTransfer_Video ; Entry point for HAL_VideoIICOp
  [ I2CDebug
         DebugTX "HAL_IICTransfer"
@@ -272,44 +270,44 @@ _IICTransfer_Video ; Entry point for HAL_VideoIICOp
         DebugReg a2, "num="
         DebugReg a3, "iic_transfer="
-        ADR       v5, I2C_Table
-        MOV       v4, #I2CBlockSize
-        MLA       v5, a1, v4, v5
-        MRS       ip, CPSR
-        ORR       a4, ip, #I32_bit
-        MSR       CPSR_c, a4              ; disable interrupts for atomic claim
-        LDR       a4, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
-        TEQ       a4, #0                  ; in use already?
-        STREQ     a3, [v5, #I2C_XStart]   ; if not, claim it
-        MSR       CPSR_c, ip
-        MOVNE     a1, #IICStatus_Busy     ; if it is, return "BUSY"
+        ADR     v5, I2C_Table
+        MOV     v4, #I2CBlockSize
+        MLA     v5, a1, v4, v5
+        MRS     ip, CPSR
+        ORR     a4, ip, #I32_bit
+        MSR     CPSR_c, a4              ; disable interrupts for atomic claim
+        LDR     a4, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
+        TEQ     a4, #0                  ; in use already?
+        STREQ   a3, [v5, #I2C_XStart]   ; if not, claim it
+        MSR     CPSR_c, ip
+        MOVNE   a1, #IICStatus_Busy     ; if it is, return "BUSY"
  [ I2CDebug
-        BEQ %FT10
+        BEQ     %FT10
         DebugReg a4, "BUSY: XStart="
-        LDMFD     sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        LDMFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         DebugTX "OK"
-        LDMNEFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        LDMNEFD sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
-        SUB       a2, a2, #1              ; a2 = transfers - 1 (needed below)
-        ADD       v1, a3, a2, LSL #3
-        ADD       v1, v1, a2, LSL #2
-        STR       v1, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
-        LDR       v4, [v5, #I2C_HW]
+        SUB     a2, a2, #1              ; a2 = transfers - 1 (needed below)
+        ADD     v1, a3, a2, LSL #3
+        ADD     v1, v1, a2, LSL #2
+        STR     v1, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
+        LDR     v4, [v5, #I2C_HW]
         ; Make sure controller is enabled, since we don't do any initialisation atm!
-        LDRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
-        TST       a4, #1:SHL:15
-        LDREQH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        LDRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
+        TST     a4, #1:SHL:15
+        LDREQH  v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
  [ I2CDebugError
-        BNE       %FT10
-        DebugTX   "Controller not enabled!"
-        B         unexpected_error
+        BNE     %FT10
+        DebugTX "Controller not enabled!"
+        B       unexpected_error
-        BEQ       unexpected_error
+        BEQ     unexpected_error
-        MOV       v1, a3
+        MOV     v1, a3
 start_transfer ; Start the transfer in v1
         ; a1-a4 free
         ; v1 = iic_transfer to start
@@ -319,114 +317,114 @@ start_transfer ; Start the transfer in v1
  [ I2CDebug
         DebugReg v1, "start_transfer: "
-        STR       v1, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
-        MOV       lr, #0
-        STR       lr, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
+        STR     v1, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
+        MOV     lr, #0
+        STR     lr, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
         ; Get its info
-        LDMIA     v1, {a1-a3}
+        LDMIA   v1, {a1-a3}
  [ I2CDebug
         DebugReg a1, "addr="
         DebugReg a2, "data="
         DebugReg a3, "len ="
         ; If it's a 'checksum-only' read, clear the checksum to 0
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:30
-        TSTNE     a1, #1
-        MOVNE     a2, #0
-        STRNE     a2, [v1, #4]
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:30
+        TSTNE   a1, #1
+        MOVNE   a2, #0
+        STRNE   a2, [v1, #4]
         ; Wait for the controller to be fully idle - if two iic_transfer lists are executed back-to-back then there's a chance the controller won't have yet sent the stop bit from the previous transfer. Thus we must wait here for the bit to be sent.
