From 2346af143b810c8b92bf64e20e4f91e4a515f776 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Sprowson <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 08:28:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Separate out the xpand tool

Xpand becomes a tool in its own right, since it only shared a header file with squeeze.

Version 5.15. Tagged as 'squeeze-5_15'
 !Mk,fd7        |   1 -
 !MkClean,fd7   |   1 -
 !MkInstall,fd7 |   1 -
 Makefile       |   7 +-
 VersionNum     |  20 +--
 c/xpand        | 345 -------------------------------------------------          |   4 -
 s/asmcall      |  60 ---------
 8 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 428 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 c/xpand
 delete mode 100644 s/asmcall

diff --git a/!Mk,fd7 b/!Mk,fd7
index ea4ab82..c410f2e 100644
--- a/!Mk,fd7
+++ b/!Mk,fd7
@@ -14,4 +14,3 @@
 Dir <Obey$Dir>
 amu_machine all COMPONENT=squeeze THROWBACK=-throwback
-amu_machine all COMPONENT=xpand   THROWBACK=-throwback
diff --git a/!MkClean,fd7 b/!MkClean,fd7
index 04314d6..52fad1c 100644
--- a/!MkClean,fd7
+++ b/!MkClean,fd7
@@ -14,5 +14,4 @@
 Dir <Obey$Dir>
 amu_machine clean COMPONENT=squeeze
-amu_machine clean COMPONENT=xpand
 stripdepnd Makefile
diff --git a/!MkInstall,fd7 b/!MkInstall,fd7
index d3aba60..8be0bb2 100644
--- a/!MkInstall,fd7
+++ b/!MkInstall,fd7
@@ -15,4 +15,3 @@
 Dir <Obey$Dir>
 amu_machine install COMPONENT=squeeze INSTTYPE=tool THROWBACK=-throwback INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.Library
 amu_machine install COMPONENT=squeeze INSTTYPE=app  THROWBACK=-throwback INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.Tools.Tools
-amu_machine install COMPONENT=xpand   INSTTYPE=tool THROWBACK=-throwback INSTDIR=<Install$Dir>.Library
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4cc8485..1d73ffc 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -12,17 +12,12 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# Makefile for squeeze (a.k.a. armsqueeze) and xpand
+# Makefile for squeeze
 COMPONENT ?= squeeze
 INSTAPP    = ${INSTDIR}${SEP}!Squeeze
-ifneq (xpand,${COMPONENT})
 OBJS       = squeeze unsqueeze1 unsqrm1
-OBJS       = xpand asmcall
 LIBS       = ${CLXLIB}
 INSTAPP_FILES = !Boot !Help !Run !Setup !Sprites [!Sprites11] !Sprites22 Desc Messages Templates
diff --git a/VersionNum b/VersionNum
index 1b7d0ad..f0c52a8 100644
--- a/VersionNum
+++ b/VersionNum
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-/* (5.14)
+/* (5.15)
  * This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
  * Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
-#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.14
+#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG        5.15
 #define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG        
-#define Module_Date_CMHG                26 Mar 2015
+#define Module_Date_CMHG                27 Mar 2015
-#define Module_MajorVersion             "5.14"
-#define Module_Version                  514
+#define Module_MajorVersion             "5.15"
+#define Module_Version                  515
 #define Module_MinorVersion             ""
-#define Module_Date                     "26 Mar 2015"
+#define Module_Date                     "27 Mar 2015"
-#define Module_ApplicationDate          "26-Mar-15"
+#define Module_ApplicationDate          "27-Mar-15"
 #define Module_ComponentName            "squeeze"
 #define Module_ComponentPath            "castle/RiscOS/Tools/Sources/squeeze"
-#define Module_FullVersion              "5.14"
-#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.14 (26 Mar 2015)"
-#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "5:14"
+#define Module_FullVersion              "5.15"
+#define Module_HelpVersion              "5.15 (27 Mar 2015)"
+#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo       "5:15"
diff --git a/c/xpand b/c/xpand
deleted file mode 100644
index 6522f36..0000000
--- a/c/xpand
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1999 Element 14 Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * Title:     xpand - decompression of squeezed AIF executable images
- * Author:    RCC
- * Copyright: (C) 1988, Acorn Computers Ltd, Cambridge, England.
