diff --git a/Dev/HeapTest/Makefile b/Dev/HeapTest/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0bc4f42e3bc3e1b938ba3e566384a4e4131fff10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dev/HeapTest/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 2011 Castle Technology Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+OBJS = asm testbed
+include CApp
+# Dynamic dependencies:
diff --git a/Dev/HeapTest/c/testbed b/Dev/HeapTest/c/testbed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..420ee1367d566bcb96ff186ef50ab06496f63f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dev/HeapTest/c/testbed
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+/* Copyright 2011 Castle Technology Ltd
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* OS_Heap testbed code. Creates a heap and randomly allocates/deallocates/
+   resizes blocks of memory to test for any bugs. Tests can either be performed
+   using the OS_Heap SWI or by compiling a special version of the heap code
+   from the kernel source folder (see USE_LOCAL_OSHEAP #define and s.asm)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "kernel.h"
+#include "swis.h"
+#include "Global/Heap.h"
+#include "Global/NewErrors.h"
+/* Whether to use the XOS_Heap SWI or the local copy of the heap code */
+/* Maximum number of allocations to make */
+#define MAX_ALLOCS 1024
+#define VBIT (1<<28)
+extern _kernel_oserror *CallHeap(_kernel_swi_regs *r);
+#define CallHeap(R) _kernel_swi(OS_Heap,R,R)
+/* Workspace */
+static uint32_t *heap=NULL; /* Main heap */
+static uint32_t *backup=NULL; /* Backup copy of heap */
+static uint32_t allocsize=0; /* Heap memory block size */
+static uint32_t *usedspace=NULL; /* Bitmap of used space; 1 bit per word */
+static uint32_t seed=0; /* RNG seed */
+static uint32_t sequence=0; /* Number of ops performed */
+static uint32_t numblocks=0; /* Number of blocks currently allocated */
+static uint32_t blocks[MAX_ALLOCS]; /* Offsets of blocks within heap */
+static uint32_t currentop = 0; /* Current heap operation */
+static uint32_t opsleft = 0; /* Number of ops left */
+static _kernel_swi_regs r;
+static _kernel_swi_regs last;
+/* Utility functions */
+static void init(void)
+	srand(seed);
+	printf("Seed %08x alloc size %08x\n",seed,allocsize);
+	/* Make heap 4K aligned */
+	heap = (uint32_t *) (((uint32_t) malloc(allocsize+4096)+4095)&0xfffff000);
+	/* Same for backup */
+	backup = (uint32_t *) (((uint32_t) malloc(allocsize+4096)+4095)&0xfffff000);
+	/* Used space map */
+	usedspace = (uint32_t *) malloc(((allocsize+31*4)>>7)<<2);
+	memset(usedspace,0,((allocsize+31*4)>>7)<<2);
+	memset(heap,0,allocsize);
+	memset(backup,0,allocsize);
+static uint32_t getrand(uint32_t max)
+	uint64_t temp = ((uint64_t) max)*rand();
+	return (uint32_t) (temp/RAND_MAX);
+static void dumpheap(uint32_t *h)
+	fprintf(stderr,"heap @ %p:\nmag %x\nfree %x\nbase %x\nend %x\n",h,h[0],h[1],h[2],h[3]);
+	uint32_t free = h[1];
+	uint32_t next = 16;
+	if(free)
+		free += 4;
+	while(free)
+	{
+		if(free > next)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"allocs between %x and %x:\n",next,free);
+			do {
+				fprintf(stderr,"%x: alloc size %x\n",next,h[next>>2]);
+				if((h[next>>2] > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]+next > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]&3) || !h[next>>2])
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"bad block, skipping rest\n");
+					break;
+				}
+				next += h[next>>2];
+			} while(free>next);
+			if(free!=next)
+				fprintf(stderr,"alloc mismatch! next=%x\n",next);
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr,"%x: free size %x next %x\n",free,h[(free+4)>>2],h[free>>2]);
+		if(h[(free+4)>>2] == h[free>>2])
+			fprintf(stderr,"consecutive free blocks!\n");
+		next = free+h[(free+4)>>2];
+		if((h[free>>2] & 3) || (h[free>>2] >= h[2]) || (h[free>>2]+free >= h[2]))
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"bad next ptr\n");
+			return;
+		}
+		if((h[(free+4)>>2] & 3) || (h[(free+4)>>2] >= h[2]) || (h[(free+4)>>2]+free >= h[2]))
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"bad size\n");
+			return;
+		}
+		if(!h[free>>2])
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"end of free list\n");
+			break;
+		}
+		free = free+h[free>>2];
+		if(free<next)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"next free is inside current?\n");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if(free > h[2])
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"free list extends beyond heap end\n");
+	}
+	if(next > h[2])
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"next ptr beyond heap end\n");
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr,"end allocs:\n");
+	while(next < h[2])
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"%x: alloc size %x\n",next,h[next>>2]);
+		if((h[next>>2] > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]+next > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]&3) || !h[next>>2])
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"bad block, skipping rest\n");
+			return;
+		}
+		next += h[next>>2];
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr,"end\n");
+static bool heapvalid(uint32_t *h)
+	uint32_t free = h[1];
+	uint32_t next = 16;
+	if(free)
+		free += 4;
+	while(free)
+	{
+		if(free > next)
+		{
+			do {
+				if((h[next>>2] > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]+next > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]&3) || !h[next>>2])
