diff --git a/Resources/UK/Browse/Res,fae b/Resources/UK/Browse/Res,fae
index aa21b7ebb5f269b1491ea28ff2cb3c7be4b66b1e..fb26f74668e873d094eae18bd2ee1f1ae406caf8 100644
Binary files a/Resources/UK/Browse/Res,fae and b/Resources/UK/Browse/Res,fae differ
diff --git a/c/Choices b/c/Choices
index 0f3135fdfdf73730cf5de6195996225ee2312387..b9df9ef6d724e7fa0f058abc482b847bb123818e 100644
--- a/c/Choices
+++ b/c/Choices
@@ -47,9 +47,11 @@
 #include "Encoding.h"
 #include "FetchPage.h"
+#include "FontManage.h"
 #include "History.h"
 #include "Menus.h"
 #include "NestWimp.h"
+#include "Redraw.h"
 #include "Save.h"
 #include "URLutils.h"
 #include "Windows.h"
@@ -58,6 +60,9 @@
 /* Locals */
+char *consonant = "bcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+char *vowel = "aeiou";
 static int      * subwindows        = NULL;
 static ObjectId   current_subwindow = CDSubNone;
 static ObjectId   colourdbox_id     = 0;
@@ -65,6 +70,8 @@ static ObjectId   colourdbox_id     = 0;
 static int        save_ticked = -1;
 static int        disp_ticked = -1;
+static int        choices_modechanged = 0;
 global_choices  * new_choices       = NULL;
 ObjectId          choices_windowid  = 0;
@@ -86,7 +93,9 @@ static int               choices_display_m_button_handler(int eventcode, Toolbox
 static int               choices_save_m_button_handler   (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle);
 static int               choices_display_m_click_handler (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle);
 static int               choices_save_m_click_handler    (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle);
+static int               choices_option_state_handler    (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle);
+static int               choices_redraw_fakepage_handler (int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * event, IdBlock * id_block, void * handle);
+static int               choices_open_choice_window      (int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * event, IdBlock * id_block, void * handle);
 static _kernel_oserror * choices_colour_set_component    (ObjectId window, ComponentId component, int colour);
 static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_save_field          (ObjectId obj, ComponentId comp, int state);
 static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_display_field       (ObjectId obj, ComponentId comp, int state);
@@ -117,18 +126,18 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_show_subwindow(ObjectId choices_window, int sub
   int                         window_handle;
   int                         vwidth, hheight;
-  if (current_subwindow != CDSubNone)
+  if (current_subwindow != CDSubNone && current_subwindow != subwindow)
     /* remove the current subwindow */
     RetError(toolbox_hide_object(0, subwindows[current_subwindow]));
+    current_subwindow = CDSubNone;
-  if (subwindow == CDSubNone || !(subwindows[subwindow]) || subwindow == current_subwindow)
+  if (subwindow == CDSubNone || !(subwindows[subwindow]))
     /* Have not been asked to open a new subwindow */
-    current_subwindow = CDSubNone;
     return NULL;
@@ -229,6 +238,8 @@ int choices_to_be_shown(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void
     if (tl & (1u<<29)) Printf("choices_to_be_shown: Called\n");
+  if (choices_windowid) return 1;
   choices_windowid = idb->self_id;
   /* Allocate block for holding subwindows ObjectIds */
@@ -290,7 +301,10 @@ int choices_to_be_shown(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void
   if (!e) e = event_register_toolbox_handler(-1, ECD_HiSaveBt,       choices_save_m_button_handler,    NULL);
   if (!e) e = event_register_toolbox_handler(-1, ECDSaveMenuClick,   choices_save_m_click_handler,     NULL);
   if (!e) e = event_register_toolbox_handler(-1, ECDDispMenuClick,   choices_display_m_click_handler,  NULL);
+  if (!e) e = event_register_toolbox_handler(subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], OptionButton_StateChanged, choices_option_state_handler, NULL);
+  if (!e) e = event_register_wimp_handler(*(subwindows + CDSubColours), Wimp_ERedrawWindow, choices_redraw_fakepage_handler, NULL);
+  if (!e) e = event_register_wimp_handler(idb->self_id, Wimp_EOpenWindow, choices_open_choice_window, NULL);
   /* Deal with errors */
   if (e)
@@ -307,6 +321,10 @@ int choices_to_be_shown(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void
     event_deregister_toolbox_handler(-1, ECD_HiSaveBt,       choices_save_m_button_handler,    NULL);
     event_deregister_toolbox_handler(-1, ECDSaveMenuClick,   choices_save_m_click_handler,     NULL);
     event_deregister_toolbox_handler(-1, ECDDispMenuClick,   choices_display_m_click_handler,  NULL);
+    event_deregister_toolbox_handler(subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], OptionButton_StateChanged, choices_option_state_handler, NULL);