-        MOV       v2, #100*1024 ; timeout - this should be more than adequate (with a CPU of 1GHz, there'd be 10K CPU clock cycles per 100kbps I2C clock cycle)
+        MOV     v2, #100*1024 ; timeout - this should be more than adequate (with a CPU of 1GHz, there'd be 10K CPU clock cycles per 100kbps I2C clock cycle)
-        LDRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
-        TST       a4, #3 ; Check STT and STP (Although we're primarily interested in STP, the manual warns about bad things happening if STT is cleared)
-        BEQ       %FT20
-        SUBS      v2, v2, #1
-        BNE       %BT10
+        LDRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
+        TST     a4, #3 ; Check STT and STP (Although we're primarily interested in STP, the manual warns about bad things happening if STT is cleared)
+        BEQ     %FT20
+        SUBS    v2, v2, #1
+        BNE     %BT10
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  a4, "ISC_CON timeout: "
+        DebugReg a4, "ISC_CON timeout: "
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_Busy
-        MOV       v3, #0
-        STR       v3, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
-        LDMFD     sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_Busy
+        MOV     v3, #0
+        STR     v3, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
+        LDMFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         ; Flush the RX/TX FIFOs
         ; The manual says we only need to do this on NACK errors, but to play it safe I'm going to do it at the start of each transfer
-        LDRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
-        LDR       v3, =&4040
-        ORR       v2, v2, v3
-        STRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
+        LDRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
+        LDR     v3, =&4040
+        ORR     v2, v2, v3
+        STRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
-        LDRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
-        TST       v2, v3
-        BNE       %BT10
+        LDRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
+        TST     v2, v3
+        BNE     %BT10
         ; Configure controller
         ; 1. I2C_CON.MST, ISC_CON.TRX
-        BIC       a4, a4, #&FF ; Clear STT, STP, XOA0-XOA3
-        BIC       a4, a4, #&F00 ; Clear STB, MST, TRX, XSA
-        ORR       a4, a4, #&400 ; Set MST (slave mode not supported ATM)
-        TST       a1, #1
-        ORREQ     a4, a4, #&200 ; Set transmitter mode if appropriate
-        STRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
+        BIC     a4, a4, #&FF ; Clear STT, STP, XOA0-XOA3
+        BIC     a4, a4, #&F00 ; Clear STB, MST, TRX, XSA
+        ORR     a4, a4, #&400 ; Set MST (slave mode not supported ATM)
+        TST     a1, #1
+        ORREQ   a4, a4, #&200 ; Set transmitter mode if appropriate
+        STRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
         ; Clear any pending interrupts, just in case?
-        LDRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        STRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        LDRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        STRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
         ; 2. I2C_IE.XRDY_IE, I2C_IE.RRDY
-        MOVEQ     v2, #&17 ; AL_IE, NACK_IE, ARDY_IE, XRDY_IE
-        MOVNE     v2, #&0F ; AL_IE, NACK_IE, ARDY_IE, RRDY_IE
-        ORREQ     v2, v2, #&4000 ; XDR_IE
-        ORRNE     v2, v2, #&2000 ; RDR_IE
-        STRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_IE]
+        MOVEQ   v2, #&17 ; AL_IE, NACK_IE, ARDY_IE, XRDY_IE
+        MOVNE   v2, #&0F ; AL_IE, NACK_IE, ARDY_IE, RRDY_IE
+        ORREQ   v2, v2, #&4000 ; XDR_IE
+        ORRNE   v2, v2, #&2000 ; RDR_IE
+        STRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_IE]
         ; 3. Ignore DMA for now
         ; 4. I2C_SA, I2C_CNT
-        MOV       v2, a1, LSR #1
-        AND       v2, v2, #&7F
-        STRH      v2, [v4, #I2C_SA]
+        MOV     v2, a1, LSR #1
+        AND     v2, v2, #&7F
+        STRH    v2, [v4, #I2C_SA]
         ; The I2C controller doesn't seem to like it if we don't send a start bit - it simply ignores I2C_CNT and goes straight to sending the stop bit (or sits there and does nothing if no stop bit was wanted).
         ; So to get around this we scan forward through the iic_transfer list and set I2C_CNT to the number of bytes to transmit before the next start/stop bit is required
-        MOV       v2, v1
-        LDR       ip, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
+        MOV     v2, v1
+        LDR     ip, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
-        CMP       ip, v2
-        ORREQ     a4, a4, #2 ; Last transfer in list; set stop bit
-        BEQ       %FT20
-        ADD       v2, v2, #12 ; Increment after compare, just in case some crazy person creates an iic_transfer that wraps from &FFF.... to &000...
