From 3eb78ffd7a30646abcdc574bbf7e8037c4fe13c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Sprowson <>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 16:59:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Use DSB/ISB directly

Reflects similar change in OMAP4-0_28.
Built, but not tested.

Version 0.95. Tagged as 'OMAP3-0_95'
 VersionNum     |  20 +-
 hdr/Copro15ops | 682 -------------------------------------------------
 s/Boot         |   9 +-
 s/Interrupts   |  11 +-
 s/RAM          |   4 +-
 s/Top          |   7 +-
 s/Video        |   1 -
 7 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 710 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 hdr/Copro15ops

diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 3fc9e53..d89cb11 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-/* (0.94)
+/* (0.95)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
  * Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        0.94
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        0.95
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG        
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                17 Dec 2013
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                08 Mar 2014
-#define Module_MajorVersion             "0.94"
-#define Module_Version                  94
+#define Module_MajorVersion             "0.95"
+#define Module_Version                  95
 #define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "17 Dec 2013"
+#define Module_Date                     "08 Mar 2014"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "17-Dec-13"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "08-Mar-14"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "OMAP3"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "castle/RiscOS/Sources/HAL/OMAP3"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "0.94"
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "0.94 (17 Dec 2013)"
-#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "0:94"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "0.95"
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "0.95 (08 Mar 2014)"
+#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "0:95"
diff --git a/hdr/Copro15ops b/hdr/Copro15ops
deleted file mode 100644
index 103559b..0000000
--- a/hdr/Copro15ops
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 2009 Castle Technology Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > Copro15ops
-;macros for Coprocessor #15 operations (configuration), which run-time detect
-;and cater for ARM 6,7,8,A (A=StrongARM).
-;Routines detect which ARM directly by reading ARM ID register (avoids memory reads).
-; 24-01-96 MJS Created
-; 07-10-96 MJS Updated for proper ARM 810 support (not needed for RO 3.70)
-; 10-03-97 MJS A few additions for chocolate flavour screen handling (possible
-;              Domain and FSR register use) in Phoebe OS
-; 05-02-09 JL  Disable ARM_flush_* when compiling OS for HAL. OS now supports
-;              too many ARM versions for cache/TLB flushing to be implemented in
-;              simple macros.
-        GET     Hdr:CPU.Arch
-ARM_config_cp        CP 15  ;coprocessor number for configuration control
-ARM_ID_reg           CN  0  ;processor ID
-ARM_control_reg      CN  1  ;control
-ARM_tbase_reg        CN  2  ;translation base (MMU)
-ARM_domain_reg       CN  3  ;domain access control (MMU)
-ARM_FSR_reg          CN  5  ;Fault status reg (MMU, read only on ARM 6/7)
-ARM_FAR_reg          CN  6  ;Fault address reg (MMU, read only on ARM 6/7)
-ARM67_TLBflush_reg   CN  5  ;TLB flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARM67_TLBpurge_reg   CN  6  ;TLB purge entry, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARM67_cacheflush_reg CN  7  ;cache flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARMv3_TLBflush_reg   CN  5  ;TLB flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARMv3_TLBpurge_reg   CN  6  ;TLB purge entry, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARMv3_cacheflush_reg CN  7  ;cache flush, ARMs 6 or 7
-ARM8A_cache_reg      CN  7  ;cache operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARM8A_TLB_reg        CN  8  ;TLB operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARMv4_cache_reg      CN  7  ;cache operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARMv4_TLB_reg        CN  8  ;TLB operations, ARMs 8 or StrongARM
-ARM8_cacheLD_reg     CN  9  ;cache lock-down, ARM 8
-ARM8_TLBLD_reg       CN 10  ;TLB lock-down, ARM 8
-ARM8_CTC_reg         CN 15  ;Clock and test configuration
-ARMA_TCI_reg         CN 15  ;Test,Clock and Idle control
-;so that bleedin' AASM will accept the general value for MCR CRm field
-C0  CN  0
-C1  CN  1
-C2  CN  2
-C3  CN  3
-C4  CN  4
-C5  CN  5
-C6  CN  6
-C7  CN  7
-C8  CN  8
-C9  CN  9
-C10 CN 10
-C11 CN 11
-C12 CN 12
-C13 CN 13
-C14 CN 14
-C15 CN 15
-; ----------------- all ARMs ---------------------------------------------
-;set MMU translation base
-        MACRO
-        ARM_MMU_transbase $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_tbase_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;set MMU domain access register
-        MACRO
-        ARM_MMU_domain $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_domain_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read control register
