# Options. THESE MAY NOT BE INTERNATIONALISED - the values of the tokens,
# where strings, are compared directly inside the browser. Since the user
# should edit this through a dialogue, it is that dialogue's contents which
# can be internationalised. Changing the values here to foreign ones
# requires the code to be appropriately altered and recompiled.

# User-configurable options

# HomePage     - The URL that the browser defaults to on loading.

# DefWidth     - Default browser window width, in OS units.
# DefHeight    - Default browser window height, in OS units.
# OverrideX    - The X position to open the window at, or 0 for centred.
# OverrideY    - The Y position to open the window at, or 0 for centred.

# PostIn       - Post-in path for mail, or '<none>'.
# PostOut      - Post-out path for mail, or '<none>'.

# BackColour   - Background colour; 0xBBGGRR00 where RR GG BB are red, green,
#                and blue values as two digit hex numbers from 0 to 255. It
#                doesn't matter if the hex digits are upper or lower case. If
#                the syntax is wrong, very unpredictable effects could occur.
# TextColour   - Text colour, defined as BackColour.
# LinkColour   - Link colour, defined as BackColour.
# UsedColour   - Used (followed) link colour, defined as BackColour.
# FollColour   - Colours links flash to when clicked on, before being
#                followed.
# SeleColour   - Colours objects adopt or are bordered in if selected /
#                highlighted.

# FontSize     - Default font size, in points. Between 6 and 24, fractions
#                will be ignored (so 12.9 would be treated as 12, say).
# SystemFont   - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' browser will only use system font on
#                the page (fast and clear, but pretty ugly...).

# DelayImage   - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' images will not be loaded until
#                they are told to load. Otherwise they load as part of the
#                main page fetch.
# DisplayBgs   - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' background images will be displayed.
# UnderlineLks - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' link text will be underlined.
# OverrideCols - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' document-specified colours will be
#                ignored and defaults will be used instead.
# FixedPtr     - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the pointer will change shape as it
#                moves over certain objects on the page (e.g. a link).
#                Otherwise it stays the standard pointer shape, over the page.
# HighlightLks - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' links (and some other objects) will
#                be highlighted as the pointer moves over them.
# ShowLinksFor - A time in centiseconds. The length of time for which the
#                contents in of a link selected by the keyboard or pointed to
#                by the mouse is shown in the status bar before it reverts
#                to other information (fetch status, page being viewed,
#                etc.); 0 to show for as long as the link is selected or
#                pointed to.
# ShowFHighFor - A time in centiseconds to show the frame highlight (for
#                keyboard control, when jumping into a new frame).
# KeyboardCtl  - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' links (and some other objects) will
#                be selectable from the keyboard.
# ClearFirst   - 'yes' or 'no', only relevant for UI designs where the
#                URL writable and status bars are merged. In such UIs,
#                pressing an alphanumeric key when in status mode will
#                change to writable mode and, if this is 'yes', put the
#                key value into the writable, clearing whatever was there
#                beforehand first. If 'no', then the value of the key is
#                appended to whatever is in the writable.
# KeepHighlight- 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes', frames will be (re)highlighted
#                whenever keyboard navigated. If 'no', they are only
#                highlighted when initially selected.

# LeftMargin   - Basic left hand page margin (before list indents etc.), in
#                millipoints.
# RightMargin  - Similarly, the basic right hand page margin in millipoints.
# QuoteMargin  - Extra page margin for a <blockquote> section of text.
# Leading      - Line spacing in OS units (pronounced 'ledding'). Note that
#                negative numbers are allowed but may produce redraw
#                artifacts under some circumstances, so use with caution.
# LeftIndent   - Multiplier used to work out left hand indent of text for
#                list items etc., in millipoints.
# MinFrmHeight - Minimum height a frame may take when initially sized or
#                subsequently resized, in OS units.
# MinFrmWidth  - Similarly, the minimum frame width.