-        LDMIA     v2,{a1-a2,v3} ; Get transfer info
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:31
-        ADDNE     a3, a3, v3 ; nostart is set; increment length and loop around
-        BNE       %BT10
+        CMP     ip, v2
+        ORREQ   a4, a4, #2 ; Last transfer in list; set stop bit
+        BEQ     %FT20
+        ADD     v2, v2, #12 ; Increment after compare, just in case some crazy person creates an iic_transfer that wraps from &FFF.... to &000...
+        LDMIA   v2,{a1-a2,v3} ; Get transfer info
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:31
+        ADDNE   a3, a3, v3 ; nostart is set; increment length and loop around
+        BNE     %BT10
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  a3, "I2C_CNT="
+        DebugReg a3, "I2C_CNT="
-        STRH      a3, [v4, #I2C_CNT]
+        STRH    a3, [v4, #I2C_CNT]
         ; 5. Wait for I2C_STAT.BB to 0 (but only if this is the first iic_transfer of a sequence - otherwise we'll be stuck waiting to unlock a bus we already own)
-        LDR       v2, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
-        CMP       v1, v2 ; v1 = I2C_XCurrent from earlier
-        BNE       %FT20
-        MOV       v2, #50*1024 ; timeout
+        LDR     v2, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
+        CMP     v1, v2 ; v1 = I2C_XCurrent from earlier
+        BNE     %FT20
+        MOV     v2, #50*1024 ; timeout
-        LDRH      v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        TST       v3, #1:SHL:12
-        BEQ       %FT20
-        SUBS      v2, v2, #1
-        BNE       %BT10
+        LDRH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        TST     v3, #1:SHL:12
+        BEQ     %FT20
+        SUBS    v2, v2, #1
+        BNE     %BT10
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  v3, "BB timeout: I2C_STAT="
+        DebugReg v3, "BB timeout: I2C_STAT="
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_Busy
-        B         clear_and_return
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_Busy
+        B       clear_and_return
         ; 6. configure I2C_CON.STT=1, I2C_CON.STP=0/1
-        ORR       a4, a4, #1 ; Always send start bit
+        ORR     a4, a4, #1 ; Always send start bit
         ; If required, stop bit will already have been set by the I2C_CNT calculator
-        STRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
+        STRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_CON]
         ; Now we just sit back and wait for the interrupts?
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugTX   "Transfer started"
+        DebugTX "Transfer started"
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_InProgress
-        LDMFD     sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_InProgress
+        LDMFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         ; For receive:
         ; 1. Use I2C_IE.RRDY_IE
@@ -439,255 +437,255 @@ start_transfer ; Start the transfer in v1
 ; Called on appropriate interrupt
         ; Process the interrupts, according to figures 18-31/18-32 in spruf98b
-        STMFD     sp!, {v1-v5,lr}
+        STMFD   sp!, {v1-v5,lr}
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  a1, "HAL_IICMonitorTransfer: bus "
+        DebugReg a1, "HAL_IICMonitorTransfer: bus "
-        ADR       v5, I2C_Table
-        MOV       v4, #I2CBlockSize
-        MLA       v5, a1, v4, v5
-        LDR       v4, [v5, #I2C_HW]
-        LDR       a1, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
+        ADR     v5, I2C_Table
+        MOV     v4, #I2CBlockSize
+        MLA     v5, a1, v4, v5
+        LDR     v4, [v5, #I2C_HW]
+        LDR     a1, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  a1, "XStart="
+        DebugReg a1, "XStart="
-        LDRH      v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        TEQ       a1, #0 ; If no transfer, shut off all interrupts
-        ASSERT    IICStatus_Completed=0
+        LDRH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        TEQ     a1, #0 ; If no transfer, shut off all interrupts
+        ASSERT  IICStatus_Completed=0
  [ I2CDebug
-        BNE       %FT10
-        DebugTX   "No XStart!"
-        TEQ       a1, #0 ; reset EQ condition
+        BNE     %FT10
+        DebugTX "No XStart!"