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_control $reg,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_control_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;set control register
-        MACRO
-        ARM_write_control $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_control_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read MMU/external fault status
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_FSR $reg,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FSR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;set MMU/external fault status
-        MACRO
-        ARM_write_FSR $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FSR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read MMU/external fault address
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_FAR $reg,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FAR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-; set MMU/external fault address
-        MACRO
-        ARM_write_FAR $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM_FAR_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read ID register to register $id
-;bits 15:12 of returned ID will be 0,7,8,10 for ARM 6,7,8,A
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_ID $id,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$id,ARM_ID_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;read cache type register to register $type
-        MACRO
-        ARM_read_cachetype $type,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$type,ARM_ID_reg,C0,1
-        MEND
-;read ARM 'number' (6,7,8,&A currently) into $num
-        MACRO
-        ARM_number $num
-        ARM_read_ID $num
-        ANDS     $num,$num,#&F000
-        MOVEQ    $num,#&6000       ;catch and correct daft ARM 6 ID layout
-        MOV      $num,$num,LSR #12
-        MEND
-; check if we're on an ARM 6 - EQ if so
-        MACRO
-        ARM_6       $tmp, $cond
-        ARM_read_ID $tmp, $cond
-        TST$cond    $tmp, #&F000
-        MEND
-;check whether running on emulator - this is subject to change. ARMs before
-;ARM 920 ignore op2, and will definitely return something other than "1".
-;ARM 920 onwards use op2 0 and 1 - behaviour with other op2 values is as yet
-        MACRO
-        ARM_on_emulator $tmp,$cond
-        MRC$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$tmp,ARM_ID_reg,C0,7
-        TEQ$cond $tmp,#1
-        MEND
- [ :LNOT: HAL
-;flush whole TLB (both data and instruction for StrongARM)
-;trashes $temp
-        MACRO
-        ARM_flush_TLB $temp
-        ARM_read_ID $temp
-        AND      $temp,$temp,#&F000
-        CMP      $temp,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    $temp,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole cache (both data and instruction for StrongARM),
-;without worrying about any cache cleaning
-;trashes $temp
-        MACRO
-        ARM_flush_cache $temp
-        ARM_read_ID $temp
-        AND      $temp,$temp,#&F000
-        CMP      $temp,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    $temp,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole TLB and cache (both data and instruction for StrongARM),
-;without worrying about any cache cleaning
-;trashes $temp
-        MACRO
-        ARM_flush_cacheandTLB $temp
-        ARM_read_ID $temp
-        AND      $temp,$temp,#&F000
-        CMP      $temp,#&8000   ;ARM 8?
-        CMPNE    $temp,#&A000   ;or StrongARM?
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCRNE    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,0
-        MCREQ    ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
- ]
-; -------------- ARM 6,7 only --------------------------------------------
-;flush cache
-        MACRO
-        ARM67_flush_cache $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_cacheflush_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;flush TLB
-        MACRO
-        ARM67_flush_TLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM67_TLBflush_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;flush TLB entry, virtual address in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARM67_flush_TLBentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM67_TLBpurge_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-; -------------- ARM 810 only ----------------------------------------------
- [ {FALSE}
-;turn off branch prediction
-; - the forced mispredicted branch ensures that the predictor is trapped in
-;   this code segment when turned off
-; - corrupts $temp and status flags
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_branchpredict_off $temp
-        ARM_read_control $temp
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&800        ;z bit (branch prediction)
-        ARM_write_control $temp
-        SEC                          ;set carry flag
-        BCC %BT01
-        MEND
-;turn on branch prediction
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_branchpredict_on $temp
-        ARM_read_control $temp
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&800        ;z bit (branch prediction)
-        ARM_write_control $temp
-        MEND
-;flush branch prediction, which is sufficient for an IMB (instruction memory
-;barrier) on ARM 810, BUT...