- * Date:      24-Mar-88
- * LastEdit:  24-Mar-88
- * 22Feb99: SJM: Note started to convert this to be able to run on
- * Solaris. However this isn't easily possible since currently it xpands
- * by running the unsqueeze code embedded in the code.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "CLX/wholefls.h"
-#ifdef __riscos
-#include "CLib/kernel.h"
-#include "CLib/swis.h"
-typedef struct {
-   int load, exec;       /* load, exec addresses */
-   int start, end;       /* start address/length, end address/attributes */
-} _kernel_osfile_block;
-#ifndef __riscos
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "squeeze.h"
-#include "VersionNum"
-#define DATE Module_Date
-/* If macro value is empty, expression rewrites to "0 * + 1" which is zero. */
-#if 0 * Module_MinorVersion_CMHG + 1 == 0
-#  define VSN  Module_MajorVersion
-#  define VSN  Module_MajorVersion " (" Module_MinorVersion ")"
-#define SELF "xpand"
-typedef int func(int, int, int);
-#ifndef __riscos
-# include "asmcall1.h"
-extern int asmcall_call(func *, int, int, int);
-extern int *asmcall_exit;
-static int debug;
-static int verbose;
-#undef AIFPRELUDE /* musn't rely on this constant - it's changed over time */
- * Veneer on file-handling.
- */
-#define SAVE	  0
-#define WRITEINFO 1
-#define READINFO  5
-#define LOAD	  0xff
-#define FILFOUND  1
-#ifdef __riscos
-static void arthurise(_kernel_osfile_block *info)
-{ if ((info->load == info->exec) && (info->load == 0x8000)) {
-    /* can we use Arthur 'FF8' filetype ? */
-    if (_kernel_hostos() == _kernel_ARTHUR) {
-      /* This is Arthur - get time of day */
-      int data[2];
-      data[0] = 3;
-      if (_kernel_osword(14, data) != _kernel_ERROR) {
-	info->exec = data[0];
-	info->load = 0xfffff800 + (data[1] & 0xff);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-static int fileinfo(_kernel_osfile_block *info, const char *name)
-#ifdef __riscos
-  if (_kernel_osfile(READINFO, name, info) != FILFOUND)
-      return -1;
-  struct stat buf;
-  int len, ftype;
-  if (stat(name, &buf) != 0) return -1;
-  len = strlen(name);
-  if (len > 4 && name[len-4] == ',')
-    ftype = (int)strtoul(name + len - 4, NULL, 16);
-  else
-    ftype = 0xfff;
-  info->load = 0xfff00000 | (ftype << 8);
-  info->exec = buf.st_mtime * 100 / 256;
-  info->start = buf.st_size;
-  info->end = 0;
-  return 0;
-static void fatalerror(const char *format, const char *name) {
-  fputs(SELF ": ", stderr);
-  fprintf(stderr, format, name);
-#ifdef __riscos
-  { _kernel_oserror *e = _kernel_last_oserror();
-    if (e != 0) fprintf(stderr, " (host error %#x: %s)", e->errnum, e->errmess);
-  }
-  fputc('\n', stderr);
-  exit(1);
-#define ROR(x, n) (((x)<<(32-(n))) | (((x)>>(n)) & ((1<<(32-(n)))-1)))
-static int immfield(word inst) {
-  int shift = (inst & 0xf00) >> 7;
-  int val = inst & 0xff;
-  return ROR(val, shift);
-static SqueezeHeader *find_squeeze_header(int isaif, int *decompress)
-    /*
-     * The size of the decoded thing is stored 6 words before the
-     * start of the unsqueezing code (see squeeze.c).