+				{
+					return false;
+				}
+				next += h[next>>2];
+			} while(free>next);
+			if(free!=next)
+				return false;
+		}
+		if(h[(free+4)>>2] == h[free>>2])
+			return false;
+		next = free+h[(free+4)>>2];
+		if((h[free>>2] & 3) || (h[free>>2] >= h[2]) || (h[free>>2]+free >= h[2]))
+		{
+			return false;
+		}
+		if((h[(free+4)>>2] & 3) || (h[(free+4)>>2] >= h[2]) || (h[(free+4)>>2]+free >= h[2]))
+		{
+			return false;
+		}
+		if(!h[free>>2])
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+		free = free+h[free>>2];
+		if(free<next)
+		{
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	if(free > h[2])
+	{
+		return false;
+	}
+	if(next > h[2])
+	{
+		return false;
+	}
+	while(next < h[2])
+	{
+		if((h[next>>2] > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]+next > h[2]) || (h[next>>2]&3) || !h[next>>2])
+		{
+			return false;
+		}
+		next += h[next>>2];
+	}
+	return true;
+static void fail(void)
+	fprintf(stderr,"Failed on sequence %d\n",sequence);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Last op registers:\n");
+	for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
+		fprintf(stderr,"r%d = %08x\n",i,last.r[i]);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Result registers:\n");
+	for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
+		fprintf(stderr,"r%d = %08x\n",i,r.r[i]);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Heap before op:\n");
+	dumpheap(backup);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Heap after op:\n");
+	dumpheap(heap);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Allocated blocks:\n");
+	for(uint32_t i=0;i<numblocks;i++)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"%08x\n",blocks[i]);
+	}
+	exit(1);
+static uint32_t blocksize(uint32_t offset)
+	return heap[(offset-4)>>2];
+static void tryuse(uint32_t offset)
+	uint32_t len = blocksize(offset);
+	if((len-4 > allocsize-offset) || (len & 3) || (len<4))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"tryuse: Bad block at %08x\n",offset);
+		fail();
+	}
+	offset >>= 2;
+	while(len)
+	{
+		if(usedspace[offset>>5] & (1<<(offset&31)))
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"tryuse: Overlapping block at %08x\n",offset<<2);
+			fail();
+		}
+		usedspace[offset>>5] |= 1<<(offset&31);
+		offset++;
+		len -= 4;
+	}
+static void tryfree(uint32_t offset)
+	uint32_t len = blocksize(offset);
+	if((len-4 > allocsize-offset) || (len & 3) || (len<4))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"tryfree: Bad block at %08x\n",offset);
+		fail();
+	}
+	offset >>= 2;
+	while(len)
+	{
+		if(!(usedspace[offset>>5] & (1<<(offset&31))))
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr,"tryfree: Block at %08x already freed\n",offset<<2);
+			fail();
+		}
+		usedspace[offset>>5] -= 1<<(offset&31);
+		offset++;
+		len -= 4;
+	}
+/* Main function */
+int main(int argc,char **argv)
+	_kernel_oserror *err;
+	/* TODO - Take parameters from command line */
+	_swix(OS_ReadMonotonicTime,_OUT(0),&seed)
+	allocsize = 8*1024;
+	init();
+	/* Initialise heap */
+	r.r[0] = HeapReason_Init;
+	r.r[1] = (int) heap;
+	r.r[3] = allocsize;
+	err = CallHeap(&r);
+	if(err)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"Heap initialise failed! %s\n",err->errmess);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	usedspace[0] = 0xf;
+	/* Begin tests */
+	uint32_t temp,temp2,temp3,temp4;
+	while(heapvalid(heap))
+	{
+		if(!opsleft)
+		{
+			opsleft = getrand(128);
+			switch(getrand(4))
+			{
+			case 0:
+				currentop = HeapReason_Get;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				currentop = HeapReason_Free;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				currentop = HeapReason_ExtendBlock;
+				break;
+			default:
+				currentop = HeapReason_GetAligned;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!(sequence&0xffff))
+		{
+//			printf(".");
+			dumpheap(heap);
+		}
+		sequence++;
+		r.r[0] = currentop;
+		memcpy(backup,heap,allocsize);
+		switch(currentop)
+		{
+		case HeapReason_Get:
+			if(numblocks == MAX_ALLOCS)
+			{
+				opsleft = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+			r.r[3] = temp = getrand(allocsize>>5)+1;
+			last = r;
+			err = CallHeap(&r);
+			if(err)
+			{
+				if(err->errnum != ErrorNumber_HeapFail_Alloc)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Failed allocating %08x bytes: %s\n",temp,err->errmess);
+					fail();
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				temp2 = blocks[numblocks++] = r.r[2]-((uint32_t)heap);
+				if(blocksize(temp2) < temp+4)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate requested block size: %08x bytes at %08x\n",temp,temp2);
+					fail();
+				}
+				tryuse(temp2);
+			}
+			break;
+		case HeapReason_Free:
+			if(!numblocks)
+			{
+				opsleft = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+			temp = getrand(numblocks);
+			r.r[2] = blocks[temp]+((uint32_t) heap);
+			tryfree(blocks[temp]); /* Must free beforehand */
+			last = r;
+			err = CallHeap(&r);
+			if(err)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr,"Failed freeing block at %08x: %s\n",blocks[temp],err->errmess);
+				fail();
+			}
+			blocks[temp] = blocks[--numblocks];
+			break;
+		case HeapReason_ExtendBlock:
+			if(!numblocks)
+			{
+				opsleft = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+			temp = getrand(numblocks);
+			r.r[2] = blocks[temp]+((uint32_t) heap);
+			temp2 = getrand(allocsize>>4)-(allocsize>>5);
+			r.r[3] = temp2;
