; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; SUBT > Kernel WorkSpace OldOpt SETA {OPT} OPT OptNoList+OptNoP1List ; *********************************** ; *** C h a n g e L i s t *** ; *********************************** ; Date Name Description ; ---- ---- ----------- ; 02-Nov-87 APT Added module SWI hash table ; 03-Nov-87 APT Modo-fied module SWI hash table info, removed BRKLST ; 09-Nov-87 APT Removed ESCCNT and ESFLG ; 12-Nov-87 APT Added IRQsema ; 13-Nov-87 APT Added DefaultIRQ1V codespace ; 16-Nov-87 APT PIRQ chain heads ; 18-Nov-87 APT Reordered EvtHan, EvtHan_ws ; 19-Nov-87 APT Moved IRQsema ; 01-Dec-87 APT Added interruptible heap manager workspace ; 08-Dec-87 TMD Added ECFShift, ECFYOffset ; 14-Dec-87 TMD Added DisplayNColour, DisplayModeFlags ; 15-Dec-87 TMD Added KeyAlphabet ; 22-Dec-87 NDR Using ScratchSpace ; 13-Jan-88 APT General scratchspace bash, low workspace reordering. ; Removed spurious 32 bytes of osbyte wspace ; 14-Jan-88 APT *type buffer in scratchspace. ; MOShasFIQ byte added ; 20-Jan-88 APT Workspace juggling for speed & space; also discarded ; Level0 stuff. ; 28-Jan-88 APT MetroGnome moved to "public" location for ADFS ; 02-Feb-88 APT FIQclaim_interlock added ; 05-Feb-88 APT CallBack_Vector ; 09-Feb-88 APT RAM for SWI despatch ; 17-Feb-88 TMD Added VduSaveArea, VduSaveAreaPtr, DisplayModeNo ; 26-Feb-88 APT NoOfCamEntries manifest ; 03-Mar-88 APT Shrank SVC despatch ; 03-Mar-88 APT NoOfCamEntries manifest doubled ; 07-Mar-88 TMD Added DisplayScreenStart, VduOutputCurrentState, ; SpriteMaskSelect, reordered mode variables ; 07-Mar-88 APT Made CamEntries always at &164 ; 07-Mar-88 TMD Added GCharSizes, GCharSizeX, GCharSizeY ; 08-Mar-88 TMD Added GCharSpacing, GCharSpaceX, GCharSpaceY ; 08-Mar-88 TMD Moved GCharSizes..GCharSpaceY into first 1K of workspace ; 15-Mar-88 TMD Added HLineAddr ; 18-Mar-88 TMD Added DisplayXWindLimit, DisplayYWindLimit, ; DisplayXEigFactor, DisplayYEigFactor, PointerXEigFactor ; 18-Mar-88 APT Setting variables scratchspace use revised. ; 21-Mar-88 TMD Removed CursorIndex ; 22-Mar-88 TMD Added TCharSizeX,TCharSizeY,TCharSpaceX,TCharSpaceY ; 29-Mar-88 TMD Added GcolOraEorAddr ; 31-Mar-88 TMD Removed WsFontPtr ; 07-Apr-88 SKS Added HeapSort use of ScratchSpace ; 14-Apr-88 TMD Added SerialFlags ; 28-Apr-88 TMD Added XONXOFFChar ; 5-May-88 APT Added MemorySpeed ; 18-May-88 APT Added CannotReset sema at &107, removed pre-1.20 changes. ; 24-May-88 TMD Added ClipBoxEnable, ClipBoxLCol..ClipBoxTRow, moved in ; ScrLoaSpriteCB, ScrLoaBuffer, SrcSavCommon ; 24-May-88 TMD Flood fill uses ScratchSpace ; 01-Jun-88 TMD Added AlignSpace for ClipBoxCoords ; 03-Jun-88 BCSKS Make Keyboard buffer into a useful part of the system ; Also PrinterBufferSize ; 09-Jun-88 DJS Draw uses ScratchSpace ; 09-Jun-88 BC Gave Econet some private debungling space ; 11-Jun-88 SKS Align IRQ stack to make STMFD not cross two MEMC bdy's ; Made info condit'l on AsmArf; someone had commented it out! ; 15-Jun-88 SKS Added two more instructions in SWIDespatch area ; Moved SLVK definition into kernel; it's not public ; 16-Jun-88 SKS Added 3 more instructions in SWIDespatch area + nailed ; SvcTable address for compatibility ; 22-Jun-88 SKS Moved MEMC_CR_SoftCopy into pubic ws ; 19-Jul-88 APT Added UpCall handler stuff ; 20-Jul-88 SKS Added above entry ; Amended comment about overlaid workspace in vdu ; 15-Aug-88 SKS Inserted DomainId at FF8 (set by Wimp on task swap, used by ; FileSwitch to tag resources) ; 27-Sep-89 JSR Added ColourTrans to users of scratch space ; 24-Oct-89 TMD Added CamEntriesForBigMachines, CamEntriesPointer ; 26-Oct-89 TMD Added MaxCamEntry, removed NoOfCamEntries symbol ; 27-Oct-89 TMD Added VIDCClockSpeed ; 09-Nov-89 TMD Added ResetIndirection ; 15-Jan-91 TMD Added ROMModuleChain ; 04-Feb-91 DDV Added DeviceFS as user of ScratchSpace. ; 04-Feb-91 DDV Added ColourTrans use of ScratchSpace to build diff tables. ; 06-Mar-91 TMD Added IOSystemType ; 07-Mar-91 LVR ADFS uses scratch space for floppy formatting ; 07-Mar-91 TMD Added MonitorLeadType ; 08-Mar-91 TMD Added PrinterBufferAddr, PrinterBufferSize ; 11-Apr-91 TMD Added SerialInHandle, SerialOutHandle ; 24-Apr-91 TMD Added UniqueMachineID ; 09-Jun-91 RM Added KernelMessagesBlock,ErrorSemaphore and MOSConvertBuffer ; 26-Jul-91 JSR Extend GeneralMOSBuffer by 4 bytes to make it a valid ; length for the default error handler's error buffer ; 19-Aug-91 JSR Added *If to list of GeneralMOSBuffer users ; 22-Aug-91 TMD Reduced ErrorSemaphore to a byte, added PortableFlag ; 25-Aug-91 DDV Updated to indicate correct usage of scratch space by ColourTrans ; 09-Jan-92 DDV Added FgPattern, BgPattern and indicate use of ScratchSpace by OS_SetColour ; 20-Jan-92 TMD OS_SetColour no longer uses ScratchSpace ; 17-Feb-92 ECN Added CLibWord and RISCOSLibWord ; 02-Apr-92 TMD Added ScreenBlankFlag ; 27-Jul-92 TMD Create Victoria specific version ; 28-Jul-92 TMD Moved RAMDiscAddress ; 29-Jul-92 TMD Moved SpriteSpaceAddress ; 30-Jul-92 TMD Moved FontCacheAddress ; 31-Jul-92 TMD Moved ScreenEndAdr from source.vdudecl, and moved actual address! ; 03-Aug-92 TMD Added PhysRam (moved from hdr:System) ; 24-Aug-92 TMD Added AbortIndirection ; 26-Aug-92 TMD Added PreVeneerRegDump ; 02-Sep-92 TMD Added FirPalAddr, SecPalAddr ; 10-Sep-92 DDV Added new Vdu Variables for new text expansion buffer ; 17-Sep-92 DDV Moved NColour into the word initialised VDU workspace ; 17-Sep-92 DDV Two new colour words added for text foreground and background. ; 27-Jan-93 TMD Moved RMA to new position ; 29-Jan-93 TMD Put RMA back to old position (you can't branch to above 32M!) ; 01-Feb-93 TMD Added PhysRamTable ; 02-Feb-93 TMD Added VInitSoftCopy and VEndSoftCopy ; 03-Feb-93 TMD Added PhysRamTableEnd ; 04-Feb-93 TMD Added extra slot in PhysRamTable (in case soft-loaded OS splits a bank) ; 08-Feb-93 TMD Added VRAMWidth variable, and extra symbols for skipped bits ; 24-Feb-93 TMD Changed VRAMPhysAddr to VideoPhysAddr, and split off VideoSize from VRAMSize, to allow for ; DRAM-only systems ; 05-Mar-93 TMD Added CMOSRAMCache ; 19-Apr-93 TMD Added DAList, AppSpaceDANode and DANode offset symbols ; 26-Apr-93 TMD Added FreePoolAddress, FreePoolMaxSize, FreePoolSize ; 29-Apr-93 TMD Changed FontCacheAddress, SpriteSpaceAddress, RAMDiscAddress and FreePoolAddress ; in order to make way for L2PT, which is moving above 64M ; 10-May-93 TMD Added SoftCamMapSize ; 11-May-93 TMD Moved SoftCamMapSize into area that's not zapped in clearing all memory routine ; 12-May-93 TMD Added FreePoolDANode, removed FreePoolSize ; 20-May-93 TMD Moved AplWorkSize into AppSpaceDANode ; 27-May-93 TMD Added VideoBandwidth ; 04-Jun-93 TMD Added CurrentMonitorType ; 09-Jun-93 TMD Added CamMapCorruptDebugBlock ; 07-Jul-93 TMD Increased FreePoolMaxSize to 64M (had to reduce RAMDiscMaxSize to 48M and ; move FreePoolAddress down to do this) ; 15-Jul-93 TMD Added KernelModeSelector ; 26-Jul-93 SMC Moved DefaultIRQ1V (had to accommodate IRQs for IOMD DMA) ; 04-Aug-93 TMD Added L2PTSize, removed FreePoolMaxSize ; 14-Aug-93 TMD Removed SpriteSpaceAddress, shuffled things down ; 16-Aug-93 