+        TEQ     a1, #0 ; reset EQ condition
-        STREQH    a1, [v4, #I2C_IE]
-        STREQH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        LDMEQFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        STREQH  a1, [v4, #I2C_IE]
+        STREQH  v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        LDMEQFD sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  v3, "I2C_STAT="
- ]
-        TST       v3, #2
-        BNE       i2c_nack
-        TST       v3, #1
-        BNE       i2c_al
-        TST       v3, #4
-        BNE       i2c_ardy
-        TST       v3, #1:SHL:14
-        BNE       i2c_xdr
-        TST       v3, #1:SHL:4
-        BNE       i2c_xrdy
-        TST       v3, #1:SHL:13
-        BNE       i2c_rdr
-        TST       v3, #1:SHL:3
-        BNE       i2c_rrdy
+        DebugReg v3, "I2C_STAT="
+ ]
+        TST     v3, #2
+        BNE     i2c_nack
+        TST     v3, #1
+        BNE     i2c_al
+        TST     v3, #4
+        BNE     i2c_ardy
+        TST     v3, #1:SHL:14
+        BNE     i2c_xdr
+        TST     v3, #1:SHL:4
+        BNE     i2c_xrdy
+        TST     v3, #1:SHL:13
+        BNE     i2c_rdr
+        TST     v3, #1:SHL:3
+        BNE     i2c_rrdy
         ; Did anything actually happen?
-        BIC       v3, v3, #&1d00 ; Clear XUDF, ROVR, BB, BF - they're status bits and don't indicate anything we care about here
-        CMP       v3, #0
-        MOVEQ     a1, #IICStatus_InProgress ; If nothing interesting happened, claim everything is OK (required for polling-mode transfers, e.g. HAL_VideoIICOp)
-        LDMEQFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        BIC     v3, v3, #&1d00 ; Clear XUDF, ROVR, BB, BF - they're status bits and don't indicate anything we care about here
+        CMP     v3, #0
+        MOVEQ   a1, #IICStatus_InProgress ; If nothing interesting happened, claim everything is OK (required for polling-mode transfers, e.g. HAL_VideoIICOp)
+        LDMEQFD sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         ; Else bad stuff - unhandled interrupt
  [ I2CDebugError
-        DebugReg  v3, "Unhandled IRQ - "
+        DebugReg v3, "Unhandled IRQ - "
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_Error
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_Error
  [ I2CDebug
-        DebugReg  a1, "clear_and_return: "
+        DebugReg a1, "clear_and_return: "
-        STRH      v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        MOV       v3, #0
-        STR       v3, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
-        LDMFD     sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        STRH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        MOV     v3, #0
+        STR     v3, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
+        LDMFD   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         ; No ack was received - give up and return error
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_NoACK
-        B         clear_and_return
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_NoACK
+        B       clear_and_return
         ; Arbitration lost - restart the transfer list
-        STRH      v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        LDR       v1, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
-        B         start_transfer
+        STRH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        LDR     v1, [v5, #I2C_XStart]
+        B       start_transfer
         ; Previous transfer has completed successfully; start a new one
-        LDR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
-        LDR       a2, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
-        LDR       ip, [a3, #8]
-        CMP       a2, ip
+        LDR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
+        LDR     a2, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
+        LDR     ip, [a3, #8]
+        CMP     a2, ip
  [ I2CDebugError
-        BEQ       %FT10
-        DebugTX   "HW requested wrong byte count"
-        DebugReg  a2, "I2C_XBytes="
-        DebugReg  ip, "xfer len="
-        B         unexpected_error
+        BEQ     %FT10
+        DebugTX "HW requested wrong byte count"
+        DebugReg a2, "I2C_XBytes="
+        DebugReg ip, "xfer len="
+        B       unexpected_error
-        BNE       unexpected_error ; Hardware hasn't requested the full number of bytes
+        BNE     unexpected_error ; Hardware hasn't requested the full number of bytes
-        LDR       a4, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
-        CMP       a3, a4
-        MOVEQ     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
-        BEQ       clear_and_return
+        LDR     a4, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
+        CMP     a3, a4
+        MOVEQ   a1, #IICStatus_Completed
+        BEQ     clear_and_return
         ; Skip any zero-length nostart transfers that follow this one
-        ADD       v1, a3, #12
+        ADD     v1, a3, #12
-        LDMIA     v1, {a1-a3}
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:31
