# Fundamental messages
# ====================

DAGen:- General
DAJSc:- JavaScript

# Errors
# ======
# First, general fetching and data transfer errors.

CannotFetch:The browser does not have a method of fetching the requested site.
NotInternal:Can�t save objects when running in full screen mode.
Refused:Cannot fetch this address as the fetch request was refused by the internal handler.
BadAuthor:Authorisation failed; you must use a valid user name and password.
WhatScrap:Cannot find the page to load; the sending application may have died.
WhatFrame:The sending application could not supply the page contents for this frame.
CantReload:This page cannot be reloaded, as it was sent directly from another application.
GivePath:To save, drag the file icon to a directory viewer.
CantSubmit:Can't find where to send the form to from this web page. Is there a FORM tag inside a TABLE definition, but not inside any cells?
NoJavascript:Sorry, the browser does not support the JavaScript code required to make this button work.

CannotShow:Can't show the source this way (problem with the scrap file).
RecvDied:Data transfer failed - receiver may have died.
RecvDiedKept:Data transfer failed - receiver died. The temporary file has been kept on disc so the fetched data can be recovered.
NotAURI:This is not a valid URI file.
CantOpenURI:Cannot open the URI file.
URIComSec:URI file command '%0' is not allowed in this build of the browser.
COChoices:Can't open the Choices file - the preferences cannot be saved.

HLNewRO:You can't create an item here (the parent directory is marked read-only).
NLAlterRO:You can't alter this item (it is marked read-only).

NoLabel:The label �%0� cannot be found on this page.
NoLabelF:The label �%0� cannot be found, but the page is still fetching - try again when the page fetch has finished.

# HTTP protocol errors. Rarely seen externally, but may appear.

HTTP300:300 (Multiple Choices)
HTTP301:301 (Moved Permanently)
HTTP302:302 (Moved Temporarily)
HTTP303:303 (See Other)
HTTP304:304 (Not Modified)
HTTP305:305 (Use Proxy)

HTTP400:The remote server gave error 400 (Bad Request). The browser may have sent a malformed request.
HTTP403:The remote server gave error 403 (Forbidden). The object on the server is (e.g.) not publically readable.
HTTP404:The remote server gave error 404 (Not Found). The server does not know what object we wanted.
HTTP405:The remote server gave error 405 (Method Not Allowed). The server cannot send the object to the browser.
HTTP406:The remote server gave error 406 (Not Acceptable). The server will not send the object to the browser.
HTTP408:The remote server gave error 408 (Request Timeout). The server believes the browser's requests are taking too long.
HTTP409:The remote server gave error 409 (Conflict). The server cannot send the object right now.
HTTP410:The remote server gave error 410 (Gone). The server believes the object asked for is gone forever. It should not be requested again.
HTTP411:The remote server gave error 411 (Length Required). The server needs information the browser is unable to supply.
HTTP412:The remote server gave error 412 (Precondition Failed). The server will not send the object to the browser.
HTTP413:The remote server gave error 413 (Request Entity Too Large). The server cannot send the object to the browser.
HTTP414:The remote server gave error 414 (Request-URI Too Long). The server cannot send the object to the browser.
HTTP415:The remote server gave error 415 (Unsupported Media Type). The server cannot send the object to the browser.

# Printing errors.

PrintBusy:The printer is currently busy.
CantMap:Cannot currently print to a PDF file because the current font choices do not map to standard PDF fonts. Only Trinity, Homerton and Corpus are supported.
ZLibError:Internal error - the ZLib compression library was unable to complete a requested operation

# Hotlist handler errors.

HlCantLoad:Hotlist file could not be loaded

# History handler errors.

EmptyHistE:The history list is empty.

# Strict parse mode errors.

FramNest:Frames definition is badly nested; could not complete the frames layout.
FramRcrs:Frames definition references itself recursively; could not proceed with the frames layout.

# Fallbacks.

EUnknown:An unidentified error was encountered.

# JavaScript support.

JSErr2:Continue,More info

JSInit:JavaScript interpreter initialisation failed (not enough memory?)
JSActv:The JavaScript interpreter cannot be shut down whilst still being used.
JSCont:Cannot gain context for JavaScript interpreter (not enough memory?)
JSGenE:Cannot start up JavaScript for this page (not enough memory?)
JSLock:A piece of JavaScript code has been running for a long time (lengthy script is still running). Continue or Stop the script?
JSColo:Invalid colour specification "%%s"
JSMisc:JavaScript error

JSCue1:Keep open,Close

JSOpen:A script wants to open a new window. Open as asked, or deny its request but carry on running the script anyway?
JSClos:A script wants to close this window. Close it as asked, or keep it open?

JSPlatform:RISC OS

# Specific out of memory reports.

NoMemWin:There is not enough free memory to open another browser window.
NoMemGHi:There is not enough free memory to add the page to the global history.
NoMemLHi:There is not enough free memory to open the history menu.
NoMemHiF:There is not enough free memory to load the global history.
NoMemURL:There is not enough free memory to add another URL to the hotlist.