TMD Removed RAMDiscAddress, shuffled things down ; 17-Aug-93 TMD Removed FontCacheAddress, shuffled things down ; Corrected maximum size of system heap to 2M-8K. ; Added node (in bottom 32K) for system heap. ; 25-Aug-93 SMC Added processor vector table at ProcVec_Start ; Added ProcVecPreVeneers ; 02-Sep-93 SMC Moved RMA to &02100000 and changed application space size to 28M. ; 03-Sep-93 TMD Moved InitKbdWs into SkippedTables (was at start of screen originally) ; 07-Oct-93 TMD Put in OldMemoryMap option so I can still use it ; 07-Oct-93 TMD Added ScreenBlankDPMSState, HSWRSoftCopy, VSWRSoftCopy ; 10-Dec-93 BC Added RawMachineID ; 13-Dec-93 BC Removed UniqueMachineID ; 14-Jan-94 TMD Added CDASemaphore ; 18-Jan-94 TMD Added MMUControlSoftCopy ; 15-Jun-94 AMcC Renamed file (was VickySpace) ; The following values are 'exported' to PublicWS: ; Name: Used by: ; ---------------------------------- ; BgEcfOraEor SprExtend ; FgEcfOraEor SprExtend ; BranchToSWIExit TaskWindow ; CannotReset FileCore ; DomainId FileSwitch ; ESC_Status ADFS, DeviceFS ; IRQsema Draw, MsgTrans ; LatchBSoftCopy ADFS, Parallel ; MEMC_CR_SoftCopy ADFS ; RedirectInHandle TaskWindow ; RedirectOutHandle TaskWindow ; ScratchSpace ADFS, Colours, Draw, FileCore ; FileSwitch, FontManager, NetFiler ; SoundDMABufferSize Sound0 ; SoundDMABuffers Sound0 ; SoundWorkSpace Portable, Sound1, Sound2, Voices ; SVCSTK FileSwitch ; SvcTable TaskWindow, Wimp ; SysHeapStart FileSwitch ; VduDriverWorkSpace SprExtend ; ; 31-Oct-94 AMcC/RM/WT Added CLine_Softcopy for Morris monitor id ; 03-Nov-94 AMcC Export ScreenBlankFlag and ScreenBlankDPMSState ; (for DPMSUtils: part of RISC OS releases 3.50 and 3.60) ; 28-Mar-95 JRH Added NVRamSize and RTCFitted, conditioned on E2ROMSupport ; 06-Feb-95 SMC Increased SVC stack size to 12K. ; 18-Jan-96 JRH Removed CLine_Softcopy cos not needed ; 06-Feb-96 SMC Increased DefIRQ1Vspace for IRQC registers ; amg 6/12/96 Renaissance. Merge in changes below from 3.70 version. Make changes conditional. ; 07-Feb-95 WT Added LCD_Active for LCD/CRT dynamic switching support ; 07-Feb-95 WT Added VStartSoftCopy for dual-panel LCD support ; 18-May-95 WT Added LCD_Inverted for LCD inversion (well, surprise surprise!) ; 05-Dec-95 WT Added ProcessorType and ProcessorFlags (1 byte each) ; amg 07/12/96 Renaissance. Shifted ResetType (which is a public export) so it'll ; stay in the same place. ; 21-Jul-98 NDT Added PixelRate. Moved KernelModeSelector to make space. ; 19-Oct-99 KJB Moved IOSystemType into SkippedTables. ; ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Memory map: ; Dynamic area node format ^ 0 DANode_Link # 4 ; points to next node (in address order) DANode_Number # 4 ; number of this area DANode_Base # 4 ; base address of area (points in middle of doubly-mapped areas) DANode_Flags # 4 ; various flags DANode_Size # 4 ; current logical size of area (not counting holes, if Sparse/PMP area) DANode_MaxSize # 4 ; maximum logical size of area DANode_Workspace # 4 ; workspace pointer when calling handlers DANode_Handler # 4 ; pointer to handler routine for area DANode_Title # 4 ; pointer to area title DANode_SubLink # 4 ; next node in any disjoint sublist (currently used for Shrinkables only) DANode_SparseHWM # 4 ; high water mark, if Sparse area (highest base+size claimed for area) DANode_SortLink # 4 ; next node in alphabetically sorted list DANode_PMP # 4 ; pointer to physical memory pool - zero if not PMP or has been resized to zero DANode_PMPSize # 4 ; number of pages currently in phys pool DANode_PMPMaxSize # 4 ; size of phys memory pool, in pages DANode_NodeSize # 0 ; CAM entry format ^ 0 CAM_LogAddr # 4 ; Logical address page is assigned to (lower address if doubly mapped, Nowhere/DuffEntry if not mapped) CAM_PageFlags # 4 ; DynAreaFlags_* and PageFlags_* CAM_PMP # 4 ; Pointer to PMP (DANode ptr) if DynAreaFlags_PMP. 0 if not. CAM_PMPIndex # 4 ; Index of page in PMP page list. Invalid if not in PMP. CAM_EntrySize # 0 CAM_EntrySizeLog2 * 4 ; The addresses below are only temporary; eventually most of them will be allocated at run time (we hope!) [ HiProcVecs ProcVecs * &FFFF0000 | ProcVecs * &00000000 ] ; Currently, zero page must be located at the processor vectors ZeroPage * ProcVecs ; Sort out 26/32 bit versions SVCStackSize * 32*1024 IRQStackSize * 8*1024 ABTStackSize * 8*1024 UNDStackSize * 8*1024 KbuffsMaxSize * 64*1024 ScreenMaxSize * 480*1024 DCacheCleanSize * 256*1024 ;should be multiple of 64k AplWorkMaxSize * &20000000 ; 512M - temporary (need to decide this at boot time) RMAAddress * AplWorkMaxSize ; temporary - run time allocate? RMAMaxSize * &10000000 ; 256M SysHeapChunkAddress * RMAAddress + RMAMaxSize SysHeapAddress * SysHeapChunkAddress SysHeapMaxSize * 32:SHL:20 FreePoolAddress * 0 IOLimit * &BA000000 ; initial lower limit on room for IO space (DA creation may move limit up) IO * &FA000000 ; works downwards HALWorkspace * &FA000000 HALWorkspaceSize * &00100000 IRQStackAddress * &FA100000 SVCStackAddress * &FA200000 ABTStackAddress * &FA300000 UNDStackAddress * &FA400000 PhysicalAccess * &FA500000 DCacheCleanAddress * &FA600000 ; eg. for StrongARM, 256k of space, up to FAF40000 KbuffsBaseAddress * &FA640000 ; kernel buffers for long command lines, size KbuffsMaxSize HALWorkspaceNCNB * &FA6E8000 ; 32K of uncacheable HAL workspace (if requested) L2PT * &FA800000 L1PT * &FAC00000 CursorChunkAddress * &FAFF0000 DuffEntry * &FAFF8000 ; No page ever mapped in here (L2PT entry always 0), also, all non mapped pages Nowhere * DuffEntry ; use this as their CAM entry. There is only one 'Nowhere' (synonym). CAM * &FB000000 CAMspace * CAM_EntrySize*1024*1024 ; 1M entries = enough for 4GB of RAM IRQSTK * IRQStackAddress + IRQStackSize ABTSTK * ABTStackAddress + ABTStackSize UNDSTK * UNDStackAddress + UNDStackSize ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; system variables ^ 0,R12 OSBYTEFirstVar # 0 ByteVars # 0 ; The main osbyte variables, accessed ; via calls &A6 to &FF VarStart # 2 ; &A6,&A7 ROMPtr # 2 ; &A8,&A9 ROMInfo # 2 ; &AA,&AB KBTran # 2 ; &AC,&AD VDUvars # 2 ; &AE,&AF CFStime # 1 ; &B0 InputStream # 1 ; &B1 KeyBdSema # 1 ; &B2 ROMPollSema # 1 ; &B3 OSHWM # 1 ; &B4 RS423mode # 1 ; &B5 NoIgnore # 1 ; &B6 CFSRFS # 1 ; &B7 VULAcopy # 2 ; &B8,&B9 ROMatBRK # 1 ; &BA BASICROM # 1 ; &BB ADCchanel # 1 ; &BC ADCmaxchn # 1 ; &BD ADCconv # 1 ; &BE RS423use # 1 ; &BF RS423conflag # 1 ; &C0 FlashCount # 1 ; &C1 SpacPeriod # 1 ; &C2 MarkPeriod # 1 ; &C3 KeyRepDelay # 1 ; &C4 KeyRepRate # 1 ; &C5 ExecFileH # 1 ; &C6 SpoolFileH # 1 ; &C7 ESCBREAK # 1 ; &C8 (200) KeyBdDisable # 1 ; &C9 KeyBdStatus # 1 ; &CA RS423HandShake # 1 ; &CB RS423InputSupr # 1 ; &CC RS423CFSFlag # 1 ; &CD EconetOScall # 1 ; &CE EconetOSrdch # 1 ; &CF EconetOSwrch # 1 ; &D0 SpeechSupr # 1 ; &D1 SoundSupr # 1 ; &D2 BELLchannel # 1 ; &D3 BELLinfo # 1 ; &D4 BELLfreq # 1 ; &D5 BELLdur # 1 ; &D6 StartMessSupr # 1 ; &D7 SoftKeyLen # 1 ; &D8 PageModeLineCount # 1 ; &D9 VDUqueueItems # 1 ; &DA TABch # 1 ; &DB ESCch # 1 ; &DC IPbufferCh # 4 ; &DD,&DE,&DF,&E0 RedKeyCh # 4 ; &E1,&E2,&E3,&E4 ESCaction # 1 ; &E5 ESCeffect # 