From 6864b4e42a797256a6267ca16c7beef4817de197 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Hodgkinson <>
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 11:52:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] A bit more tidying up

 c/Hotlist | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c/Hotlist b/c/Hotlist
index 9e201f8..bc3ea73 100644
--- a/c/Hotlist
+++ b/c/Hotlist
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ static unsigned int   hotlist_bbar_size = 0;              /* Height in OS units
 static unsigned int   alter_new;                          /* Remembers if the edit dialogue is Alter or New; see   */
                                                           /* HOTLIST_MENUSECTION_NEW and HOTLIST_MENUSECTION_ALTER */
-static unsigned int   item_number;                        /* Current item being considered for drawing */
 static hotlist_item * hotlist_save_item = NULL;           /* Item whose URL is being saved */
 static int            hotlist_ram_transfer_sent;          /* Number of bytes which have already been sent by ram transfer */
 static int            hotlist_save_type = HL_SAVE_NONE;   /* Variety of save currently in progress */
@@ -167,11 +165,10 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_draw                    (hotlist_item * list, u
 static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_draw_r                  (hotlist_item *list, unsigned int first_item, unsigned int last_item, int * curr_item, unsigned int indent, unsigned int item_height, unsigned int item_dir_width, unsigned int item_url_width);
 static unsigned int      hotlist_contents_selected       (hotlist_item * item);
 static unsigned int      hotlist_no_contents_selected    (hotlist_item * item);
-// Need renaming to hotlist_get_max_width_r and hotlist_redraw_now_r
-static void              _hotlist_get_max_width          (hotlist_item * list, unsigned int indent);
-static void              _hotlist_redraw_now             (hotlist_item * list);
-static void              hotlist_redraw_now              (void);
 static unsigned int      hotlist_get_max_width           (hotlist_item * list);
+static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_get_max_width_r         (hotlist_item *list, unsigned int indent, int * max_width, unsigned int item_height, unsigned int item_dir_width, unsigned int item_url_width);
+static void              hotlist_redraw_now              (void);
+static void              hotlist_redraw_now_r            (hotlist_item * list, int * curr_item);
 static void              hotlist_get_shape               (unsigned int * xmin, unsigned int * xmax, hotlist_item * item);
 static void              hotlist_directory_open_close    (hotlist_item * item, unsigned int itemno);
 static void              hotlist_redraw_items            (unsigned int firstitem, unsigned int lastitem);
@@ -983,7 +980,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_get_entry_sizes(unsigned int * item_height, uns
   /* Set the URL width to the value found above and add 8 to */
   /* all of them for aesthetics.                             */
-  if (item_url_width) *item_url_width = width + 8; /* +8 for aesthetics */
+  if (item_url_width) *item_url_width = width + 8;
   if (item_dir_width) *item_dir_width += 8;
   if (item_height)    *item_height    += 8;
@@ -1650,106 +1647,183 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_draw_r(hotlist_item *list, unsigned int first_i
-/* _hotlist_get_max_width                        */
+/* hotlist_get_max_width_r                       */
+/*                                               */
+/* Recursive back-end to hotlist_get_max_width.  */
+/*                                               */
+/* Parameters: Pointer to a hotlist_item struct  */
+/*             to start at;                      */
 /*                                               */
-/* This function does all the work for           */
-/* hotlist_get_max_width                         */
+/*             An indent in OS units, as for     */
+/*             redrawing the hotlist;            */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Pointer to an int, in which the   */
+/*             width of the widest item so far   */
+/*             is accumulated;                   */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Height of a hotlist item in OS    */
+/*             units;                            */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Width of a hotlist directory      */
+/*             sprite in OS units;               */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Width of a hotlist URL sprite in  */
+/*             OS units.                         */