# General out of memory reports.

NoMemFet:There is not enough free memory to perform this fetch (%0).
NoMemRea:There is not enough free memory to continue the page fetch (%0).
NoMemTab:There is not enough free memory to display this table (%0).
NoMemGen:There is not enough free memory to continue this operation (%0).
NoMemImg:There is not enough free memory for any new images (%0).
NoMemJSc:There is not enough free memory for this JavaScript operation (%0).
FontMem:There is not enough free memory for font handling (%0).

# Serious internal consistency failure reports - can continue, but
# recovery is not guaranteed (a machine crash is unlikely, though).

StrNotFd:Phoenix is experiencing technical difficulties (%0). Please contact your supplier.
NoParent:When closing frames, can't find child's record in the parent window in windows_close_window().
WhatTog1:Internal error - Toolbar toggle handle not understood in toolbars_toggle_bars().
WhatTog2:Internal error - Toolbar toggle handle not understood in menus_choices_bars().
BadType:Phoenix is experiencing technical difficulties (definition %0). Please contact your supplier.
BadTRef:Phoenix is experiencing technical difficulties (reference %0). Please contact your supplier.
MaxImages:Phoenix is experiencing technical difficulties (imager). Please contact your supplier.
InvParam:Invalid parameters passed in internal function call (%0). Please contact your supplier.

# Very serious internal consistency failure reports - can't continue
# as attempting to recover could cause a serious machine crash.

NoContxt:Serious internal error - Block is already free or was not HtmlAlloc'd in html_close(); must exit immediately.
HSHOvrrn:Serious internal error - HttpStripHeaders has failed; must exit immediately.
STCUnkwn:Serious internal error - Unknown chunk ID in memory_set_chunk_size(); must exit immediately.

# OS traps

EZeros0:Internal error: Illegal instruction at %0
EZeros1:Internal error: Prefetch abort at %0
EZeros2:Internal error: Abort on data transfer at %0
EZeros3:Internal error: Address exception at %0
EZeros5:Internal error: Branch through zero

# For error dialogues with Continue and another button,
# that button will have the ErrorBtns text in it.


# For reporting e.g. '<Wimp$Scrap> not defined', the part that comes
# after the '<Wimp$Scrap>' (including any preceeding spaces. The first
# is for a general case, the second is only used for Scrap files.

NotDefined: not defined.
NoScrapDef: not defined (locate !Scrap and try again).

# Proxy server auto-start
# =======================

ProxyName:Acorn WebServe
ProxyComm:Filer_Run WebServe:!Run

# Main and dialler status messages
# ================================
# Status bar messages. Putting a '-' in front of one will stop a byte
# counter being appended if the Controls file specifies that such text
# should be added (so you can override for specific messages that
# never want a byte counter). 'Actv' is an exception; it's appended
# to the 'Page' or 'Ready' messages for cases where the status has
# dropped to 'Viewing' but there is still activity going on.

Page:-Viewing �%%s�
Actv: (active)
LinkTo:-Link to �%%s�

GetPic:Fetching 1 image...
GetPics:Fetching %d images...
GetPic0:All current image fetches finished.

# BlankPage is also used as a title string if the server returns
# no data for a page. DataFetch is used as a title string for
# small fetch windows.

BlankPage:Blank page
DataFetch:Fetching to file...

# Status0 to 5 are current unimplemented.

Status1:-Beginning fetch...
Status2:-Trying to find server's address...
Status3:-Found server's address
Status4:-Sending request to the server...
Status5:Fetching data...

# More status messages (can put a '-' in front as with those above). In
# each group of three, the first is for when the URL is known and only
# one such action is in progress (e.g. fetching a non-frames page). The
# second is used if a URL cannot be determined locally for whatever
# reason; the last is used if there are several similar actions (e.g.
# fetching several frames in a frames page).

Fetch:Fetching �%%s�...
FetchUK:Fetching web page...
FetchMany:Fetching frame contents...

Process:-Processing �%%s�...
ProcessUK:-Processing web page...
ProcessMany:-Processing frames contents...

Format:-Formatting �%%s�...
FormatUK:-Formatting web page...
FormatMany:-Formatting frames contents...

# A special case status message used when a browser has reached
# fetch state but is spooling data to a file, and is waiting for
# the Save dialogue to be used so the destination file is known.

FetchWait:-Waiting for a Save dialogue to be dealt with...

# Dialler text. Dialler status is displayed in component
# 0xf, if present in the upper toolbar. If this component
# doesn't exist the application will not attempt to register
# with the dialler and relevant event handlers won't be
# installed.

Hangup:Hanging up
SError:Script error
Timeout:Timed out
Carrier:No carrier
MError:Modem error
Dialtone:No dialtone
MBusy:Line busy
Answer:No answer
Offline:Off line

# Label messages for toolbar items


# Messages used when exporting a document as embelished text

SaveTextRef: [Ref %%d]
SaveTextRefs:References in this document:
SaveTextTable:Table - %0
SaveTextRow: row and %0
SaveTextRows: rows and %0
SaveTextCol: column
SaveTextCols: columns
SaveTextCell:Row %%d, column %%d

# Event logs


# URL aliasing
# ============
# Alternative URL bar messages if fetching special items as
# web pages rather than using a different front-end.