1 ; &E6 u6522IRQ # 1 ; &E7 s6850IRQ # 1 ; &E8 s6522IRQ # 1 ; &E9 TubeFlag # 1 ; &EA SpeechFlag # 1 ; &EB WrchDest # 1 ; &EC CurEdit # 1 ; &ED SoftResetVars # 0 ; Reset to here on soft reset KeyBase # 1 ; &EE Shadow # 1 ; &EF Country # 1 ; &F0 UserFlag # 1 ; &F1 SerULAreg # 1 ; &F2 TimerState # 1 ; &F3 SoftKeyConsist # 1 ; &F4 PrinterDrivType # 1 ; &F5 PrinterIgnore # 1 ; &F6 BREAKvector # 3 ; &F7,&F8,&F9 MemDriver # 1 ; &FA - where the VDU drivers write to MemDisplay # 1 ; &FB - where we display from LangROM # 1 ; &FC LastBREAK # 1 ; &FD KeyOpt # 1 ; &FE StartOptions # 1 ; &FF HardResetVars # 0 ; Reset to here on hard reset PowerOnResetVars # 0 ; Reset to here on power-on reset ; These two can dovetail in here to use up 2 bytes before the AlignSpace! SerialInHandle # 1 ; Handle for serial input stream (0 if not open currently) SerialOutHandle # 1 ; Handle for serial output stream (-----------""----------) AlignSpace EventSemaphores # 32 ; One byte for each of 32 events TimerAlpha # 8 ; As used by time (bottom 5 bytes) TimerBeta # 8 ; ................................ ; both aligned to word boundaries RealTime # 8 ; 5-byte fast real-time PrinterActive # 4 ; Handle/active flag for printer (word aligned) IntervalTimer # 5 ; Up Counter synchronous with TIME. ; Event generated when Zero is reached ; bottom byte aligned to word boundary SecondsTime # 1 ; the soft copy (centi-)seconds of the RTC CentiTime # 1 ; """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" FlashState # 1 ; which flash colours are we using SecondsDirty # 1 ; the dirty flag for start up! MinTick # 1 ; the minutes odd/even state DCDDSRCopy # 1 ; copy of ACIA bits to check for change TVVertical # 1 ; *TV first parameter TVInterlace # 1 ; *TV second parameter CentiCounter # 1 ; Counter for VDU CTRL timing Alphabet # 1 ; Current alphabet number Keyboard # 1 ; Current keyboard number KeyAlphabet # 1 ; Alphabet associated with current keyboard GBLS PrinterPrefix PrinterPrefix SETS "PrinterType$" PrinterTypeName # 6 + :LEN: (PrinterPrefix) AlignSpace SerialFlags # 4 ; New serial flags XONXOFFChar # 1 ; Character to send before rest (0 if none) AlignSpace OSBYTEVarSize * @-OSBYTEFirstVar ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; End of variables' space ; *** layout of a descriptor block for a display pointer shape *** ^ 0 PointerBlkHAL # 0 ; fields up to private part passed to HAL PointerWidth # 1 ; actual (unpadded) shape width in bytes (from OS_Word 21) PointerHeight # 1 ; shape height in pixels # 2 ; alignment padding PointerBuffLA # 4 ; logical address of shape buffer (up to 8 * 32 bytes) PointerBuffPA # 4 ; physical address of shape buffer PointerBlkPrivate # 0 ; fields below here not used by HAL PointerActiveX # 1 ; active x in pixels from left PointerActiveY # 1 ; active y in pixels from top # 2 ; alignment padding PointerBlkSize # 0 ; *********************************** ; *** Main Vdu Driver Workspace *** ; *********************************** ^ 0 FgEcf # 4 * 8 ; Foreground Ecf, set by GCOL(a,0-127) BgEcf # 4 * 8 ; Background Ecf, set by GCOL(a,128-255) GPLFMD # 4 ; Foreground action, set by GCOL(a,0-127) GPLBMD # 4 ; Background action, set by GCOL(a,128-255) GFCOL # 4 ; Foreground colour, set by GCOL(a,0-127) GBCOL # 4 ; Background colour, set by GCOL(a,128-255) GWLCol # 4 ; Graphics window left column -- GWBRow # 4 ; Graphics window bottom row | GWRCol # 4 ; Graphics window right column | GWTRow # 4 ; Graphics window top row -- qqqPad # 3 QQ # 17 ;Queue - QQ+1 is on a word boundary QOffset # 4 ;Value to add to VDUqueueItems to point to next queue posn. JVec # 4 ;Jump vector to internal routines ; Start of MODE table workspace ScreenSize # 4 ; number of bytes needed for this mode (assumed 1st in list) XWindLimit # 4 ; Maximum value of GWRCol (internal representation) ; LineLength must be immediately after YWindLimit YWindLimit # 4 ; Maximum value of GWTRow (internal representation) LineLength # 4 ; Length of one pixel row in bytes NColour # 4 ; Number of colours minus 1 ; End of word mode variables YShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift YCoord in address generation after ; multiplying by 5, holds ; 7,6,5 or 4 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (640x256 mode) or ; 6,5,4 or 3 for 8,4,2 or 1 bits per pixel (320x256 mode). ModeFlags # 4 ; Bit 0 => non-graphic, Bit 1 => teletext, Bit 2 => gap mode XEigFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in external to internal ; coordinate conversion, holds ; 1 for 640x256 mode ; 2 for 320x256 mode ; 3 for 160x256 (BBC micro mode 2) YEigFactor # 4 ; number of shifts to convert between internal/external Y Log2BPC # 4 ; Log to base 2 of BytesPerChar ie (0,1,2,3,4) Log2BPP # 4 ; Log to base 2 of BitsPerPix ie (0,1,2,3) ECFIndex # 4 ; Index into default ECF tables ScrRCol # 4 ; Maximum column number in this screen mode ScrBRow # 4 ; Maximum row number in this screen mode PalIndex # 4 ; Index into palette tables (0,1,2,3) ; End of table-initialised workspace ; Next 3 must be together in this order ! XShftFactor # 4 ; Number of places to shift XCoord in address generation, ; holds 2,3,4 or 5 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel respectivly GColAdr # 4 ; Address of Ecf to plot - either FgEcf or BgEcf ScreenStart # 4 ; Start address of screen (for VDU drivers) NPix # 4 ; Number of pixels per word minus 1, holds ; holds 3,7,15 or 31 for 8,4,2,1 bits per pixel modes AspectRatio # 4 ; Pixel shape : 0 square, 1 horz rect, 2 vert rect BitsPerPix # 4 ; Bits per pixel (1,2,4,8) BytesPerChar # 4 ; Bytes per 8 pixels of character ; (same as BitsPerPix except in double pixel modes) # 4 ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now) RowMult # 4 ; Row multiplier for text manipulation RowLength # 4 ; Bytes per text row in this mode (eg 640,1280,5120) ; The following (up to and including NewPtY) must be together in this order ; (relied upon by DefaultWindows) TWLCol # 4 ; Text window left column -- TWBRow # 4 ; Text window bottom row | TWRCol # 4 ; Text window right column | TWTRow # 4 ; Text window top row -- OrgX # 4 ; Screen origin (external representation) OrgY # 4 GCsX # 4 ; Graphics cursor (external representation) GCsY # 4 OlderCsX # 4 ; Very old X coordinate (internal) OlderCsY # 4 ; Very old Y coordinate (internal) OldCsX # 4 ; Old graphics cursor (internal representation) -- OldCsY # 4 ; | ; | GCsIX # 4 ; Graphics cursor (internal representation) | GCsIY # 4 ; | ; | NewPtX # 4 ; Newest point (internal representation) | NewPtY # 4 ; -- ; End of together block TForeCol # 4 ; Text foreground colour TBackCol # 4 ; Text background colour CursorX # 4 ; Text cursor X position ; these 3 must be in same order as ... CursorY # 4 ; Text cursor Y position CursorAddr # 4 ; Screen address of (output) cursor InputCursorX # 4 ; Input cursor X position ; ... these 3 InputCursorY # 4 ; Input cursor Y position InputCursorAddr # 4 ; Screen address of input cursor EORtoggle # 4 ; Toggle between gap and non-gap RowsToDo # 4 ; in the CLS VduStatus # 4 ; Vdu2, Window, Shadow bits (others in CursorFlags) CBWS # 8 ; Clear block (VDU 23,8..) workspace CBStart # 2 CBEnd # 2 CursorDesiredState # 4 CursorStartOffset # 4 CursorEndOffset # 4 CursorCounter # 4 CursorSpeed # 4 Reg10Copy # 4 CursorFill # 4 ; Word to EOR cursor ; MUST be immediately before CursorNbit CursorNbit # 4 ; Pointer to cursor code for current mode DisplayStart # 4 ; Start address of screen (for display) DriverBankAddr # 4 ; Default start address for VDU drivers DisplayBankAddr # 4 ; Default start address for display DisplayNColour # 4 ; No. of colours -1 for displayed mode DisplayModeFlags # 4 ; ModeFlags for displayed mode DisplayModeNo # 4 ; ModeNo for displayed mode DisplayScreenStart # 4 ; Where VDU outputs to when outputting to screen DisplayXWindLimit # 4 ; Used for pointer programming DisplayYWindLimit # 4 DisplayXEigFactor # 4 DisplayYEigFactor # 4 DisplayLog2BPP # 1 PointerXEigFactor # 1 # 2 Ecf1 # 8 ; The Ecf patterns Ecf2 # 8 Ecf3 # 8 Ecf4 # 8 DotLineStyle # 8 ; Dot dash line pattern ModeNo # 4 ; Current mode number TFTint # 4 ; Text foreground tint (in bits 6,7) TBTint # 4 ; Text background tint GFTint # 4 ; Graphics foreground tint GBTint # 4 ; Graphics background tint TotalScreenSize # 4 ; Amount configured for screen (in bytes) MaxMode # 4 ; Maximum mode number allowed (20 for now) ScreenEndAddr # 4 ; Logical address of screen (start of 2nd copy) CursorFlags # 4 ; Silly Master cursor movement flags CursorStack # 4 ; Bit stack of nested cursor states (0 => on, 1 => off) ; (bit 31 = TOS) ECFShift # 4 ; number of bits to rotate right ECF OR and EOR masks by ECFYOffset # 4 ; vertical offset to ECF index ASSERT ECFShift = Legacy_ECFShift ASSERT ?ECFShift = ?Legacy_ECFShift ASSERT ECFYOffset = Legacy_ECFYOffset ASSERT ?ECFYOffset = ?Legacy_ECFYOffset WsVdu5 # 0 ; Vdu 5 workspace WsScr # 4 WsEcfPtr # 4 ; WsFontPtr # 4 ; not needed any more, kept in register EndVerti # 4 StartMask # 4 EndMask # 4 FontOffset # 4 TempPlain # 16 ; only used for MODE 10 VIDCClockSpeed # 4 ; current VIDC clock speed in kHz (now always zero) CurrentMonitorType # 4 ; initialised from configured one PixelRate # 4 ; Pixel Rate in kHz BorderL # 4 ; Size of border BorderB # 4 BorderR # 4 BorderT # 4 GraphicWs # 300 ; All graphics workspace is overlaid here EndGraphicWs # 0 [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 GCharSizes # 0 GCharSizeX # 4 ; width of VDU 5 chars in pixels GCharSizeY # 4 ; height of VDU 5 chars in pixels GCharSpacing # 0 GCharSpaceX # 4 ; horizontal spacing between VDU 5 chars in pixels GCharSpaceY # 4 ; vertical ------------------""----------------- TCharSizes # 0 TCharSizeX # 4 ; width of VDU 4 chars in pixels TCharSizeY # 4 ; height of VDU 4 chars in pixels TCharSpacing # 0 TCharSpaceX # 4 ; horizontal spacing between VDU 4 chars in pixels TCharSpaceY # 4 ; vertical ------------------""----------------- HLineAddr # 4 ; address of exported HLine GcolOraEorAddr # 4 ; address of FgEcfOraEor etc BlankPalAddr # 4 ; address of block for blank palette FirPalAddr # 4 ; address of block for first flash state palette SecPalAddr # 4 ; address of block for second flash state palette CurrentGraphicsVDriver # 4 ; Current driver number PointerShapes # 0 PointerShape1 # 4 ; pointers to defined shapes 1 to 4 PointerShape2 # 4 PointerShape3 # 4 PointerShape4 # 4 PointerShapesH # 0 PointerShapeH1 # 4 ; pointers to holding shapes 1 and 2 (so updates never hit shape given to HAL) PointerShapeH2 # 4 PointerShapeBlocks # 6*PointerBlkSize ; room for the 6 shape descriptors themselves PointerShapeLA # 4 ; logical address of current shape buffer (owned by HAL) PointerShapeNumber # 1 ; includes bit 7 linkage flag # 3 ; alignment padding PointerX # 4 ; co-ordinates of pointer (not always = mouse) PointerY # 4 [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "PointerShapes @ ":CC::STR:(PointerShapes) ] GraphicsVFeatures # 4 ; features word from current driver, refreshed each mode change TrueVideoPhysAddr # 4 ; VideoPhysAddr is a lie, use this instead MaxGraphicsVDrivers * 8 GraphicsVDrivers # MaxGraphicsVDrivers*4 ; List of drivers # 4*4 ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now) TextFgColour # 4 ; Fg/Bg colour stored as a colour number, computed on VDU 18 and re-poked! TextBgColour # 4 ; ; In this brave new world there is a pointer to the text expansion ; buffer used for VDU 4 / 5 text plotting. ; This now lives in the system heap. TextExpandArea # 4 ; Pointer to Text expand area (in system heap) TextExpandArea_Size * (8*1024) # 2*4 ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now) ScreenBlankFlag # 1 ; 0 => unblanked, 1 => blanked ASSERT ScreenBlankFlag = Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag ASSERT ?ScreenBlankFlag = ?Legacy_ScreenBlankFlag ScreenBlankDPMSState # 1 ; 0 => just blank video ; 1 => blank to stand-by (hsync off) ; 2 => blank to suspend (vsync off) ; 3 => blank to off (H+V off) ASSERT ScreenBlankDPMSState = Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState ASSERT ?ScreenBlankDPMSState = ?Legacy_ScreenBlankDPMSState [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 64 FgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor ASSERT FgEcfOraEor = Legacy_FgEcfOraEor ASSERT ?FgEcfOraEor = ?Legacy_FgEcfOraEor BgEcfOraEor # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor ASSERT BgEcfOraEor = Legacy_BgEcfOraEor ASSERT ?BgEcfOraEor = ?Legacy_BgEcfOraEor BgEcfStore # 4*16 ; Interleaved zgora & zgeor to store background ;Current state of pattern LineDotCnt # 4 ; Count down to restarting pattern LineDotPatLSW # 4 ; Current state of pattern LSWord LineDotPatMSW # 4 ; " " " " MSWord DotLineLength # 4 ; Dot Pattern repeat length as given in *FX163,242,n BBCcompatibleECFs # 4 ; 0 => BBC compatible, 1 => native SpAreaStart # 4 ; Start of sprite area SpChooseName # 16 ; No comment says Richard SpChoosePtr # 4 SWP_W # 1 ; Width & height of image to restore SWP_H # 1 SWP_Callback # 1 ; Nonzero if palette update callback registered SWP_Mutex # 1 ; Mutex to prevent re-entrancy SWP_Restore # 1 ; Nonzero if restore needed in RestorePointer SWP_Dirty # 1 ; Nonzero if need replot due to palette change # 2 SWP_Coords # 4 ; Coordinates of last plot SWP_Pos # 4 ; Address to restore pixels to, 0 if not displayed SWP_Under # 4 ; Pointer to copy of screen pixels from under the pointer SWP_Palette # 3*4 ; Pointer colours converted to pixel values for current mode TeletextOffset # 4 ; Offset to current teletext flash bank TeletextCount # 4 ; Number of vsyncs till next teletext flash WrchNbit # 4 ; Pointer to char code for current mode [ HiResTTX CharWidth # 4 ; Width of a character in bytes (same as BytesPerChar except ; in MODE 7, where characters are 16 pixels wide) ] TTXFlags # 4 ; VDU 23,18 flags TTXFlag_Suspend * 1:SHL:0 TTXFlag_Conceal * 1:SHL:1 TTXFlag_BlackEnable * 1:SHL:2 TTXFlag_TransModeShift * 3 TTXFlag_TransModeMask * 3:SHL:TTXFlag_TransModeShift ; bits 9-11 must be zero TTXFlag_FgTransEOR * 1:SHL:12 ; bits 13-15 must be zero TTXFlag_BgTransEOR * 1:SHL:16 ; bits 17-19 must be zero TTXFlag_FgTransBIC * 1:SHL:20 ; bits 21-23 must be zero TTXFlag_BgTransBIC * 1:SHL:24 BeepBlock # 8 ; OSWORD block for VDU 7 ScreenMemoryClaimed # 1 ; NZ => memory has been claimed or is unusable ExternalFramestore # 1 ; NZ => using external framestore rather than screen memory DA [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 ; Align workspace to 16 bytes TTXDoubleCounts # 25 ; Number of double height chars on each line [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 ; Align workspace to 16 bytes RAMMaskTb # 32*4 ; Copy of MaskTb for this mode (up to 32 words) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 ; Align workspace to 16 bytes VduOutputCurrentState # 0 ; values of R0-R3 to return from SwitchOutputToSprite ; or Mask; next 4 must be in this order SpriteMaskSelect # 4 ; value of R0 to be given to SWI OS_SpriteOp to set up ; current state VduSpriteArea # 4 ; Pointer to sprite area containing VDU output sprite ; (0 if output is to screen) VduSprite # 4 ; Pointer to VDU output sprite (0 if output to screen) VduSaveAreaPtr # 4 ; Pointer to save area for VDU variables [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16,12 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16, 12 ; Make ClipBoxCoords a valid immediate, ; with ClipBoxEnable immediately before it ClipBoxInfo # 0 ClipBoxEnable # 4 ; 0 => clip box disabled, 1 => enabled ClipBoxCoords # 0 ; Internal coords of modified area of screen ClipBoxLCol # 4 ClipBoxBRow # 4 ClipBoxRCol # 4 ClipBoxTRow # 4 FgPattern # 4*8 ; foreground pattern as defined by OS_SetColour BgPattern # 4*8 ; background pattern as defined by OS_SetColour # 3*4 ; SPARE (avoiding changes of exported addresses for now) KernelModeSelector # 4 ; pointer to block in system heap where ; current mode selector is copied [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 ; Align workspace to 16 bytes TextExpand # 4*1024 ; Tim's massive text expansion table for whizzy WRCH ; TextPlain is now always hard against the end of TextExpand for this mode TTXSoftFonts * TextExpand + 2*1024 ; Soft fonts in teletext mode [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 64 ; Align workspace to 64 bytes ; Teletext map and copy/move buffer are overlaid TTXMapSize * 41*25*4 ; (&1004 bytes) LargeCommon # TTXMapSize ; the largest area TTXMap * LargeCommon ScrLoaSpriteCB * LargeCommon ; (size = SpriteCBsize + MaxSpritePaletteSize) ScrLoaBuffer * LargeCommon ; (size = one pixel row) ScrSavCommon * LargeCommon ; (size = SpriteAreaCBsize + SpriteCBsize ; + MaxSpritePaletteSize) FldQueueSize * ScratchSpaceSize FldQueueStart * ScratchSpace [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"64 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 64 ; Align workspace to 64 bytes Font # &700 ; 7 pages of (soft) font SaveAreaSize * 12*1024-@ VduSaveArea # SaveAreaSize ; save area for switching output to sprites VDWSSize # 0 ASSERT VDWSSize <= 12 * 1024 ; IIC bus info block ^ 0 IICBus_Type # 4 ; Bus type (HAL_IICType) IICBus_Status # 4 ; Bus status (HAL_IICMonitorTransfer) IICBus_Device # 4 ; Bus device (HAL_IICDevice) IICBus_Size # 0 ; ***************************************************************************** ; Space in the first 32K is allocated below ; ***************************************************************************** ; Real workspace definition ; locations used during reset only. Not cleared by ClearPhysRAM, but ; cleared later (just before DEFHAN). ; Note that these are all relative to ZeroPage! ^ &80 ; steer clear of FIQ code InitIRQHandler # 4 ; pointer to IRQ handler (LDR PC'ed from IRQ HW vector) InitIRQWs # 16 ; workspace for IRQ handler InitUsedStart # 4 ; start of used pages (L2PT etc) not to be cleared InitUsedEnd # 4 ; end of used pages InitUsedBlock # 4 ; current block in PhysRamTable InitClearRamWs # 10*4 InitDMABlock # 8 ; block of DMAable memory extracted from PhysRamTable InitDMAOffset # 4 ; offset+8 into PhysRamTable where memory was taken InitDMAEnd # 4 ; current DMA alloc pos AlignSpace 32 ; because we clear 32 at a time InitWsEnd # 0 ; Basic kernel space - defined locations for external modules ^ &100 IRQ1V # 4 ; &100 ESC_Status # 1 ; &104 ASSERT ESC_Status = Legacy_ESC_Status ASSERT ?ESC_Status = ?Legacy_ESC_Status LatchBSoftCopy # 1 ; &105 ASSERT LatchBSoftCopy = Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy ASSERT ?LatchBSoftCopy = ?Legacy_LatchBSoftCopy IOCControlSoftCopy # 1 ; &106 CannotReset # 1 ; &107 ASSERT CannotReset = Legacy_CannotReset ASSERT ?CannotReset = ?Legacy_CannotReset IRQsema # 4 ; &108 ASSERT IRQsema = Legacy_IRQsema ASSERT ?IRQsema = ?Legacy_IRQsema MetroGnome # 4 ; &10C ASSERT MetroGnome = Legacy_MetroGnome ASSERT ?MetroGnome = ?Legacy_MetroGnome MemorySpeed # 4 ; &110 MEMC_CR_SoftCopy # 4 ; &114 ASSERT MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy ASSERT ?MEMC_CR_SoftCopy = ?Legacy_MEMC_CR_SoftCopy ResetIndirection # 4 ; &118 ; Now all internal definitions ; Up to here is initialized on reset ; Next come handler variables MemLimit # 4 UndHan # 4 PAbHan # 4 DAbHan # 4 AdXHan # 4 ErrHan # 4 ErrBuf # 4 ErrHan_ws # 4 CallAd_ws # 4 ; smart Rs ordering: CallAd # 4 ; can do LDMIA of r12, pc CallBf # 4 BrkAd_ws # 4 BrkAd # 4 BrkBf # 4 EscHan_ws # 4 EscHan # 4 EvtHan_ws # 4 EvtHan # 4 ; The next lot of workspace is in the space vacated by the small soft CAM map area ; (256 words) which is no longer adequate, so we can reuse it JordanWS # 0 # 3*4 ; SPARE DAList # 4 ; Pointer to first node on dynamic area list AlignSpace 16 AMBControl_ws # 4 ; workspace anchor word for AMBControl DynArea_ws # 4 ; workspace anchor word for data structures to accelerate OS SWIs for dynamic areas SyncCodeA_sema # 1 ; re-entrancy semaphore for SynchroniseCodeAreas (full address space version) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "AMBControl_ws at ":CC::STR:(AMBControl_ws) ! 0, "DynArea_ws at ":CC::STR:(DynArea_ws) ! 0, "SyncCodeA_sema (byte) at ":CC::STR:(SyncCodeA_sema) ] AlignSpace 4 Oscli_CmdHashSum # 4 ;for hashed command lookup Oscli_CmdHashLists # 4 ;anchor for hashed command lists structure [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Oscli_CmdHashSum at ":CC::STR:(Oscli_CmdHashSum) ! 0, "Oscli_CmdHashLists at ":CC::STR:(Oscli_CmdHashLists) ] Serv_SysChains # 4 ;anchor for block handling 'system' service numbers, in range 1 to 255 Serv_UsrChains # 4 ;anchor for block handling 'user' service numbers, > 255 Serv_AwkwardChain # 4 ;anchor for chain handling non-compliant modules (no service table) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Serv_SysChains at ":CC::STR:(Serv_SysChains) ! 0, "Serv_UsrChains at ":CC::STR:(Serv_UsrChains) ! 