+			temp3 = blocksize(blocks[temp]);
+			tryfree(blocks[temp]); /* Must free beforehand */
+			last = r;
+			err = CallHeap(&r);
+			if(err)
+			{
+				if(err->errnum != ErrorNumber_HeapFail_Alloc)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Failed resizing block at %08x by %08x bytes: %s\n",blocks[temp],(int) temp2,err->errmess);
+					fail();
+				}
+				if(blocksize(blocks[temp]) != temp3)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Resize failed but block size changed\n");
+					fail();
+				}
+				tryuse(blocks[temp]);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if(r.r[2] && (r.r[2] != 0xffffffff))
+				{
+					if((int) (temp3+temp2) <= 4)
+					{
+						fprintf(stderr,"Resized block was kept when it should have been freed: block %08x by %08x\n",blocks[temp],(int) temp2);
+						fail();
+					}
+					blocks[temp] = r.r[2]-((uint32_t)heap);
+					tryuse(blocks[temp]);
+					if((blocksize(blocks[temp])-(temp3+temp2)) > 7)
+					{
+						fprintf(stderr,"Failed to resize block by required amount: block %08x by %08x\n",blocks[temp],(int) temp2);
+						fail();
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if((int) (temp3+temp2) > 4)
+					{
+						fprintf(stderr,"Resized block was freed when it should have remained: block %08x by %08x\n",blocks[temp],(int) temp2);
+						fail();
+					}
+					blocks[temp] = blocks[--numblocks];
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case HeapReason_GetAligned:
+			if(numblocks == MAX_ALLOCS)
+			{
+				opsleft = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+			r.r[3] = temp = getrand(allocsize>>4)+1;
+			temp2 = 4<<getrand(9); /* Max 2K alignment (heap 4K aligned) */
+			temp3 = temp2*(1<<getrand(5));
+			if(temp3 > 4096) /* Max 2K boundary (heap 4K aligned) */
+				temp3 = 2048;
+			if(temp3 < temp)
+				temp3 = 0;
+			r.r[2] = temp2;
+			r.r[4] = temp3;
+			last = r;
+			err = CallHeap(&r);
+			if(err)
+			{
+				if(err->errnum != ErrorNumber_HeapFail_Alloc)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Failed allocating %08x bytes at alignment %08x boundary %08x: %s\n",temp,temp2,temp3,err->errmess);
+					fail();
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				temp4 = blocks[numblocks++] = r.r[2]-((uint32_t) heap);
+				if(blocksize(temp4) < temp+4)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate requested block size: %08x bytes at alignment %08x boundary %08x at %08x\n",temp,temp2,temp3,temp4);
+					fail();
+				}
+				if(temp4 & (temp2-1))
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Block allocated at wrong alignment: %08x bytes at alignment %08x boundary %08x at %08x\n",temp,temp2,temp3,temp4);
+					fail();
+				}
+				if(temp3 && ((temp4 & ~(temp3-1)) != ((temp4+temp-1) & ~(temp3-1))))
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr,"Block crosses boundary: %08x bytes at alignment %08x boundary %08x at %08x\n",temp,temp2,temp3,temp4);
+					fail();
+				}
+				tryuse(temp4);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		if(opsleft)
+			opsleft--;
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr,"Heap corruption detected!\n");
+	fail();
+	return 0;
diff --git a/Dev/HeapTest/s/asm b/Dev/HeapTest/s/asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f136f9eb9abe01e51266a157cdf006b69402681e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dev/HeapTest/s/asm
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+; Copyright 2011 Castle Technology Ltd
+; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+; You may obtain a copy of the License at
+;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+; limitations under the License.
+; Assembler gubbins to allow a local copy of the heap manager to be used by
+; the testbed application
+        GET     Hdr:ListOpts
+        GET     Hdr:Macros
+        GET     Hdr:System
+        GET     Hdr:CPU.Arch
+        GET     Hdr:Machine.<Machine>
+        GET     Hdr:Heap
+        GET     Hdr:Proc
+        GET     Hdr:FSNumbers
+        GET     Hdr:HighFSI
+        GET     Hdr:NewErrors
+; Disable internationalisation
+              GBLL International
+International SETL {FALSE}
+; Indicate we're compiling the testbed
+            GBLL HeapTestbed
+HeapTestbed SETL {TRUE}
+; Heap debugging disabled for now
+           GBLL DebugHeaps
+DebugHeaps SETL {FALSE}
+; Fake zero page workspace
+                    ^ 0
+IRQsema             # 4
+HeapSavedReg_R0     # 4
+HeapSavedReg_R1     # 4
+HeapSavedReg_R2     # 4
+HeapSavedReg_R3     # 4
+HeapSavedReg_R4     # 4
+HeapSavedReg_R13    # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_R0  # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_R1  # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_R2  # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_R3  # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_R4  # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_R13 # 4
+HeapReturnedReg_PSR # 4
+ZeroPageSize        * @
+; Macros and other bits
+        MACRO
+        assert  $condition
+ [ :LNOT: ($condition)
+ ! 1,"Assert failed: $condition"
+ ]
+        MEND
+SVC2632 * SVC32_mode
+        AREA    testbeddata, DATA
+ZeroPage   % ZeroPageSize
+HeapBackgroundError  % 256
+        AREA    testbedcode, CODE
+; C interface
+          EXPORT  CallHeap
+CallHeap  ROUT
+          ; r0 = _kernel_swi_regs ptr for input/output
+          ; Returns error ptr in r0
+          Push    "r0,r4-r11,lr"
+          LDMIA   r0,{r0-r9}
+          SWI     OS_EnterOS ; Call in SVC mode?
