• Ben Avison's avatar
    Support cross-compilation · ff1e4bca
    Ben Avison authored
    While this component is stored in pre-compiled form, we need the header
    filenames to be converted to postfix-extension form during the export phase
    so that compilers and other code analysis tools will find them. Because this
    is a somewhat unusual component, this is achieved with a custom makefile for
    cross-compilation use. Support is also included for converting the object
    files to ELF format when exporting, if `${TOOLCHAIN}` is `GNU`.
    Enable GitLab CI (native `Makefile` given partial GNU make compatibility to
    facilite some of the CI jobs, and as a side-effect will enable correct syntax
    colouring in GitLab).
    `NOT_USED` macro refactored to avoid `cppcheck` warnings in clients. It now
    evaluates its argument only once, so is more function-lilke, but sadly has
    to remain a compound statement because a few components use it without a
    trailing semicolon.
.gitignore 7 Bytes