0, "Serv_AwkwardChain at ":CC::STR:(Serv_AwkwardChain) ] AlignSpace 32 ; skipped bit must start on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup) SkippedTables # 0 PhysRamTable # 0 ; Pairs of words (physaddr, size+flags) ; indicating RAM present in machine ; Unused entries have size of zero VideoPhysAddr # 4 ; Address of video RAM (in the case of DRAM-only machines, VideoSizeFlags # 4 ; this is actually a chunk out of DRAM) DRAMPhysAddrA # 4 ; Next the DRAM DRAMSizeFlagsA # 4 # 8 * 16 ; Space for 17 DRAM banks + 1 VRAM bank total PhysRamTableEnd # 0 DRAMPhysTableSize * (PhysRamTableEnd-DRAMPhysAddrA) / 8 [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "VideoPhysAddr held at ":CC::STR:(VideoPhysAddr) ] L2PTUsed # 4 ; Amount of memory used for L2PT SoftCamMapSize # 4 ; Amount of memory (in bytes) used for soft CAM map ; (whole number of pages) AlignSpace HAL_StartFlags # 4 HAL_Descriptor # 4 HAL_Workspace # 4 HAL_WsSize # 4 ICache_Info # 0 ICache_NSets # 4 ICache_Size # 4 ICache_LineLen # 1 ICache_Associativity # 1 Cache_Type # 1 Cache_Flags # 1 DCache_Info # 0 DCache_NSets # 4 DCache_Size # 4 DCache_LineLen # 1 DCache_Associativity # 1 ProcessorArch # 1 ProcessorType # 1 ; Processor type (handles 600 series onwards) DCache_CleanBaseAddress # 0 ; word used either for IndexBit or CleanBaseAddress DCache_IndexBit # 4 DCache_CleanNextAddress # 0 ; word used either for IndexSegStart or CleanNextAddress DCache_IndexSegStart # 4 DCache_RangeThreshold # 4 AlignSpace ProcessorFlags # 4 ; Processor flags (IMB, Arch4 etc) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "ProcessorType at ":CC::STR:(ProcessorType) ! 0, "ProcessorFlags at ":CC::STR:(ProcessorFlags) ] AlignSpace MMU_PCBTrans # 4 Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateAll # 4 Proc_Cache_CleanInvalidateRange # 4 Proc_Cache_CleanAll # 4 Proc_Cache_InvalidateAll # 4 Proc_Cache_RangeThreshold # 4 Proc_Cache_Examine # 4 Proc_TLB_InvalidateAll # 4 Proc_TLB_InvalidateEntry # 4 Proc_DSB_ReadWrite # 4 Proc_DSB_Write # 4 Proc_DSB_Read # 4 Proc_DMB_ReadWrite # 4 Proc_DMB_Write # 4 Proc_DMB_Read # 4 Proc_IMB_Full # 4 Proc_IMB_Range # 4 Proc_IMB_List # 4 Proc_MMU_Changing # 4 Proc_MMU_ChangingEntry # 4 Proc_MMU_ChangingUncached # 4 Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntry # 4 Proc_MMU_ChangingEntries # 4 Proc_MMU_ChangingUncachedEntries # 4 Cache_Lx_Info # 4 ; Cache level ID register Cache_Lx_MaxLevel * 2 ; Current machines have max of 2 cache levels Cache_Lx_DTable # 4*Cache_Lx_MaxLevel ; Data/unified cache layout for all supported levels Cache_Lx_ITable # 4*Cache_Lx_MaxLevel ; Instruction cache layout for all supported levels Cache_HALDevice # 4 ; Pointer to any HAL cache device we're using IOAllocPtr # 4 ; current lowpoint of mapped I/O space (also upper limit on DAs) IOAllocLimit # 4 ; current lowest allowed I/O space (DA creation may move this up) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Free space before DebuggerSpace = ":CC::STR:(&300-@) ] ASSERT @ <= &300 # (&300-@) [ :LNOT: HiProcVecs ; Note that this is currently located within the skipped region, even though it ; doesn't need to be. It was just an easy way of adding the IIC bus info to the ; region. The debugger will initialise DebuggerSpace on startup, so it doesn't ; matter that it doesn't get cleared during the main RAM clear. DebuggerSpace # 16*8 ; Debugger module needs some zero page DebuggerSpace_Size * ?DebuggerSpace ASSERT DebuggerSpace = Legacy_DebuggerSpace ASSERT ?DebuggerSpace = ?Legacy_DebuggerSpace | DebuggerSpace * &2000 ; Debugger gets a page all to itself! DebuggerSpace_Size * &1000 ] IICBus_Count * 5 ; 5 buses is enough for all current machines IICBus_Base # IICBus_Size*IICBus_Count AlignSpace 32 ; skipped bit must end on 32-byte boundary (due to speedup) SkippedTablesEnd # 0 ; NVRAM support NVRamSize # 1 ; Size of NVRam (E2ROM & CMOS) fitted in 256byte units NVRamBase # 1 ; Base of NVRam NVRamSpeed # 1 ; Clock hold time in 0.5us units NVRamPageSize # 1 ; Page size for writing (log2) NVRamWriteSize # 1 ; Size of writable region (256byte units) AlignSpace AppSpaceDANode # DANode_NodeSize ; Dummy area node for application space (not on list) FreePoolDANode # DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for free pool SysHeapDANode # DANode_NodeSize ; Area node for system heap CDASemaphore # 4 ; Semaphore for OS_ChangeDynamicArea - non-zero => routine threaded MMUControlSoftCopy # 4 ; Soft copy of ARM control register IRQMax # 4 ; from HAL_IRQMax DeviceCount # 4 ; size of our table of devices in the system heap DeviceTable # 4 ; pointer to table ProcVec_Start # 0 ; Start of processor vector table ProcVec_Branch0 # 4 ; Branch through zero ProcVec_UndInst # 4 ; Undefined instruction vector ProcVec_SWI # 4 ; SWI vector ProcVec_PrefAb # 4 ; Prefetch abort vector ProcVec_DataAb # 4 ; Data abort vector ProcVec_AddrEx # 4 ; not used (was Address exception vector on 26-bit-only ARMs) ProcVec_IRQ # 4 ; IRQ vector ProcVec_End # 0 ProcVecPreVeneersSize * 4*4 ; Space for preveneers for loading handler addresses from 0 page. ProcVecPreVeneers # ProcVecPreVeneersSize AplWorkSize * AppSpaceDANode + DANode_Size ExtendedROMFooter # 4 ; Pointer to the extended ROM footer structure. 0 if not initialised, -1 if not found. CPUFeatures # 2*4 [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Free space after EnvString = ":CC::STR:(&500-@) ] ASSERT @ <= &500 ; a convenient address to remember # (&500-@) CamMapCorruptDebugBlock # &40 ; somewhere to dump registers in case of emergency [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Free space after CamMap debug block = ":CC::STR:((JordanWS+256*4)-@) ] ASSERT @ <= JordanWS+256*4 # (JordanWS+256*4-@) ; pad out to original size CamEntriesPointer # 4 ; points to where CAM soft copy is ; (CamEntries for machines up to 8MBytes, ; CamEntriesForBigMachines for larger machines) MaxCamEntry # 4 ; maximum index into the cam map, ie ; 511 for 16MByte machines, 383 for 12MBytes ; 255 for 8MBytes, otherwise 127 RAMLIMIT # 4 ROMPhysAddr # 4 HiServ_ws # 4 HiServ # 4 SExitA # 4 SExitA_ws # 4 UpCallHan_ws # 4 UpCallHan # 4 ROMModuleChain # 4 ; pointer to head of ROM module chain ; now a section that it's handy to have in simply loadable places [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 KeyWorkSpaceSize * &200 KeyWorkSpace # KeyWorkSpaceSize [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "KeyWorkSpace at ":CC::STR:(KeyWorkSpace) ] ; The following were reordered on 26-Jul-91. Old ordering was: ; GeneralMOSBuffer ; ModuleSWI_HashTab ; Module_List ; Curr_Active_Object ; VecPtrTab ; ExceptionDump ; SWI hash table moved to OldIRQ1Vspace on 12-Nov-97, for Ursula (wider hashing) ; ; !!!! Free Space ; [ ChocolateSysHeap ChocolateBlockArrays # 0 ChocolateCBBlocks # 4 ; -> array of quick access blocks for Callback ChocolateSVBlocks # 4 ; -> array of quick access blocks for software vectors ChocolateTKBlocks # 4 ; -> array of quick access blocks for tickers ChocolateMRBlocks # 4 ; -> array of blocks for ROM module nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap) ChocolateMABlocks # 4 ; -> array of blocks for active module nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap) ChocolateMSBlocks # 4 ; -> array of blocks for module SWI hash nodes (reduces no. of individual blocks in heap) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "ChocolateCBBlocks at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateCBBlocks) ! 0, "ChocolateSVBlocks at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateSVBlocks) ! 0, "ChocolateTKBlocks at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateTKBlocks) ! 