+          BL      DoCallXOSHeap
+          MOVVS   r10,r0
+          MOVVC   r10,#0
+          SWI     OS_LeaveOS
+          Pull    "r11"
+          STMIA   r11,{r0-r9}
+          MOV     r0,r10
+          Pull    "r4-r11,pc"
+; Assembler bits for use by heap code
+          ; Fake an XOS_Heap SWI
+          ; Preserve r10-r12 and enter with PSR in lr
+          Push    "r10-r12,lr"
+          MRS     lr,CPSR
+          B       HeapEntry
+; Main heap manager code
+        GET      ^.^.s.HeapMan
+        END
diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
index 8c4cd11dd0225e989d3ef403a1dca0513c9caefe..5648e2f32561a413343275c67ed2708fee76ce56 100644
--- a/VersionASM
+++ b/VersionASM
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
                         GBLS    Module_ComponentPath
 Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "5.35"
 Module_Version          SETA    535
-Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
-Module_Date             SETS    "27 Nov 2011"
-Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "27-Nov-11"
+Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
+Module_Date             SETS    "10 Dec 2011"
+Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "10-Dec-11"
 Module_ComponentName    SETS    "Kernel"
 Module_ComponentPath    SETS    "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.35 ("
-Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "5.35 (27 Nov 2011)"
+Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.35 ("
+Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "5.35 (10 Dec 2011)"
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 01410f17cc5f0a775e03340882ff66ee11e93461..bb184aefcccb2b3e5e6e258deab41658ca730677 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
 #define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.35
-#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                27 Nov 2011
+#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                10 Dec 2011
 #define Module_MajorVersion             "5.35"
 #define Module_Version                  535
-#define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "27 Nov 2011"
+#define Module_MinorVersion             ""
+#define Module_Date                     "10 Dec 2011"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "27-Nov-11"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "10-Dec-11"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "Kernel"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "5.35 ("
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.35 (27 Nov 2011)"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "5.35 ("
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.35 (10 Dec 2011)"
 #define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "5:35"
diff --git a/hdr/KernelWS b/hdr/KernelWS
index f32be4fec086e1de3d18b5ea67a169a089b6a913..5e413f912b830a4297d535ba9acdfac0ab956037 100644
--- a/hdr/KernelWS
+++ b/hdr/KernelWS
@@ -1980,6 +1980,8 @@ ROMBuildDate          #  128
 NewFX0Error           #  64
+HeapBackgroundError   #  256 ; For storing errors generated in the background by the forced completion of a foreground heap op
 KbuffsEnd             #  0
 KbuffsSize            *  KbuffsEnd - KbuffsBaseAddress  ;size of Kernel buffers area
diff --git a/s/Arthur3 b/s/Arthur3
index 76644e91eb3a0be01cd524f7d9b113ae1cb932df..12bef037dbc321157b4cfd39863c566148e69140 100644
--- a/s/Arthur3
+++ b/s/Arthur3
@@ -1545,6 +1545,8 @@ ReadNumAuto Entry "r1,r3,r4"
         =       "Auto", 0
+        =       ".", 0
 ReadSizeParm ROUT
diff --git a/s/HeapMan b/s/HeapMan
index 839f49e25938f7cdb6a51209c29192d8e912f365..794e7a4020d43294a79934a62343e66e5feb9587 100644
--- a/s/HeapMan
+++ b/s/HeapMan
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ TubeInfo      SETL {FALSE}
         GBLL    debheap
 debheap SETL    1=0
+    [ :LNOT: :DEF: HeapTestbed
+              GBLL HeapTestbed
+HeapTestbed   SETL {FALSE}
+    ]
  [ DebugHeaps
 FreeSpaceDebugMask * &04000000
 UsedSpaceDebugMask * &08000000
@@ -43,11 +48,11 @@ Nil     *       0
 hpd     RN      r1      ; The punter sees these
 addr    RN      r2
 size    RN      r3
+work    RN      r4
 HpTemp  RN      r10     ; But not these
 tp      RN      r11
 bp      RN      r12
-work    RN      r4      ; This is the only one we have to save.
 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ; +                     H E A P   O R G A N I S A T I O N                     +
@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ freblksize #    0
 ; The link field is Nil (0) for the last block in the list
-; Block sizes must be forced to a multiple of 8 bytes for subsequent link and
+; Block sizes must be forced to a minimum of 8 bytes for subsequent link and
 ; size information to be stored in them if they are disposed of by the user.
 ; They must also be capable of storing a 4 byte size field while allocated.
@@ -124,6 +129,17 @@ $label  BL      ValidateHpdSubr
+; Call XOS_Heap SWI
+        MACRO
+        CallXOSHeap
+      [ HeapTestbed
+        BL      DoCallXOSHeap
+      |
+        SWI     XOS_Heap
+      ]
+        MEND
 ; These bits of ExtendBlock are outside the IRQ HeapOp range because they
@@ -157,7 +173,7 @@ ReallocateInSafeZone
         Push    addr                    ; save for later freeing
         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Get
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
+        CallXOSHeap
         Pull    addr, VS
         BVS     SafeNaffExtension
@@ -192,11 +208,11 @@ CopyForExtension
         MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
         Pull    addr                    ; heap block addr
-        SWI     XOS_Heap
+        CallXOSHeap
-        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
+        MOVVC   R0, #HeapReason_ExtendBlock
         WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit,work ; disable IRQs before we venture back
-        B       GoodExtension           ; into danger zone
+        BVC     GoodExtension           ; into danger zone
         WritePSRc SVC_mode + I_bit,work  ; disable IRQs before we venture back
@@ -236,6 +252,14 @@ heapopdoneinbackground ROUT
                                       ; clear the interlock
         TST       R11, #V_bit         ; look at returned error
         BEQ       GoodHeapExit
+        ; Recover the error from our buffer
+        LDR       R0,=HeapBackgroundError
+        LDR       R10,[R0]
+        SWI       XMessageTrans_CopyError
+        ; Check that it worked - MessageTrans may be dead
+        LDR       R11,[R0]
+        TEQ       R10,R11
+        LDRNE     R0,=HeapBackgroundError ; Just return our internal buffer if MessageTrans couldn't provide one
         B         NaffHeapExit
 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
@@ -247,8 +271,9 @@ heapopdoneinbackground ROUT
 ; In    r0       =  heap action requested
 ;       r1(hpd)  -> heap block
-;       r2(addr) -> start of block
+;       r2(addr) -> start of block, or required alignment
 ;       r3(size) =  size of block
+;       r4(work) =  boundary limitation
 ; Out   VClear -> Action performed
 ;       VSet   -> Something terrible has happened, error set
@@ -282,7 +307,7 @@ inspect_IRQ_stack
          ORR    R10, R10, #I32_bit:OR:SVC2632
          STR    R10, [R11, #4*6]               ; return into SVC26/32 mode with IRQs disabled
-         Push  "R0-R3, lr"
+         Push  "R0-R4, lr"
          LDR    R10, =ZeroPage+HeapSavedReg_R0
@@ -292,15 +317,30 @@ inspect_IRQ_stack
 ;         CMP    R12, #0
 ;         BNE    HeapInUse
-         LDMIA  R10, {R0-R3, R10, R11}
+         LDMIA  R10, {R0-R4, R11}
          SWI    XOS_Heap                ; with interrupts off!
          LDR    R12, =ZeroPage+HeapReturnedReg_R0
    ; Could we poke these into the IRQ stack too...?
    ; would allow interruptible IRQ processes to do heap ops!!!
          MRS    lr, CPSR
-         STMIA  R12, {R0-R3, R10, R11, lr}
-         Pull  "R0-R3, lr"
+         STMIA  R12, {R0-R4, R11, lr}
+; Any errors that were generated by the foreground operation may have ended up
+; using one of MessageTrans' IRQ buffers. Trouble is, any number of IRQ errors
+; could occur between now and when the foreground task gets the error. Avoid
+; the error getting clobbered by copying it into a special kernel buffer, and
+; then copy it back to a MessageTrans buffer once we're back in the foreground.