+    event_deregister_wimp_handler(*(subwindows + CDSubColours), Wimp_ERedrawWindow, choices_redraw_fakepage_handler, NULL);
+    event_deregister_wimp_handler(idb->self_id, Wimp_EOpenWindow, choices_open_choice_window, NULL);
@@ -379,6 +397,12 @@ int choices_hidden(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * ha
   event_deregister_toolbox_handler(-1, ECD_HiSaveBt,       choices_save_m_button_handler,    NULL);
   event_deregister_toolbox_handler(-1, ECDSaveMenuClick,   choices_save_m_click_handler,     NULL);
   event_deregister_toolbox_handler(-1, ECDDispMenuClick,   choices_display_m_click_handler,  NULL);
+  event_deregister_toolbox_handler(subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], OptionButton_StateChanged, choices_option_state_handler, NULL);
+  event_deregister_wimp_handler(*(subwindows + CDSubColours), Wimp_ERedrawWindow, choices_redraw_fakepage_handler, NULL);
+  event_deregister_wimp_handler(idb->self_id, Wimp_EOpenWindow, choices_open_choice_window, NULL);
+  choices_windowid = 0;
   return 1;
@@ -536,18 +560,6 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_get_contents(void)
-    e = optionbutton_get_state(0, subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], CD_UnderlineLinks, &state);
-    if (!e) new_choices->underline_links = !!state;
-    e = optionbutton_get_state(0, subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], CD_UseDocColours,  &state);
-    if (!e) new_choices->use_source_cols = !!state;
-    e = optionbutton_get_state(0, subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], CD_ShowForeground, &state);
-    if (!e) new_choices->show_foreground = !!state;
-    e = optionbutton_get_state(0, subwindows[CDSubBrowseDefaults], CD_ShowBackground, &state);
-    if (!e) new_choices->show_background = !!state;
   if (subwindows[CDSubWindows])
@@ -936,7 +948,7 @@ static int choices_colour_closed_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, Id
-/* choices_colour_closed_handler()               */
+/* choices_colour_selected_handler()             */
 /*                                               */
 /* Called when the a colour is selected in the   */
 /* colour dialogue box.                          */
@@ -962,13 +974,19 @@ static int choices_colour_selected_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event,
-  show_error_ret(choices_colour_set_component(idb->parent_id, idb->parent_component-1, cevent->colour_block[0]));
+  /* Don't bother with errors as colour display field might not exist */
+  choices_colour_set_component(idb->parent_id, idb->parent_component-1, cevent->colour_block[0]);
+  /* Don't bother with errors as fake page display might not exist */
+  button_set_flags(0, idb->parent_id, CD_FakePage, 0, 0);
   return 1;
-/* choices_colour_closed_handler()               */
+/* choices_colour_set_component()                */
 /*                                               */
 /* Sets the validation string of a button to be  */
 /* slabbed in and have the background colour     */
@@ -1210,6 +1228,13 @@ static _kernel_oserror * choices_set_display_field(ObjectId obj, ComponentId com
 /* choices_display_m_click_handler()             */
 /*                                               */
+/* Called when there is a selection in the       */
+/* display menu.  Sets the selected menu item to */
+/* be ticked, unticks the previously ticked      */
+/* entry sets appropriate new_choices field and  */
+/* updates the display field of the component    */
+/* with component number 1 less than the menus   */
+/* parent.                                       */
 static int choices_display_m_click_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle)
@@ -1239,6 +1264,13 @@ static int choices_display_m_click_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event,
 /* choices_save_m_click_handler()                */
 /*                                               */
+/* Called when there is a selection in the save  */
+/* menu.  Sets the selected menu item to be      */
+/* ticked, unticks the previously ticked entry   */
+/* sets appropriate new_choices field and        */
+/* updates the display field of the component    */
+/* with component number 1 less than the menus   */
+/* parent.                                       */
 static int choices_save_m_click_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle)
@@ -1264,3 +1296,370 @@ static int choices_save_m_click_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdB
   return 1;
+/* choices_draw_string()                         */
+/*                                               */
+/* Writes a string on the screen using the       */
+/* passed font handle, it underlines the text if */
+/* required.  It also returns the position to    */
+/* paint the next string following this one.     */
+/*                                               */
+/* Parameters: font handle                       */
+/*                                               */
