• Ben Avison's avatar
    Enable `CmdHelp` merging rule when `CUSTOMRES=no` and cross-compiling · 53d149a1
    Ben Avison authored
    In the cross-compiling case, a rule is defined targeting `MERGEDMSGS`, which
    the phony target `resources_cmdhelp` depends on, but the definition is
    conditional on `CUSTOMRES` not being `custom` or `no`.
    In a use-case which is believed to be unique to LanManFS, it is required
    that the resource files not be registered to ResourceFS via the Messages
    module, but by LanManFS itself, both for RAM and ROM builds, but the merging
    of `CmdHelp` and `Messages` files is still required. To leverage the
    `Messages` merging code in `CModule`, re-enable the `MERGEDMSGS` rule when
    `CUSTOMRES=no` (which is arguably the correct setting for LanManFS) but leave
    it disabled for `CUSTOMRES=custom` to permit full customisation if required.
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