+         BVC    noheapbackgrounderror
+         LDR    R1,=HeapBackgroundError
+         MOV    LR,#256
+         LDMIA  R0!,{R2-R4,R12}
+         SUBS   LR,LR,#16
+         STMIA  R1!,{R2-R4,R12}
+         BNE    heapbackgrounderrorloop
+         Pull  "R0-R4, lr"
 iis_end                                 ; store the registers in the info block
         LDR     R12, =ZeroPage+HeapSavedReg_R0
@@ -334,6 +374,8 @@ HeapJumpTable ; Check reason codes against Hdr:Heap defs
         B       ExtendHeap
  assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_ReadBlockSize
         B       ReadBlockSize
+ assert ((.-HeapJumpTable) :SHR: 2) = HeapReason_GetAligned
+        B       GetAreaAligned
  [ debheap
         B       ShowHeap
@@ -352,7 +394,12 @@ GoodHeapExit                            ; V cleared on entry to SWI dispatch
         Pull    lr
         ORRVS   lr, lr, #V_bit          ; VSet Exit
+      [ HeapTestbed
+        MSR     CPSR_cxsf, lr           ; Fake exit for testbed
+        Pull    "r10-r12,pc"
+      |
         ExitSWIHandler                  ; Like all good SWI handlers
+      ]
 ;     $HeapBadAsModuleBRA
@@ -592,8 +639,8 @@ GetArea ROUT
         BLE     garfailed_zero                  ; And -ve is invalid as well!
      ; note sizes of many megabytes thrown out by looking.
-        ADD     size, size, #(freblksize-1)+4   ; Make block size granular
-        BIC     size, size, #(freblksize-1)     ; with size field added
+        ADD     size, size, #3+4                ; Make block size multiple of 4
+        BIC     size, size, #3                  ; including header
         ADR     addr, hpdfree-frelink           ; addr:= @(hpd!free)-frelink
@@ -610,7 +657,11 @@ garloop
 ; If we have an exact fit (or as close as the granularity of the free list will
 ; allow), unlink this block and return it
-        BNE     SplitFreeBlock
+        CMP     HpTemp, #freblksize
+        BGE     SplitFreeBlock
+; Increase allocation size if there wasn't enough space to split the free block
+        ADD     size, size, HpTemp
  [ debheap
  LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
@@ -660,6 +711,7 @@ ResultIsAddrPlus4
         STR     size, [addr], #4        ; Store block size and increment addr
         Pull    "size"                  ; Return original value to the punter
                                     ; Note : real size got would be an option!
+        CLRV
         B       GoodHeapExit            ; RESULTIS addr
@@ -689,7 +741,7 @@ garmore
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc
+        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc
       [ International
         BL      TranslateError
@@ -705,7 +757,7 @@ garfailed_badhpd
  [ debheap
  STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor"
-        ADR     R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
+        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
       [ International
         BL      TranslateError
@@ -719,6 +771,298 @@ garfailed_zero
 garfailed_zero * garfailed
+; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+; GetAreaAligned. Top level HeapEntry
+; ==============
+; Allocate an aligned block of memory from the heap
+; This is the same as GetArea, except it will only allocate areas with the given
+; (power-of-two) alignment.
+; Fails if requesting size = 0
+; In : hpd -> heap pointer
+;      size = size of block required
+;      addr = alignment (power of 2)
+;      work = boundary (power of 2, 0 for none)
+; Out : VClear : addr -> got a block
+;       VSet   : addr = 0, couldn't get block
+;       Rest of universe ok
+GetAreaAligned ROUT
+        Push   "size,work"
+        ValidateHpd garafailed
+ [ debheap
+; HpTemp not critical
+ LDR HpTemp, hpddebug
+ CMP HpTemp, #0
+ BEQ %FT00
+ Push  "r0, link"
+ MOV r0, size
+ DREG r0, "GetAreaAligned "
+ MOV r0, addr
+ DREG r0, "alignment "
+ MOV r0, work
+ DREG r0, "boundary "
+ BL iShowHeap
+ Pull "r0, link"
+ ]
+        CMP     size, #0                        ; Can't deallocate 0, so there!
+        BLE     garafailed_zero                 ; And -ve is invalid as well!
+     ; note sizes of many megabytes thrown out by looking.
+        ADD     size, size, #3                  ; Make block size multiple of 4
+        BIC     size, size, #3                  ; excluding header
+        SUB     bp, addr, #1                    ; Store alignment-1 in bp
+        TST     bp, addr
+        BNE     garafailed_align                ; Must be power of 2!
+        CMP     bp, #3
+        MOVLT   bp, #3                          ; Minimum alignment is 4
+        SUB     r0, work, #1                    ; Store boundary-1 in r0
+        TST     r0, work
+        BNE     garafailed_boundary             ; Must be power of 2!
+        ADR     addr, hpdfree-frelink           ; addr:= @(hpd!free)-frelink
+        ; If we have a boundary, it must be >= alignment, and >= size
+        CMP     r0, #-1
+        BEQ     garaloop
+        CMP     r0, bp
+        CMPHS   work, size
+        BLO     garafailed_boundary2
+        LDR     tp, [addr, #frelink]        ; tp := addr!fre.link
+        CMP     tp, #Nil                    ; Is this the end of the chain ?
+        BEQ     garamore                    ;  - so try main blk
+        ADD     addr, addr, tp              ; convert offset
+        LDR     HpTemp, [addr, #fresize]
+; Calculate start and end addresses as if we were to allocate from this block
+        ADD     work,addr,#4 ; 4 bytes for storing block size
+        ADD     HpTemp,HpTemp,addr ; End of free block
+        ADD     work,work,bp
+        BIC     work,work,bp ; work = start of user block
+        SUB     lr,work,addr
+        CMP     lr,#4
+        BEQ     garastartok ; Start alignment is exact
+        CMP     lr,#freblksize+4
+        BGE     garastartok ; Enough space to fit a free block at the start
+; We need a free block, but there isn't enough space for it.