+/*             string to print                   */
+/*                                               */
+/*             xposition on screen (os coords)   */
+/*                                               */
+/*             yposition on screen (os coords)   */
+/*                                               */
+/*             0     - don't underline           */
+/*             non 0 - underline                 */
+/*                                               */
+/*             foreground colour                 */
+/*                                               */
+/*             background colour                 */
+/*                                               */
+/*             pointer to int to return x        */
+/*             position in                       */
+static _kernel_oserror * choices_draw_string(fm_face h,
+                                             char *string,
+                                             int xpos,
+                                             int ypos,
+                                             int underline,
+                                             int forecolour,
+                                             int backcolour,
+                                             int *newxpos)
+  int width, nochars;
+  fm_set_font_colour(h, forecolour, backcolour);
+  fm_get_string_width(h, string, 0x1000000, strlen(string), -1, &nochars, &width);
+  convert_to_os(width, &width);
+  /* The next string must be plotted straight after this string */
+  *newxpos = xpos + width;
+  fm_puts(h, xpos, ypos, string, 1, 0);
+  if (underline)
+  {
+    redraw_set_colour(forecolour);
+    bbc_move(xpos, ypos - 7);
+    bbc_draw(*newxpos, ypos - 7);
+  }
+  return NULL;
+/* choices_write_crap()                          */
+/*                                               */
+/* Writes a string of readable rubbish on the    */
+/* screen using the passed font handle.  It also */
+/* returns the position to paint the next string */
+/* following this one.                           */
+/*                                               */
+/* Parameters: font handle                       */
+/*                                               */
+/*             xposition on screen (os coords)   */
+/*                                               */
+/*             yposition on screen (os coords)   */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Approximate x position to stop    */
+/*             printing at (os coords)           */
+/*                                               */
+/*             foreground colour                 */
+/*                                               */
+/*             background colour                 */
+/*                                               */
+/*             pointer to int to return x        */
+/*             position in                       */
+/*                                               */
+/*             Random seed for string to print   */
+/*             (If you pass the same seed the    */
+/*             string should be the same)        */
+static _kernel_oserror * choices_write_crap(fm_face h,
+                                            int xpos,
+                                            int ypos,
+                                            int maxxish,
+                                            int forecolour,
+                                            int backcolour,
+                                            int *newxpos,
+                                            int seed)
+  char ministring[5];
+  int chars = 0;
+  int spcwidth, width, nochars;
+  fm_set_font_colour(h, forecolour, backcolour);
+  srand(seed);
+  fm_get_string_width(h, " ", 0x1000000, 1, -1, &nochars, &width);
+  convert_to_os(width, &spcwidth);
+  xpos += spcwidth;
+  while(xpos < maxxish)
+  {
+    ministring[0] = consonant[rand()%sizeof(consonant)];
+    ministring[1] = vowel[rand()%sizeof(vowel)];
+    if (rand()%2)
+    {
+      ministring[2] = consonant[rand()%sizeof(consonant)];
+      ministring[3] = vowel[rand()%sizeof(vowel)];
+      ministring[4] = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ministring[2] = 0;
+    }
+    fm_puts(h, xpos, ypos, ministring, 1, 0);
+    fm_get_string_width(h, ministring, 0x1000000, strlen(ministring), -1, &nochars, &width);
+    convert_to_os(width, &width);
+    xpos += width;
+    chars++;
+    if (chars > rand()%2 || xpos >= maxxish)
+    {
+      chars = 0;
+      xpos += spcwidth;
+    }
+  }
+  *newxpos = xpos;
+  return NULL;
+/* choices_redraw_fakepage_handler()             */
+/*                                               */
+/* Redraws the fake page in the colour selection */
+/* dbox.                                         */
+static int choices_redraw_fakepage_handler(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle)
+  _kernel_oserror       * e = NULL;
+  WimpRedrawWindowBlock   block;