-; - intended for in line use only, where efficiency matters, or SWI call is
-;   awkward
-; - general code should use SWI OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas to implement
-;   an IMB (instruction memory barrier) in future proof, ARM independent way
-; - kernel code may use this without regard to which ARM running - ie. assumed
-;   harmless on other ARMs
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_branchpredict_flush
-        SUB PC,PC,#4        ;flush, because PC is written by data op
-        MEND
-;clean cache entry
-; - segment,index spec in $reg
-; - bits 4..6   = segment (0..7)
-; - bits 26..31 = index   (0..63)
-; - all other bits zero
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_clean_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C11,1
-        MEND
-;flush cache entry -  segment,index spec in $reg, as for ARM8_clean_IDCentry
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_flush_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,1
-        MEND
-;clean and flush cache entry -  segment,index spec in $reg, as for ARM8_clean_IDCentry
-;if ARM810cleanflushbroken is TRUE, interrupts *must* be currently diabled (see below)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-  [ ARM810cleanflushbroken
-        ARM8_clean_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-        ARM8_flush_IDCentry $reg,$cond
-  |
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C15,1
-  ]
-        MEND
-;fully clean and flush cache (assumes no locked-down entries to preserve)
-;if ARM810cleanflushbroken is TRUE, then we have to make sure interrupts are disabled during
-;the sequence of 2 MCRs that make up ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry, to avoid an interrupt hole.
-;The hole occurs if an interrupt fills and dirties the particular cache entry after the clean
-;but before the flush. We don't have this problem with StrongARM, because the entry is
-;specified by virtual address, and RISC OS only cleans/flushes address space not currently
-;involved in interrupts.
-  [ ARM810cleanflushbroken
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC $temp,$temp2
-        ;for simplicity, disable interrupts during entire operation
-        mrs ,$temp2,CPSR
-        ORR  $temp,$temp2,#I32_bit
-        msr ,CPSR_c,$temp                        ;disable I
-        MOV  $temp,#0                            ;initial segment and index
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry $temp
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 26              ;next index
-        CMP $temp,#1 :SHL: 26                    ;last index done if index field wrapped to 0
-        BHS %BT01
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 4               ;next segment
-        CMP $temp,#8 :SHL: 4                     ;8 segments done?
-        BLO %BT01
-        msr ,CPSR_c,$temp2                       ;restore I
-        MEND
-  |
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC $temp
-        MOV $temp,#0                             ;initial segment and index
-        ARM8_cleanflush_IDCentry $temp
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 26              ;next index
-        CMP $temp,#1 :SHL: 26                    ;last index done if index field wrapped to 0
-        BHS %BT01
-        ADD $temp,$temp,#1 :SHL: 4               ;next segment
-        CMP $temp,#8 :SHL: 4                     ;8 segments done?
-        BLO %BT01
-        MEND
-  ]
-;flush whole TLB (actually, same as ARMA_flush_TLBs)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_flush_TLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush TLB entry, virtual address in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_flush_TLBentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,1
-        MEND
-;select external Refclk pin as fast clock (dynamic switching, asynchronous)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_refclk_fclk $temp
-        MRC ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp, $temp,#&1                        ;turn off dynamic bus switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&2                         ;select asynchronous mode (default) (bit1)
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&4                         ;select REFCLK as the FCLK source (bits3:2)
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&10                        ;ensure L=0 when writing (PLL locked) (bit4)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&1                         ;select dynamic clock switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
-;select PLL output as fast clock (dynamic switching, asynchronous)
-        MACRO
-        ARM8_pll_fclk $temp
-        MRC ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&1                         ;turn off dynamic bus switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&2                         ;select asynchronous mode (default) (bit1)
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&C                         ;select PLLClkOut as the FCLK source (bits3:2)
-        BIC $temp,$temp,#&10                        ;ensure L=0 when writing (PLL locked) (bit4)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        NOP
-        ORR $temp,$temp,#&1                         ;select dynamic clock switching (bit0)
-        MCR ARM_config_cp,0,$temp,ARM8_CTC_reg,C0,0
-        MEND
- ] ;ARM810support
-; -------------- StrongARM only ------------------------------------------
-;clean whole data cache, using 16k private cleaner area at address in
-;trashes $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2
-;clean whole (16k) data cache by reading 16k private cleaner area in 8-word
-;(one cache line) steps