AtHistory:Global History

# Printing
# ========
# Job names and dialogue messages

PJobName:Web page
PagesSingle:sheet is filled
PagesMany:sheets are filled

# Authorisation
# =============
# Text to go in display panel of authorisation dialogue; the
# second is used if the first is too large to fit in the buffer
# space available due to the substituted strings. The third and
# fourth are used for authenticated FTP.

Authorise:Please enter a user name and a password for %%s at %%s.
AuthorShr:Please enter a user name and a password.
AuthorFTP:Please enter a password for %%s.
AuthorFSh:Please enter a password.

# History support
# ===============
# The history menu title string, default offered leaf name
# for saving as HTML, and string to use a title when saving
# as HTML.


# Hotlist support
# ===============
# Alternative text for untitled URLs or directories, and
# the default offered leafname for saving selections of
# URLs as HTML. The next few are paired values of title
# strings and default action button strings for the various
# Edit URL, New URL etc. dialogues (edit / create pairs use
# the same dialogue with text dynamically updated). The
# last is the name for any read-only resources directory.

HotlistCreateURLTitle:Create new URL
HotlistEditURLTitle:Edit URL
HotlistCreateDirTitle:Create new directory
HotlistRenameDirTitle:Rename directory

# Forms support
# =============
# Buttons in forms - submit buttons, reset buttons, and unknown
# button types; menu title for Select lists when no other is
# present.


# For select lists in forms - generic messages


# Saving
# ======
# Leafnames - offered when a better alternative for a
# filename can't be determined from an appropriate URL,
# or other general defaults.


# Option and radio button messages for various SaveFile
# dialogue choices.

SaveFileOpURL:As ANT URL file
SaveFileRaURI:Acorn URI file
SaveFileRaURL:ANT URL file

SaveFileOpOriginal:Save original image
SaveFileRaSprite:RISC OS sprite
SaveFileRaOriginal:Original image

SaveFileOpBack:With backgrounds
SaveFileRaNoBack:No backgrounds
SaveFileRaBack:With backgrounds

SaveFileOpEmbe:With embelishments
SaveFileRaNoEmbe:No embelishments
SaveFileRaEmbe:With embelishments


# Item information dialogue
# =========================


IIImgNA:Image (dimensions unknown)
IIImage:Image (dimensions known)
IIObjImg:Image <object>
IIObjGen:Miscellaneous <object>
IIFrmImg:Form image element
IIFrmGen:Miscellaneous form element

IITxtLnk:Text link
IITxtPln:Piece of text

# Cookie query dialogue
# =====================

Cookie:A server sent you a cookie. Do you want to accept or reject it?

# Choices settings
# ================

NoEncoding:Unknown encoding

# On-page messages
# ================
# When the server returns no data.

NoData:The server returned a blank page.

# Dynamically created web pages
# =============================
# 'pemptydoc' is current unimplemented. 'paboutXXX' are all used to compile
# the 'about:' page describing the browser and any available Plug-Ins.
# The last two are for external images (with and without a 'Go back' link).
# These get compiled with sprintf, so if using a '%' anywhere, make sure it
# is done as '%%'. Then you must double up again to cope with MessageTrans;
# so for a single % in the output, put *four* in here.

pemptydoc:<html><head><title>Empty document</title></head><body><h2>The server returned an empty document.</h2></body></html>
pabouthdr:<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>About this software</title></head><body bgcolor="#d4d4d4" text="black" link="#4a4a68" alink="red" vlink="#4a4a68"><center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0">
paboutbrw:<tr valign="top"><td><table border="0" cellspacing="2"><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#4a4a68"><font color="#ffffff"><h3>Phoenix 2.11 (26 Apr 2005)</h3></font></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>
paboutpl1:<tr><td align="center" colspan="2">
paboutpl2:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s"></td><td valign="middle">
paboutpl3:<tr><td align="center" valign="middle"><img src="%%s" width="%%d" height="%%d"></td><td valign="middle">
paboutift:<tr><td colspan="2"><hr></td></tr>
paboutpft:<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr valign="bottom"><td colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#4a4a68"><font color="#ffffff"><h3>Copyright &copy; <a href="http://www.tematic.com/"><font color="#ffffff">Tematic Ltd.</font></a> 2005</h3></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center></body></html>
pextimage:<html><head><title>%%s</title></head><body><font size="5"><img src="%%s" align="center" alt="Fetching picture..."></font><p><center><b>%s</b><hr noshade size="1" width="80%%%%"><a href="!intrnl!goback:Previous Page">Go back to the previous page</a></center></body></html>
pextimnoh:<html><head><title>%%s</title></head><body><font size="5"><img src="%%s" align="center" alt="Fetching picture..."></font><p><center><b>%s</b></center></body></html>