• Stewart Brodie's avatar
    Changed to use common Makefile system. · f4e3e2cb
    Stewart Brodie authored
      Debug build facility added.
      Uses core facilities from Common instead of having private copies.
      Makefile vastly simplified to simply define a few macros, then include
        the common Toolbox Makefile which is exported by Common.
      Requires Common 0.09 or later (RiscOS/Sources/Toolbox/Common; Common-0_09)
      Requires BuildSys 1.92 or later (RiscOS/BuildSys; BuildSys-1_92)
      Requires Library 0.41 or later (RiscOS/Library; Library-0_41)
    Version 0.15. Tagged as 'Scale-0_15'
!MkRam,fd7 632 Bytes