• Kevin Bracey's avatar
    Added the following C99 features: · f464cdae
    Kevin Bracey authored
      * snprintf(), vsnprintf(), vfscanf(), vscanf(), vsscanf()
      * hh, j, z and t printf length modifiers (indicating char, intmax_t, size_t
        and ptrdiff_t respectively)
      * Hexadecimal floating-point printing and scanning (%a/%A)
      * %F printf() specifier (upper-case form of %F)
      * Input/output of NaNs and Infinities
      * imaxdiv_t, imaxdiv(), strtoimax(), strtoumax() (simulated through macros)
      * <fenv.h>: feclearexcept(), fegetexceptflag(), feraiseexcept(),
                  fesetexceptflag(), fetestexcept(), fegetround(), fesetround(),
                  fegetenv(), feholdexcept(), fesetenv(), feupdateenv()
      * hypot(), hypotf(), fabsf(), fdim(), fdimf(), fmax(), fmaxf(), fmin(),
      * INFINITY, NAN, fpclassify(), isfinite(), isinf(), isnan(), isnormal(),
        signbit(), copysign(), copysignf(), nan(), nanf(), nextafter(),
        nextafterf() isgreater(), isgreaterequal(), isless(), islessequal(),
        islessgreater(), isunordered()
    This involves adding 36 new entries to the stubs. Current versions of the C
    library will not fault client programs with such larger stubs, but will fill
    in the extra entries with junk. Programs requiring the new functions will have
    to RMEnsure this version of the Shared C Library.
    This version of the C library has been fixed so that in future, any extra
    unknown stubs entries will be filled in with a branch to zero, rather than
    Requires cc 5.41 or later, both to build, and to make use of some of the extra
    Version 5.37. Tagged as 'RISC_OSLib-5_37'
math 11.5 KB