0, "ChocolateMRBlocks at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMRBlocks) ! 0, "ChocolateMABlocks at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMABlocks) ! 0, "ChocolateMSBlocks at ":CC::STR:(ChocolateMSBlocks) ] ; !!!! Free Space (40 bytes) OldSWIHashspace # 10*4 | ; !!!! Free Space (64 bytes) OldSWIHashspace # 16*4 ] ; ;was: ;ModuleSHT_Entries * 16 ;ModuleSWI_HashTab # 4*ModuleSHT_Entries Module_List # 4 [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Module_List at ":CC::STR:(Module_List) ] Curr_Active_Object # 4 ; Vector Claim & Release tables etc VecPtrTab # NVECTORS * 4 ExceptionDump # 4 OldGeneralMOSBuffer # 256+4 ;spare [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0,"16 ":CC::STR:@ ] AlignSpace 16 ; Ensures we can MOV rn, #OsbyteVars if <=&1000 OsbyteVars # OSBYTEVarSize ASSERT OsbyteVars < &10000 ; Must keep in first 64K so address can be read by ; (and stored in) OS_Bytes &A6,&A7. SKS ; These must be in first 4K NBuffers * 10 BuffInPtrs # 4 * NBuffers BuffOutPtrs # 4 * NBuffers VariableList # 4 ; Oscli stuff OscliCBtopUID # 4 OscliCBbotUID # 4 OscliCBcurrend # 4 ReturnCode # 4 RCLimit # 4 SpriteSize # 4 ; saved on startup for Sprite code TickNodeChain # 4 PIRQ_Chain # 4 PFIQasIRQ_Chain # 4 ; Workspace EnvTime # 5 RedirectInHandle # 1 ASSERT RedirectInHandle = Legacy_RedirectInHandle ASSERT ?RedirectInHandle = ?Legacy_RedirectInHandle RedirectOutHandle # 1 ASSERT RedirectOutHandle = Legacy_RedirectOutHandle ASSERT ?RedirectOutHandle = ?Legacy_RedirectOutHandle MOShasFIQ # 1 FIQclaim_interlock # 1 CallBack_Flag # 1 IRQ_CallBack_Flag * CallBack_Flag MonitorLeadType # 1 ; some function of the monitor lead inputs, as yet undetermined MentionCMOSReset # 1 ; non zero reports CMOS resets prior to the start banner AlignSpace DUMPER # 17 * 4 ; now 17 words for 32-bit # 4 ; PxxxIRQ_Chain used to be here Page_Size # 4 CMOSRAMCache # 256 ; Was Free space (752 bytes) left by old IRQ despatch (new IRQ despatch moved as it required more space). ; Re-used for various purposes on 12-Nov-97, for Ursula ; ASSERT @ = &C34 ;if fails, may need to rearrange padding to sort hash table alignment ; ModuleSHT_Entries * 128 ModuleSHT_Padding0 # 12 ;spare, so that SWI hashtable is aligned for easy immediate address load ModuleSWI_HashTab # 4*ModuleSHT_Entries [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "ModuleSWI_HashTab at ":CC::STR:(ModuleSWI_HashTab) ] ; SysVars_StickyPointers # (10+1)*4 ;used if ChocolateSysVars is TRUE (1 dummy pointer for 0 size) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "SysVars_StickyPtrs at ":CC::STR:(SysVars_StickyPointers) ] ; Abort32_dumparea # 6*4 ;info for OS_ReadSysInfo 7 - 32-bit PSR, fault address, 32-bit PC (room for two copies) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Abort32_dumparea at ":CC::STR:(Abort32_dumparea) ] ; Help_guard # 4 ;for *help, guard against foreground re-entrancy (multiple taskwindows) Help_msgdescr # 4*4 ;for *help, 4 words MessageTrans descriptor [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "Help_guard at ":CC::STR:(Help_guard) ] ; PCI_status # 4 ;bit 0 = 1 if PCI exists or 0 if PCI does not exist, bits 1..31 reserved (0) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "PCI_status at ":CC::STR:(PCI_status) ] IOMD_NoInterrupt # 4 ;no. of irq devices for extant IOMD IOMD_DefaultIRQ1Vcode # 4 ;default irq code start address (ROM) for extant IOMD IOMD_DefaultIRQ1Vcode_end # 4 ;default irq code end address (ROM) IOMD_Devices # 4 ;default irq devices table address (ROM) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "IOMD_NoInterrupt at ":CC::STR:(IOMD_NoInterrupt) ] ; [ mjsSysHeapNodesTrace mjsSHNodesTrace_ws # 0 mjsSHNT_hcl_total # 4 ;total calls to ClaimSysHeapNode mjsSHNT_hfr_total # 4 ;total calls to FreeSysHeapNode mjsSHNT_hop_total # 4 ;total calls to DoSysHeapOpWithExpansion mjsSHNT_ohc_total # 4 ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap claim mjsSHNT_ohf_total # 4 ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap free mjsSHNT_ohx_total # 4 ;total calls to OS_Heap for SysHeap expand or shrink mjsSHNT_vcs_total # 4 ;total SysVar ClaimVNode calls that picked up a sticky node mjsSHNT_vch_total # 4 ;total SysVar ClaimVNode calls that went to the heap for a node mjsSHNT_vxs_total # 4 ;total SysVar ExpandOrShrinkVNode calls that tried to do sticky change mjsSHNT_vxh_total # 4 ;total SysVar ExpandOrShrinkVNode calls that went to the heap mjsSHNT_vfs_total # 4 ;total SysVar FreeVNode calls that stuck mjsSHNT_vfh_total # 4 ;total SysVar FreeVNode calls that dropped a node to the heap [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "" ! 0, "**WARNING** compiling in code to trace some SysHeap node statistics (mjsSysHeapNodesTrace TRUE)" ! 0, "" ! 0, "mjsSHNodesTrace_ws at ":CC::STR:(mjsSHNodesTrace_ws) ] ModuleSHT_Padding1 # 752-12-4*ModuleSHT_Entries-11*4-6*4-5*4-4-4*4-12*4 ;spare | ModuleSHT_Padding1 # 752-12-4*ModuleSHT_Entries-11*4-6*4-5*4-4-4*4 ;spare ] ; ASSERT @ = &C34 + 752 ; ;was: ;OldIRQ1Vspace # 752 CallBack_Vector # 4 ; interruptible heap manager workspace HeapSavedReg_R0 # 4 HeapSavedReg_R1 # 4 HeapSavedReg_R2 # 4 HeapSavedReg_R3 # 4 HeapSavedReg_R4 # 4 HeapSavedReg_R13 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_R0 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_R1 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_R2 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_R3 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_R4 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4 HeapReturnedReg_PSR # 4 ; also acts as interlock PrinterBufferAddr # 4 ; holds address of printer buffer PrinterBufferSize # 4 ; size of printer buffer - not to be confused with PrintBuffSize ; which is the (constant) default size for the MOS's smallish buffer RawMachineID # 8 ; 64 bits for unique machine ID KernelMessagesBlock # 20 ; 5 Words for messagetrans message block. ErrorSemaphore # 1 ; Error semaphore to avoid looping on error translation. PortableFlags # 1 ; PowerSave * &80 ; Gets set in PortableFlags when we've switched to slow speed AlignSpace MOSConvertBuffer # 12 ; Enough romm for 8 hex digits. AbortIndirection # 4 ; Pointer to list of addresses and trap routines PreVeneerRegDump # 17*4 ; room for r0-r15, spsr [ CacheCommonErrors CachedErrorBlocks # 4 ; pointer to sysheap node holding the error block cache ] [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "low space free ":CC::STR:(&FE8-@) ] ASSERT @ < &FE8 ; Words for old tools of assorted varieties ; Don't move the following as their positions are assumed by other modules ^ &FE8 CLibCounter # 1 ; Counter for Shared C Library tmpnam function ASSERT CLibCounter = Legacy_CLibCounter ASSERT ?CLibCounter = ?Legacy_CLibCounter AlignSpace ; ECN 17-Feb-92 ; Added RISCOSLibWord and CLibWord. The ROM RISCOSLib and CLib must continue ; to work even when they are killed since ROM apps are hard linked to the ; ROM libraries. They cannot use the private word since the block pointed ; to by this will be freed. RISCOSLibWord # 4 ASSERT RISCOSLibWord = Legacy_RISCOSLibWord ASSERT ?RISCOSLibWord = ?Legacy_RISCOSLibWord CLibWord # 4 ASSERT CLibWord = Legacy_CLibWord ASSERT ?CLibWord = ?Legacy_CLibWord FPEAnchor # 4 ASSERT FPEAnchor = Legacy_FPEAnchor ASSERT ?FPEAnchor = ?Legacy_FPEAnchor DomainId # 4 ; SKS added for domain identification ASSERT DomainId = Legacy_DomainId ASSERT ?DomainId = ?Legacy_DomainId Modula2_Private # 4 ; MICK has FFC and uses it it in USR mode VduDriverWorkSpace # VDWSSize ASSERT VduDriverWorkSpace = Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace ASSERT ?VduDriverWorkSpace = ?Legacy_VduDriverWorkSpace ASSERT (VduDriverWorkSpace :AND: 63) = 0 ; For Tim (VDU5) [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "high space free ":CC::STR:(&4000-@) ] ^ &4000 ScratchSpaceSize * &4000 Export_ScratchSpace # ScratchSpaceSize ASSERT Export_ScratchSpace = ScratchSpace ASSERT ?Export_ScratchSpace = ?ScratchSpace ASSERT @ <= &8000 ; Start of apl ; ***************************************************************************** ; Users of ScratchSpace declare yourself here: ; NRaine: Filling a polygon uses ScratchSpace to flatten the path ; DSeal: Draw module uses ScratchSpace on fill operations (this supercedes ; NRaine's declaration above). ; SKS: HeapSort with (r1 & 0x80000000) & ~(r1 & 0x20000000) & (r5 <= 16K) ; uses ScratchSpace as a temp slot for data shuffling after sorting ; TMD: Flood fill uses ScratchSpace for the flood queue. ; Tidying the RMA uses ScratchSpace while all modules are dead ; LVR: ADFS uses scratch space to format floppies on 1772 based machines ; DDV: ColourTrans uses scratch space to build palette tables when in ; ColourTrans_SelecTable/RetrunColourNumber and also whilst generating ; stipple pattterns. ^ 0 GSNameBuff # &100 GS_Stack # &200 GS_StackPtr_Lim * &200 / 4 ; Number of words in stack. GS_StackPtr # 4 GSVarWSpace_Size # 0 ^ @ + ScratchSpace ; Pointers for SubstituteArgs: no external calls. ; Ensure these don't overlap FileSwitch's buffers below! MacExStartPtrs # 44 MacExEndPtrs # 44 ; OS_CLI has a buffer for alias expansion: ReadVarVal and SubstituteArgs ; are called while the buffer is held. Also used for module prefixes: ; Module called twice in this case. OldAliasExpansionBuffer # 100 ;spare, mjs: shouldn't this have been &100 ??!?? ; EvaluateExpression space. Calls ReadUnsigned, BinaryToDecimal and ReadVarVal. ExprWSpace * @ ^ 0, R12 exprBracDif # 2 ; keep exprSTRACC aligned tos_op # 2 ; 1 byte for use as STRACC-1 ExprSVCstack # 4 ExprStackLimit * @ - exprBracDif + ExprWSpace + &100 ;keep 256 buffer zone for stack overflow ExprStackStart * ScratchSpace + ScratchSpaceSize ; ***************************************************************************** ; *** Cursor, Sound DMA, SWI, and OSCLI workspace. *** ; ***************************************************************************** TopOfDMAWorkSpace * CursorChunkAddress + 32*1024 ^ TopOfDMAWorkSpace ; Note we will be going down ; Sound SoundWorkSpaceSize * &1000 Export_SoundDMABufferSize * &1000 ASSERT Export_SoundDMABufferSize = SoundDMABufferSize SoundEvtSize * &1000 Export_SoundDMABuffers |#| SoundDMABufferSize * 2 ASSERT Export_SoundDMABuffers = SoundDMABuffers ASSERT ?Export_SoundDMABuffers = ?SoundDMABuffers Export_SoundWorkSpace |#| SoundWorkSpaceSize + SoundEvtSize ASSERT Export_SoundWorkSpace = SoundWorkSpace ASSERT ?Export_SoundWorkSpace = ?SoundWorkSpace ; Cursor ; mjs Sep 2000, Kernel/HAL split ; Note that cursor data memory is expected to be uncacheable, since HAL may use it ; directly for h/w DMA. This may not be true since RO 3.7, but should be sorted ; eventually for next generation RO ; ; Currently (Jan 2013) only the sound DMA buffers are mapped in uncacheable. ; This means CursorData is mapped in cacheable, despite the OS treating it as ; uncacheable. CursorDataSize * &600 ; four defined shapes, plus 2 holding shapes CursorData |#| CursorDataSize CursorSoundRAM * CursorData SPARE_oldCursorSpace |#| &200 ; padding to avoid changing exported addresses for now ; SWI despatcher BranchToSWIExit |#| 4 SvcTable |#| &400 [ SupportARMT [ ZeroPage = 0 SWIDespatch_Size * 41*4 | SWIDespatch_Size * 42*4 ] | SWIDespatch_Size * 39*4 ; can save 2 instructions if no Thumb ] SWIDespatch |#| SWIDespatch_Size ; Buffers KeyBuffSize * &100 RS423InBuffSize * &100 RS423OutBuffSize * &C0 PrintBuffSize * &400 Sound0BuffSize * 4 Sound1BuffSize * 4 Sound2BuffSize * 4 Sound3BuffSize * 4 SpeechBuffSize * 4 MouseBuffSize * &40 KeyBuff |#| KeyBuffSize RS423InBuff |#| RS423InBuffSize RS423OutBuff |#| RS423OutBuffSize PrintBuff |#| PrintBuffSize Sound0Buff |#| Sound0BuffSize Sound1Buff |#| Sound1BuffSize Sound2Buff |#| Sound2BuffSize Sound3Buff |#| Sound3BuffSize SpeechBuff |#| SpeechBuffSize MouseBuff |#| MouseBuffSize ; IRQ despatch MaxInterrupts * 192 ; 192 needed by OMAP5. Increase in future if necessary. DefIRQ1Vspace * 12*MaxInterrupts+128 DefaultIRQ1V |#| DefIRQ1Vspace [ :DEF: ShowWS ! 0, "CursorChunkAddress free ":CC::STR:(@-CursorChunkAddress) ] ASSERT @ >= CursorChunkAddress ; ***************************************************************************** ; High system workspace ; ***************************************************************************** ^ SVCStackAddress # SVCStackSize ; svcstk size. Overflow will give abort SVCSTK # 0 SysHeapStart * SysHeapAddress ; ***************************************************************************** ASSERT LongCLISize >= 256+4 ;minimum size of GeneralMOSBuffer ;Kernel buffers area ^ KbuffsBaseAddress ; GeneralMOSBuffer: re-use with caution! ; Here's just some of the users: ; user use(s) ; default error handler error buffer (must be 246+4 bytes big) ; *If expression to be evaluated to control the *If ; Command line to be submited on the expression ; evaluating to non-zero (the THEN clause). GeneralMOSBuffer # LongCLISize EnvString # LongCLISize AliasExpansionBuffer # LongCLISize ArgumentBuffer * AliasExpansionBuffer ExprBuff # LongCLISize exprSTRACC # LongCLISize OscliBuffSize * LongCLISize OscliNoBuffs * 16 RedirectBuff # OscliBuffSize OscliCircBuffStart # OscliBuffSize * OscliNoBuffs OscliCircBuffLimit # 0 GSVarWSpace # GSVarWSpace_Size SysVarWorkSpace # 40 ; used by the sys$* variables for reading the current time into ROMBuildDate # 128 [ UseNewFX0Error NewFX0Error # 64 ] HeapBackgroundError # 256 ; For storing errors generated in the background by the forced completion of a foreground heap op KbuffsEnd # 0 KbuffsSize * KbuffsEnd - KbuffsBaseAddress ;size of Kernel buffers area ASSERT ((KbuffsSize + &FFF) :AND: &FFFFF000) <= KbuffsMaxSize ! 0, "Kbuffs at ":CC::STR:(KbuffsBaseAddress) ! 0, "Kbuffs Size is ":CC::STR:(KbuffsSize) [ {FALSE} ! 0, "GeneralMOSBuffer at ":CC::STR:(GeneralMOSBuffer) ! 0, "EnvString at ":CC::STR:(EnvString) ! 0, "AliasExpansionBuffer at ":CC::STR:(AliasExpansionBuffer) ! 0, "ArgumentBuffer at ":CC::STR:(ArgumentBuffer) ! 0, "ExprBuff at ":CC::STR:(ExprBuff) ! 0, "exprSTRACC at ":CC::STR:(exprSTRACC) ! 0, "RedirectBuff at ":CC::STR:(RedirectBuff) ! 0, "OscliCircBuffStart at ":CC::STR:(OscliCircBuffStart) ] OPT OldOpt END