-        STREQH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        BEQ       start_transfer
-        CMP       a3, #0
+        LDMIA   v1, {a1-a3}
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:31
+        STREQH  v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        BEQ     start_transfer
+        CMP     a3, #0
  [ I2CDebugError
-        BEQ       %FT5
-        DebugReg  a3, "nostart transfer with nonzero length, length="
-        B         unexpected_error
+        BEQ     %FT5
+        DebugReg a3, "nostart transfer with nonzero length, length="
+        B       unexpected_error
-        BNE       unexpected_error ; nostart transfer with nonzero length = hardware hasn't requested full number of bytes
+        BNE     unexpected_error ; nostart transfer with nonzero length = hardware hasn't requested full number of bytes
-        CMP       v1, a4
-        MOVEQ     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
-        BEQ       clear_and_return
-        ADD       v1, v1, #12
-        B         %BT10
+        CMP     v1, a4
+        MOVEQ   a1, #IICStatus_Completed
+        BEQ     clear_and_return
+        ADD     v1, v1, #12
+        B       %BT10
         ; Transfer I2C_BUFSTAT[5:0] bytes
-        LDRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_BUFSTAT]
-        AND       a4, a4, #&3F
-        B         send_bytes
+        LDRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_BUFSTAT]
+        AND     a4, a4, #&3F
+        B       send_bytes
         ; Transfer I2C_BUF[5:0]+1 bytes
-        LDRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
-        AND       a4, a4, #&3F
-        ADD       a4, a4, #1
+        LDRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
+        AND     a4, a4, #&3F
+        ADD     a4, a4, #1
  [ I2CDebug
         DebugReg  a4, "send_bytes: "
-        LDR       v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
-        LDR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes] ; Get bytes sent
-        LDMIB     v2, {a2,ip} ; Get data ptr, transfer length
+        LDR     v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
+        LDR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes] ; Get bytes sent
+        LDMIB   v2, {a2,ip} ; Get data ptr, transfer length
         ; Check if we need to advance to the next iic_transfer
-        CMP       a3, ip
-        BEQ       %FT20
-        LDRB      v1, [a2,a3]
+        CMP     a3, ip
+        BEQ     %FT20
+        LDRB    v1, [a2,a3]
  [ I2CDebugData
-        DebugRegByte  v1
+        DebugRegByte v1
-        ADD       a3, a3, #1
-        SUBS      a4, a4, #1
-        STRB      v1, [v4, #I2C_DATA]
-        BNE       %BT10
+        ADD     a3, a3, #1
+        SUBS    a4, a4, #1
+        STRB    v1, [v4, #I2C_DATA]
+        BNE     %BT10
  [ I2CDebugData
         DebugTX ""
-        STR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_InProgress
-        STRH      v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        LDMIA     sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        STR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_InProgress
+        STRH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        LDMIA   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         ; Advance to next iic_transfer
-        LDR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
-        CMP       a3, v2
+        LDR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
+        CMP     a3, v2
  [ I2CDebugError
-        BNE       %FT5
-        DebugTX   "End of transfer list but hardware wants more"
-        B         unexpected_error
+        BNE     %FT5
+        DebugTX "End of transfer list but hardware wants more"
+        B       unexpected_error
-        BEQ       unexpected_error ; Hardware is asking for more data than we can give
- ]
-        ADD       v2, v2, #12
-        STR       v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
-        MOV       a3, #0
-        STR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
-        LDMIA     v2, {a1-a2,ip}
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:31
-        BNE       %BT10
+        BEQ     unexpected_error ; Hardware is asking for more data than we can give
+ ]
+        ADD     v2, v2, #12
+        STR     v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
+        MOV     a3, #0
+        STR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
+        LDMIA   v2, {a1-a2,ip}
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:31
+        BNE     %BT10
  [ I2CDebugError
-        DebugTX   "nostart reached but hardware wants more"
+        DebugTX "nostart reached but hardware wants more"
-        B         unexpected_error ; Hardware is asking for more data than we can give
+        B       unexpected_error ; Hardware is asking for more data than we can give
         ; Read I2C_BUFSTAT[13:8] bytes
-        LDRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_BUFSTAT]
-        MOV       a4, a4, LSR #8
-        ANDS      a4, a4, #&3F ; ERRATA - sometimes RDR is set when there's no data. So, don't attempt to read from the empty buffer.
