diff --git a/Docs/HiResTTX b/Docs/HiResTTX
index 03f39ca0e8dd40c5eaec9dc4f6c03b0579b746c9..fc6a425bfe66adba1adfdedb7f3582d43d0f7014 100644
--- a/Docs/HiResTTX
+++ b/Docs/HiResTTX
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       reveal = 1: all characters are displayed
     Default is reveal = 0.
-  VDU 23,18,3,black_emable,0,0,0,0,0,0
+  VDU 23,18,3,black_enable,0,0,0,0,0,0
     Enable/disable black foreground colour control codes
       black_enable = 0: control codes &80 and &90 do nothing
       black_enable = 1: control code &80 selects black text, control code
diff --git a/Version b/Version
index 5e088fb345886a760931b6c6e92fb975f2d253f3..d3ae8223e0b758f741db7c0c2a70728337157565 100644
--- a/Version
+++ b/Version
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Version SETA    Module_Version
 VString SETS    Module_MajorVersion
 Date    SETS    Module_Date      ; version for STB/NC OS
-Version SETA    500
-VString SETS    "5.00"
-Date    SETS    "28 Nov 2002"    ; version for RISC OS on desktop computers
+Version SETA    501
+VString SETS    "5.01"
+Date    SETS    "18 Dec 2002"    ; version for RISC OS on desktop computers
diff --git a/VersionASM b/VersionASM
index 80f100ebe7766165e7a17a58851b51683151fe4d..12b8b26b47214f2ab4f9504b8a9013ae5a0be005 100644
--- a/VersionASM
+++ b/VersionASM
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
                         GBLS    Module_ComponentPath
 Module_MajorVersion     SETS    "5.35"
 Module_Version          SETA    535
-Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
-Module_Date             SETS    "13 Dec 2002"
-Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "13-Dec-02"
+Module_MinorVersion     SETS    ""
+Module_Date             SETS    "18 Dec 2002"
+Module_ApplicationDate  SETS    "18-Dec-02"
 Module_ComponentName    SETS    "Kernel"
 Module_ComponentPath    SETS    "RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
-Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.35 ("
-Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "5.35 (13 Dec 2002)"
+Module_FullVersion      SETS    "5.35 ("
+Module_HelpVersion      SETS    "5.35 (18 Dec 2002)"
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 7463b8cfd6d186b36ed02f2968853dcaf0163720..42f92e36b64d30b828c330acb0cde2de09b1179a 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
 #define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.35
-#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                13 Dec 2002
+#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                18 Dec 2002
 #define Module_MajorVersion             "5.35"
 #define Module_Version                  535
-#define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "13 Dec 2002"
+#define Module_MinorVersion             ""
+#define Module_Date                     "18 Dec 2002"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "13-Dec-02"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "18-Dec-02"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "Kernel"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "RiscOS/Sources/Kernel"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "5.35 ("
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.35 (13 Dec 2002)"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "5.35 ("
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.35 (18 Dec 2002)"
 #define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "5:35"
diff --git a/s/ModHand b/s/ModHand
index eaa1208497b6504ea767da80d83e5e66682ce17b..194f72db5b33093dacad0aeffc83150e72cb1dc6 100644
--- a/s/ModHand
+++ b/s/ModHand
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ ExtraRMANeeded * 24*1024 ; Amount you get extra on top of what you configured
 ModHand_IntrinsicBI  SETL {TRUE} :LAND: ChocolateOSMod  ;base module incarnation 'node' is in module node
                         GBLL ModHand_InitDieServices
-ModHand_InitDieServices SETL {TRUE} :LAND: ModHand_IntrinsicBI
+ModHand_InitDieServices SETL {FALSE} :LAND: ModHand_IntrinsicBI
 ; Test version, incorporating multiple incarnation attempt
diff --git a/s/vdu/vducursoft b/s/vdu/vducursoft
index e7f626b63de1f168ff54f507817a04bab07577d0..e25dc3635747d5e15bd3e2545d3f367953fd7770 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vducursoft
+++ b/s/vdu/vducursoft
@@ -176,6 +176,15 @@ Cursor2loop
         MOV     PC, R14
+    [ TTX256
+        ASSERT  HiResTTX
+        Push    "R0, R1, R14"
+        ADD     R0, R0, #320*1024               ; go to other screen
+        ADD     R1, R1, #320*1024
+        BL      Cursor16bit
+        Pull    "R0, R1, R14"
+        B       Cursor16bit
+    |
       [ HiResTTX
         Push    "R0, R1, R14"
         ADD     R0, R0, #160*1024               ; go to other screen
@@ -192,6 +201,7 @@ CursorTeletext
 ; and drop thru to ...
