scsi basic 10REM Turn off alignment exceptions on ARMv7 machines 20DIM code% 256 30P%=code% 40[ OPT 0 50SWI "OS_EnterOS" 60MRC CP15,0,R0,C1,C0,0 70BIC R0,R0,#2 80MCR CP15,0,R0,C1,C0,0 90MSR CPSR_c,#&10 100MOV PC,R14 110] 120CALL code% *changedynamicarea -ramfssize 32m *ram SAVE"RAM::RamDisc0.$.AOff" 10REM Turn on alignment exceptions on ARMv7 machines 70ORR R0,R0,#2 SAVE"RAM::RamDisc0.$.AOn" *scsi NEW 10REM Create and save a text file of instructions 20: 30REM Assumes a RAM disc is present 40: 50ONERRORCLOSE#x:REPORT:PRINT" at line ";ERL:END 60READline$ 70x=OPENOUT"RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4Instruct" 80WHILE line$<>"" 90BPUT#x,line$ 100READline$ 110ENDWHILE 120CLOSE#x 130*settype RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4instruct &fff 140END 150: 1000DATA" Creating your HardDisc4 boot disc" 1010DATA" =================================" 1020DATA" " 1030DATA"1. Connect the new device you want to format, and" 1040DATA" note its drive number on the icon bar." 1050DATA"2. Unplug the FAT formatted device you used to get" 1060DATA" to this point, if you wish." 1070DATA"3. To reformat this new device, run HForm from" 1080DATA" its shortcut placed on the Pinboard." 1090DATA"4. In the RAM::RamDisc0.$.HardDisc4 directory" 1100DATA" display, click Menu -> Select all." 1110DATA"5. Drag the selection onto the iconbar drive icon" 1120DATA" for the newly formatted device." 1130DATA"6. When copying is complete (i.e. Copying files" 1140DATA" window disappears), click Menu -> Dismount on" 1150DATA" the iconbar drive icon." 1160DATA"7. You are now free to restart the machine, which" 1170DATA" will boot from the newly installed HardDisc4" 1180DATA" !Boot sequence." 1190DATA"" RUN NEW 10REM Run self-extracting HardDisc4 image 20REM which provides the !Boot sequence and 30REM FileCore formatter 40: 50REM Assumes a RAM disc of minimum size 32MB is present 60: 70*copy SCSI::0.HardDisc4/util RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4 ~c 80*dismount :0 90*settype RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4 &ffc 100*key0|m*delete RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4|m*pin RAM::RamDisc0.$.HardDisc4.Utilities.Caution.!HForm 32 152|m*filer_opendir RAM::RamDisc0.$|m*filer_opendir RAM::RamDisc0.$.HardDisc4|m*filer_run RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4instruct|m 110*key1|m|m|m|m|m|mREM **********************|mREM * Finished. *|mREM * You may safely *|mREM * CLOSE this window. *|mREM **********************|m|mQUIT|mshellcli_taskquit|m 120*fx15,0 130*fx138,0,128 140*fx138,0,129 150*ram 160*/ RAM::RamDisc0.$.HD4 RUN