-        BEQ       %FT15
-        B         read_bytes
+        LDRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_BUFSTAT]
+        MOV     a4, a4, LSR #8
+        ANDS    a4, a4, #&3F ; ERRATA - sometimes RDR is set when there's no data. So, don't attempt to read from the empty buffer.
+        BEQ     %FT15
+        B       read_bytes
         ; Read I2C_BUF[13:8]+1 bytes
-        LDRH      a4, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
-        MOV       a4, a4, LSR #8
-        AND       a4, a4, #&3F
-        ADD       a4, a4, #1
+        LDRH    a4, [v4, #I2C_BUF]
+        MOV     a4, a4, LSR #8
+        AND     a4, a4, #&3F
+        ADD     a4, a4, #1
  [ I2CDebug
         DebugReg  a4, "read_bytes: "
-        LDR       v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
-        LDMIA     v2, {a1-a2,ip} ; Get checksum flag, data ptr/checksum, transfer length
-        LDR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes] ; Get bytes received
+        LDR     v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
+        LDMIA   v2, {a1-a2,ip} ; Get checksum flag, data ptr/checksum, transfer length
+        LDR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes] ; Get bytes received
         ; Check if we need to advance to the next iic_transfer
-        CMP       a3, ip
-        BEQ       %FT20
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:30 ; Checksum mode?
-        LDRB      v1, [v4, #I2C_DATA]
-        ADDNE     a2, a2, v1 ; adjust checksum
-        STREQB    v1, [a2, a3]
+        CMP     a3, ip
+        BEQ     %FT20
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:30 ; Checksum mode?
+        LDRB    v1, [v4, #I2C_DATA]
+        ADDNE   a2, a2, v1 ; adjust checksum
+        STREQB  v1, [a2, a3]
  [ I2CDebugData
-        DebugRegByte  v1
+        DebugRegByte    v1
-        SUBS      a4, a4, #1
-        ADD       a3, a3, #1
-        BNE       %BT10
+        SUBS    a4, a4, #1
+        ADD     a3, a3, #1
+        BNE     %BT10
  [ I2CDebugData
         DebugTX ""
-        STR       a2, [v2, #4] ; Update checksum
-        STR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
+        STR     a2, [v2, #4] ; Update checksum
+        STR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
-        MOV       a1, #IICStatus_InProgress
-        STRH      v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
-        LDMIA     sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
+        MOV     a1, #IICStatus_InProgress
+        STRH    v3, [v4, #I2C_STAT]
+        LDMIA   sp!, {v1-v5,pc}
         ; Advance to next iic_transfer
-        LDR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
-        CMP       a3, v2
+        LDR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XEnd]
+        CMP     a3, v2
  [ I2CDebugError
-        BNE       %FT5
-        DebugTX   "End of transfer list but hardware received more data"
-        B         unexpected_error
+        BNE     %FT5
+        DebugTX "End of transfer list but hardware received more data"
+        B       unexpected_error
-        BEQ       unexpected_error ; Hardware is receiving more data than we want
- ]
-        ADD       v2, v2, #12
-        STR       v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
-        MOV       a3, #0
-        STR       a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
-        LDMIA     v2, {a1-a2,ip}
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:31
+        BEQ     unexpected_error ; Hardware is receiving more data than we want
+ ]
+        ADD     v2, v2, #12
+        STR     v2, [v5, #I2C_XCurrent]
+        MOV     a3, #0
+        STR     a3, [v5, #I2C_XBytes]
+        LDMIA   v2, {a1-a2,ip}
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:31
  [ I2CDebugError
-        BNE       %FT5
-        DebugTX   "nostart reached but hardware received more data"
-        B         unexpected_error
+        BNE     %FT5
+        DebugTX "nostart reached but hardware received more data"
+        B       unexpected_error
-        BEQ       unexpected_error ; Hardware is receiving more data than we want
+        BEQ     unexpected_error ; Hardware is receiving more data than we want
-        TST       a1, #1:SHL:30 ; Checksum mode?
-        MOVNE     a2, #0 ; Start with zero checksum (as per start_transfer)
-        B         %BT10
+        TST     a1, #1:SHL:30 ; Checksum mode?
