• John Ballance's avatar
    Changes to resolve some of the BCM2835 initial hacks · f549c0ff
    John Ballance authored
      1: Added HAL_FramebufferAddress entry.
      2: Minor mod the NoIrqVecSwiDispatch mods recently submitted. Improved coverage
      3: Added compile time switch InverseTextTransparency to toggle sense of text
      (pre-wimp) for use until correct transparency behaviour is introduced in the RPi
      4: Ensured that if a non aligned frame buffer is reported, ALL of the space
      is actually mapped in.
      (list files and functions that have changed)
      builds and runs .. Still needs service_mode extension work to replace hard
      coded mode definition files
      (highlight level of testing that has taken place)
      (bugfix number if appropriate)
    Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_147_2_5'
Options 18.6 KB