-     */
-    if (!isaif) {
-        /*
-         * Non-AIF images skip the first few instructions of the unsqueezing
-         * code; this has changed over time, so search backwards for
-         * MOV R0, #<imm>, which is always the first instruction
-         */
-        while (((*decompress & 0xfffff000) != 0xe3a00000)) decompress--;
-    }
-    return (SqueezeHeader *) (decompress-SQUEEZEWORDS);
-static int xpand(char *in, char *out)
-{   _kernel_osfile_block info;
-    bool isaif, isdata;
-    int squeezedby = 0;
-    int size;
-    int *ws;
-    aifhdr  *hdr;
-    char *lastb;
-    if (verbose)
-      fprintf(stderr, "-- xpanding '%s' to '%s'\n", in, out);
-    if (fileinfo(&info, in) == -1)
-      fatalerror("no file '%s'", in);
-    size = info.start;
-    ws = (int *)malloc(size + sizeof(int) + (24*1024)); /* allow space for unsqueezing */
-    hdr = (aifhdr *)(ws + 1);
-    if (wf_load(in, hdr, size) == -1)
-      fatalerror("can't load '%s'", in);
-    if ((info.load & 0xfc000000) != 0) { /* Not a valid address */
-	if ((info.load & 0xffffff00) == 0xfffff800) { /* Arthur absolute */
-	    info.load = 0x8000; info.exec = 0x8000;
-	} else if ((info.load & 0xffffff00) != SQUEEZED) {
-	    info.exec = info.load;
-	}
-    }
-    if ((size & 15) == 15 &&
-	((hdr->bl_decompress & ~B_OFFSET) == BL ||
-	 (hdr->bl_decompress & ~B_OFFSET) == B)
-       ) {
-      int d1, d2, d3;
-      lastb = (char *)hdr + size;
-      while (*--lastb == ' ') /* nothing */;
-      if (isdigit(d3 = *--lastb) &&
-	  isdigit(d2 = *--lastb) &&
-	  *--lastb == '.' &&
-	  isdigit(d1 = *--lastb) &&
-	  *--lastb == ' ' &&
-	  *--lastb == 'c' &&
-	  *--lastb == 'c' &&
-	  *--lastb == 'r')
-	squeezedby = (d1-'0')*100+(d2-'0')*10+(d3-'0');
-    }
-    if (squeezedby == 0)
-      fatalerror("'%s' is not squeezed", in);
-    if (hdr->swi_exit == 0xef000011)	   /* OK, it's AIF */
-	isdata = NO, isaif = YES;
-    else if (((datahdr *)hdr)->datamagic == DATAMAGIC)	/* OK, it's squeezed data */
-	isdata = YES, isaif = NO;
-    else
-	isdata = NO, isaif = NO;
-    { int *decompress = &(((int *)hdr)[(hdr->bl_decompress & B_OFFSET) + PREFETCH]);
-      SqueezeHeader *h = find_squeeze_header(isaif, decompress);
-      int realsize = h->decodedsize;
-      word *lastw = (word *)lastb - 1;
-      if (debug)
-	fprintf(stderr, "decodedsize %x  encodedsize %x  encodedtabs %x\n"
-			"nshorts %x  nlongs %x  bytestomove %x\n"
-			"squeezer %d.%02d\n",
-			h->decodedsize, h->encodedsize, h->encodedtabs,
-			h->nshorts, h->nlongs, h->bytestomove,
-			squeezedby/100, squeezedby%100);
-      /* Arrange to get back control after decompression.  We can't plant a
-	 branch, since the decompression code gets shifted up store before
-	 executing (and we'd rather not know the details).  We rely on the
-	 fact that at the end of decompression, r8 points to the base of the
-	 decompressed image and this is followed by
-	    SUB r8, r8, #&7c
-	    MOV pc, r8
-	 (for aif images) or
-	    ADD r8, r8, #exec_address - load_address
-	    MOV pc, r8
-	 (otherwise)
-       */
-      if (((int)lastb & 3) != 0 ||
-	  *lastw != MOV_PC_R8)
-	  fatalerror("format error in '%s'", in);
-      if (isaif) {
-          int backwards;
-          for (backwards = 1; backwards < 8; ++backwards) {
-            if (*(lastw-backwards) == (SUB_R8_R8_0 | 0x7c)) break;
-          }
-          if (backwards == 8) {
-            fatalerror("aif format error in '%s' (end of expansion code not found)", in);
-          }
-          *(lastw-backwards) = (SUB_R8_R8_0 | 0x80);
-      } else {
-	  int execoffset = 0;
-	  for (;; lastw--) {
-	      word inst = *(lastw-1);
-	      if ((inst & ~0xfff) == ADD_R8_R8_0)
-		  execoffset += immfield(inst);
-	      else if ((inst & ~0xfff) == SUB_R8_R8_0)
-		  execoffset -= immfield(inst);
-	      else
-		  break;
-	  }
-	  info.exec += execoffset;
-      }
-      *lastw = LDR_PC_R8_MINUS4;
-      *ws = (int)(&asmcall_exit);
-      asmcall_call((func *)hdr, 0, 0, 0);
-    /*
-     * Just have to save it again.
