SUBT => HelpStrs [ International_Help=0 Break_Help = "The ",TokenEscapeChar,Token0," key either acts like Escape, or" = " like the Reset key. ",13 Reset_Help = "When Reset is pressed, the following " = " keys have an effect:",13 = "SHIFT causes an autoboot (unless Boot is configured).",13 = "CTRL causes more of the machine to be reset.",13 = "keypad-* causes the supervisor to be run rather than the configured" = " language.",13 = "See also *Help PowerOn.",0 PowerOn_Help = "When the machine is switched on, the following " = " keys have an effect:",13 = "R causes the operating system's CMOS RAM to be reset.",13 = "DELETE causes all the machine's CMOS RAM to be reset.",13 = "T and COPY are similar to R and DELETE, but set the opposite" = " configured sync.",13 = "0 to 9 on the keypad reset (just)" = " the configured monitor type." = " Keypad dot sets the configured mode, sync and monitor type to Auto." = 13,"See also *Help Reset and *Help Break."0 RMEnsure_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " checks that a module is present and is the given version," = " or a more modern one." = " The command is executed if this is not the case.",13 RMEnsure_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [<*command>]",0 Syntax_Help = "Symbols used in syntax descriptions:",13 = "<> mark sections to be filled in, eg. indicates" = " that a filename should be supplied here.",13 = "[] mark optional sections.",13 = "| indicates a choice, e.g. ""A|B"" means ""A or B"".", 0 Quit_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " leaves the current application.",13 GOS_Syntax Modules_Syntax Quit_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0, 0 RMFaster_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " moves a module from ROM to RAM.",13 RMFaster_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 RMKill_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " kills and deletes a relocatable module.",13 RMKill_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 RMLoad_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " loads and initialises a relocatable module.",13 RMLoad_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 RMRun_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " runs a relocatable module.",13 RMRun_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 RMTidy_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " compacts the RMA and reinitialises all the modules.",13 RMTidy_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0, 0 RMClear_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " deletes all relocatable modules from the RMA.",13 RMClear_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0, 0 RMReInit_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " reinitialises a relocatable module," = " reversing the action of *Unplug if appropriate.",13 RMReInit_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 ROMModules_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists the relocatable modules currently in ROM, along with" = " their status.",13 = "See also *Modules.",13 ROMModules_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0, 0 Set_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " assigns a string value to a system variable." = " Other types of value can be assigned with *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = "Eval and *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = "Macro.",13 Set_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 SetMacro_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " assigns a macro value to a system variable." = " Other types of value can be assigned with *Set and *SetEval.",13 SetMacro_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 SetEval_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " evaluates an expression and assigns it to a system variable." = " Other types of value can be assigned with *Set and *SetMacro.",13 = """*Help Eval"" describes the expression syntax.",13 SetEval_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 Show_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " lists system variables matching the name given," = " or all system variables if no name is specified." = " Variables can be set with *Set, *SetEval and *SetMacro.",13 Show_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " []", 0 Time_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " displays the time and date.",13 Time_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0,0 Unset_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " deletes a system variable.",13 Unset_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ", 0 Echo_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " sends a string to the VDU, after transformation by GSRead.",13 = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " ",0 Ignore_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " sets the printer ignore character.",13 Ignore_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " []",0 IF_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " conditionally executes another command" = " depending on the value of an expression.",13 IF_Syntax = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " THEN [ELSE ]", 0 Status_Help = "*",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " shows the selected CMOS RAM options." = " Use *Configure to set the options.",13 = "Syntax: *",TokenEscapeChar,Token0 = " [