/* Copyright 1997 Acorn Computers Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /***************************************************/ /* File : Utils.h */ /* */ /* Purpose: Infrequently altered utilities. */ /* */ /* Author : A.D.Hodgkinson */ /* */ /* History: 18-Oct-96: Created. */ /***************************************************/ /* Useful macros */ #define Beep (_swi(0x107,0)) #define Swap(a,b) { (a) ^= (b); (b) ^= (a); (a) ^= (b); } #define StrNCpy0(x,y) {strncpy(x,y,sizeof(x)-1); x[sizeof(x)-1]=0;} #define WordAlign(a) (void *) ((((unsigned int) (a)) + (sizeof(int) - 1)) & (~(sizeof(int) - 1))) #define ChkError(e) (show_error_cont(e)) #define RetError(fn) {e = (fn); if (e) return e;} /* Assumes '_kernel_oserror * e' already declared */ #define RetLastE {erb = *_kernel_last_oserror(); return &erb;} /* Known error numbers */ #define Utils_Error_OS_Escape 17 /* Offers only 'Continue' */ #define Utils_Error_Custom_Normal (1u<<30) /* Offers 'Continue' and 'Quit */ #define Utils_Error_Custom_Fatal ((1u<<30) + 1) /* Offers only 'Quit' */ #define Utils_Error_Custom_Message ((1u<<30) + 2) /* Offers only 'Continue' */ /* Function prototypes */ char * lookup_token (char * s, int flag, char * arg); char * lookup_choice (char * s, int flag, char * arg); char * lookup_control (char * s, int flag, char * arg); void show_error (_kernel_oserror * e); void show_error_cont (_kernel_oserror * e); void show_error_ret (_kernel_oserror * e); int report_toolbox_error (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle); _kernel_oserror * make_no_fetch_memory_error (int stage); _kernel_oserror * make_no_cont_memory_error (int stage); _kernel_oserror * make_no_table_memory_error (int stage); _kernel_oserror * make_no_memory_error (int stage); void show_centred (ObjectId o); _kernel_oserror * set_corrected_extent (unsigned int f, ObjectId o, BBox * w); int find_behind (int w); _kernel_oserror * find_tool_sizes (int * theight, int * hheight, int * vwidth); void register_null_claimant (int eventcode, WimpEventHandler * handler, browser_data * handle); void deregister_null_claimant (int eventcode, WimpEventHandler * handler, browser_data * handle); BBox * intersection (BBox * a, BBox * b); BBox * set_graphics_intersection (BBox * rbox, BBox * cbox); void restore_graphics_intersection (BBox * cbox); void read_os_to_points (void); void convert_pair_to_os (int x, int y, int * osx, int * osy); void convert_pair_to_points (int x, int y, int * mpx, int * mpy); void convert_to_os (int x, int * osx); void convert_to_points (int x, int * mpx); void convert_box_to_os (const BBox * mp, BBox * os); void convert_box_to_points (const BBox * os, BBox * mp); _kernel_oserror * read_sprite_size (char * name, int * width, int * height); _kernel_oserror * utils_text_width (char * text, int * width, int scan); _kernel_oserror * set_gadget_state (ObjectId o, ComponentId c, int grey_state); void anti_twitter (WimpRedrawWindowBlock * r); int adjust (void); int hide_gadget (ObjectId o, ComponentId c); int show_gadget (ObjectId o, ComponentId c); int gadget_hidden (ObjectId o, ComponentId c); void slab_gadget (ObjectId o, ComponentId c); void slab_gadget_in (ObjectId o, ComponentId c); void slab_gadget_out (ObjectId o, ComponentId c); _kernel_oserror * copy_toolaction_info (ObjectId src_o, ComponentId src_c, ObjectId dst_o, ComponentId dst_c); _kernel_oserror * set_window_flags (int window_handle, unsigned int clear_word, unsigned int eor_word); int debounce_keypress (void); int task_from_window (int window_handle); _kernel_oserror * utils_browser_from_window (int window_handle, browser_data ** browser); int is_known_browser (browser_data * b); browser_data * utils_ancestor (browser_data * b); int encode_base64 (const char * in, int len, char * out); int utils_strcasecmp (const char * a, const char * b); int utils_strncasecmp (const char * a, const char * b, unsigned int n); int utils_len_printf (const char * format, ...); int utils_number_length (int number); _kernel_oserror * utils_stop_webserv (void); _kernel_oserror * utils_set_http_agent (int flags, unsigned int session); int utils_check_scrap (void);