+        MOVNE   a2, #0 ; Start with zero checksum (as per start_transfer)
+        B       %BT10
 ; int HAL_VideoIICOp(uint32_t op, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *size)
@@ -703,75 +701,62 @@ read_bytes
         ; Make sure we've got a valid IIC bus to use
-        LDRB      a4, [sb, #BoardConfig_VideoI2C]
-        CMP       a4, #255
-        MOV       ip, #0
-        STREQ     ip, [a3]
-        MOVEQ     a1, #IICStatus_Error
-        MOVEQ     pc, lr
+        LDRB    a4, [sb, #BoardConfig_VideoI2C]
+        CMP     a4, #255
+        MOV     ip, #0
+        STREQ   ip, [a3]
+        MOVEQ   a1, #IICStatus_Error
+        MOVEQ   pc, lr
         ; Check for input passed end
-        UBFX      a4, a1, #0, #16
-        CMP       a4, #256
-        STRCS     ip, [a3]
-        MOVCS     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
-        MOVCS     pc, lr
+        UBFX    a4, a1, #0, #16
+        CMP     a4, #256
+        STRCS   ip, [a3]
+        MOVCS   a1, #IICStatus_Completed
+        MOVCS   pc, lr
         ; Clip request at end
-        Push      "a1-a3,lr"
-        LDR       a3, [a3]
-        ADD       ip, a4, a3
-        CMP       ip, #256
-        RSBHI     a3, a4, #256
+        Push    "a1-a3,lr"
+        LDR     a3, [a3]
+        ADD     ip, a4, a3
+        CMP     ip, #256
+        RSBHI   a3, a4, #256
         ; Build a set of iic_transfer blocks and call RISCOS_IICOpV
         ; We construct two iic_transfer blocks
         ; - First block is a single byte write containing the start address (lower 8 bits of r0)
         ; - Second block is a read. r2 bytes written to r1.
         ; Block 2:
-        UBFX      a1, a1, #16, #8 ; Extract base IICAddress
-        Push      "a1-a3"         ; Push the block on the stack (a2 & a3 are already correct)
+        UBFX    a1, a1, #16, #8 ; Extract base IICAddress
+        Push    "a1-a3"         ; Push the block on the stack (a2 & a3 are already correct)
         ; Block 1:
-        BIC       a1, a1, #1      ; Clear RnW of base address
-        ADD       a2, sp, #12     ; sp+12 should point to the 8 bit offset
-        MOV       a3, #1
-        Push      "a1-a3"
+        BIC     a1, a1, #1      ; Clear RnW of base address
+        ADD     a2, sp, #12     ; sp+12 should point to the 8 bit offset
+        MOV     a3, #1
+        Push    "a1-a3"
         ; Now attempt to start the transfer
-        LDRB      a2, [sb, #BoardConfig_VideoI2C]
-        MOV       a2, a2, LSL #24
-        ADD       a2, a2, #2
-        MOV       a1, sp
+        LDRB    a2, [sb, #BoardConfig_VideoI2C]
+        MOV     a2, a2, LSL #24
+        ADD     a2, a2, #2
+        MOV     a1, sp
         ; If HAL_Init isn't done yet, we can't use RISCOS_IICOpV
-        LDR       a3, HALInitialised
-        CMP       a3, #0
-        BEQ       %FT10
-        LDR       a3, OSentries+4*OS_IICOpV
-        BLX       a3
-        ; Unmap RISC OS error numbers to IICStatus return codes
-        ASSERT    IICStatus_Completed = 0
-        TEQ       a1, #0
-        LDRNE     a1, [a1]
-        LDRNE     lr, =ErrorNumber_IIC_NoAcknowledge
-        SUBNE     a1, a1, lr             ;   0/1/2 = NoAck/Error/Busy
-        USATNE    a1, #2, a1             ; 4+ => 3 = Error
-        ADRNE     lr, %FT05
-        LDRNEB    a1, [lr, a1]
-        B         %FT20
-        ASSERT    (ErrorNumber_IIC_Error - ErrorNumber_IIC_NoAcknowledge) = 1
-        ASSERT    (ErrorNumber_IIC_Busy - ErrorNumber_IIC_NoAcknowledge) = 2
-        DCB       IICStatus_NoACK, IICStatus_Error, IICStatus_Busy, IICStatus_Error
+        LDR     a3, HALInitialised
+        CMP     a3, #0
+        BEQ     %FT10