-;note: this routine should NOT be used as is without care - remember
-;      1) interrupts should be off (to guarantee this clean is effective)
-;      2) DC should be flushed afterwards (to guarantee next clean using
-;         private area is effective, ie. all private area flushed out now)
-;      see ARMA_fullycleanflush_DC for 'packaged routine'
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_clean_DC $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2
-        ADD     $temp1,$cleanaddr,#16*1024
-        LDR     $temp2,[$cleanaddr],#32
-        TEQ     $temp1,$cleanaddr
-        BNE     %BT10
-        MEND
-;flush whole data cache
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DC $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C6,0
-        MEND
-;clean data cache entry, virtual addr in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C10,1
-        MEND
-;flush data cache entry, virtual addr in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C6,1
-        MEND
-;clean and flush data cache entry, virtual addr in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_cache_reg,C14,1
-        MEND
-;clean data cache for virtual address range from $lo (inclusive) to $hi (exclusive)
-;corrupts $lo,$hi
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_clean_DCrange $lo,$hi
-        BIC     $lo,$lo,#31    ;align down to 8-word (1 cache line) boundary
-        ADD     $hi,$hi,#31
-        BIC     $hi,$hi,#31    ;align up to 8-word boundary
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo ;clean entry for virtual address $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32    ;next line
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32
-        ARMA_clean_DCentry $lo
-        ADD     $lo,$lo,#32
-        CMP     $lo,$hi
-        BLO     %BT01
-        MEND
-;drain write buffer
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_drain_WB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C10,4
-        MEND
-        MACRO
-        ARM_drain_WB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C10,4
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction cache
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_IC $WithoutNOPs,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C5,0
-      [ "$WithoutNOPs" = ""
-        MOV     R0,R0 ; 4 NOPS - up to 4 further instructions may come from IC before flush
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-      ]
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction cache and whole data cache
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_ICandDC $WithoutNOPs,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_cache_reg,C7,0
-      [ "$WithoutNOPs" = ""
-        MOV     R0,R0 ; 4 NOPS - up to 4 further instructions may come from IC before flush
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-        MOV     R0,R0
-      ]
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction TLB
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_ITLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C5,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole data TLB
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DTLB $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C6,0
-        MEND
-;flush whole instruction and data TLBs
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_TLBs $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C7,0
-        MEND
-;flush data TLB entry, virtual address in $reg
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_flush_DTLBentry $reg,$cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,$reg,ARM8A_TLB_reg,C6,1
-        MEND
-;fully clean and flush DC - see ARMA_clean_DC for more info
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_fullycleanflush_DC $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2,$temp3
-        mrs    ,$temp3,CPSR
-        ORR     $temp1,$temp3,#I32_bit
-        msr    ,CPSR_c,$temp1         ;disable IRQs
-        ARMA_clean_DC $cleanaddr,$temp1,$temp2
-        ARMA_flush_DC
-        msr    ,CPSR_c,$temp3         ;restore IRQ state
-        MEND
-;enable core clock switching (fast core clock allowed)
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_fastcoreclock $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARMA_TCI_reg,C1,2
-        MEND
-;disable core clock switching (core clock is memory clock)
-        MACRO
-        ARMA_slowcoreclock $cond
-        MCR$cond ARM_config_cp,0,R0,ARMA_TCI_reg,C2,2
-        MEND
-; -------------- Additional ARMv7 stuff -----------------------------------
-; Provided here are ISB, DSB and DMB macros suitable for ARMv6+
-; Although ARMv4 & v5 do provide CP15 ops that are compatible with the ARMv6 ops, it's implementation defined whether each processor implements the ops or not (and the ops are unpredictable if unimplemented)
-; So to play it safe these macros will complain if used on pre-ARMv6
-; Instruction Synchronisation Barrier - required on ARMv6+ to ensure the effects of the following are visible to following instructions:
-; * Completed cache, TLB & branch predictor maintenance operations
-; * CP14/CP15 writes
-        MACRO
-        myISB $cond,$temp
-      [ NoARMv6
-        ! 1, "Don't know what to do on pre-ARMv6!"
-      |
-       [ NoARMv7
-        ; ARMv6, use legacy MCR op
-        MOV$cond $temp,#0
-        MCR$cond p15,0,$temp,c7,c5,4
-       |
-        ; ARMv7+, use ISB instruction (saves on temp register, but instruction is unconditional)
-        ; Shouldn't hurt too much if we just ignore the condition code
-        DCI &F57FF06F ; ISB SY
-       ]
-      ]
-        MEND
-; Data Synchronisation Barrier - aka drain write buffer/data write barrier. Stalls pipeline until all preceeding memory accesses (including cache/TLB/BTC ops complete.