+; Shift 'work' up by one unit of alignment and try again.
+        ADD     work,work,bp,LSL #1
+        B       garaloop2
+; Calculate block end address
+        ADD     lr,work,size ; End of user block
+        SUBS    lr,HpTemp,lr ; Gap after user block
+        BLO     garaloop ; Not big enough
+; Check boundary requirement
+        CMP     r0,#-1
+        BEQ     garaboundaryok
+        AND     lr,work,r0 ; Start offset within boundary
+        ADD     lr,lr,size
+        SUB     lr,lr,#1 ; Last byte of allocation
+        CMP     lr,r0
+        BLS     garaboundaryok
+; This allocation crosses a boundary. Shift 'work' up to be boundary aligned.
+        ADD     work,work,r0
+        BIC     work,work,r0
+        B       garaloop2 ; Loop back round to recheck everything (with small boundary sizes, we may have created a situation where we can't fit an initial free block)
+; We have a suitable space to allocate from.
+        ADD     size,size,#4 ; Correct size to store
+        SUB     work,work,#4 ; Correct block start
+ [ debheap
+ LDR lr, hpddebug
+ CMP lr, #0
+ BEQ %FT60
+ WRLN "Using existing free block"
+ ]
+; Note: bp now being used as scratch
+        ADD     bp,work,size ; End of user block
+        SUB     bp,HpTemp,bp ; Gap after user block
+        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr
+; Work out if we need a new free block afterwards
+        CMP     bp, #freblksize
+        ADDLT   size, size, bp ; Not enough space, so enlarge allocated block
+        BLT     %FT10
+; Create a new free block that will lie after our allocated block
+        SUB     HpTemp, HpTemp, bp
+        STR     bp, [HpTemp, #fresize]    ; Write size
+        LDR     bp, [addr, #frelink]
+        CMP     bp, #Nil
+        ADDNE   bp, bp, addr
+        SUBNE   bp, bp, HpTemp
+        STR     bp, [HpTemp, #frelink]    ; Write next ptr
+        SUB     HpTemp, HpTemp, addr
+        STR     HpTemp, [addr, #frelink]  ; Fix up link from previous block
+; Shrink this free block to take up the space preceeding the allocated block.
+        SUBS    bp,work,addr
+        STRNE   bp, [addr, #fresize]
+        BNE     ResultIsWorkPlus4
+; No space for an initial free block. Get rid of it.
+        ASSERT  frelink=0 ; otherwise LDR bp,[addr,#frelink]!
+        LDR     bp, [addr]
+        CMP     bp, #0
+        ADDNE   bp, bp, tp
+        STR     bp, [addr, -tp]
+        B       ResultIsWorkPlus4
+; Got no more free blocks of length >= size, so try to allocate more heap space
+; out of the block described by hpd
+ [ debheap
+ LDR work, hpddebug
+ CMP work, #0
+ BEQ %FT80
+ WRLN "Trying to get more from main block"
+ ]
+        LDR     work, hpdbase
+        ADD     work, work, hpd
+        ADD     tp, work, #4
+        ADD     tp, tp, bp
+        BIC     tp, tp, bp            ; tp = pointer to return to user
+; Make sure there's enough space for a free block if necessary
+        SUB     HpTemp, tp, work      ; HpTemp = tp-(hpd+hpdbase)
+        CMP     HpTemp, #4
+        BEQ     garamoreok
+        CMP     HpTemp, #freblksize+4
+        ADDLT   tp, tp, bp, LSL #1 ; Not enough space for free block
+        BLT     garamoreloop
+; Boundary check
+        CMP     r0, #-1
+        BEQ     garamoreboundaryok
+        AND     HpTemp, tp, r0
+        ADD     HpTemp, HpTemp, size
+        SUB     HpTemp, HpTemp, #1
+        CMP     HpTemp, r0
+        BLS     garamoreboundaryok
+; Shift 'tp' up to be boundary aligned
+        ADD     tp, tp, r0
+        BIC     tp, tp, r0
+        B       garamoreloop
+        ADD     HpTemp, tp, size      ; New heap end
+        SUB     HpTemp, HpTemp, hpd   ; New heap size
+        LDR     lr, hpdend
+        CMP     HpTemp, lr
+        BGT     garafailed
+        WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, lr
+; Set up the block to return to the user
+        ADD     size, size, #4
+        STR     size, [tp, #-4]!
+; Grow the heap
+        STR     HpTemp, hpdbase
+; Create preceeding free block if necessary
+        SUBS    HpTemp, tp, work
+        BEQ     ResultIsTpPlus4
+; Write the free block
+        STR     HpTemp, [work, #fresize]
+        MOV     HpTemp, #Nil
+        STR     HpTemp, [work, #frelink]
+; Patch up the preceeding block
+        SUB     HpTemp, work, addr
+        STR     HpTemp, [addr, #frelink]
+; Block size is already stored
+        ADD     addr, tp, #4
+        Pull    "size,work"
+        MOV     r0,#HeapReason_GetAligned
+        CLRV
+        B       GoodHeapExit
+        STR     size, [work]           ; Store block size
+        ADD     addr, work, #4         ; Move to correct return reg & add offset
+        Pull    "size,work"
+        MOV     r0,#HeapReason_GetAligned
+        CLRV
+        B       GoodHeapExit
+        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_Alloc
+      [ International
+        BL      TranslateError
+      ]
+ [ debheap
+ WRLN " : GetAreaAligned failed"
+ ]
+        MOV     addr, #0                ; addr := 0 if we couldn't allocate
+        Pull    "size,work"             ; RESULTIS 0
+        B       NaffHeapExit            ; VSet Exit
+ [ debheap
+ STRIM "Invalid heap descriptor"
+ ]
+        ADRL    R0, ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadDesc
+      [ International
+        BL      TranslateError
+      ]
+        B garafail_common
+ [ debheap
+ STRIM "Can't allocate 0 or less bytes"
+ B garafailed
+ STRIM "Alignment not power of 2"
+ B garafailed
+ STRIM "Boundary not power of 2"
+ B garafailed
+ STRIM "Boundary too small"
+ B garafailed
+ |
+garafailed_zero * garafailed
+garafailed_align * garafailed
+garafailed_boundary * garafailed
+garafailed_boundary2 * garafailed
+ ]
 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ; FreeArea. Top level HeapEntry
@@ -787,7 +1131,7 @@ ExtendBlock
  CMP HpTemp, #0
  BEQ %FT00
  Push  "r0, link"
- DREG size, "ExtendBlock by ",concat
+ DREG size, "ExtendBlock by ",cc
  STRIM " block  at "
  SUB r0, addr, hpd
  SUB r0, r0, #4
@@ -799,8 +1143,8 @@ ExtendBlock
         BL      FindHeapBlock
         BVS     NaffExtension
-        ADD     size, size, #freblksize-1  ; round size as appropriate :
-        BICS    size, size, #freblksize-1  ; round up to nearest 8
+        ADD     size, size, #3             ; round size as appropriate :
+        BICS    size, size, #3             ; round up to nearest 4
         BEQ     GoodExtension              ; get the easy case done.