-     */
-      if (isdata) {
-	  datahdr *d = (datahdr *)hdr;
-	  info.load = (int)d->load;
-	  info.exec = d->exec;
-	  info.start = (int)(d+1);
-	  info.end = info.start + d->size;
-      } else {
-#ifdef __riscos
-	  arthurise(&info);
-	  info.start = (int)hdr;
-	  if (isaif)
-	    info.end = info.start + sizeof(*hdr) + realsize;
-	  else
-	    info.end = info.start + realsize;
-      }
-      if (wf_save(out, (void *)info.start, info.end - info.start) == -1)
-	fatalerror("failed to write '%s'", out);
-#ifdef __riscos
-      _swix(OS_File, _INR(0,2), 18, out, (info.load << 12) >> 20);
-      return(0);
-    }
-static void help(void)
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s vsn %s [%s] - \n", SELF, VSN, DATE);
-    fprintf(stderr, "takes an executable AIF image or data file compressed by\n");
-    fprintf(stderr, "'squeeze' and decompresses it to reproduce the original image\n");
-    fprintf(stderr, "(possibly with an extra 4 bytes of zeros on the end).\n\n");
-    fprintf(stderr, "syntax: xpand <squeezed-file> [<unsqueezed-file>]\n");
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-{   int j;
-    char *arg;
-    char *a = NULL;
-    char *b = NULL;
-    char c;
-    debug = verbose = 0;
-    for (j = 1; j < argc; ++j) {
-	arg = argv[j];
-	if (arg[0] == '-') {
-	    c = arg[1];
-	    if (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'Z')) c += ('a' - 'A');
-	    switch (c) {
-		case 'h':  help();    exit(0);
-		case 'q':  ++debug;   break;
-		case 'v':  ++verbose; break;
-		default:
-		    fprintf(stderr, SELF ": flag '%c' not recognised", c);
-		    help();
-		    exit(1);
-	    }
-	} else { /* a filename */
-	    if	    (a == NULL) a = arg;
-	    else if (b == NULL) b = arg;
-	    else {
-		fatalerror("too many args '%s'", arg);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    if (a == NULL) fatalerror("need <file-to-xpand>", 0);
-    if (b == NULL) b = a; /* xpand it to itself */
-    return(xpand(a, b));
diff --git a/ b/
index dfecc85..e23f991 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ if [ -n "$BUILDUSINGSUBSHELL" ]; then
 	if [ $TARGET == "install" ]; then
 		Env/$ "cd $HERE && make install COMPONENT=squeeze INSTTYPE=tool INSTDIR=$INSTALLDIR/Library     -I\$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory"
 		Env/$ "cd $HERE && make install COMPONENT=squeeze INSTTYPE=app  INSTDIR=$INSTALLDIR/Tools/Tools -I\$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory"
-		Env/$ "cd $HERE && make install COMPONENT=xpand   INSTTYPE=tool INSTDIR=$INSTALLDIR/Library     -I\$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory"
 		Env/$ "cd $HERE && make $TARGET COMPONENT=squeeze -I\$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory"
-		Env/$ "cd $HERE && make $TARGET COMPONENT=xpand   -I\$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory"
 	pushd ../../../../.. > /dev/null
@@ -28,9 +26,7 @@ else
 	if [ $TARGET == "install" ]; then
 		make install COMPONENT=squeeze INSTTYPE=tool INSTDIR=$INSTALLDIR/Library     -I$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory
 		make install COMPONENT=squeeze INSTTYPE=app  INSTDIR=$INSTALLDIR/Tools/Tools -I$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory
-		make install COMPONENT=xpand   INSTTYPE=tool INSTDIR=$INSTALLDIR/Library     -I$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory
 		make $TARGET COMPONENT=squeeze -I$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory
-		make $TARGET COMPONENT=xpand   -I$MAKEFILEDIR --no-print-directory
diff --git a/s/asmcall b/s/asmcall
deleted file mode 100644
index d341aec..0000000
--- a/s/asmcall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-; Copyright 1999 Element 14 Ltd
-; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-; You may obtain a copy of the License at
-; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-; limitations under the License.
-; > s.asmcall RCC 24-Mar-88
-; This makes it possible to call code which scribbles on all the
-; registers with a standard ARM procedure call, e.g. from C.
-; If the code called also scribbles on lk, you must regain control
-; by forcing it to branch to asmcall_exit.
-; NB it relies on scribbling on memory addressed pc-relative, so it
-; won't work if the code area is not writable.
-r0  RN	0
-r1  RN	1
-r2  RN	2
-r3  RN	3
-r4  RN	4
-ip  RN 12
-lk  RN 14
-pc  RN 15
-    AREA |C$$code|, CODE, READONLY
-    EXPORT  asmcall_call
-    EXPORT  asmcall_exit
-	DCD	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0  ; 11 words for registers
-	;  Enter with r0: thing to call
-	;	      r1, r2, r3: parameters for it
-	ADR	ip, asmcall_savedregs
-	STMIA	ip, {r4-lk}
-	MOV	ip, r0
-	MOV	r0, r1
-	MOV	r1, r2
-	MOV	r2, r3
-	MOV	lk, pc
-	MOV	pc, ip
-	NOP		; 2 spurious instructions here in case the caller
-	NOP		; forgets to allow for prefetch ...
-	ADR	ip, asmcall_savedregs
-	LDMIA	ip, {r4-lk}
-	MOV	pc, lk
-    END