-        MACRO
-        myDSB $cond,$temp,$option
-     [ NoARMv6
-        ! 1, "Don't know what to do on pre-ARMv6!"
-     |
-      [ NoARMv7
-        ; pre-ARMv7, use legacy MCR op
-        MOV$cond $temp,#0
-        MCR$cond p15,0,$temp,c7,c10,4
-      |
-        ; ARMv7+, use DSB instruction
-       [ "$option"="SY" :LOR: "$option"=""
-        DCI &F57FF04F ; DSB SY
-       |
-       [ "$option"="ST" :LOR: "$option"="SYST"
-        DCI &F57FF04E ; DSB ST
-       |
-       [ "$option"="ISH"
-        DCI &F57FF04B ; DSB ISH
-       |
-       [ "$option"="ISHST"
-        DCI &F57FF04A ; DSB ISHST
-       |
-       [ "$option"="NSH"
-        DCI &F57FF047 ; DSB NSH
-       |
-       [ "$option"="NSHST"
-        DCI &F57FF046 ; DSB NSHST
-       |
-       [ "$option"="OSH"
-        DCI &F57FF043 ; DSB OSH
-       |
-       [ "$option"="OSHST"
-        DCI &F57FF042 ; DSB OSHST
-       |
-        ! 1, "Unrecognised DSB option"
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-      ]
-     ]
-        MEND
-; Data Memory Barrier - More lightweight DSB, ensures memory accesses behave correctly without stalling the pipeline to wait for preceeding accesses to complete. I.e. it's only good for synchronising load/store instructions.
-        MACRO
-        myDMB $cond,$temp,$option
-     [ NoARMv6
-        ! 1, "Don't know what to do on pre-ARMv6!"
-     |
-      [ NoARMv7
-        ; ARMv6, use legacy MCR op
-        MOV$cond $temp,#0
-        MCR$cond p15,0,$temp,c7,c10,5
-      |
-        ; ARMv7+, use DMB instruction
-       [ "$option"="SY" :LOR: "$option"=""
-        DCI &F57FF05F ; DMB SY
-       |
-       [ "$option"="ST" :LOR: "$option"="SYST"
-        DCI &F57FF05E ; DMB ST
-       |
-       [ "$option"="ISH"
-        DCI &F57FF05B ; DMB ISH
-       |
-       [ "$option"="ISHST"
-        DCI &F57FF05A ; DMB ISHST
-       |
-       [ "$option"="NSH"
-        DCI &F57FF057 ; DMB NSH
-       |
-       [ "$option"="NSHST"
-        DCI &F57FF056 ; DMB NSHST
-       |
-       [ "$option"="OSH"
-        DCI &F57FF053 ; DMB OSH
-       |
-       [ "$option"="OSHST"
-        DCI &F57FF052 ; DMB OSHST
-       |
-        ! 1, "Unrecognised DMB option"
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-       ]
-      ]
-     ]
-        MEND
-        END
diff --git a/s/Boot b/s/Boot
index 7de409a..7987817 100644
--- a/s/Boot
+++ b/s/Boot
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
         GET     hdr.Interrupts
         GET     hdr.Timers
         GET     hdr.GPIO
-        GET     hdr.Copro15ops
         GET     hdr.UART
         GET     hdr.PRCM
         GET     hdr.GPMC
@@ -848,11 +847,11 @@ HAL_InitDevices
         ; Sync cache
         MOV     a1, #0
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c11, 1 ; Clean DCache by VA to PoU
-        myDSB ; wait for clean to complete
+        DSB     SY ; wait for clean to complete
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 1 ; invalidate ICache entry (to PoC)
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6 ; invalidate entire BTC
-        myDSB ; wait for cache invalidation to complete
-        myISB ; wait for BTC invalidation to complete?
+        DSB     SY ; wait for cache invalidation to complete
+        ISB     SY ; wait for BTC invalidation to complete?