         BPL     MakeBlockBigger
@@ -808,7 +1152,8 @@ ExtendBlock
         RSB     size, size, #0
         LDR     bp, [addr, hpd]          ; get block size
         WritePSRc SVC_mode+I_bit, R14
-        SUBS    bp, bp, size             ; size of block left
+        SUB     bp, bp, size             ; size of block left
+        CMP     bp, #4
  [ debheap
 ; HpTemp not critical, GE/LT critical
@@ -818,22 +1163,40 @@ ExtendBlock
  BEQ %FT01
  WRLN "Freeing part of block"
- CMP bp, #0  ; restore GE/Lt
+ CMP bp, #4  ; restore GE/Lt
         MOVLE    HpTemp, #-1               ; if discarding block, then
         STRLE    HpTemp, [stack]           ; make pointer really naff.
+        BLE      GoodShrink
-        STRGT    bp, [addr, hpd]           ; update size of block left
-        ADDGT    addr, addr, bp            ; offset of block to free
-        STRGT    size, [addr, hpd]         ; construct block for freeing
+        ; If we're only shrinking 4 bytes, only allow the shrink to go ahead
+        ; if there's a free block (or hpdbase) after us
+        CMP      size, #4
+        BGT      DoShrink
+        LDR      HpTemp, [hpd, tp]
+        CMP      HpTemp, #Nil
+        ADDNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, tp
+        LDREQ    HpTemp, hpdbase
+        ADD      HpTemp, HpTemp, hpd       ; Next free block ptr
+        SUB      HpTemp, HpTemp, addr      ; Offset from start of this block
+        SUB      HpTemp, HpTemp, size      ; Apply shrink amount to match bp
+        CMP      HpTemp, bp
+        MOVGT    size, #0                  ; Used block after us. Deny shrink.
+        BGT      GoodExtension
+        BLT      CorruptExtension          ; Heap corrupt!
+        ; Else there's a free block (or hpdbase) directly after us
+        STR      bp, [addr, hpd]           ; update size of block left
+        ADD      addr, addr, bp            ; offset of block to free
+        STR      size, [addr, hpd]         ; construct block for freeing
         BL      FreeChunkWithConcatenation ; work still set from block lookup
         Pull    "addr, size, work"
  [ DebugHeaps
-        ADD     lr, size, #freblksize-1         ; work out how much we actually extended by
-        BICS    lr, lr, #freblksize-1
+        MOVS    lr, size                        ; work out how much we actually extended by
         BEQ     %FT99                           ; if zero or negative
         BMI     %FT99                           ; then nothing to do
         LDR     HpTemp, [addr, #-4]             ; get new block size
@@ -847,6 +1210,7 @@ GoodExtension
         BNE     %BT98
+        CLRV
         B        GoodHeapExit
@@ -871,7 +1235,7 @@ MakeBlockBigger
         LDRNE    HpTemp, [HpTemp, #fresize]
         LDREQ    HpTemp, hpdend
         SUBEQ    HpTemp, HpTemp, bp
-        BICEQ    HpTemp, HpTemp, #(freblksize-1)
+        BICEQ    HpTemp, HpTemp, #3
                                            ; force it to a sensible blocksize
         MRS      lr, CPSR                  ; save EQ/NE state
@@ -890,7 +1254,7 @@ MakeBlockBigger
  STRIM "Extending block into "
  Pull "HpTemp,lr"
- msr ,CPSR_f, lr
+ msr CPSR_f, lr
         LDR      work, [addr, hpd]         ; get size back
@@ -925,8 +1289,13 @@ IntoFreeEntry
  Pull HpTemp
-        CMP      HpTemp, size
-        BNE      SplitFreeBlockForExtend
+        SUB      HpTemp, HpTemp, size      ; new freblk size
+        CMP      HpTemp, #4
+        BGT      SplitFreeBlockForExtend
+; Not enough space for a free block. Increase the grow amount a bit.
