• Ben Avison's avatar
    Change detail of `C_EXP_HDR` for CModule clients · 7dca5691
    Ben Avison authored
    This macro is used to define the root directory for exported C header files.
    Previously, when native-compiling, the default setting, if not otherwise
    overridden by the master makefile, was `<cexport$dir>.Interface.h`. This is
    at odds with the cross-compiling case, which defaults to the equivalent
    string, but without the `h` subdirectory, for obvious reasons.
    Only one component, DHCP, currently overrides `C_EXP_HDR`, although more will
    be joining it in the near future. The macro is used internally within rules
    defined by `CModule`, but a few components also use it within rules in their
    master makefiles.
    We hereby change the default value to omit the `h` subdirectory, and permit
    master makefiles to specify an override value which also omits it (in future
    it wil be deprecated to include it, and its use will be phased out). There
    are two reasons for this:
    1) It assists with cross-compilation, since the override can then be
       expressed identically for both native and cross builds.
    2) It permits the `.exphdr.h` suffix rule to be re-used when one or more
       headers need to be exported to a subdirectory of `C_EXP_HDR`, so long as
       the headers are present at an equivalent subdirectory in the component
       source tree, and that subdirectory is on `VPATH`. This is because `$<`
       is set up to include the element of `VPATH` that matched the rule - but
       this needs to go before the `.h`, not after it.
    To prepare for this MR, the following must all be merged:
    * RiscOS/Sources/FileSys/ADFS/ADFS4!2
    * RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/ATA/SATADriver!2
    * RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/SD/SDIODriver!5
    * RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/SPIDriver!1
    * RiscOS/Sources/HWSupport/USB/USBDriver!9
    Version 7.60. Tagged as 'BuildSys-7_60'
CModule 17.4 KB