+  WimpGetWindowStateBlock state;
+  int                     more, ypos, xtarget, ptsize, gadsize, xstart;
+  int                     fontheight = 0;
+  int                     gotfont    = 0;
+  BBox                    icon_coords, fbox;
+  fm_face                 h = 0;
+  block.window_handle = event->redraw_window_request.window_handle;
+  state.window_handle = event->redraw_window_request.window_handle;
+  e = wimp_get_window_state(&state);
+  show_error_ret(e);
+  if (!e) e = gadget_get_bbox(0, idb->self_id, CD_FakePage, &icon_coords);
+  gadsize = icon_coords.ymax - icon_coords.ymin;
+  xstart = gadsize / 8;
+  if (e)
+  {
+    /* Gadget doesn't exist or something strange happened trying */
+    /* to get window state so just do a simple redraw loop to    */
+    /* keep the wimp happy.                                      */
+    ChkError(wimp_redraw_window(&block, &more));
+    while (more && !e) e = wimp_get_rectangle(&block, &more);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  coords_box_toscreen(&icon_coords, (WimpRedrawWindowBlock *) &state);
+  /* Start the redraw loop */
+  ChkError(wimp_redraw_window(&block, &more));
+  while (more && !e)
+  {
+    /* Clip the redraw area to only take in the gadget */
+    if (set_graphics_intersection(&icon_coords, &block.redraw_area))
+    {
+      /* Only claim the font if it is required */
+      if (!gotfont)
+      {
+        /* Find default browser font, the font manager will return system */
+        /* font if it is configured.                                      */
+        /* Find a 1000 subpoint (big) version of default browser font to scale against */
+        h = fm_find_font(NULL, "serif", 1000, 1000, 0, 0);
+        ChkError(fm_font_box(h, &fbox));
+        fm_lose_font(NULL, h);
+        fontheight = fbox.ymax - fbox.ymin;
+        /* Find a version of the default browser font with a */
+        /* point size which will allow an appropriate number */
+        /* of lines in the fake page display.                */
+        #ifdef ChoiceUseSelected
+          ptsize = ((gadsize * 1000 / 5) / fontheight);
+        #else
+          ptsize = ((gadsize * 1000 / 4) / fontheight);
+        #endif
+        h = fm_find_font(NULL, "serif", ptsize, ptsize, 0, 0);
+        ChkError(fm_font_box(h, &fbox));
+        fontheight = fbox.ymax - fbox.ymin;
+        gotfont = 1;
+      }
+      /* Fake browser drawing code is here */
+      /* Fill background with background colour */
+      redraw_set_colour(new_choices->background_colour);
+      ChkError(bbc_rectanglefill(icon_coords.xmin, icon_coords.ymin, icon_coords.xmax - icon_coords.xmin, icon_coords.ymax - icon_coords.ymin));
+      xtarget = icon_coords.xmin - 32;
+      ypos = icon_coords.ymax - fontheight / 3;
+      /* Display the top line of the fake page display */
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmax, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 1));
+      ypos -= fontheight;
+      xtarget = icon_coords.xmin - 32;
+      /* Display the new link line of the fake page display */
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmin+xstart, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 2));
+      ChkError(choices_draw_string(h, "new", xtarget, ypos, new_choices->underline_links, new_choices->link_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget));
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmax, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 3));
+      ypos -= fontheight;
+      xtarget = icon_coords.xmin - 32;
+      /* Display the new followed line of the fake page display */
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmin+xstart, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 4));
+      ChkError(choices_draw_string(h, "followed", xtarget, ypos, new_choices->underline_links, new_choices->used_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget));
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmax, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 5));
+      ypos -= fontheight;
+      xtarget = icon_coords.xmin - 32;
+      /* Display the highlighted link line of the fake page display */
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmin+xstart, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 6));
+      ChkError(choices_draw_string(h, "highlighted", xtarget, ypos, new_choices->underline_links, new_choices->followed_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget));
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmax, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 7));
+      ypos -= fontheight;
+      xtarget = icon_coords.xmin - 32;
+      /* Display the selected link line of the fake page display */
+      #ifdef ChoiceUseSelected
+        ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmin+xstart, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 12));