# DefURLbar    - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have URL
#                bars present.
# DefButtonBar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have button
#                bars present.
# DefStatusBar - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' new browser windows will have status
#                bars present.
# MoveGadgets  - '0', '1', or '2'. If '0', gadgets are never moved on the
#                toolbars to fit inside the window. If '1', gadgets are moved
#                at the end of any resize actions. If '2', gadgets are moved
#                during resize actions.
# AnimDrift    - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the status bar animation will drift
#                over to the first starting sprite before stopping. Otherwise
#                it will stop as soon as the browser is idle.

# FullScreen   - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the window will open full screen,
#                else it will open at the default page size.
# HScroll      - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' a horizontal scroll bar will be
#                visible when Full Screen. Can also have 'auto', to
#                add or remove scroll bars automatically, if the Wimp
#                variant the browser runs on supports this. If the
#                Wimp doesn't, this will work the same as 'yes'.
# VScroll      - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' a vertical scroll bar will be
#                visible when Full Screen. As for HScroll, can also
#                have 'auto' with the right Wimp.

# MaxImages    - Maximum number of images that may be simultaneously fetched.
#                Must be between 1 and 255, though values over about 25 are
#                more likely to degrade performance than improve it.

# GHistSize    - Maximum global history size, in K.
# VHistSize    - Maximum view history size, in entries.
# HistoryPath  - Global history default load/save path.
# HotlistPath  - Hotlist default load/save path.
# ShowURLs     - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the History menu will always only
#                contain URLs. Otherwise it will hold page titles (where
#                available).
# SaveHistory  - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the global history will always be
#                saved to disc on browser exit, else it will never be saved.
# SaveHotlist  - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the hotlist will always be saved to
#                disc on browser exit, else it will never be saved (in which
#                case changes during a browser session will be lost, so this
#                should be used with caution).

# RefoWait     - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the browser will wait for a time
#                determined by 'RefoTime' (see below) before doing a page
#                reformat - can be useful if frequent reformats when unsized
#                images come in (for example) are proving annoying.
# RefoHang     - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the page will not reformat past an
#                unsized image - the browser will wait until that image's
#                size is known. For slow sites this may take a long time.
#                [Unimplemented]
# RefoTime     - If RefoWait is 'yes', the time in centiseconds between
#                queued reformats (urgent reformats may force this earlier
#                though - e.g. document fetch completed).
# BrickWall    - If 'yes', then clicking on 'Stop' or following new links
#                will immediately stop *all* fetch/reformat activity,
#                or for targetted links, will stop such activity in the
#                target. This is a fairly specialised option as normally
#                continued cacheing (if a local proxy is present) or
#                continued background fetching is desirable (may as well
#                take advantage of otherwise idle time this way).

# PrintCopies  - Default number of copies to print. Must be at least 1!
# PrintStart   - 'start' to print from the start of the web page, 'visible'
#                to print from the top of the region visible in the browser
#                window.
# PrintEnd     - 'end' to print to the end of the web page, 'visible' to
#                print to the bottom of the region visible in the browser
#                window, else a number greater than 0 for the number of pages
#                to fill up after starting printing at the given start point.
# PrintReform  - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' the page will be reformatted to fit
#                the paper size (else it is printed at a width determined by
#                the browser window, which may mean it overflows the right
#                hand edge of the paper or does not use the full page width).
#                Reformatting can take quite a long time, hence this is
#                optional. When using 'visible' for PrintStart or PrintEnd,
#                this option is ignored and reformatting does not take place,
#                as reformatting would change the visible region, if it was
#                done in the window rather than internally for the printer.
# PrintOrient  - 'upright' or 'sideways', which pretty much says it all.

# Typeface1    - Typeface definitions. The syntax of these is fairly
# Typeface2      strict and slightly complex, so they should only
# Typeface3      be altered through a front-end dialogue in the
# Typeface4      browser.

# UseProxy     - 'yes' or 'no', if 'yes' proxying will be used so the value
#                of the next two items is important.
# ProxyAddress - The base URL of the proxy server to use, such as
#                'http://wwwcache.demon.co.uk/'.