+/*                                               */
+/* Assumes:    The pointer to the int may *not*  */
+/*             be NULL.                          */
-static void _hotlist_get_max_width(hotlist_item *list, unsigned int indent)
+static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_get_max_width_r(hotlist_item *list, unsigned int indent, int * max_width,
+                                                 unsigned int item_height, unsigned int item_dir_width, unsigned int item_url_width)
-  unsigned int item_height, item_dir_width, item_url_width;
-  unsigned int temp_width;
-  int          text_width;
+  _kernel_oserror * e;
+  unsigned int      item_width;
+  int               text_width;
-  hotlist_get_entry_sizes(&item_height, &item_dir_width, &item_url_width);
-  while(list)
+  while (list)
-    switch(list->type)
+    /* Get width of the icon */
+    switch (list->type)
-      case hl_directory:
-      temp_width = item_dir_width;
-      break;
+      case hl_directory: item_width = item_dir_width; break;
+      case hl_url:       item_width = item_url_width; break;
+      default:           item_width = 0;              break;
+    }
-      case hl_url:
-      temp_width = item_url_width;
-      break;
+    /* Work out width of the text */
-      default:
-      temp_width = 0;
-      break;
-    }
+    if (list->type == hl_url && hl_show_urls) e = utils_text_width(list->data.url, &text_width, 0);
+    else                                      e = utils_text_width(list->name,     &text_width, 0);
+    if (e) return e;
-    if (list->type == hl_url && hl_show_urls) utils_text_width(list->data.url, &text_width, 0);
-    else                                      utils_text_width(list->name,     &text_width, 0);
+    /* Account for the indent and spacers (aesthetics) */
-    temp_width += indent + 2 + text_width + 12;
+    item_width += indent + 2 + text_width + 12;
-    if (temp_width > item_number) item_number = temp_width;
+    /* If this is wider than so far recorded, store the new value */
+    if (item_width > *max_width) *max_width = item_width;
+    /* Recursive call for open directories */
     if (list->type == hl_directory && list->flags & HOTLIST_D_IS_OPEN)
-      _hotlist_get_max_width(list->data.directory_content, indent + item_dir_width);
+      RetError(hotlist_get_max_width_r(list->data.directory_content,
+                                       indent + item_dir_width,
+                                       max_width,
+                                       item_height,
+                                       item_dir_width,
+                                       item_url_width));
+    /* Move on down the list */
     list = list->next;
-    item_number++;
+  return NULL;
 /* hotlist_get_max_width()                       */
 /*                                               */
 /* This function returns the maximum width of    */
-/* of the displayed hotlist entries              */
+/* of the displayed hotlist entries.             */
 /*                                               */
+/* Parameters: Pointer to a hotlist_item struct  */
+/*             to start at. This is assumed to   */
+/*             be at zero indent from the left   */
+/*             hand side.                        */
 /*                                               */
+/* Returns:    Of all visible entries, the width */
+/*             of the widest, in OS units.       */
-static unsigned int hotlist_get_max_width(hotlist_item *list)
+static unsigned int hotlist_get_max_width(hotlist_item * list)
-  item_number = 0;
-  _hotlist_get_max_width(list, 0);
-  return item_number;
+  unsigned int item_height, item_dir_width, item_url_width;
+  int          widest = 0;
+  /* Find basic item size information */
+  if (hotlist_get_entry_sizes(&item_height, &item_dir_width, &item_url_width)) return 0;
+  /* Scan the directory and all open directories with in it for */
+  /* the widest item                                            */
+  if (hotlist_get_max_width_r(list,
+                              0,
+                              &widest,
+                              item_height,
+                              item_dir_width,
+                              item_url_width)) return 0;
+  /* Return the result */
+  return widest;
-/* _hotlist_redraw_now()                         */
-/*                                               */
-/* This function does the work for               */
 /* hotlist_redraw_now()                          */
+/*                                               */
+/* This function redraws all visible items with  */
+/* the HOTLIST_G_REDRAW_NOW bit set.             */
-static void _hotlist_redraw_now(hotlist_item *list)
+static void hotlist_redraw_now(void)