+        ADDEQ    work, work, #4
+        STREQ    work, [addr, hpd]
 ; free entry just right size : remove from free list
         LDR      HpTemp, [bp, hpd]         ; free link
@@ -942,7 +1311,6 @@ SplitFreeBlockForExtend
         STR      work, [tp, hpd]           ; prevnode points at right place
         ADD      work, work, tp            ; offset of new free entry
         ADD      work, work, hpd
-        SUB      HpTemp, HpTemp, size      ; new freblk size
         STR      HpTemp, [work, #fresize]
         LDR      HpTemp, [bp, hpd]
         CMP      HpTemp, #Nil
@@ -992,13 +1360,15 @@ hack_preceder
 ; work is prevprevfree offset
 ; size is amount block grows by
 ; addr is block offset
-        CMP      bp, #0
-        ADDNE    HpTemp, tp, hpd
-        STRNE    bp, [HpTemp, #fresize]    ; prevblock shrunk
-        BNE      copy_backwards
+        CMP      bp, #freblksize
+        ADDGE    HpTemp, tp, hpd
+        STRGE    bp, [HpTemp, #fresize]    ; prevblock shrunk
+        BGE      copy_backwards
  ; free freblk: work is still prevprevblk pointer
         LDR      HpTemp, [tp, hpd]
+        ADDNE    size, size, bp            ; Increase grow amount by any remainder
+        MOVNE    bp, #0                    ; And make sure the block does die
         CMP      HpTemp, #Nil
         ADDNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, tp        ; offset from heap start
         SUBNE    HpTemp, HpTemp, work
@@ -1015,7 +1385,7 @@ copy_backwards
  LDR r0, hpddebug
  CMP r0, #0
  BEQ %FT06
- DREG HpTemp, "copying -4+",concat
+ DREG HpTemp, "copying -4+",cc
  STRIM " from "
  SUB  R0, addr, hpd
  BL   PrintOffset
@@ -1074,7 +1444,7 @@ try_add_preceding_block
         BNE      ext_delink
         LDR      work, hpdend
         SUB      work, work, bp        ; get back real size
-        BIC      work, work, #(freblksize-1)
+        BIC      work, work, #3
         ADD      work, work, bp
         STR      work, hpdbase         ; all free allocated
         B        ext_hack
@@ -1111,9 +1481,15 @@ got_to_reallocate
         B       ReallocateInSafeZone
+        ADRL    R0,ErrorBlock_HeapFail_BadLink
+      [ International
+        BL      TranslateError
+      ]
         Pull    "addr, size, work"
-        B        NaffHeapExit
+        B       NaffHeapExit
 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
@@ -1522,7 +1898,7 @@ iShowHeap ROUT ; Internal entry point for debugging heap
         BL      PrintOffsetLine
         SUB     r0, work, bp            ; hpdend-hpdbase
-        DREG    r0,"Bytes free: ",concat, Word
+        DREG    r0,"Bytes free: ",cc, Word
         SUB     r0, bp, addr            ; hpdbase-hpdsize
         DREG    r0,", bytes used: ",, Word
         SWI     XOS_NewLine
@@ -1605,7 +1981,7 @@ PrintOffset
         DREG    r0
         CMP     R0, #0
         ADDNE   R0, R0, hpd
-        DREG    r0," (",concat
+        DREG    r0," (",cc
         STRIM   ")"
         GRAB   "R0, PC"
diff --git a/s/Oscli b/s/Oscli
index e12ed74b5c6296f64ada81af43816443f8469216..2f6473c29ae1e0cc84ebd69e9ef4eb17e0260d11 100644
--- a/s/Oscli
+++ b/s/Oscli
@@ -547,8 +547,7 @@ AliasOscliTooLong
 AliasStr_QA = "ALIAS$", 0
 AliasStr = "Alias$*", 0
-AliasDot = "Alias$"
-dotstring = ".", 0
+AliasDot = "Alias$.", 0
   [ Oscli_QuickAliases
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdudecl b/s/vdu/vdudecl
index c7607147a444c74ed36c27fc750030c32e2f4375..9a77f9aec077ad3fb247c2314b23e4b7325c9f0d 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vdudecl
+++ b/s/vdu/vdudecl
@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ ScreenModeReason_SelectMode             *       0
 ScreenModeReason_ReturnMode             *       1
 ScreenModeReason_EnumerateModes         *       2
 ScreenModeReason_SelectMonitorType      *       3
-ScreenModeReason_Limit                  *       4
+ScreenModeReason_ConfigureAcceleration  *       4
+ScreenModeReason_CleanCache             *       5
+ScreenModeReason_ForceCleanCache        *       6
+ScreenModeReason_Limit                  *       7
 ; Mode selector format
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduswis b/s/vdu/vduswis
index 37575ad7bd8c5b0356f4f5ed170ab12ddabb3328..ce7493d44e9f4043bb1ce7eac36f645cfba5d4ec 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vduswis
+++ b/s/vdu/vduswis
@@ -1933,7 +1933,10 @@ ScreenModeSWI Entry
         ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_ReturnMode = 1
         ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_EnumerateModes = 2
         ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_SelectMonitorType = 3
-        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_Limit = 4
+        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_ConfigureAcceleration = 4
+        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_CleanCache = 5
+        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_ForceCleanCache = 6
+        ASSERT  ScreenModeReason_Limit = 7
         CMP     r0, #ScreenModeReason_Limit
@@ -1943,6 +1946,9 @@ ScreenModeSub
         B       ScreenMode_ReturnMode
         B       ScreenMode_EnumerateModes
         B       ScreenMode_SelectMonitorType
+        B       ScreenMode_ConfigureAcceleration
+        B       ScreenMode_CleanCache
+        B       ScreenMode_ForceCleanCache
 ; unknown OS_ScreenMode reason code
@@ -2063,6 +2069,52 @@ ScreenMode_SelectMonitorType Entry "r0"
         STR     r1, [WsPtr, #CurrentMonitorType]        ; update current value
+;       ScreenMode_ConfigureAcceleration - Configure screen memory cacheability
+;       Internal routine called by ScreenModeSWI
+; in:   r0 = reason code (4)
+;       r1 = flags:
+;              bit 0 : set to suspend cached screen until mode change
+;              bit 1 : set to suspend screen cleaning
+;              bit 2 : set to disable hardware acceleration
+;              other : reserved, must be 0
+;            or -1 to read current value
+;       r2 = number of VSyncs between automatic screen cleaning (1-3), or -1
+;       to read current value
+; out:  r1 = new flag state
+;       r2 = new number of VSyncs between automatic screen cleaning
+;       r10-r12 may be corrupted
+;       All other registers preserved
+        ; Screen caching isn't supported yet. Just return dummy values.
+        MOV     r1,#1
+        MOV     r2,#1
+        MOV     pc,lr
+;       ScreenMode_CleanCache - Clean screen memory from cache, if cache enabled
+;       ScreenMode_ForceCleanCache - Force clean of screen memory from cache
+;       Internal routine called by ScreenModeSWI
+; in:   r0 = reason code (5 or 6)
+; out:  r10-r12 may be corrupted
+;       All other registers preserved
+        ; Screen caching isn't supported yet. Just do nothing.
+        MOV      pc,lr
 ;;;mjsHAL - VIDCDividerSWI is horrible VIDC specific API, compiled out
 ; Should not cause any problems on any machine.  STB flag just to be safe though.