+    ]
         LDR     R8, [R0, R2]!
@@ -359,11 +369,16 @@ TeletextFlashTest ROUT
         BNE     %FT20                           ; count not expired
         LDR     R1, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
+    [ TTX256
+        ASSERT  HiResTTX
+        EORS    R1, R1, #320*1024               ; switch to other flash bank
+    |
       [ HiResTTX
         EORS    R1, R1, #160*1024               ; switch to other flash bank
         EORS    R1, R1, #40*1024                ; switch to other flash bank
+    ]
         STR     R1, [WsPtr, #TeletextOffset]
         MOVEQ   R3, #OnFlashTime
         MOVNE   R3, #OffFlashTime
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdudriver b/s/vdu/vdudriver
index 9a440d1acc767f3f4e9c9021a97b3c6ff7bdb470..b220034d18d4ada52f5df3fc49a8654905ec7a2f 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vdudriver
+++ b/s/vdu/vdudriver
@@ -630,7 +630,11 @@ ModePromoTable
       DCB    1,    1     ;  4
       DCB    2,    2     ;  5
       DCB    1,   13     ;  6
+    [ TTX256
+      DCB    8,  &FF     ;  7
+    |
       DCB    4,   13     ;  7
+    ]
       DCB    2,   12     ;  8
       DCB    4,   13     ;  9
       DCB    8,  &FF     ; 10
@@ -747,6 +751,7 @@ mchsub_2
         Pull    "r3, r4"
+; BKPT &600D
         MOV     R1, #Service_PreModeChange
         TEQ     R1, #0                  ; was service claimed ?
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdugrafl b/s/vdu/vdugrafl
index a487bc0a3caac805643491287498a3751067e7ce..4c74b2847a8bcfe7ed8bb679599a0ad8c05d8b1b 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vdugrafl
+++ b/s/vdu/vdugrafl
@@ -274,6 +274,10 @@ SwitchOutputToMask ROUT
         TEQ     R0, #2                  ; if (1<<2=4) bits per pixel
         MOVEQ   R7, #&77                ; then use colour 7 for cursor
         MOVNE   R7, #&FF                ; else use colour 15
+      [ TTX256
+        TST     R6, #Flag_Teletext      ; unless it's teletext
+        MOVNE   R7, #&07                ; in which case still use colour 7
+      ]
         ORR     R7, R7, R7, LSL #8      ; fill out to whole word
         ORR     R7, R7, R7, LSL #16
diff --git a/s/vdu/vdumodes b/s/vdu/vdumodes
index a4ff60912d420698d6dafb8beebe3036444e3c41..f72cc34a7214e5e548737d71e4e186ca6fa6491f 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vdumodes
+++ b/s/vdu/vdumodes
@@ -698,11 +698,16 @@ VLM_3   VIDC_List 1, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,20,250,20, 3,16000,0
 VLM_4   VIDC_List 0, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 4
 VLM_5   VIDC_List 1, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 5
 VLM_6   VIDC_List 1, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,20,250,20, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 6
+ [ TTX256
+VLM_7   VIDC_List 3, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 6,500, 6, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 7
+ |
  [ HiResTTX
 VLM_7   VIDC_List 2, 56,112,  0, 640,  0, 88, 3,18, 6,500, 6, 1,24000,0         ; MODE 7
 VLM_7   VIDC_List 2, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,20,250,20, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 7
+ ]
 VLM_8   VIDC_List 1, 72, 62, 88, 640, 88, 74, 3,16,17,256,17, 3,16000,0         ; MODE 8
 VLM_9   VIDC_List 2, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 9
 VLM_10  VIDC_List 3, 36, 30, 44, 320, 44, 38, 3,16,17,256,17, 3, 8000,0         ; MODE 10
@@ -1017,11 +1022,16 @@ VW_3    VWSTAB  3, 40K,160, 639,249,5,1,2, 1, 79, 24,1,1,0,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Fla
 VW_4    VWSTAB  4, 20K, 80, 319,255,4,2,2, 1, 39, 31,1,0,0,4,0                                             ; MODE 4
 VW_5    VWSTAB  5, 20K, 80, 159,255,4,3,2, 3, 19, 31,2,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 5
 VW_6    VWSTAB  6, 20K, 80, 319,249,4,2,2, 1, 39, 24,1,1,0,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_BBCGapMode  ; MODE 6
+ [ TTX256
+VW_7    VWSTAB  7,640K,640, 639,499,5,1,1,63, 39, 24,3,3,4,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_Teletext+Flag_DoubleVertical ; MODE 7
+ |
  [ HiResTTX