+        ChkError(choices_draw_string(h, "selected", xtarget, ypos, new_choices->underline_links, new_choices->selected_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget));
+        ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmax, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 9));
+        ypos -= fontheight;
+        xtarget = icon_coords.xmin - 32;
+      #endif
+      /* Display the bottom line of the fake page display */
+      ChkError(choices_write_crap(h, xtarget, ypos, icon_coords.xmax, new_choices->text_colour, new_choices->background_colour, &xtarget, 10));
+    }
+    restore_graphics_intersection(&block.redraw_area);
+    /* Get the next redraw rectangle */
+    if (!e) e = wimp_get_rectangle(&block, &more);
+  }
+  if (gotfont) fm_lose_font(NULL, h);
+  return 1;
+/* choices_option_state_handler()                */
+/*                                               */
+/* Called when an option button has its state    */
+/* changed by being clicked on.  Sets or unsets  */
+/* the relevant flag in new_choices and causes   */
+/* redraws where necessary.                      */
+static int choices_option_state_handler(int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle)
+  int state;
+  ChkError(optionbutton_get_state(0, idb->self_id, idb->self_component, &state));
+  switch(idb->self_component)
+  {
+    case CD_UnderlineLinks:
+    {
+      new_choices->underline_links = !!state;
+      /* Don't bother with errors as fake page display might not exist */
+      if (subwindows[CDSubColours])
+      {
+        button_set_flags(0, subwindows[CDSubColours], CD_FakePage, 0, 0);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case CD_UseDocColours:  new_choices->use_source_cols = !!state; break;
+    case CD_ShowForeground: new_choices->show_foreground = !!state; break;
+    case CD_ShowBackground: new_choices->show_background = !!state; break;
+  }
+  return 1;
+/* choices_mode_change()                         */
+/*                                               */
+/* Called on every mode change event.  Records   */
+/* that a mode change has taken place for use    */
+/* with the choices_open_choice_window function. */
+_kernel_oserror * choices_mode_change(void)
+  choices_modechanged = 1;
+  return NULL;
+/* choices_open_choice_window()                  */
+/*                                               */
+/* Called whenever the choices window needs to   */
+/* be moved and specifically on mode changes so  */
+/* the current sub window can be positioned      */
+/* correctly dealing with rounding errors        */
+/* between modes of different aspect ratio.      */
+static int choices_open_choice_window(int eventcode, WimpPollBlock * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle)
+  toolbox_show_object(0, idb->self_id, Toolbox_ShowObject_FullSpec, &(event->open_window_request.visible_area), 0, -1);
+  if (choices_modechanged)
+  {
+    choices_show_subwindow(idb->self_id, current_subwindow);
+    choices_modechanged = 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
diff --git a/c/Handlers b/c/Handlers
index cceea2b4b877c6bd4d016000eb8979356b86cadd..320fbd2088df82724980ec2f23f2973b1b6458aa 100644
--- a/c/Handlers
+++ b/c/Handlers
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 #include "Browser.h"
 #include "ChoiceDefs.h"
+#include "Choices.h"
 #include "FetchPage.h"
 #include "Filetypes.h"
 #include "FontManage.h"
@@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ int handle_messages(WimpMessage * m, void * handle)
+      ChkError(choices_mode_change());
diff --git a/h/Choices b/h/Choices
index c220526f878d02809195957212d430031a0e8182..e41da22b0c444533ed7b953719c206232922ade4 100644
--- a/h/Choices
+++ b/h/Choices
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@
 /* History: 23-Sep-97: Created.                    */
+/* Define this if you want to display the Selected colour */
+/* in the faked page.                                     */
+#define ChoiceUseSelected
 /* Choices main dialogue component IDs */
 #define CDSet              0x2600
@@ -113,9 +118,14 @@
 #define CD_FolwColourBt 0x2699
 #define CD_SlctColour   0x269a
 #define CD_SlctColourBt 0x269b
+#define CD_FakePage     0x269c
+/* In fonts subwindow */
 #define CD_Fontsbits    0x26b0
+/* In hotlist subwindow */
 #define CD_HlSaveDisp   0x26d0
 #define CD_HlSaveBt     0x26d1
 #define CD_HlDispDisp   0x26d2
@@ -123,6 +133,8 @@
 #define CD_HlAutoOpen   0x26d4
 #define CD_HlAutoScroll 0x26d5
+/* In history subwindow */
 #define CD_HiSaveDisp   0x26f0
 #define CD_HiSaveBt     0x26f1
 #define CD_HiDispDisp   0x26f2
@@ -147,3 +159,4 @@ extern ObjectId         choices_windowid;
 int               choices_to_be_shown        (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle);
 int               choices_hidden             (int eventcode, ToolboxEvent * event, IdBlock * idb, void * handle);
 _kernel_oserror * choices_set_encoding_field (void);
+_kernel_oserror * choices_mode_change        (void);