+        LDR     a3, OSentries+4*OS_IICOpV
+        BLX     a3
+        B       %FT20
-        BL        IIC_DoOp_Poll
+        BL      IIC_DoOp_Poll
         ; In case of error, assume nothing got transferred at all
-        CMP       a1, #IICStatus_Completed
-        LDREQ     a4, [sp, #(3*4)+(2*4)] ; Clipped block 2 request size
-        MOVNE     a4, #0
-        ADD       sp, sp, #24            ; Junk the iic_transfer blocks
-        STR       a1, [sp, #0]           ; Propagate return code
-        LDR       a3, [sp, #8]
-        STR       a4, [a3]               ; Actual transfer size
-        Pull      "a1-a3,pc"
+        CMP     a1, #IICStatus_Completed
+        LDREQ   a4, [sp, #(3*4)+(2*4)]  ; Clipped block 2 request size
+        MOVNE   a4, #0
+        ADD     sp, sp, #24             ; Junk the iic_transfer blocks
+        STR     a1, [sp, #0]            ; Propagate return code
+        LDR     a3, [sp, #8]
+        STR     a4, [a3]                ; Actual transfer size
+        Pull    "a1-a3,pc"
         ; IIC transfer function that performs a polling transfer, similar to HAL_VideoIICOp
@@ -781,35 +766,35 @@ IIC_DoOp_Poll
         ; r1 = bits 0-23: iic_transfer count
         ;      bits 24-31: bus number
         ; Returns IICStatus return code in R0 (0 success, anything else failure)
-        Push      "v1,lr"
+        Push    "v1,lr"
  [ {FALSE}
         ; If IRQs and IIC IRQ are enabled, panic
-        Push      "a1-a4"
-        MRS       a1, CPSR
-        TST       a1, #I32_bit
-        BNE       %FT10
-        ADR       a1, BoardConfig_HALI2CIRQ
-        LDRB      a1, [a1, a2, LSR #24]
-        IMPORT HAL_IRQDisable
-        BL        HAL_IRQDisable
-        CMP       a1, #0
-        BEQ       %FT10
-        DebugTX   "Warning - IIC_DoOp_Poll called with IIC IRQ enabled!"
-        B         .
+        Push    "a1-a4"
+        MRS     a1, CPSR
+        TST     a1, #I32_bit
+        BNE     %FT10
+        ADR     a1, BoardConfig_HALI2CIRQ
+        LDRB    a1, [a1, a2, LSR #24]
+        IMPORT  HAL_IRQDisable
+        BL      HAL_IRQDisable
+        CMP     a1, #0
+        BEQ     %FT10
+        DebugTX "Warning - IIC_DoOp_Poll called with IIC IRQ enabled!"
+        B       .
-        Pull      "a1-a4"
+        Pull    "a1-a4"
-        MOV       a3, a1
-        MOV       a1, a2, LSR #24
-        BIC       a2, a2, #&ff000000
-        MOV       v1, a1
-        BL        HAL_IICTransfer
+        MOV     a3, a1
+        MOV     a1, a2, LSR #24
+        BIC     a2, a2, #&ff000000
+        MOV     v1, a1
+        BL      HAL_IICTransfer
         ; Now just poll until we're done
-        CMP       a1, #IICStatus_InProgress ; Done?
-        Pull      "v1,pc", NE
-        ADR       lr, %BT10
-        MOV       a1, v1
-        B         HAL_IICMonitorTransfer
+        CMP     a1, #IICStatus_InProgress ; Done?
+        Pull    "v1,pc", NE
+        ADR     lr, %BT10
+        MOV     a1, v1
+        B       HAL_IICMonitorTransfer
diff --git a/s/TPS b/s/TPS
index e64cca6..1e4a45b 100644
--- a/s/TPS
+++ b/s/TPS
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 ; For the majority of uses, v1 simply needs to be initialised as follows:
 ; LDR  v1, OSentries+4*OS_IICOpV
-; i.e. the IIC transfer will be performed on IIC bus 0, via RISCOS_IICOpV. This means that 0
-; will be returned on success, or an OS error block pointer on failure!
+; i.e. the IIC transfer will be performed on IIC bus 0, via RISCOS_IICOpV,
+; returning an IICStatus.
 ; When using OS_IICOpV, v2 can be left uninitialised.
 ; TODO - Tidy this up - TPSRead/TPSWrite can simply choose for themselves whether to use OS_IICOpV or IIC_DoOp_Poll