• Stewart Brodie's avatar
    Fixed most dodgy pathname problems. · 343dc077
    Stewart Brodie authored
      All *LM... commands are now filing system commands.
      *Connect and *Disconnect renamed to *LMConnect and *LMDisconnect.
      When translating RISC OS to DOS filenames, a loop could develop if
        any path component contained a dodgy character.  This is now fixed
        with the exception of problems when both < and > characters appear
        in pathnames since that confuses FileSwitch.  New mappings will be
        need to be agreed for these characters (and remappings for $ and %
        which overload < and > respectively)
      All *LM... commands are now filing system commands, which means that
        you need to prefix them with LanMan: unless LanManFS is the current
        filesystem (following spec review).
      *Connect and *Disconnect renamed to *LMConnect and *LMDisconnect
        (following spec review).
      Trace builds allow "*LanMan:LMNameMode 4" to enable display of system
        and hidden files on the remote filesystem.
      Tested briefly against Windows 98 and Windows NT 4 SP3.
      If a directory name contains a dodgy character, repeated searches will
        be made on the remote filesystem.  This is inefficient and a name
        cache would alleviate this.  There is no name cacheing in the current
    Version 1.87, Tagged as 'LanManFS-1_87-1_1_1_1_2_9'
NBIP 48.4 KB