         ; Now reconfigure the USER button (GPIO 4/7) to fire an FIQ
         LDR     a2, L4_Wakeup_Log
         ADD     a2, a2, #(L4_CONTROL_IDCODE-L4_Wakeup) :AND: &FF00
@@ -1226,7 +1225,7 @@ FIQRoutine
         MOV     r10, #2
         STR     r10, [r8, #INTCPS_CONTROL]
         ; Data synchronisation barrier to make sure INTC gets the message
-        myDSB
+        DSB     SY
    [ {FALSE} ; Code to call DebugCallstack on any button press
         ; Switch back to original mode
         MRS     r8, CPSR
diff --git a/s/Interrupts b/s/Interrupts
index 8879d0d..065a787 100644
--- a/s/Interrupts
+++ b/s/Interrupts
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
         GET     hdr.StaticWS
         GET     hdr.Interrupts
         GET     hdr.Timers
-        GET     hdr.CoPro15ops
         AREA    |Asm$$Code|, CODE, READONLY, PIC
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ HAL_IRQClear
         MOV     a1, #1
         STR     a1, [a2, #INTCPS_CONTROL]
         ; Data synchronisation barrier to make sure INTC gets the message
-        myDSB
+        DSB     SY
  [ DebugInterrupts
         MOV     a1, #-1
         STR     a1, LastInterrupt_IRQ
@@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ HAL_IRQSource
         MOV     a3, #1
         STR     a3, [a2, #INTCPS_CONTROL]
         ; Data synchronisation barrier to make sure INTC gets the message
-        myDSB
+        DSB     SY
         MOV     pc, lr
@@ -371,7 +370,7 @@ HAL_FIQDisableAll_Loop3
         MOV     a1, #2
         STR     a1, [a2, #INTCPS_CONTROL]
         ; Data synchronisation barrier to make sure INTC gets the message
-        myDSB
+        DSB     SY
  [ DebugInterrupts
         MOV     a1, #-1
         STR     a1, LastInterrupt_FIQ
@@ -384,7 +383,7 @@ HAL_FIQClear
         MOV     a1, #2
         STR     a1, [a2, #INTCPS_CONTROL]
         ; Data synchronisation barrier to make sure INTC gets the message
-        myDSB
+        DSB     SY
  [ DebugInterrupts
         MOV     a1, #-1
         STR     a1, LastInterrupt_FIQ
@@ -455,7 +454,7 @@ HAL_FIQSource
         MOV     a3, #2
         STR     a3, [a2, #INTCPS_CONTROL]
         ; Data synchronisation barrier to make sure INTC gets the message
-        myDSB
+        DSB     SY
         MOV     pc, lr
diff --git a/s/RAM b/s/RAM
index 44e9621..c315a1b 100644
--- a/s/RAM
+++ b/s/RAM
@@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ clear_ram
         MOV     a1, #0
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6
-        myDSB
-        myISB
+        DSB     SY
+        ISB     SY
         MOV     pc, lr
diff --git a/s/Top b/s/Top
index f310377..ffae671 100644
--- a/s/Top
+++ b/s/Top
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
         GET     hdr.UART
         GET     hdr.Post
         GET     hdr.SDRC
-        GET     hdr.Copro15ops
         GET     hdr.GPIO
         AREA    |!!!ROMStart|, CODE, READONLY, PIC
@@ -263,8 +262,8 @@ relocate_code
         MOV     a1, #0
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 0
         MCR     p15, 0, a1, c7, c5, 6
-        myDSB ; Wait for I-cache invalidation to complete
-        myISB ; Wait for branch predictor invalidation to complete?
+        DSB     SY ; Wait for I-cache invalidation to complete
+        ISB     SY ; Wait for branch predictor invalidation to complete?
         DebugChar a1,a2,68
         ; Jump to our new copy
         ADR     a1, relocate_code ; Keep things simple by just running through the same code again
@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ relocate_code
 ;        MRC     p15, 0, a1, c1, c0, 2
 ;        ORR     a1, a1, #&F<<20
 ;        MCR     p15, 0, a1, c1, c0, 2
-;        DCI     &F57FF06F ; ISB {SY}
+;        ISB     SY
 ;        ; Now enable the unit
 ;        MOV     a1, #1<<30 ; EN bit
 ;        DCI     &EEE80A10 ; VMSR FPEXC, a1
diff --git a/s/Video b/s/Video
index a1f4d37..aca4662 100644
--- a/s/Video
+++ b/s/Video
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
         GET     hdr.StaticWS
         GET     hdr.PRCM
         GET     hdr.GPIO
-        GET     hdr.CoPro15ops
         GET     hdr.Timers
         GET     hdr.SPI