 VW_7    VWSTAB  7,320K,320, 639,499,5,1,1,15, 39, 24,2,2,4,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_Teletext+Flag_DoubleVertical ; MODE 7
 VW_7    VWSTAB  7, 80K,160, 319,249,5,2,2,15, 39, 24,2,2,4,0,Flag_NonGraphic+Flag_GapMode+Flag_Teletext    ; MODE 7
+ ]
 VW_8    VWSTAB  8, 40K,160, 639,255,5,1,2, 3, 79, 31,1,1,1,2,0                                             ; MODE 8
 VW_9    VWSTAB  9, 40K,160, 319,255,5,2,2,15, 39, 31,2,2,2,3,0                                             ; MODE 9
 VW_10   VWSTAB 10, 80K,320, 159,255,6,3,2,63, 19, 31,4,3,3,5,0                                             ; MODE 10
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduttx b/s/vdu/vduttx
index 6f54f53cfb0c2f595e32f07ac98f8912bf327f10..d8992c59e5450ad88aea55fc446f44cb6c0f5e08 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vduttx
+++ b/s/vdu/vduttx
@@ -396,18 +396,28 @@ RefreshBitmap ROUT
         BLCC    DoPreControl            ; [do pre-control things]
         BL      UpdateHeldBits
         BL      TTXPaintChar            ; paint it to the screen
+    [ TTX256
+        ASSERT  HiResTTX
+        ADD     R2,R2, #16
+    |
       [ HiResTTX
         ADD     R2, R2, #8
         ADD     R2, R2, #4              ; move to next char on same line
+    ]
         CMP     R4, R5
         BCC     %BT20
+    [ TTX256
+        ASSERT  HiResTTX
+        SUB     R2, R2, #640
+    |
       [ HiResTTX
         SUB     R2, R2, #320
         SUB     R2, R2, #160            ; move back to start of this line
+    ]
         ADD     R2, R2, R7              ; and drop down to start of next line
         ADD     R6, R6, #1
         CMP     R6, #24
@@ -699,11 +709,16 @@ TTXScanZap
         TEQ     R3, #0                          ; if attributes different
         TEQNE   R8, R7                          ; and not at end of line
+    [ TTX256
+        ASSERT  HiResTTX
+        ADDNE   R2, R2, #16
+    |
       [ HiResTTX
         ADDNE   R2, R2, #8
         ADDNE   R2, R2, #4                      ; then move to next char
+    ]
         BNE     %BT10                           ; and loop
         ADD     R3, WsPtr, #TTXDoubleCounts
@@ -733,11 +748,16 @@ TTXScanZap
         SUB     R3, R7, R8                      ; (no. of chars before eol) * 4
         RSB     R3, R3, #160                    ; (current char number) * 4
+    [ TTX256
+        ASSERT  HiResTTX
+        SUB     R2, R2, R3, LSL #2              ; back to start of old line
+    |
       [ HiResTTX
         SUB     R2, R2, R3, LSL #1              ; back to start of old line
         SUB     R2, R2, R3                      ; back to start of old line
+    ]
         LDR     R3, [WsPtr, #RowLength]
         ADD     R2, R2, R3                      ; move down a row
@@ -898,7 +918,7 @@ TTXSoftScrollUp ROUT
 ; now clear bottom row
-        ADR     R7, TTXLineStarts
+        ADRL    R7, TTXLineStarts
         LDR     R7, [R7, R3, LSL #2]            ; R7 -> dummy word(bottom)
         ADD     R8, R7, R5, LSL #2              ; R8 -> char before bottom rt
         ADD     R7, R7, R4, LSL #2              ; R7 -> char before bottom left
@@ -1335,6 +1355,19 @@ TTXPaintChar ROUT
         MOV     mask, #&FF000000
         LDR     linelen, [WsPtr, #LineLength]
+      [ TTX256
+        SUB     linelen, linelen, #8            ; adjust line offset to account for writing 2 words/line
+        Push    "R1, screen"
+        BL      Wrch8bitTTX                     ; do 1st bank
+        LDMFD   R13, {R1, screen}               ; restore pointers to character and screen address
+        ADD     screen, screen, #320*1024       ; point to 2nd bank
+        TST     R0, #MapBit_Flash
+        MOVNE   mask, #0                        ; flash => 2nd bank is space
+        BL      Wrch8bitTTX                     ; do 2nd bank
+        Pull    "R1, screen"
+      |
         SUB     linelen, linelen, #4            ; adjust line offset to account for writing 2 words/line
         Push    "R1, screen"
         BL      Wrch4bitTTX                     ; do 1st bank
@@ -1346,10 +1379,15 @@ TTXPaintChar ROUT
         BL      Wrch4bitTTX                     ; do 2nd bank