-  while(list)
+  int curr_item = 0;
+  hotlist_redraw_now_r(hotlist_root->data.directory_content, &curr_item);
+/* hotlist_redraw_now_r()                        */
+/*                                               */
+/* Recursive back-end to hotlist_redraw_now.     */
+/*                                               */
+/* Parameters: Pointer to a hotlist_item struct  */
+/*             to start on;                      */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Pointer to an int, in which the   */
+/*             current item number being redrawn */
+/*             is accumulated.                   */
+/*                                               */
+/* Assumes:    The pointer to the int may *not*  */
+/*             be NULL.                          */
+static void hotlist_redraw_now_r(hotlist_item * list, int * curr_item)
+  while (list)
     if (list->flags & HOTLIST_G_REDRAW_NOW)
-      hotlist_redraw_items(item_number, item_number);
+      /* Redraw just the one item */
+      hotlist_redraw_items(*curr_item, *curr_item);
+      /* Clear the flag */
       list->flags &= ~HOTLIST_G_REDRAW_NOW;
-    item_number++;
+    *curr_item += 1;
     if (list->type == hl_directory && list->flags & HOTLIST_D_IS_OPEN)
-      _hotlist_redraw_now(list->data.directory_content);
+      /* Recursive call for open directories */
+      hotlist_redraw_now_r(list->data.directory_content, curr_item);
     list = list->next;
-/* hotlist_redraw_now()                          */
-/*                                               */
-/* This function redraws all visible items with  */
-/* the HOTLIST_G_REDRAW_NOW bit set              */
-static void hotlist_redraw_now(void)
-  item_number = 0;
-  _hotlist_redraw_now(hotlist_root->data.directory_content);
 /* hotlist_add()                                 */
 /*                                               */
@@ -2432,10 +2506,6 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_entries(FILE * fileptr, hotlist_item * lis
   int               written;
   _kernel_oserror * e;
-  /* Write the entry header */
-  //HotlistWrite(fprintf(fileptr, "<ul>\n"));
   /* Follow the directory list */
   while (list)
@@ -2461,9 +2531,17 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_entries(FILE * fileptr, hotlist_item * lis
           HotlistWrite(fprintf(fileptr, "<h4>%s</h4>\n", list->name));
-          /* Recursive call for the directory contents */
+          /* Recursive call for the directory contents. First, */
+          /* write the entry header.                           */
           HotlistWrite(fprintf(fileptr, "<ul>\n"));
+          /* Do the contents */
           RetError(hotlist_save_entries(fileptr, list->data.directory_content, type));
+          /* Write the entry footer */
           HotlistWrite(fprintf(fileptr, "</ul>\n"));
@@ -2475,10 +2553,6 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_entries(FILE * fileptr, hotlist_item * lis
     list = list->next;
-  /* Write the entry footer */
-  //HotlistWrite(fprintf(fileptr, "</ul>\n"));
   return NULL;
@@ -2488,13 +2562,14 @@ static _kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_entries(FILE * fileptr, hotlist_item * lis
 /* This function saves the hotlist as an HTML    */
 /* file.                                         */
 /*                                               */
-/* Parameters: Pointer to the filename to load   */
-/*             (null terminated).                */
+/* Parameters: Pointer to the filename to save   */
+/*             to (null terminated);             */
 /*                                               */
-/*             0 - save all of hotlist           */
-/*             1 - only save selection portions  */
+/*             0 to save all of hotlist, 1 to    */
+/*             save only the selected portions.  */
-_kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_hotlist(char *filename, int type)
+_kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_hotlist(char * filename, int type)
   FILE            * fileptr;
   _kernel_oserror * e;
@@ -2546,10 +2621,10 @@ _kernel_oserror * hotlist_save_hotlist(char *filename, int type)
 /* hotlist_save()                                */
 /*                                               */
 /* Veneer onto hotlist_save_hotlist - saves all  */
-/* of the hotlist, created to preserve API       */
+/* of the hotlist, created to preserve API.      */
 /*                                               */
-/* Parameters: Pointer to the filename to load   */
-/*             (null terminated).                */
+/* Parameters: Pointer to the filename to save   */
+/*             under (null terminated).          */
 _kernel_oserror * hotlist_save(char * filename)