; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > $.Hdr.KeyWS

; ***********************************
; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
; ***********************************

; Date       Name  Description
; ----       ----  -----------
; 06-Feb-91  TMD   Added LastLED
; 09-Mar-92  TMD   Added JustGotKbID
; 24-Feb-93  SMC   Reorganised for new keyboard/mouse interfaces
; 19-Jul-93  JSR   Changed conditional from A1Keyboard to Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"

; Keyboard variables

          GBLS  keyprefix
keyprefix SETS  "Key$"

        ^       0, R11

CurrKey         #       1               ; current key in two key rollover
OldKey          #       1               ; old key in two key rollover
KbId            #       1
LastKbId        #       1
AutoRepeatCount #       1
Debouncing      #       1               ; NZ => do delay next, Z => do repeat
MouseButtons    #       1               ; bit0=R, bit1=C, bit2=L
PendingAltType  #       1               ; 1 => A, 2 => SA, 3 => CA, 4 => CSA
ModulesOK       #       1               ; bit0=1 => modules are initialised
                                        ; bit1=1 => we have offered service
LastLED         #       1               ; last request for LED change, so we don't send repeated ones
MouseType       #       1               ; current pointer device type

 [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
JustGotKbId     #       1
RequestMouse    #       1
RequestLED      #       1
RequestSPD      #       1
RequestKbId     #       1
SPDRec          #       1               ; number to be received
ResetState      #       1               ; next thing to go in reset handshake
KeyRow          #       1               ; half received key up or down
Reply           #       1               ; next reply to be sent (&FF if nowt)
KbIdHalf        #       1
MouseCount      #       1               ; 0 => X next, 1 => Y next
MouseDelta      #       2               ; delta X,Y

                # 3 :AND: (- :INDEX: @)

InkeyCounter    #       4
MouseX          #       4
MouseY          #       4
SoftKeyPtr      #       4
MouseXMult      #       4
MouseYMult      #       4
KeyVec          #       4

 [ Keyboard_Type = "A1A500"
SPDinput        #       4
SPDoutput       #       4
  [ AssemblePointerV
MouseXCount     #       4
MouseYCount     #       4

MouseBounds     #       16
MouseBoundLCol  *       MouseBounds+0
MouseBoundBRow  *       MouseBounds+4
MouseBoundRCol  *       MouseBounds+8
MouseBoundTRow  *       MouseBounds+12

KeysDown        #       20              ; bitmap of all down keys

SoftKeyName     #       3 + :LEN:(keyprefix)    ; up to 2 digits + terminator

SoftKeyExpand   #       255             ; current key expansion

        ASSERT  (:INDEX: @) < KeyWorkSpaceSize
UserKeyWorkSpaceSize *  KeyWorkSpaceSize-(:INDEX: @)
UserKeyWorkSpace #      UserKeyWorkSpaceSize

; PMF -> VDU communication stuff put in here because both VDU and PMF
; 'GET' this file

        GBLA    ExtEntries
ExtEntries SETA 0

        AddExtEntry $EntryName
Index_$EntryName * ExtEntries
        [ AssemblingArthur
Value_$ExtEntries * $EntryName
        [ DoingVdu
Value_$ExtEntries * $EntryName
ExtEntries SETA ExtEntries +1

$Table  OutputExternals
        LCLA    count
count   SETA    0
        WHILE   count < ExtEntries
        &       Value_$count - $Table -4
count   SETA    count + 1

        ByteToNosbod $EntryName
        [ AssemblingArthur
        VDWS    WsPtr
        BL      $EntryName
        MOV     R0, #Index_$EntryName
        BL      ByteToNosbod

        AddExtEntry     DoReadPOSVPOSI
        AddExtEntry     DoReadPOSVPOSO
        AddExtEntry     DoOSBYTE87
        AddExtEntry     DoResetFont
        AddExtEntry     DoReadFont
        AddExtEntry     DoReadVDUStatus
        AddExtEntry     DoReadVDUVariable
        AddExtEntry     DoReadPalette
        AddExtEntry     DoSetPalette
        AddExtEntry     DoPointerStuff
        AddExtEntry     DoSetScreenStart
        AddExtEntry     DoSetDriverBank
        AddExtEntry     DoSetDisplayBank
        AddExtEntry     DoOsbyte163_242
        AddExtEntry     DoOsWord13