         Pull    "R1, screen"
+      ]
+ [ TTX256
+Wrch8bitTTX ROUT
+ |
 Wrch4bitTTX ROUT
-        MOV     R10, #4                         ; do each plot in 5 stages; R10 holds stage number
+ ]
+        MOV     R7, #4                          ; do each plot in 5 stages; R7 holds stage number
 01      TST     R0, #MapBit_Double
         LDMEQIA R1!, {tophalf, bottomhalf}      ; single height characters, load 4 rows
         LDRNE   tophalf, [R1], #4               ; double height characters, load 2 rows
@@ -1362,6 +1400,45 @@ Wrch4bitTTX ROUT
         MOVEQ   tophalf, #0                     ; make it invisible
         MOVEQ   bottomhalf, #0
+ [ TTX256
+        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #24
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
+        AND     byte, mask, tophalf
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #8
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
+        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #16
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #24
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
+        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen!, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
+        ADD     byte, bigfont, byte, LSR #21
+        LDMIA   byte, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        STMIA   screen, {scrbyte, scrbyte2}
+        ADD     screen, screen, linelen
+ |
         AND     byte, mask, tophalf, LSL #16
         LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
         STR     scrbyte, [screen], #4
@@ -1387,8 +1464,9 @@ Wrch4bitTTX ROUT
         AND     byte, mask, bottomhalf, LSL #8
         LDR     scrbyte, [bigfont, byte, LSR #22]
         STR     scrbyte, [screen], linelen
+ ]
-        SUBS    R10, R10, #1
+        SUBS    R7, R7, #1
         BPL     %BT01
         MOV     PC, R14
diff --git a/s/vdu/vduwrch b/s/vdu/vduwrch
index bba496ed4adc9c293719573b4724f34600f156b2..4b0dafe0ce36284b3c12f2356c639a9d97d381e1 100644
--- a/s/vdu/vduwrch
+++ b/s/vdu/vduwrch
@@ -339,6 +339,9 @@ FastCLS ROUT
         BL      TTXFastCLS                      ; else clear teletext map
         MOV     R0, #0                          ; and clear to zero
+ [ UseGraphicsV
+        B       %FT15
+ ]
  [ UseGraphicsV
         BL      CheckAcceleration
@@ -1616,7 +1619,6 @@ GetBoxInfo
         LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #ModeFlags]
-        MOV     R6, R8, LSL #3                  ; *8
         TST     R7, #Flag_GapMode               ; if gap mode
         ADDNE   R6, R6, R8, LSL #1              ; (+*2) = *10
         TST     R7, #Flag_DoubleVertical        ; if double mode
@@ -1657,12 +1659,21 @@ TextWindowToGraphics
         SUB     R5, R2, R0
         ADD     R5, R5, #1                      ; number of chars horiz
+      [ HiResTTX
+        LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #CharWidth]         ; bytes/char (not log2)
+        LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]           ; log2 bits/pixel
+        MUL     R0, R6, R0                      ; number of bytes horiz
+        MUL     R5, R6, R5
+        SUB     R7, R7, #3                      ; log2 bytes/pixel
+      |
         LDR     R6, [WsPtr, #Log2BPC]           ; should be log2 bytes/char
         LDR     R7, [WsPtr, #Log2BPP]           ; should be log2 bits/pixel
         ADD     R6, R6, #3
         MOV     R0, R0, LSL R6                  ; number of bits horiz
         MOV     R5, R5, LSL R6
+      ]
         MOV     R0, R0, LSR R7                  ; number of pixels horiz
         MOV     R5, R5, LSR R7
         ADD     R2, R0, R5                      ; recalculate right coord
@@ -1788,6 +1799,8 @@ ClearBottomScreenLine
         Push    R14
+        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
+        BNE     TTXSoftScrollUp
  [ UseGraphicsV
         BL      TryCopyScreenUp
         Pull    R14,EQ
@@ -1989,6 +2002,8 @@ ClearTopScreenLine
         Push    R14
+        TST     R6, #TeletextMode
+        BNE     TTXSoftScrollDown
         BL      GetScreenInfo           ; get box info for whole 'screen'
         MOV     R0, #0